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Translation, Editing/proofreading
Specializes in:
Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
Environment & Ecology
IT (Information Technology)
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Sample translations submitted: 2
English to Spanish: Collaborative Teaching Experience
Source text - English Las tecnologías de información y de comunicaciones han tenido un avance acelerado en las últimas décadas generando cambios relevantes en casi todos los entornos sociales. Su despliegue vertiginoso ha permitido el desarrollo de nuevos patrones de trabajo, de comunicación y de interrelación en los diferentes entornos educativo, ocupacional y profesional. Así por ejemplo, en el campo educativo, los adelantos de las tecnologías móviles y la computación distribuida junto a las mejoras de las herramientas Groupware [1]-[3] han determinado el surgimiento exitoso, entre otros, de diferentes experiencias con e-learning, CSCL y desarrollos colaborativos interinstitucionales [4]-[7]ofreciendo a los estudiantes y profesores la posibilidad de acceder y compartir una gran cantidad de información online, download/upload homework, access class announcement, and produce, interchange and complete knowledge, anywhere, anytime.
Tales cambios implican que el desarrollo tecnológico actual ubica a la Educación en un nuevo paradigma educativo, en el cual existe una mayor universalización de la información, la construcción personalizada de aprendizajes significativos, mayor autonomía de los estudiantes, nuevos enfoques hacia el autoaprendizaje y una tendencia hacia el trabajo colaborativo [8]-[12]. El resultado de estas experiencias docentes e investigativas, que incluyen las nuevas tecnologías como un recurso auxiliar en sus procesos de enseñanza y que implican una emigración hacia el aprendizaje colaborativo, han demostrado que los estudiantes aprenden más, aumentan su autoestima, establecen mejores relaciones y mayor comunicación con los demás, tienen mayor responsabilidad de su aprendizaje y adquieren valores y habilidades mas efectivas cuando trabajan en grupos cooperativos, que al hacerlo de manera individual y competitiva.
Translation - Spanish Information and communication technology has made vast and rapid progress during the last decades and this has generated noticeable changes in most social environments. This vertiginous display has enabled the development of new patterns of work, communication and interrelations in the educational, occupational and professional environments. For example, in the educational field advances in mobile technology and in distributed information technology, and improvements in the Groupware tools [1]-[3] have contributed to the successful development of e-learning CSCL and inter-institutional collaborative work [4]-[7]. This offer students and professors the possibility to access and share large amounts of online information, download/upload homework, access class announcements, and produce, interchange and complete knowledge, anywhere, anytime.
These changes imply that technological developments have placed education under a new paradigm, where information is universally accessible, the achievement of meaningful learning is personalized, and there is more student autonomy. Additionally, there is a new approach to self-study and a tendency to work in a collaborative manner [8]-[12]. These educational experiments have used new technology as an auxiliary resource in the teaching process and have also implied a migration to collaborative working. The results have shown that students learn more, improve their self-confidence and establish better relationships and communication with their peers. They also feel responsible for their own learning and acquire better skills when they work in groups than individually and in a competitive manner.
English to Spanish: IT manual
Source text - English La función básica del programa es la de servir de intermediario entre el "front-end"(cliente) y el "back-end"(arquitectura).
Las áreas de comunicación son respectivamente la estructuras TCP y la T040. De hecho, T040 solamente se utiliza para pasar información a la Arquitectura. Aunque el tamaño de un mensaje recibido del "front-end" no excederá nunca 1K, como el tamaño de la respuesta puede llegar a ser de 32K y este tamaño tiene que existir tanto en el área de comunicación con el "front-end" y el "back'end", se utiliza como área de respuesta para el "back-end" parte de la misma área TCP; es decir, la arquitectura coloca la respuesta directamente en el área que se va a enviar al "front-end" y conseguimos así ahorrar 32K ( para cada instancia de la transacción que utiliza el programa). T040, como la mayoría de las estructuras utilizadas, reside en la W-S. TCP no; reside en la L-S para poder realizar aritmética de apuntadores durante el proceso de transmisión a través del "socket"
Translation - Spanish The basic function of this program is to act as an intermediary between the front-end (client) and the back-end (architecture).
The communication areas are structures TCP and T040 respectively. In fact, T040 is only used to pass information to the architecture. Even though the size of a message received from the front-end will never exceed 1K, the size of the answer can be up to 32K, so a space this size must be available in the front-end and back-end communication area. Therefore, part of the same TCP area is used as answering area for the back-end .That means, Architecture places the answer directly on the area to be sent to the front-end and 32K are saved for each invocation of the transaction. T040, as the majority of structures used, resides on W-S. TCP does not. It resides on L-S in order to perform the prompters’ arithmetic during the process of transmission through the socket.
Translation education
Graduate diploma - UWE England
Years of experience: 10. Registered at Sep 2007.
I was born in Venezuela, studied chemical engineering at Syracuse University in the USA and worked as a process engineer for four years before moving to Europe in the mid eighties. I Completed an MA in Environmental Policy and Management and a Postgraduate Diploma in Translation, both in the UK.
I have worked as a process engineer, a chemical trader and in IT projects, as well as founding two small companies. I have also taught Spanish and English at a language school, third form college and as a private tutor.
All through my career, I have performed technical translations, proof-reading as well as technical writing, i.e. Operating manuals.
I an currently working in an IT project at a bank in Germany.
Keywords: Technical translations, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Environment and Ecology, general translations, proof-reading.