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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member
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Translation, Editing/proofreading, MT post-editing, Language instruction
Specializes in:
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Tourism & Travel
Poetry & Literature
Education / Pedagogy
Cooking / Culinary
Wine / Oenology / Viticulture
Also works in:
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Government / Politics
Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Environment & Ecology
Food & Drink
Italian to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.08 EUR per word / 25 - 45 EUR per hour
4 projects entered 4 positive feedback from outsourcers
Project Details
Project Summary
Translation Volume: 180 days Completed: Sep 2020 Languages:
Italian to English
Translation of an academic book on the spychology of autobiographical memory
Academic book entitled The Psychology of Autobiographical Memory: History, Theory, Research for Igor Sotgiu, University of Bergamo, to be published by Palgrave in 2021
positive Unlisted : Lavorare con Isabelle è stato entusiasmante. La qualità della traduzione è altissima e, cosa fondamentale, lei è sempre disponibile a discutere su questioni semantiche, sintattiche e grammaticali.
Translation Volume: 600 pages Completed: Mar 2015 Languages:
Italian to English
Italian food database
Food & Drink
positive Opitrad srl: Well done and always on time
Translation Volume: 0 days Duration: Nov 2015 to Nov 2016 Languages:
University translations for the Politecnico di Milano Design Department
Architecture, Education / Pedagogy
positive Eurostreet: Testo molto lungo e complesso sul Design della Traduzione. Ottima traduzione, rispetto dei tempi di consegna e competenza nell'argomento. Traduttrice eccellente.
Translation Volume: 282 pages Duration: Jan 2017 to Dec 2017 Languages:
Italian to English: Medieval economic history General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: History
Source text - Italian Questa visione delle relazioni e dei diversi motivi delle scelte economiche trovano un obiettivo riscontro in ciò che emerge dallo studio sui comportamenti del Mercante di Prato. Il recente volume a lui dedicato in occasione del sesto centenario della morte tocca il tema della influenza del pensiero laico e religioso sulle scelte degli operatori economici toscani continuamente combattuti tra i divieti enunciati dalla Chiesa e la prassi quotidiana ; ormai convinti della legittimità della ricchezza ottenuta dal commercio e spinti dall’orgoglio del successo negli affari essi riuscivano spesso a raggiungere risultati positivi nell’inesausto tentativo di raccordare e ricondurre a sintesi le esperienze e i diversi stimoli che emergevano dal complesso sistema delle loro relazioni economiche e sociali.
Francesco Datini è un calzante esempio di come la sua propensione al rischio e agli investimenti sia stata, oltre che il risultato dell’efficiente sistema formativo delle città toscane, il frutto dei molteplici impulsi che gli giungevano dal contesto in cui era inserito. I modelli di vita del mondo urbano di allora, rendevano difficile districare i propri principi morali dalle spinte di tipo pragmatico; nella realtà del nostro mercante, la sfera economica, la sfera sociale, quella affettiva e religiosa erano indissolubilmente collegate; ogni piccolo o grande operatore, nei rapporti con gli altri trasferiva e subiva quei complessi condizionamenti. Essi comunque interagivano continuamente tra loro, con le organizzazioni economiche e sociali, con le istituzioni.
Translation - English This vision of relationships and the various motives behind economic choices is endorsed by a study of the Merchant of Prato's behaviour. The recent volume devoted to the latter on the occasion of the sixth centenary of his death touches on the theme of the influence of secular and religious thought on the decisions made by Tuscan businessmen, who were continually torn between the strictures of the church and the facts of everyday life. By now convinced of the legitimacy of the wealth earned from trade and prompted by pride in their business achievements, merchants' ceaseless efforts to bring together the various experiences and impulses which emerged from their complex system of economic and social relationships were frequently successful.
Francesco Datini is a case in point. His risk-taking and investment propensities were not simply a consequence of the effectiveness of the training systems adopted in Tuscan cities, but also the culmination of a multiplicity of stimuli from the context he worked in. The urban lifestyle models of his day made distinguishing moral principles from practical action fraught with difficulty. Our merchant's economic, social, emotional and religious lives were indissolubly bound together. Irrespective of scale, no-one engaging in trade was free of the effects of these complex influences in their interpersonal relations and merchants interacted incessantly with one another, with economic and social bodies and with the establishment.
Italian to English: Tour guide General field: Other Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - Italian Ancona non subì le ritorsioni seguite alla battaglia di Sentino, ma la sua importanza strategica e commerciale e la sua fortissima posizione militare la portarono ben presto sotto la potenza romana. La fama in Oriente di un santuario di S. Stefano, citato da S. Agostino, testimonia della precocità cristiana in Ancona, che affiancò a quel culto quello del patrono S. Ciriaco.
La città cadde poi sotto il dominio dei bizantini e divenne oggetto di contesa nella guerra gotica (VI secolo), nonché vittima dapprima di un sacco da parte dei saraceni (839) e poi di un rovinoso terremoto. Si ripopolò alla fine del X secolo, costituendosi in libero Comune, rilanciando la mercatura marittima verso l'Oriente e la Dalmazia, e resistendo eroicamente a duri assedi.
Agli inizi del '200 la città si fortificò con una potente cinta di pietra. Nel 1348 venne presa a tradimento dai Malatesta, nel 1355 si sottomise al cardinale Egidio Albornoz, poi fu costretta di nuovo a ostacolare le mire espansionistiche litoranee dei Malatesta, quindi quelle di Alessandro Sforza, ottenendo nel 1447 da Eugenio IV la riconferma dello status di repubblica sotto la protezione papale. Gli armatori anconitani contesero allora le rotte ai veneziani aprendo fondachi sul Bosforo, mentre la città si abbellì di nuovi monumenti coi raffinati ricami marmorei del gotico. Fu un'era prospera ma di breve durata: il ricco porto faceva gola a papa Clemente VII che lo vendette con l'inganno nel 1532.
Translation - English Ancona escaped reprisals in the wake of the Battle of Sentinum, but its strategic and trading importance and extremely favourable defensive position soon brought it into the Roman fold. The fame in the Orient of a sanctuary here devoted to St Stephen, cited by St Augustine, testifies to the early arrival of Christianity in Ancona with devotion to patron saint St Cyriacus developing alongside that of St Stephen.
The city then fell to the Byzantines and became a 6th century Gothic War battleground before being sacked by the Saracens in 839 and then destroyed by an earthquake. It was resettled in the late 10th century as a free city state, rebuilding its maritime trade with the Orient and Dalmatia and heroically resisting a number of protracted sieges.
In the early 13th century the city was fortified with a powerful ring of walls. Tricked into succumbing to the Malatesta lordship, in 1348 it surrendered to Cardinal Egidio Albornoz in 1355 before being once again obliged to block Malatesta, and then Alessandro Sforza’s, coastal expansion ambitions, gaining ratification of its status as a republic under papal protection in 1447 from Pope Eugene IV. Ancona’s ship-owners then set their sights on Venetian trading routes, establishing trading bases on the Bosporus, while the city itself was embellished with new monumental buildings featuring fine Gothic marble tracery. But this prosperity did not last long: its wealthy port was coveted by Pope Clement VII who tricked the city into submission in 1532, after which it was incorporated into the Papal States where it languished until Italian Unification.
Italian to English: Magazine article General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Journalism
Source text - Italian Longevi, secchioni e con qualche problema di girovita. Il futuro dei bambini che nasceranno nel 2011 è già tutto scritto. Non nelle stelle, per carità. La scienza e la matematica, nel terzo millennio, hanno fatto passi da gigante. E il destino dei neonati prossimi venturi, con buona pace di tarocchi e di astrologi, si può leggerlo già oggi.
Lo si può leggere con pochi margini d’errore nei numeri della statistica: chi verrà al mondo nei prossimi dodici mesi vivrà - in media, s'intende - 16 anni più dei suoi nonni e sei più dei genitori. Tenderà a mettere su un po’ di pancetta, studierà a lungo (uno su tre dei suoi coetanei si metterà in tasca una laurea). E andrà in pensione - ma questo s'era capito senza bisogno di scomodare algoritmi e ricercatori – decisamente più tardi, attorno ai 70 anni.
A fare da neo-Oracolo di Delfi, forte della fredda legge delle cifre, è l’ufficio studi di Allianz che ha messo assieme dati ufficiali e proiezioni di Istat, Eurostat e Nazioni Unite per provare a tracciare l’identikit dei nuovi italiani della classe di ferro 2011. Impossibile, come ovvio, fare previsioni sui loro nomi. Anche se i più gettonati dello scorso anno - butta lì la compagnia d’assicurazione tedesca - sono stati Alessia, Chiara e Giulia per le bimbe e Andrea, Lorenzo o Simone per i maschietti. Più facile invece calcolare quanto possa ragionevolmente sperare di campare: l’aspettativa di vita media di chi nasce quest’anno in Italia sarà di 81,5 anni, 84,5 se la cicogna porta una femminuccia, 78,5 se il fiocco è azzurro. Cifre che fanno del Belpaese la quarta potenza mondiale per longevità dopo Giappone (86,9), Svizzera (82,4) e Francia (81,8), ben davanti - almeno in questo campo - alla Germania, visto che i bebè tedeschi del 2011 dovranno accontentarsi (si fa per dire) di 80,3 anni.
Translation - English Long-lived, studious and a tad overweight, the future of the newborns of 2011 has already been written. But, in the third millennium, it’s not in the stars – heaven forbid – with science and mathematics having forged ahead. The fate of those about to be born can be read right now, whatever tarot-card readers and astrologists might say.
It is to be read, with limited margin for error, in the statistics. Those coming into the world over the next twelve months will live sixteen years longer than their grandparents, on average naturally, and six years longer than their parents. They will tend to put on a bit of weight and stay in education longer (one in three will bag a degree). And, though we didn’t need algorithms and researchers to tell us this, they’ll retire much later, at around seventy years of age.
The neo-Delphi oracle bringing us this cold-figure-based forecast is the Allianz research office, which has collated official Istat (the Italian statistics office), Eurostat and United Nations data and forecasts in an attempt to draw up an identikit of the new 2011 iron-generation Italians. Clearly it is impossible to predict what they might be called, although this German insurance firm notes that the names most in vogue last year were Alessia, Chiara and Giulia for girls and Andrea, Lorenzo and Simone for boys. Calculating how long they might reasonably expect to live is an easier matter, however. Average life expectancy for those born in Italy this year is 81.5, rising to 84.5 if the stork brings in a girl and falling to 78.5 if it’s a boy. These are figures which rank Italy fourth in the world for life expectancy, after Japan (86.9), Switzerland (82.4) and France (81.8) and well ahead – in this sphere anyway – of Germany, as 2021-born German babies will have to make do, so to speak, with 80.3 years of life.
Years of experience: 22. Registered at Dec 2007. Became a member: Dec 2008.
Italian to English (Università per Stranieri Siena CILS 4 (C2), verified) Italian to English (Chartered Institute of Linguists, verified) Italian to English (Dip Trans, verified)
Diploma in Translation (Dip Trans, Social Sciences, Literature) Fully chartered member of the UK Chartered Institute of Linguists (MCIL CL) and twenty years’ experience as an Italian to English freelance translator and ESL copyeditor, specialising in history and humanities, social sciences, tourism and food and wine.
As an Oxford University history MA, I translate and revise academic and essays, articles and books in the history, humanities and social sciences fields for a number of Italian universities and my recently published work includes: Fascination With Violence in Contemporary Society: When Crime is Sublime, Oriana Binik, Palgrave, 2019; A History of Digital Media, Gabriele Balbi, Paolo Magaudda, Routledge, 2018, Igor Sotgiu, Psychology of Autobiographical Memory, Palgrave, 2021 and Marco Marzani, The Chaste Caste, Routledge, 2024. I have also recently translated articles for international think-tanks such as Istituto Affari Internazionali in Rome and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
I translate widely in the tourist sector, primarily websites, newsletters and social media posts, and have wide-ranging experience in translating flora and fauna, history, art and architecture, food and wine and sports tourism related texts.
Another frequent translation area is the arts and literature, in which I translate and proofread articles and essays, websites, museum information panels and exhibition catalogues on a frequent basis, with recent jobs including acting as part of a team of translators working on the art, architecture and history sections of the Treccani Encyclopaedia and translations for museums and conferences via translation agencies, including the Venice Biennale Teatro catalogues and webpages and a British Museum exhibition.
With wide ranging wine and food expertise, including level 2 sommelier qualifications, I also frequently translate and interpret for translation agencies, principally restaurant and vineyard websites, with recent work including translating Italian Master of Wine exams.
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This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
100% positive (4 entries)
Job type
Language pairs
Italian to English
Specialty fields
Education / Pedagogy
Food & Drink
Other fields
Keywords: storia, history, social science, food and wine, arts, enogastronomia, culinaria, vino, viticulture italian to english translation, counselling. See more.storia, history, social science, food and wine, arts, enogastronomia, culinaria, vino, viticulture italian to english translation, counselling, domestic violence, tourism, academic translations, university translations, traduzioni universitari, turismo, arte, sociologia, sociology, scienze sociali, Cortina d'Ampezzo, Cortina, Cadore, nature, museums, musei, literature, traduzioni letterarie. See less.
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