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Romanian to English: CONVENŢIE – CONTRACT DE ASIGURARE Nr. ............./.............. privind asigurarea riscului de neplată a ratelor la contractele de credit bancar
Source text - Romanian 1. OBIECTUL CONTRACTULUI
1.1. În baza prezentului contract de asigurare, în schimbul achitării primelor la termenele prevăzute la cap. 4 şi în cuantumul prevăzut în anexa 1, Asiguratul este acoperit pentru riscul de neplată a ratelor de credit la contractele de credit bancar (exclusiv penalităţile datorate de utilizatori pentru neplata la scadenţă) acordate persoanelor fizice care 7au cetăţenie română şi domiciliul în România cu vârsta între 18 – 65 ani, în lei sau valută (USD, EURO), în perioada de valabilitate a prezentului contract de asigurare. Creditele care fac obiectul prezentului contract de asigurare sunt cele acordate pentru următoarele scopuri:
a) Credit pentru cumpărare de bunuri de consum
b) Credit turistic
c) Credit pe salariu
d) Credit pentru cumparare autoturism
1.2. Riscul asigurat se consideră produs odată cu neplata a 3 (trei) rate de credit scadente consecutive, dar nu mai devreme de 5 (cinci) zile lucrătoare de la data scadenţei celei de-a treia rate.
2.1. Îndeplinirea cumulativă a următoarelor condiţii este necesară pentru a se putea angaja răspunderea Asigurătorului:
a) anterior încheierii contractului:
Asiguratul va efectua o analiză strictă a bonităţii fiecărui solicitant care a depus o cerere de credit, asupra veniturilor financiare nete ale viitorului creditat, ale membrilor familiei precum şi ale giranţilor pe ultimele 6 luni consecutive anterioare datei cererii, venituri realizate.
Translation - English 1. OBJECT OF THE CONTRACT
1.1. Pursuant to the present insurance contract, in return for the payment of the premiums at the maturity dates provided under chapter 4 and in the amounts set forth in annex 1, the Insured is covered against the risk of non-payment of the credit instalments associated with the bank credit agreements (exclusive of any penalty fees owed by the borrower for failure to pay at maturity) granted to natural persons possessing Romanian citizenship and residing in Romania, aged between 18 and 65 years, in ROL or in foreign currency (USD, EURO), during the entire period of validity of the present insurance contract. The credits covered under the present insurance contract are those granted for the following purposes:
a) Credit for consumer goods
b) Tourist credit
c) Credits on salary
d) Car credits
1.2. The insured risk is deemed to have occurred upon non-payment at maturity of 3 (three) consecutive outstanding instalments, but no sooner than 5 (five) working days from the maturity date of the third instalment.
2.1. The cumulative fulfilment of the following conditions is required for the Insurer to assume liability:
a) prior to contract signing:
The Insurer shall perform a strict analysis of the financial solvency of each applicant having submitted a credit request, of the net financial income of the future debtor, of his family members as well as of his endorsers, for the last 6 consecutive months prior to the date of the request, in terms of realized income.
English to Romanian (Romanian Ministry of Justice) French to Romanian (Romanian Ministry of Justice) Romanian to English (Romanian Ministry of Justice) English to Romanian ("Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca) French to Romanian ("Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca)
Romanian to English ("Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca)
Business / Commerce / Law / Insurance / Contracts / Politics / Environment / Correspondence / Music / General
What I offer:
- specialized, accurate and conscientious translations
- high-quality within fixed deadlines
- a close, direct and friendly cooperation with my clients
- and of course: absolute confidentiality
- 8-year experience as in-house translator/interpreter with a research institute for computing equipment and software
- 15-year experience as freelance translator
Recent projects:Quality and Environment
- Initial Environmental Review RO>EN
- Manual on Integrated Quality and Environmental Management System RO>EN
7-year experience with an important Romanian insurance company:
- Translation of General Conditions regarding the Third Party Liability Motor Insurance Outside Romanian Territory (Green Card) RO->EN
- Translation of Insurance Company Annual Reports RO->EN
- Translation of Property Insurance Brochure RO->EN
- Translation of Reinsurance Agreement for Individual Life Insurance Policies EN->RO
- Translation of Reinsurance Agreement for Riders to Individual Life Insurance Policies EN->RO
- Translation of Motor Own Damage Quota Share Treaty EN->RO etc.