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Professional Translating - Interpreting - Editing & Proofreading
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Arabic to English: n/a General field: Other Detailed field: General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Source text - Arabic في احد الأيام خرجت من المنزل قاصدا السوق فنظرت مباشرة إلى عمود الإنارة بالقرب من البيت، اختفى كل شيء من العالم المحيط وأضحى ظلاما كأني انظر إلى البلورة الزجاجية وانقطع اتصالي بالعالم المحيط لبضع ثواني، فلم أرى غير ذلك المصباح على عمود الانارة، ودخلت في حالة من الشرود انتهت برؤيا لصديقي فورديل جالسا على منضده في وسط مجموعة من الناس وهناك طعام كثير يتوسط المنضدة، وفجأة تشتت كل شيء، و ما قطع الرؤيا تلك هو ذلك الاضطراب الذي انتابني نتيجة أني لم أتوقع أن يحدث ذلك معي خارج نطاق الغرفة.
توجهت مباشرة إلى بيت فورديل وكان يسكن ضمن مجموعة كبيرة من الأقارب فوجدته مشغولا جدا في أعداد الطعام فقال لي لقد جئت في بالوقت المناسب يا صديقي، نحن نعد وليمة لبعض الأصدقاء، فقررت أن أحدثه بالأمر بعد انتهاء العشاء، كانت وليمة جيدة التي شاركتهم إياها و اكتفيت بأكل الأطباق النباتية .
في وسط الوليمة نظرت من مكاني الذي اجلس فيه، وإذ بي انظر لنفس الصورة في الواقع أمامي، والتي رايتها في رؤيتي عند المنزل، فأكملت عشائي وتبادلت أطراف الحديث مع الأشخاص الجدد ، فنظرت إلى ديك رومي ضخم يتوسط الطعام فشعرت أن كل الاصوات انقطعت عن مسامعي ،واختفى كل شيء وأضحى مثل الظلام ولم أرى إلا ذلك الديك، فتراءى لي طفل يسقط ويبكي
Translation - English One day I left the house heading for the market and looked directly at the lamppost near the house, everything disappeared from the surrounding world into darkness as if I was looking at the crystal ball and was disconnected from the surrounding world for a few seconds that I did not see other than the lamp on the lamppost. I entered a state of straying ended with a vision of my friend Fordeel sitting on table in the middle of a group of people and there is lot of food around the table, suddenly everything dispersed, and what cut this vision is that disorder which I felt as a result that I did not expect that to happen outside the scope of the room.
I headed directly to Fordeel’s house where he lives within a large group of relatives, and I found him very busy preparing food. He said that I have come at the right time, my friend; we are preparing a banquet for some friends, so I decided to speak to him about the matter after dinner. It was a good banquet that I shared with them, and I only ate vegetarian dishes.
In the midst of the banquet, I looked from where I sat, and then I looked in fact at the same image before me, which I saw in my vision at home. I completed my dinner and exchanged conversation with new people. Then I looked to a huge turkey in the centre of the food then I felt that all sounds did not reach my ears, and everything disappeared and became the same darkness and I did not see except that cock, when a baby appeared to me falling and crying.
English to Arabic: memership General field: Other
Source text - English Membership
Our lifestyle management program begins with a meeting, which provides us with an intimate understanding of your requirements. Membership is paid annually and restricted to ensure we can deliver the most outstanding service and dedicate ourselves at all times to our members when working on requests.
Property search services are subject to a handling fee of the property value with a retainer fee required prior to the search commencing and the remainder of the fee payable on securing the property when contracts are exchanged.
Price on Application
*Non-member services may be available - subject to request.
Translation - Arabic العضوية
يبدأ نمط حياة ادارة برنامجنا بالمقابلة, التي توفر لنا فهما دقيقا لمتطلباتك . تدفع العضوية سنويا و مقيدة للتأكد من أننا يمكن تقديم الخدمة الأكثر تميزا ونكرس أنفسنا في جميع الأوقات لأعضائنا عند العمل على الطلبات. السعر عند الطلب.
تخضع خدمات بحث الملكية لرسوم المناولة من قيمة العقار مع مقدم الأتعاب المطلوبة لبدئ البحث, والباقي من رسوم مستحقة الدفع على تأمين العقارات عندما يتم تبادل العقود.
قد تكون الخدمات لغير الأعضاء متوفرة- مع مراعاة الطلب.
Years of experience: 19. Registered at Dec 2007.
English to Arabic (Arab Professional Translators Society (Arab Translators Network), verified) Arabic to English (Arab Professional Translators Society (Arab Translators Network), verified) English to French (Arab Professional Translators Society (Arab Translators Network), verified) French to English (Arab Professional Translators Society (Arab Translators Network), verified) French to Arabic (Arab Professional Translators Society (Arab Translators Network), verified)
Arabic to French (Arab Professional Translators Society (Arab Translators Network), verified)
I am a native speaker of Arabic and French originally from Kingdom of Morocco offering interpreting/translating services in Modern Standard Arabic, Moroccan/North African Arabic Dialects, Middle East Arabic and French in Scotland and other parts of the UK through agencies and direct clients whether public or private sector: consecutive, simultaneous interpreting as well as sight translation. Working with NHS and legal entities such as solicitors, courts, police, immigration, Housing Associations, Job Centre and other social services.
Certification, Certified Professional Translator/Examiner, English<>Arabic<>French by Arab Professional Translators Society member number(10971)
I translate from Arabic,French and English and vice versa
I am doing a DPSI Arabic to English and English to Arabic In Scottish Law.
I have security vetted CRB Enhanced Disclosure Scotland and Counter Terrorism Check (CTC)
In the field of Law & Immigration. Magistrates Courts. Victim Support Service. National Probation Service. Tribunal Appeal Services,General Practitioners. Dental Practices. Hospitals.
Private Sector: Solicitors. Commercial Companies.
You can contact me:
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