My postgraduate studies in Religious education and English studies at the University of Constantine the Philospher provided me with an opportunity to take translation courses from which I have been gaining eversince in my work, as they offered not only translation strategies and translation skills practice but also foundation skills recognising features of a good translation.
Later, I worked on proofreading projects and small translation assignments.
A more significant translation project came in the book "Bernhard Häring - A Happy Redemptorist" edited by Martin McKeever. It was published in Slovak 2011.
Further, Theology of Her/His Body (Teológia jej/jeho tela) by Jason Evert in 2013, Called to Love (Povolaní milovať) by Granados and Anderson, 2014, Addiction and Grace (Závislosť a milosť) by Gerald May 2014, Eucharist and Everyday Life (Eucharistia a život) by Bernhard Häring 2015. In cooperation with agencies, I had opportunity to translate a licence agreement for a software and an official document for the Catholic Church.
The were also some assignments for universities: the study text "Cognitive Anthropology" and the article "Social Aspects Affecting Doctoral Graduates’ Career Path Choice". + more translations of books by Bernhard Häring: To Love Kindness: Heart of Compassion (Milovať zľutovanie) 2015 The Christ: God-With-Us (Kristus: Boh s nami) 2017 |