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Bosnian to English: Technical report General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Energy / Power Generation
Source text - Bosnian Након прихваћене понуде за израду „Елабората идентификације непокретности“ за закључење уговора о концесији са ресорним министарством за пројекат изградње Реверзибилне хидроелектране, кренули смо са идентификацијом обухвата акумулације на коти од 1020m надморске висине која је предвиђена у идејном пројекту. Ради сигурности, као што се то чини код експропријације, проширили смо обухват, који је пројектант повукао по „изохипси“ на коти 1020mnm за 2m положајно што на стрмом терену даје довољну сигурност и гаранцију да ће комплетна акумулација бити унутар описаног обухвата. Поред акумулације, из које полази тунел, предвиђена је насута брана са двије насуте мале бране на мјестима гдје је била могућност преливања акумулације ка потоцима који се уливају у ријеку ХХ и даље у ријеку ХХ, лијеву притоку ХХ. Позиција насуте бране и комплетне акумулације приказана је на СКИЦИ ИДЕНТИФИКАЦИЈЕ бр. 1.
Translation - English Following the accepted offer for the preparation of the "Study for identification of immovable property" for the conclusion of the agreement on concession with the responsible ministry for the Project of the construction of Reversible hydropower plant, we started with the identification of the accumulation scope at the level of 1020 meters above sea level, which was anticipated according to the Conceptual design for RHPP. For safety reasons, and as it is usually done in terms of expropriation, we expanded the scope drawn by the architect along the contour lines at the level of 1020 meters above sea level for 2 meters positionally, thus providing a sufficient certainty to keep the whole accumulation within the described scope on this steep terrain. In addition to the accumulation wherefrom the tunnel starts, a rock-fill dam was anticipated with two small rock-fill dams at places where there was a possibility of spillover of the accumulation toward the streams, both flowing into the river XX and further into the river XX, the left tributary of the river XX. The position of the rock-fill dam and the whole accumulation is presented in the IDENTIFICATION SKETCH no. 1.
English to Bosnian (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations)) English to Serbian (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations)) Bosnian to English (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations)) Serbian to English (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations)) English to Serbian (Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Srpska, verified)
Serbian to English (Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Srpska, verified) Bosnian to English (Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Srpska) English to Bosnian (Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Srpska)
Adobe Acrobat, ChatGPT, Easyling, Frontpage, Google Translator Toolkit, MateCat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Passolo, Plunet BusinessManager, Powerpoint, SDLX, Smartcat, Smartling, Trados Studio, Translation Workspace, Wordbee, Wordfast, XTM, XTRF Translation Management System
@Experienced translator highly trained for localization project in tech
industry. Gained precious experience working for agencies engaged by big and
extremely demanding clients (Google, Airbnb, Microsoft etc.) following the
complex instructions and working on various translation platforms. Strong IT
background founded on more than 20 years in IT administration.
Painfully oriented toward details and the client satisfaction. Never missed a
deadline or your e-mail.
@Experienced translator in the field of clinical trials. Listed through agency
as a qualified clinical research translator. Exceptional technical skills for
handling various types of documents and managing simultaneously large project.
As a court appointed interpreter for English, I have my own stamp approved by
the Ministry of Justice that is applicable for all translations managed in or for
Bosnia and Herzegovina. Owner of SDL Trados Studio 2022 license.
@Easy going and patient person you will love to work with. In love with nature and
keen on preserving the environment but also carrying for tech stuff and enjoy diving into challenging and diverse projects.
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