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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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Source text - Spanish No se considera que una empresa tiene un establecimiento permanente en un Estado Contratante por el simple hecho de que realice actividades comerciales en dicho Estado a traves de un corredor, un comisionista general o cualquier otro agente que goce de una condicion independiente, siempre que dichas personas actuen dentro del marco ordinario de su actividad. No obstante, cuando dicho agente realice todas o casi todas sus actividades por cuenta de esa empresa, no sera considerado como un agente que goza de condicion independiente dentro del significado de este parrafo.
Translation - English An enterprise shall not be deemed to have a permanent establishment in a Contracting State merely because it carries on business in that State through a broker, general commission agent or any other agent of an independent status, provided that such persons are acting in the ordinary course of their business. However, where this agent carries on all or almost all of his business on behalf of that enterprise, he shall not be deemed an agent that has the benefits of an independent status according to the meaning of this paragraph.
Spanish to English: Shareholder Agreement General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Spanish El régimen regulado en la presente Cláusula resultará de aplicación a cada uno de los Ejecutivos. Por ello, cualquier referencia a Ejecutivo se entenderá efectuada a cada uno de ellos. Los Ejecutivos reconocen, por la presente, que su incorporación al capital social de XXX, ha sido facilitada por los Socios Mayoritarios en atención al compromiso, por parte de los Ejecutivos, de permanecer en el XXXXXX durante un período mínimo, de cumplir con lealtad, diligencia y exclusividad sus respectivas funciones dentro del referido grupo, circunstancias, todas ellas, tenidas en cuenta por los Socios Mayoritarios para permitir su inversión en el XXXXXX. Por ello, las Partes reconocen expresamente que entienden adecuadas y justas las consecuencias y penalidades que, en su caso, y de conformidad con lo dispuesto a continuación, se derivaran respecto de las participaciones de que son titulares y, en concreto, el precio de adquisición de las mismas, en determinados supuestos de la desvinculación laboral de los Ejecutivos respecto del XXXXXX.
Translation - English The regime regulated in this Clause shall be applicable to each of the Executives. Therefore, any reference to Executive shall be understood as applying to each one of them. The Executives hereby acknowledge, that their incorporation into the share capital of XXX, has been facilitated by the Majority Shareholders in consideration of the commitment, on the part of the Executives, to remain in the XXXXXX for a minimum period, to comply with loyalty, diligence and exclusivity their respective functions within the said group, all these circumstances, being taken into account by the Majority Shareholders to allow their investment in the XXXXXX. Wherefore, the Parties do hereby expressly acknowledge that they understand as adequate and just the consequences and penalties that, if pertinent, and in accordance with what is set forth below, shall be derived as regards to the shares of which they are holders and, specifically, the acquisition price of the same, in certain assumptions of labour dissociation of the Executive from the XXXXXX.
As a bilingual translator, born in USA but raised in Latin America, therefore native in English as well as Spanish, I would like to offer you my services and guarantee that you will receive an excellent job with reliability to back it up. I have lived in Latin America for over 20 years so I know many of the different cultures and expressions related to the continent. Besides this I have written an autobiography in English based upon some special events in my life so I have immersed myself in the writing field. Furrthermore I create, edit and publish a bi-monthly newsletter in English on a regular basis.
The following companies/agencies have received throughout many years translation services, while others ESL training on a local level:
Font Translations – Joaquín Font []
Latam Translations - Cecilia González Amado []
Marc Lehnart []
Castle Translations - Alan Lambson []
EXACTUS PVT LTD - Videesha Meshram []
Idiomatic Language Services SL - Emma Martí Casanova []
TRADUCI2 - Elsa Cordera - []
Traducciones Lingua Franca - Francisco Sánchez []
KD TECHNOLOGY CANADA - Fabian Luttman []
CPSL Language Solutions Celer Pawlowsky
PARESA S.A. (Coke Bottling Co.) Mr. José Torres Ortega
RIEDER Y CIA (Official Volvo and Renault Reps) Eng. Jorge Rieder
NOVARTIS-CIBA GEIGY-SYNGENTA (Agrochemicals) Eng. Ivan Gonzalez
ARYSTA LIFE SCIENCE SRL (Agrochemicals) Eng. Ramon Sanchez
Types of translations done;
Most of the translations have been from Spanish to English, while some from English to Spanish. The main topics have been; legal contracts, tax issues, tax treaties, international treaties, annual reports, human resource themes, company safety regulations, organizational problems, financial reports, forecasts, governmental regulations, patents, specific projects related to NGOs, aviation standards, airplane manuals, aviation treaties, mining industries, renewable energy industries, transportation, shipping, tourism & travel, Web pages, software and hardware issues, insurance policies, etc.
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
100% positive (1 entry)
Job type
Language pairs
Spanish to English
English to Spanish
Specialty fields
Law: Contract(s)
Law: Taxation & Customs
Aerospace / Aviation / Space
Tourism & Travel
Computers: Software
Other fields
Electronics / Elect Eng
Keywords: annual reports, contracts, human resource themes, company safety regulations, organizational problems, financial reports, forecasts, governmental regulations, specific projects related to NGOs, aviation standards. See more.annual reports, contracts, human resource themes, company safety regulations, organizational problems, financial reports, forecasts, governmental regulations, specific projects related to NGOs, aviation standards, airplane manuals, aviation treaties, tax treaties, web pages, insurance policies, legal issues,. See less.