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Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Software localization, Voiceover (dubbing), Subtitling, Training
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Sample translations submitted: 8
Spanish to English: Aprender a convivir en paz General field: Other Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - Spanish Sabemos que cuando el niño nace su cerebro, salvo una serie de reflejos que le permiten su supervivencia (reflejos incondicionados), está totalmente limpio de conductas genéticas y constitucionalmente heredadas, y lo que posee es una infinita posibilidad y capacidad de asimilar toda la experiencia social acumulada por la humanidad durante cientos de generaciones, y que le es trasmitida por el adulto que lo cuida y atiende. A esta capacidad de asimilar la estimulación del mundo que le rodea es lo que se denomina la plasticidad del cerebro humano. El niño, cuando nace, no sabe “volar como los pájaros ni nadar en las profundidades como los peces”. Hay que enseñarle. Sin duda lo mismo ocurre con el noble arte de vivir como hermanos. HAY QUE ENSEÑARLE.
Translation - English We are aware that when a child is born his/her brain, except for a series of reflexes that allows him to survive (unconditional reflexes), is totally free of genetic and constitutionally inherited conducts, and what he/she owns is an infinite possibility and capability to take in all the social experience accumulated by mankind during the hundreds of generations, and that is transmitted by the adult who takes care of him and sees to him. This capability to take in the world stimulation that surrounds him is what is called the human brain plasticity. The child, when born, does not know how to “fly like birds nor fly in the depths like fish”. It has to be taught. No doubt the same occurs with the noble art of living like brothers. IT HAS TO BE TAUGHT.
English to Portuguese: The Protein Press General field: Science Detailed field: Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)
Source text - English The Service Awards are a way to recognize and thank all of you who have dedicated yourselves to the business and helped us through the years with your commitment and hard work.
When you combine our 4 locations, 23% of our workforce - or 230 people – received recognition through the Service Award program this year (see Service Award Recipients on Page 7).
Out of that group, here’s how the Service Award handout broke down:
• 46% received 5 year Service Awards
• 37% received 15 year Service Awards
• 5% received 20 year Service Awards
• 7% received 25 year Service Awards
• 6% received 30 year Service Awards
As we enter our fourth year as a Cargill business, I want to thank all of you who have helped our team grow and improve over the years for our customer.
Happy New Year and all the best to you and your families.
Stay focused and stay safe.
Translation - Portuguese Os “Service Awards” são um meio de reconhecer e agradecer a todos vocês que se dedicaram ao negócio e nos ajudaram através dos anos de comprometimento e trabalho árduo.
Quando vocês combinam nossos 4 locais, 23% de nossa força de trabalho - ou 230 pessoas – receberam reconhecimento através do programa “The Service Award” este ano (veja os premiados do “Service Award” na pág. 7).
Desse grupo, veja como o “Service Award” foi distribuído:
• 46% receberam o “Service Awards” de 5 anos
• 37% receberam o “Service Awards” de 15 anos
• 5% receberam o “Service Awards” de 20 anos
• 7% receberam o “Service Awards” de 25 anos
• 6% receberam o “Service Awards” de 30 anos
Conforme entramos no nosso quarto ano como parte dos negócios da Cargill, eu gostaria de agradecer a todos vocês que ajudaram durante esses anos a nossa equipe a crescer e a melhorar para os nossos clientes.
Fekiz Ano Novo e os melhores votos para vocês e seus familiares. Fique focado e fique seguro.
Spanish to English: ACE Cirugía Estética General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - Spanish CIRUGÍA FACIAL: LIFTING
Con el paso del tiempo, la piel pierde la tersura de la juventud y comienzan a aparecer arrugas, especialmente alrededor de los ojos, boca y cuello.
¿Por qué envejecemos? Primeros síntomas
Debido a la acción del tiempo y a la ley de la gravedad hay una gradual perdida del tono muscular, lo que se traduce en flacidez. Al igual hay una perdida de resistencia y elasticidad de la piel, por disminución del tejido graso y del colágeno. La piel se adelgaza y se seca, pierde luminosidad y aparecen manchas. Los vasos sanguíneos se debilitan y se rompen con mayor facilidad, provocando la aparición de marcas rojas. Los labios pierden color y se hacen más delgados. Hay un exceso de piel en los parpados y estos pueden caer sobre el ojo. La mandíbula pierde material óseo.
Translation - English FACIAL SURGERY: FACELIFT
With the passage of time, the skin loses the smoothness of youth and wrinkles begin to appear, especially around the eyes, mouth and neck.
Why do we grow old? First symptoms
Due to the action of time and the law of gravity there is a gradual loss of muscle tone which results in flaccidity. Maybe there is a loss of resistance and elasticity in the skin, as the fatty tissue and the collagen decrease. The skin is thinner and gets dry, it loses brightness and stains. The blood vessels become weak and get ruptured with greater ease, causing the emergence of red marks. The lips lose colour and become thinner. There is an excess of skin in the eyelids and these could fall onto the eye. The jaw loses bone tissue.
Spanish to English: ESPECIFICACIONES DEL PLAN DE PENSIONES General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Spanish Í N D I C E
Artículo 1. Definiciones Particulares
Artículo 1. Naturaleza y Denominación
Artículo 2. Modalidad
Artículo 3. Adscripción
Artículo 4. Entrada en vigor
Artículo 5. Promotor
Artículo 6. Partícipe
Artículo 7. Partícipes en suspenso
Artículo 8. Beneficiarios
Artículo 9. Aportaciones al plan
Artículo 10. Sistema financiero y Derechos consolidados
Artículo 11. Contingencias y prestaciones
Artículo 12. Procedimiento
Artículo 13. Composición
Artículo 14. Funciones
Artículo 15. Designación y elección de los miembros
Artículo 16. Sustitución de los miembros
Artículo 17. Renovación de miembros
Artículo 18. Cargos
Artículo 19. Convocatoria
Artículo 20. Régimen de los acuerdos
Artículo 21. Confidencialidad y gratuidad de los Cargos
Artículo 22. Publicidad e Incompatibilidades
Artículo 23. Modificación
Artículo 24. Causas
Artículo 25. Reconocimiento de garantías
Artículo 26. Procedimiento de liquidación
Translation - English INDEX
Article 1. Specific Definitions
Article 1. Nature and Name
Article 2. Modality
Article 3. Joining
Article 4. Entry into force
Article 5. Promoter
Article 6. Participants
Article 7. Suspended Participants
Article 8. Beneficiaries
Article 9. Contributions to the plan
Article 10. Financial System and Consolidated Rights
Article 11. Contingencies and Benefits
Article 12. Procedure
Article 13. Composition
Article 14. Functions
Article 15. Appointment and Election of Members
Article 16. Replacement of Members
Article 17. Renewal of Members
Article 18. Charges
Article 19. Call
Article 20. Agreement Regime
Article 21. Confidentiality and Arbitrariness of Charges
Article 22. Publicity and Incompatibilities
Article 23. Amendments
Article 24. Causes
Article 25. Recognition of Guarantees
Article 26. Liquidation Procedure
English to Portuguese: Nikon Creative Lighting System General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts)
Source text - English Nikon Creative Lighting System
Nikon has consistently offered the highest level of flash performance in the industry. Nikon's exclusive i-TTL Balanced Fill-Flash leads the world in dependable, predictable flash exposure. And Nikon's Advanced Wireless Lighting technology allows you to fire three Speedlight groups, for unprecedented control in multiple-flash photography. Make the Nikon Creative Lighting System yours to enjoy!
Translation - Portuguese Sistema de iluminação criativa Nikon
A Nikon tem sempre oferecido o nível de desempenho de flashes mais avançado da indústria. O exclusivo controle do flash de preenchimento balanceado i-TTL (i-TTL Balanced Fill-Flash) da Nikon é o líder mundial em exposição de flash seguro e preciso.
E a tecnologia de iluminação sem fio avançada da Nikon (Nikon’s Advanced Wireless Lighting) permite disparar três grupos de Speedlights, para um controle nunca visto em fotografia com flashes múltiplos. Faça do Sistema de iluminação criativo da Nikon a sua curtição!
English to Portuguese: General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - English AV two-for-one
Offer subjected to the limitations on the provided seats.
Ticket valid for two people, at the cost of one,
both in first and in second class, to travel on board of trains classified as ES* AV of Rome-Naples/Milan-Turin and vv. relations.
The selling of travel tickets ends at 12.00 a.m of the day preceding the train departure. You are allowed to change the ticket till one hour before the departure of the reserved train, under payment of a 5.00 Euro change right, provided that the new trip is made on one of the days available in the offer and that it is after 12.00 a.m of the day reported in the first reservation. The change of reservation is allowed only at the ticket sales offices and at the travel agencies. The refund is not allowed.
Translation - Portuguese
AV dois por um
Oferta sujeita a limitações de assentos disponíveis.
Passagem válida para duas pessoas, pelo preço de uma,
Ambas em primeira e segunda classe, para viajar a bordo dos trens classificados como ES* AV de Roma-Nápoles/Milão-Torino e vv. Relações.
A venda das passagens termina à meia-noite do dia anterior da saída do trem. Você pode trocar a passagem até uma hora antes da saída do trem reservado, com o pagamento na quantia exata de 5.00 €, desde que a nova viagem seja feita em um dos dias disponíveis na oferta e que seja depois da meia-noite do dia registrado na primeira reserva. A troca de reserva só pode ser feita na bilheteria e em agências de viagens. O reembolso não é permitido.
Portuguese to English: XVII Congresso Brasileiro de Cirurgia Dermatológica General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - Portuguese Prezados associados,
Fomos hoje notificados do registro de três casos confirmados de Malária, em São Paulo, em dermatologistas que participaram do XVII Congresso Brasileiro de Cirurgia Dermatológica.
Dada a raridade deste diagnóstico em nosso meio (exceto Amazônia), sentimo-nos na obrigação de alertar àqueles que participaram do evento.
Lembrando que:
1. Geralmente, após a picada do mosquito transmissor, o P. falciparum permanece incubado no corpo do indivíduo infectado por 12 dias. A seguir, surge um quadro clínico variável, que inclui calafrios, febre alta (no início contínua e depois com freqüência de três em três dias), dores de cabeça e musculares, taquicardia, aumento do baço e, por vezes, delírios.
2. No caso do P. vivax, a incubação dura de 10 a 20 dias, mas não costuma ser tão agressivo. De início, os sintomas incluem mal-estar, dores de cabeça e febre ligeira que com o tempo podem evoluir para febre entre 39 e 40oC, que se repete de dois em dois dias com presença de suor intenso e dores musculares.
3. O outro causador da malária chama-se P. malariae e possui quadro clínico bem semelhante ao da malária causada pelo P. vivax, apenas apresentando febre sempre baixa e com surgimento de três em três dias.
Translation - English Dear associates,
We were notified today of the register of three confirmed cases of malaria, in São Paulo, in dermatologists who had participated of XVII the Brazilian Congress of Dermatological Surgery.
Given the rarity of this diagnosis in our environment (except Amazonia), we feel in the obligation to alert those who had participated in the event.
Reminding that:
1. Generally, after the bite of the transmitting mosquito, the P. falciparum remains incubated in the body of the infected individual for 12 days. After that, a changeable clinical picture appears, which includes shivers, high fever (in the beginning continuous and later with a three-in-three-day frequency), muscular pain and migraines, tachycardia, increase of spleen and, sometimes, deliriums.
2. In the case of the P. vivax, the incubation lasts from 10 to 20 days, but it is not usually so aggressive. At the beginning, the symptoms include discomfort, migraines and light fever that with time can develop in a fever from 39 to 40ºC, which is repeated again every two days with the presence of intense sweat and muscular pains.
3. The other malaria causer is called P. malariae and has a very similar clinical picture to the one of the malaria caused by the P. vivax, presenting always low fever and with a three-in-three-day emergence.
English to Portuguese: PREPARING NEW PARENTS General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - English What a Difference A Parent Makes!
Being a parent today is a marvellous opportunity.
You have a child who depends on you, and whose future success will be a direct result of your efforts as parents. You can make such a difference!
PREPARING NEW PARENTS is a Management Skills program for parents of young children, developed in York Region by Ed Bader, a Family Therapist and Marriage Counsellor who for many years taught family counselling techniques at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Toronto.
Included in our eight practical sessions are presentations by a family therapist, an educator, a childcare worker, a dietitian, and three by family physicians and a pediatrician. All the presenters are also parents. The topics in this program are:
Importance of Parents in Child Development
Stress Management at Work and Home
Anger Management
Conflict Resolution
Time Management
Nutrition and Safety Management
Illness/ Disability Management
The Value of Play and Reading to your Children
Translation - Portuguese A diferença que um pai/mãe faz!
Ser pai/mãe hoje em dia é uma oportunidade maravilhosa.
Você tem um filho que depende de você e cujo futuro sucesso será resultado direto dos seus esforços como pais. Você pode fazer uma grande diferença!
Preparando novos pais é um programa de administração de habilidades para pais com filhos pequenos, desenvolvido na região de York por Ed Bader, um terapeuta familiar e conselheiro de casais que por muitos anos ensinou técnicas de aconselhamento na Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Toronto.
Apresentações de um terapeuta familiar, um educador, um trabalhador de creche, um nutricionista e três médicos de família e pediatra estão incluídas nas nossas sessões práticas. Todos os apresentadores também são pais. Os tópicos deste programa são:
A importância dos pais no desenvolvimento da criança
Administração do estresse no trabalho e em casa
Administração da raiva
Resolução de conflito
Administração do tempo
Nutrição e Administração da segurança
Administração de doenças / deficiência
O valor da brincadeira e da leitura para os seus filhos
Years of experience: 42. Registered at Sep 2007.
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, iOS Xcode, Joomla, Objective-C, Photoshop CS6, SubMagic, VMware, Powerpoint, Smartling, Wordfast
CV available upon request
I am a university teacher based in Madrid (Spain). I translate from Spanish or Portuguese into English (Uk/US) and am specialized in several fields such as Marketing, Industry, Education, Business, Software among others. I offer services as a translator, interpreter or idiom teacher (either English teaching or Portuguese teaching).
I have over 25 years working as a freelance translator. My last project on which I have worked recently was the translation of 1000 pages (about 350,000 words) for an educational website regarding how children grow up in the classroom daily activities. You can visit the site on In addition, I worked as a university teacher at Antonio de Nebrija University in Madrid. There I taught the fields of PUBLICITY, LAW and ADVANCED subjects. I also have an HBO Certificate regarding a subtitling course. My last voice-recording project was done for Multimedia Resources. It consisted of dubbing a Spanish psychology documentary into Brazilian Portuguese.
The last course I attended was last year at Nebrija University about e-learning. Moreover, I have got a certificate in The use of the computer in the English teaching approach obtained at PUC University, São Paulo-Brazil. Press releases are frequently translated in our team.
My areas of specialization have led me to specialize in all the categories above mentioned, being humble enough to say that “we never stop learning”.
I can certify the quality of my translations as they are proof-read by other members of my team, in the same way I proof-read theirs.
As far as background experience is concerned, I have been working as a freelance translator since the beginning of the 80s. Over 25 years improving the skill of translating and the cultural adaptation much needed in each of the languages above mentioned.
Further details are contained in my CV on this site. I would also be happy to perform a test (of up to 300 words).
Feel free to contact me if you require any additional information.