English to Danish: IT Detailed field: IT (Information Technology) | |
Source text - English 1. "The xxxx application has now been closed and your settings have been saved. To resume working with xxxx, please launch it again from the main menu."
| Translation - Danish 1. "Den xxxx applikation er nu lukket og dine indstillinger er blivet gemt. For at genoptage xxxx, start den igen fra hovedmenuen."
Danish to English: Management Plan Detailed field: Management | |
Source text - Danish Kvalitetstyringssystemet er et system baseret på styring, hvorfor stor vægt lægges på udarbejdelse af arbejds-, kontrol- og tekniske instruktioner til medarbejderne. | Translation - English The quality assurance system is a system based on monitoring and control. To a large degree it relies on the preparation of work instructions, directions for monitoring and technical instructions to employees. |
Danish to English: Legal Documents Detailed field: Law (general) | |
Source text - Danish Dansk pdf file | Translation - English The Court of Justice in XXXX
Case Number XXX-XX/20XX
XX February 20XX
Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee
It is certified that the estate of...
Danish to English: MSDS Detailed field: Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng | |
Source text - Danish Dansk
Produktet klassificeres som sundhedsskadeligt. Tinlegering med bly anses ikke som skadeligt ved anvendelse ved produktionstemperaturer, og selvom legering er i pulverform, er det bundet sammen af flus, hvorfor det ikke kan optræde som støv.
| Translation - English English
The product is classified as harmful. Tin alloys with lead are not considered harmful if used according to production temperatures and even though the alloys are in powder form the flux at the bottom is the reason why it cannot be classified as dust.
Danish to English: IT Detailed field: IT (Information Technology) | |
Source text - Danish Grovbeskrivelse
Delsystemet får betalingsoplysninger fra XX-XXX kreditorer. Der bliver dannet oplysninger til fakturering og afstemning. Betalingerne sendes videre til delsystem AB for at blive lagret og til delsystem CD for at komme ud til leverance 123.
DELSYSTEMER, der ikke må afvikles SAMTIDIG :
DELSYSTEMER, der skal være AFVIKLET FØRST : | Translation - English Broad description
The sub-system receives payment details from XX-XXX creditors. Information is created for invoicing and reconciliation. Payments are forwarded to sub-system AB to be saved and to sub-system CD to come out to delivery 123.
SUB-SYSTEMS that must not be executed SIMULTANEOUSLY:
English to Danish: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general) | |
Source text - English English
1) To reduce or eliminate the potential for catheter migration, we advise that every catheter placement be secured by suturing at the eyelets of the junction boot housing/hub and that, where the use of the secondary fixation device is necessary, it should be used as additional support and not the only means of fixation. Additionally, the security of catheter fixation and position of the catheter tip should be checked throughout use.
| Translation - Danish Dansk
1) For at reducere eller eliminere risikoen for eventuelle positionsændringer af kateteret, vi anbefaler at hvert kateter sikres ved at hullet på samlingskappen/åbningen sutureres også hvor sekundær katetersikring er nødnendig, dette skal bruges som ekstra sikring og ikke som eneste sikringsmiddel. Endvidere skal katetersikringen og placeringen af kateteretsspidsen løbende kontrolleres under brugen. |
Danish to English: Technical Data Detailed field: Transport / Transportation / Shipping | |
Source text - Danish 1.1. Optionens formål
Optionens formål er at etablere nyt Akseltællersystem på Storebæltsforbindelsens Vestbro på fri strækning fra Km 121.573 til Km 129.861. Baggrunden for udskiftningen af DC-sporisolationer til ny type togdetektering, er problemer med driftsstabiliteten af nuværende udstyr i forbindelse med ekstreme vejrforhold der forårsager problemer med salt tåge. Derudover ønskes generelt en forbedret driftsstabilitet og en reduktion af udgifter til vedligehold, her især vedligeholdelse og undgåelse af fornyelsen af isoleringsstød.
| Translation - English 1.1 The Purpose of the Option
The purpose of the option is to establish a new axle counting system on the Great Belt connection’s West Bridge on a free stretch from Km 121,573 to Km 129,861. The reason for changing from DC track isolation to a new type of train detection system is that problems with the drift stability of current equipment in combination with extreme weather conditions cause problems with salt mist. In addition there is a general desire for improved drift stability and a reduction of maintenance costs, because maintenance and avoiding replacement of shock isolators are especially of concern.