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English to Romanian: Contract relations Detailed field: Management
Source text - English Our Institute is partner with your company in accomplishing the project: IMPROVEMENT THE TUBE MANUFACTURERS COMPETITIVITY BY MODERNIZATION OF TESTING TUBE AT HIGH PRESSURE, financed by Managerial Agency for Scientific Research, Innovation and Technologic Transfer – “Politehnica” University of Bucharest and Ministry of Education and Research.
Within this project, SC SILCOTUB SA Zalau has signed a „Co-financing Contract for project completing” No. 1846/C/2003, in nature, having a value of 73,000,000 Lei.
From financial point of view, SC SILCOTUB SA has complete theirs contractual commitments, remaining only the mission of overseeing technical solutions conceived by us and which are enlighten below.
Research theme, here presented, has as general objective the modernization of pressure tube testing lines, regarding the necessary technical conditions for high pressure tubes assessment and certification also the competitiveness enhancement of inland tube manufacturer companies.
The tasks of SC Tehnomag SA, within this partnership, are finishing theoretical phases of research theme and carrying out the necessary trials, and SC Silcotub SA has to contribute to carrying out, by make sure the equipment installing for trials, allowing the access to tube testing plant.
In 2003, SC TEHNOMAG SA has ran the following activities: state of the art analysis in tube pressure testing; comparing among existing solutions regarding to studied field; optimal practical solutions setting -functional- and possibilities analysis of non destructive measuring of radial strain of tube at high pressure.
Translation - Romanian Institutul nostru este copartener cu societatea dumneavoastra la elaborarea proiectului: CRESTEREA COMPETITIVITATII FABRICANTILOR DE TEVI PRIN MODERNIZAREA LINIILOR DE PROBARE A TEVILOR LA PRESIUNI INALTE finantat de catre Agentia Manageriala pentru Cercetare Stiintifica, Inovare si Transfer Tehnologic – Politehica Bucuresti si Ministerul Educatiei si Cercetarii.
In cadrul acestui proiect SC SILCOTUB SA Zalau a semnat un „Contract de cofinantare pentru executie proiecte” Nr. 1846/C/2003 in natura, avand o valoare de 73.000.000 lei.
Din punct de vedere financiar SC SILCOTUB SA si-a indeplinit obligatiile contractuale, raminindu-i doar misiunea de avizare a solutiilor tehnice elaborate de institutul nostru si a caror descriere o facem mai jos.
Prezenta tema de cercetare are ca obiectiv general modernizarea liniilor de incercare la presiune a tevilor in vederea asigurarii conditiilor tehnice necesare evaluarii si certificarii tevilor de inalta presiune precum si cresterea competitivitatii unitatilor producatoare de tevi din tara.
Sarcinile ce revin SC Tehnomag SA in cadrul parteneriatului sunt de a elabora fazele teoretice ale temei de cercetare si de a efectua experimentarile necesare, iar SC Silcotub SA sa contribuie la efectuarea experimentarilor, asigurind montajul echipamentelor pentru experimentari si permitind accesul la instalatia de probat tevi.
In anul 2003, SC TEHNOMAG SA a desfasurat urmatoarele activitati: analiza stadiului actual al cunoasterii in domeniul probarii tevilor la presiune; comparatie intre solutiile existente referitoare la domeniul studiat; stabilirea solutiilor optime constructiv – functionale si analiza posibilitatilor de masurare nedistructiva a deformatiei radiale specifice a tevilor la presiuni inalte.
English to Romanian: Amintiri
Source text - English When she moved into his tiny house in Stroud, and took charge of his four small children, Mother was thirty and still quite handsome. She had not, I suppose, met anyone like him before. This rather priggish young man, with his devout gentility, his airs and manners, his music and ambitions, his charm, bright talk, and undeniable good looks, overwhelmed her as soon as she saw him. So she fell in love with him immediately, and remained in love for ever. And herself being comely, sensitive, and adoring, she attracted my father also. And so he married her. And so later he left her - with his children and some more of her own.
When he'd gone, she brought us to the village and waited. She waited for thirty years. I don't think she ever knew what had made him desert her, though the reasons seemed clear enough. She was too honest, too natural for this frightened man; too remote from his tidy laws. She was, after all, a country girl; disordered, hysterical, loving. She was muddled and mischievous as a chimney-jackdaw, she made her nest of rags and jewels, was happy in the sunlight, squawked loudly at danger, pried and was insatiably curious, forgot when to eat or ate all day, and sang when sunsets were red. She lived by the easy laws of the hedgerow, loved the world, and made no plans, had a quick holy eye for natural wonders and couldn't have kept a neat house for her life. What my father wished for was something quite different, something she could never give him - the protective order of an unimpeachable suburbia, which was what he got in the end.
The three or four years Mother spent with my father she fed on for the rest of her life. Her happiness at that time was something she guarded as though it must ensure his eventual return. She would talk about it almost in awe, not that it had ceased but that it had happened at all.
Translation - Romanian Cind ea s-a mutat în casuţa lui din Stroud şi a luat în grijă pe cei patru copii ai săi, mama avea treizeci de ani şi era, înca, frumuşică. Nu mai întîlnise, înainte, presupun, pe cineva ca el. Acest tînar, mai degrabă, pedant, cu gentileţa lui devotată, aerele şi manierele lui, muzica şi ambiţiile lui, farmecul lui, conversaţia lui strălucitoare, şi înfăţişarea lui, de necotestat, placută, au copleşit-o repede, numai cît l-a văzut. Astfel că, ea s-a îndrăgostit de el imediat şi a ramas îndragostită pentru tot restul vieţii. Şi, fiind ea placută la înfăţişare, sensibilă şi iubitoare, l-a atras, de asemenea, pe tatăl meu. Şi astfel, el s-a căsătorit cu ea. Şi, mai târziu, a părăsit-o pe ea, pe copiii lui şi pe cei ai lor.
Când el plecase, ea ne-a adus în orăşel şi a aşteptat. A tot aşteptat treizeci de ani. Nu cred ca ea a ştiut vreodata ce l-a facut să o părăsească, cu toate că motivele păreau destul de clare. Ea era prea onestă, prea naturală pentru acest bărbat timid; prea îndepărtat de regulile lui de viaţă ordonată. Era, la urma urmei, o fată de la ţară; dezordonată, isterică, drăgostoasă. Era confuză şi neastâmparată ca o coţofană, şi-a făcut cuibul ei din cârpe şi din smaralde, era fericită la soare, striga tare în caz de pericol, obraznică şi de o curiozitate nesăturată, uita de ora mesei sau chiar să mănânce o zi intreaga, şi cânta atunci cînd apusul era roşu. Ea trăia după regulile vieţii din tufişuri, iubea lumea, nu-şi făcea nici un plan, avea o privire rapidă şi ageră pentru minunile naturii şi nu a putut păstra ordinea şi curăţenia în casă, în viaţa ei. Ceea ce dorea tatăl meu era ceva puţin diferit, ceva ce ea nu ia putut da niciodată – ordinea protectoare a unui cartier liniştit, ceea ce, el a obţinut până la urmă.
Acei, trei sau patru, ani pe care mama ia trăit împreună cu tatăl meu, i-au hrănit sufletul pentru tot restul vieţii. Fericirea ei, din acea perioadă, a fost ceva, pe care, ea a păstrat-o ca pe o garanţie a unei eventuale întoarceri a lui. Ar fi vorbit despre ea aproape cu respect, nu ca despre ceva care se terminase, dar ca despre ceva care chiar se putuse întîmpla.
English to Romanian: Safety instructions
Source text - English Please read the operating instructions carefully and follow the directions and information contained therein.
When using power tools, follow the safety measures below in order to protect against electric shock, fire and injury:
- Inspect the unit, cable and plug before each use! Do not use the unit if the switch is damaged, if it can no longer be switched on and off reliably or when the speed controller on the motor is no longer functioning perfectly.
- Insert the plug into the socket only when the motor is switched off.
- Never use this unit when it is wet and also not in a damp environment.
- Do not use the unit near flammable liquids or gases.
- Ensure that the area in which you are working has good lighting.
- Always wear safety goggles.
- Take care with long hair and hanging jewellery. It can be caught by the rotating motor spindle.
- Make sure that you do not touch the cutter.
- The workpiece being milled must be secured well during work.
- Ensure that the power cable is flat on the floor! Avoid tripping up.
- Ensure stability when working.
- Pull out the mains plug before carrying out any work on the unit and motor.
- Protect yourself against electric shocks.
- Avoid parts of the body coming into contact with earthed parts.
- Do not overload the unit. You can work better and more safely in the stated performance range of the drive motor.
- Use the unit only for its intended purpose.
- Do not misuse the electric cable. Never carry the unit by its cable and never pull on the cable to remove the plug from the socket.
- Protect the electric cable against heat, oil, fuel and sharp edges.
- Allow only experts to repair damage.
Translation - Romanian Instrucţiuni de siguranţă
Vă rugăm să citiţi instrucţiunile de funcţionare cu atenţie şi să urmaţi întocmai indicaţiile şi informaţiile conţinute în ele.
Cînd folosiţi scule de mînă de putere, respectaţi măsurile de siguranţă de mai jos, în scopul prevenirii electrocutărilor, incendiilor şi al rănirilor:
- Verificaţi maşina, cablul si fişa de alimentare înaintea fiecărei utilzări! Nu folosiţi maşina dacă este defect comutatorul, dacă nu se mai poate porni şi opri, ori cînd regulatorul de viteze al motorului nu mai funcţionează perfect.
- Introduceţi fişa în priză doar atunci cînd comutatorul este în poziţia motor oprit.
- Să nu folosiţi maşina atunci cînd aceasta este umedă sau trebuie să funcţioneze în mediu umed.
- Nu folosiţi maşina lîngă lichide sau gaze inflamabile.
- Trebuie să vă asiguraţi o buna iluminare a zonei de lucru.
- Folosiţi, întotdeauna, cînd lucraţi, ochelari de protecţie.
- Aveţi grijă la părul lung şi la bijuteriile care atîrnă. Acestea pot fi prinse de axul de rotaţie al maşinii.
- Asiguraţi-vă că nu atingeţi cuţitul maşinii.
- Semifabricatul ce urmează prelucrat trebuie fixat ferm în timpul lucrului.
- Cablul de alimentare trebuie să fie întins pe podea! Evitaţi pericolul de împiedicare.
- Asiguraţi stabilitatea în timpul lucrului.
- Scoateţi fişa de alimentare din priză înaintea oricărei intervenţii la maşină sau la motor.
- Protejaţi-vă împotriva electrocutărilor.
- Evitaţi ca părţi ale corpului să vină în contact cu piese puse la pămînt.
- Nu supraîncărcaţi maşina. Se poate lucra mai bine şi mai sigur în regimul de lucru normal al motorului de antrenare.
- Folosiţi maşina doar pentru scopurile pentru care a fost creată.
- Nu folosiţi greşit cablul electric. Niciodată nu transportaţi maşina atîrnată în cablu şi niciodată nu trageţi de cablu pentru a scoate fişa din priză.
- Protejaţi cablul electric împotriva căldurii, uleiului şi a muchiilor ascuţite.
- Lăsaţi doar experţii să repare defectele.
English to Romanian: Rough Terrain Crane Detailed field: Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Source text - English NOTE All the instruments, switches and indicator lamps are described in the following text are illustrated in part B1-11 "Instrument panel".
The item numbers appearing in the text are printed in bold letters, and are identical with the item numbers appearing in the illustration "Instrument panel".
4 How to put the machine into operation
4.1 Steps to be taken and checks to be made before start-up
- Actuate the rocker switch "battery main switch" 73 (item 4.2.1).
- The parking brake (handbrake) is engaged (item 4.5).
- The gearbox selector lever is in "neutral position" (item 4.5).
- Check the engine oil level while the machine is aligned horizontally (part "C1" Service and Maintenance, Chassis).
- Check the hydraulic oil level (part "C1", Service and Maintenance, Chassis).
- Check the inflating pressure and the wear of the tires at regular intervals (part "C1", Service and Maintenance, Chassis).
NOTE The tire inflating pressures specified in part "A", vehicle description, apply to the original equipment of the vehicle. When changing the tire brand, adhere to the prescriptions of the tire manufacturer in question.
- Check the vehicle's electrical equipment for proper working order.
- The key-actuated change-over switch for chassis-superstructure 88 is set to position "1" (item 4.1.1).
- The 2nd axle drive (for version 8x6) has been disconnected (part B1-5, item 5.4).
- The drive of the 1st and 2nd axles (for version 8x8**)) has been disconnected (part B1-5, item 5.4).
- The differential locks in the axles are disengaged (part B1-5, item B1-5.4).
- The axle suspension must be operating (item 4.7).
- The outriggers are retracted; the outrigger beams are locked with pins; the outrigger floats are inserted and secured (item B1-6).
- The telescopes are retracted and in transport position (on-road travel); the bottom block is attached to the securing eyelet.
- The parking brake (handbrake) in the superstructure is engaged.
- The swing brake in the superstructure has been engaged.
- The vehicle must be checked visually for precisely horizontal alignment.
- No loose objects must be placed on the platform.
Translation - Romanian NOTĂ În textul ce urmează, sunt descrise toate instrumentele, comutatoarele şi luminile care apar în partea B1-11, ”Panou de bord”.
Numerele de articol întânite în text sânt tipărite cu litere aldine (îngroşate) şi sânt identice cu numerele ce apar în descrierea ”Aparate de bord”.
4 Punerea maşinii în funcţiune
4.1 Paşi ce trebuie luaţi şi verificări ce trebuie făcute înainte de pornire.
- Acţionaţi comutatorul ”comutator general de baterie” 73 (articolul 4.2.1).
- Frâna de parcare (frâna de mână) este acţionată (articolul 4.5).
- Levierul pentru alegerea treptei de viteză este la punctul mort (articolul 4.5).
- Verificaţi nivelul de ulei al motorul când maşina este la orizontală (partea "C1" Reparaţii şi Întreţinere, Şasiu).
- Verificaţi nivelul de ulei hidraulic (partea "C1", Reparaţii şi Întreţinere, Şasiu).
- Verificaţi presiunea pneurilor şi uzura anvelopelor la intervale regulate (partea "C1" Reparaţii şi Întreţinere, Şasiu).
NOTĂ Presiunea din pneuri specificată în partea ”A”, care conţine descrierea vehicolului, este pentru echipamentul original al vehicolului. Când se schimbă marca pneului, respectaţi prescripţiile de pe anvelopă ale fabricantului în cauză.
- Verificaţi echipamentul electric al vehicolului pentru a putea da comenzi de lucru sigure şi corecte.
- Comutatorul cu cheie de acţionare, pentru suprastructura şasiului 88, este pus în poziţia ”1” (articolul 4.1.1).
- A fost deconectată antrenarea axei 2 (pentru versiunea 8x6**)) (partea B1-5, articolul 5.4).
- A fost deconectată antrenarea axei 1 şi 2 (pentru versiunea 8x8**)) (partea B1-5, articolul 5.4).
- Au fost deconectate blocajele de diferenţial din axe (partea B1-5, articolul B1-5.4).
- Suspensia axei trebuie să fie funcţionabilă (articolul 4.7).
- Stabilizatoarele sânt retrase; grinzile stabilizatoarelor sânt blocate cu bolţuri; flotoarele stabilizatoarelor sânt introduse şi asigurate (articolul B1-6).
- Telescoapele sânt retrase şi se găsesc în poziţie de deplasare (mers pe şosea); mufla de bază este ataşată la ochiul de asigurare.
- Frâna de parcare (frîna de mînă), de pe suprastructură, este acţionată.
- Frâna de rotire, din suprastructură, a fost acţionată.
- Vehicolul trebuie verificat vizual pentru o aliniere orizontală precisă.
- Nici un obiect neancorat nu trebuie lăsat pe platformă.
English to Romanian (Romanian Ministry of Culture - Central Commission for Granting Translator Certificates, verified) English to Romanian (International Technological University, Paris, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Autocad, Google Translate, Mathcad, SolidWorks, Webster's Electronic Dictionary, Word 2003, WordWeb, Other CAT tool, Powerpoint, Wordfast
I am 62 years old, native Romanian engineer and translator from English to Romanian (cerificate RCCM, no. 373/2004), living in Romania at Cluj-Napoca. I graduated in 1981 at Polytechnic Institute of Cluj-Napoca. My expertise as engineer is designing and technologies in metal forming and heat treatment of metals, powder metallurgy.
My scientific title is European Master of Science in Energy Management and Mechanical Engineering, obtained in 1995, after 18 months of daily classes, by examines and projects, sustained exclusively in English, with foreign teachers and examiners from universities of U.K., Italy, Germany, Belgium, Greece. The External Examiners and Teaching Stuff were from International Center for Technical Research from London, Paris International Technological University UNESCO, from Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London (Dr.B.Nath), National Technical University of Athens (Proff.N.C.Markatos), Free University of Brussels (Dr.J.De Ruyck, Proff.P.Kool), Technical University of Munich (Proff. K.Th.Renius), University of Padua Italy (Proff.A.Mirandola), University of Reading, from UK (Dr.A.Wheldon). The courses were held at Technical University, Cluj-Napoca, and “Transylvania” University, Brasov, Romania, with the support of the TEMPUS Program of The Commission of the European Community, under the management of the International Center for Technical Research of London.
In 1992 I graduated Art School of Cluj-Napoca, three years of courses in graphic art.
Translations List
Translations List (from most recent) [1 conventional page=300 words]
1.Solenoid metering pump, Operating Instructions, for abroad customer, (25 pgs.) 2011.
2.Translation for website featuring online shopping of all kinds of rugs, carpets, etc., of a big Euro-Asian company, (73 pgs.) 2011.
3.Translia 24/7 Professional Translation Services, Hong-Kong, a real estate material, (proofreading, 7 pgs.) 2010.
4.Ecological and ergonomically design, for inland customer, (130 pgs.) 2010.
5.LEAN Manufacturing Implementation, for inland customer, (170 pgs.) 2009.
6.Verbalis, Scotland, UK, (proofreading,19 pgs.) 2009.
7.JLS Lanuage Corporation, California, USA, (proofreading, 11 pgs.) 2009.
8.De Lingua Language Services, translation for website presentation of all kinds of cranes produced by a big European company, (218 pgs.), 2008/9.
9.One Planet Translation Agency, Pittsburgh, USA, (proofreading, 15 pgs.) 2008.
10.Eventos Rosario Traducciones, Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina, (proofreading, 20 pgs.) 2008.
11.Sprachendienst Bangard Translation company, Marburg, Germany, (30 pgs.) 2008.
12.Extruding technology for light alloys -technological management (materials, temperatures, speeds), waste management (time and materials), Powder paint technology for light alloys extruded, for Materials E-Learning Technologies, UK, (209 pgs.), 2008/9/10.
13.Operating, Maintaining and Service Manual for rough terrain crane TADANO GR-700EX-1, all terrain crane TADANO FAUN ATF 90G-4, TADANO FAUN ATF65G-4, for SC Motorforce SA company, (912 pgs.), 2007/8;
14.Akira Translations, Belgium, Brussels, (23 pgs.) 2008;
15.IF Studio Translations, Ukraine, (5 pgs.) 2008;
16.Interfax Traduzioni, Translation Agency, Udine, Italy, (12 pgs.) 2007;
17.Imagine Media, Translation Agency, Bucharest, (20 pgs.) 2007;
18.SM di Davide Osta&C., Translation Agency, Montferato, Italy, (2 pgs.) 2007;
19.Rois Translations, Slovakia, (5 pg.,) 2007;
20.Helene Translation Agency, Cluj-Napoca, (166 pgs.) 2007;
21.Instructions of Use and Service, REFCO Manufacturing Ltd., Rotary vane Vacuum Pumps, for S.C. Service Ambient S.R.L., from Cluj-Napoca, (27pgs.) 2007.
22.User Manual, BaSyTec, Battery Capacity Tester and Refco, for S.C. Service Ambient S.R.L., from Cluj-Napoca, (20 pgs.) 2007.
23.Manual 7UM62 SIPROTEC, Multifunction Generator, Motor And Transformer Protection Relay, Siemens AktienGesellschaft, for translations company S.C. SWISS SOLUTIONS S.R.L. from Timisoara, (140 pgs.), 2007.
24.Stelian, B., Fundamentals of Competitive Design in Robotics, Academia Romana, Bucuresti, (15 pgs.) 2004.
25.Translation of a trading and technical offer of a drawing plant of wires from Industria Sârmei -Câmpia Turzii, with detailed specifications of functioning and all options, accomplished for translations company S.C. HELENE S.R.L., from Cluj-Napoca, (135 pgs.) 2002.
26.Full translation and interpreting of Research Contract, Progress Reports, financial papers and all necessary documents for SC Tehnomag SA company, in Craft-LOTHISS Project, Low Temperature Near-Net Powder Metallurgy Route for the Manufacture of Complex Shaped Wear Resistant Parts, no. G1ST-CT-S00S-50214, in Frame Project IV of E.C., during 2002-2004.
I.T. Skills
Windows 2000, XP Professional, Microsoft Office 2003, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, Internet Explorer, Word Web, Ulead Photo Express, Acrobat Reader, Paint, Adobe Photoshop, Solid Works, AutoCAD, Mathcad.
Professional experience:
Metallurgical Enterprise, Hard Forge Workshop, Aiud, engineer.
Research and Design Center, “Metallurgy” Workshop Aiud, designing engineer.
Research and Design for Hot Sectors Institute, Bucharest, the Branch of Cluj-Napoca, engineer.
“TEHNOMAG”S.A., Applied Research and Design Institute, Cluj-Napoca, designing engineer, scientific researcher, translator, interpreter.
“Lessicom” S.R.L., Cluj-Napoca, private enterprise in recycling of plastics, translator, technical director.
I work in the translation field from technical French, since 1992.
I own the certificate No. 373, for translating Technical English to Romanian, released by Culture and Cults Ministry of Romania in October 2004.
I work in the translation field from (or in) technical English, since 1992.
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Project History Summary
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With client feedback
0 positive (0 entries)
Job type
Project management
Language pairs
English to Romanian
Specialty fields
Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Energy / Power Generation
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Keywords: technical translation, En-Ro, Fr-Ro
technical designing, engineering, energy production and management, robotics, metal forming, forging, powder metallurgy, heat treatment. See more.technical translation, En-Ro, Fr-Ro
technical designing, engineering, energy production and management, robotics, metal forming, forging, powder metallurgy, heat treatment, metallic surface engineering, science, mathematics, electricity and electronics, computer aided design, advanced finite element analysis (FEA), thermodynamics and transport phenomena, heat transfer, financial management, environment, recycling, art designing, graphic arts, photography. See less.
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