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Source text - English The gastrointestinal-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) makes up the largest mass of immunological tissue in the body. Three distinct compartments of GALT are described:
• the organised, non-encapsulated lymphoid aggregates (Peyer’s patches)
• the diffuse lymphoid tissue of the lamina propria
• the enterocytes and intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs)
The nature of GALT in the dog and cat is now becoming clearly defined. Canine Peyer’s patches have classical follicular (B lymphocyte) and parafollicular (T lymphocyte) zones and an overlying modified dome epithelium that constitutively expresses class II molecules of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). This expression suggests that enterocytes, in addition to M (membranous) cells, may be important in transfer of lumenal antigen to the underlying lymphoid tissue. Plasma cells in the dome of canine Peyer’s patches predominantly express IgG, but isolated Peyer’s patch B cells produce mostly IgA in the proximal intestine and IgM in the ileum. The small intestinal lamina propria of the dog contains a mixture of plasma cells (IgA>IgG>IgM), T lymphocytes (predominantly CD4+ and TCR αβ+) and MHC class II+ macrophages and dendritic cells, in addition to eosinophils and IgE-bearing mast cells.
Translation - Serbian Limfno tkivo gastrointestinalnog trakta (GALT), čini najveći deo imunološkog tkiva u organizmu. Opisana su tri karakteristična dela GALT-a:
• uredjeni, neinkapsulirani limfoidni agregati. (Peyerove ploče)
• difuzno limfno tkivo lamine proprie
• enterociti i intra-epitelni lifmociti (IELs)
Priroda GALT-a pasa i mačaka sada postaje jasno definisana. Peyerove ploče psa imaju klasične folikularne (B limfocit) i parafolikularne (T limfocit) zone i natkrivajuci, modifikovani površinski epitel koji konstitutivno luči molekule klase II glavnog histokompatibilnog kompleksa (MHC). Ovo lučenje navodi na činjenicu da enterociti, zajedno sa M (membramnim) ćelijama, mogu igrati važnu ulogu u transferu luminalnog antigena u osnovno limfno tkivo. Plazma ćelije Peyerovih ploča psa uglavnom luče IgG, ali izolovane B ćelije Peyerove ploče većinom proizvode IgA u debelom crevu i ileumu. Lamina propria tankog creva psa, povrh eozinofilnih I IgE- mastocitnih ćelija, sadrži i mešavinu plazma ćelija (IgA>IgG>IgM), T limfocite (većim delom CD4+ i TCR αβ+) i MHC klase II makrofage i dendritične ćelije.
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