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We refer to your request for information on the status of your client's claim. Mr. Rossi, your client, seeks reimbursement for the injuries suffered when he was assaulted by a U.S. servicemember, Mr. Smith, U.S. Navy, on March 19, 1989. Unfortunately, Mr. Rossi's ex-gratia claim is barred by the statute of limitations.
Ex-gratia claims are processed and adjudicated according to U.S. laws and regulations. Chapter 10, United States Code, Section 2734, as implemented by Navy Judge Advocate General Instruction 5800.7D, Manual of the Judge Advocate General at Article 0809 of the Foreign Claims sections, paragraph (a) states that: "A claim must be presented in writing to the appropriate U.S. military authorities within 2 years after the incident giving rise to the claim. It must: (1) state time, date, place, and nature of the incident; (2) state the nature and extent of any injury, loss, or damage; and (3) request compensation in a definite amount, in the local currency."
Paragraph (b) reads as follows: "A claim may be presented to any United States authority or to foreign government authorities if authorized under a Status of Forces Agreement or other applicable treaty or agreement. Claims shall be promptly transferred to the appropriate authorities for processing."
As far as the statute of limitation concerns, paragraph (f) states that: "A claim must be filed within 2 years after it accrues. A claim accrues when the claimant discovers or reasonably should have discovered the existence of the incident giving rise to the claim. Generally, to compute the statutory time period, the day the claim accrued should be excluded and the day the claim was filed should be included." U.S. laws do not require the claimant to refile his claim provided it was filed within the two year statutory time.
As far as we know, your client did not file his request for reimbursement with any U.S. authorities or with the Italian Ministry of Defense within two years from the date of the assault. The filing of a penal complaint with Italian judicial authorities does not prevent the claim from falling under the statute of limitations.
In the absence of evidence indicating otherwise, we regret we cannot take any action on this case.
Translation - Italian Egregio Avvocato,
Si fa' riferimento alla Sua richiesta di informazioni sullo status del risarcimento al Suo patrocinato, Sig. Rossi, il quale ha subito lesioni a seguito dell'aggressione del 19 marzo 1989 ad opera di un militare statunitense, Mr. Smith, MM. U.S.A. Sfortunatamente, la richiesta di risarcimento a titolo grazioso del Sig. Rossi è prescritta.
I risarcimenti a titolo grazioso sono istruiti e tacitati ai sensi della legislazione e della normativa statunitense. Il Capitolo 10 del Codice degli Stati Uniti, Sezione 2734, così come adottato dal regolamento dell'Avvocatura Militare Generale della M.M. U.S.A. n. 5800.7D, Manuale dell'
Avvocatura Militare Generale, all'art. 0809 della Sezione Reclami Esteri, comma (a) recita: "L'istanza di risarcimento deve essere presentata per iscritto alle autorità militari statunitensi competenti entro due anni dalla data del fatto. Deve: (1) indicare l'ora, la data, il luogo e la natura dell'incidente; (2) indicare la natura e l'entità delle lesioni, della perdita o del danno; e (3) richiedere il risarcimento in un ammontare definito, nella valuta locale."
Il comma (b) prevede che: "L'istanza può essere avanzata ad una qualunque autorità statunitense o del governo estero se autorizzata dalla Convenzione sullo Status delle Forze o da un altro trattato od accordo. L'istanza deve essere prontamente trasferita alle autorità competenti per l'istruzione."
Per quanto riguarda la prescrizione, il comma (f) legge come segue: "L'istanza deve essere avanzata entro due anni da quando matura. Un'istanza matura quando il ricorrente scopre o ragionevolmente dovrebbe scoprire l'esistenza dell'incidente che da' origine alla richiesta di risarcimento. Generalmente, per computare il periodo di prescrizione, il giorno in cui matura il diritto al risarcimento deve essere escluso ed il giorno in cui viene avanzata l'istanza deve essere incluso." Le leggi statunitensi non prevedono la necessità per il ricorrente di reiterare la richiesta purché sia stata presentata entro il termine dei due anni.
Per quanto di nostra conoscenza, il Suo assistito non ha avanzato istanza di risarcimento ad alcuna autorità statunitense o al Ministero della Difesa italiano entro due anni dalla data dell'aggressione. Sporgere denuncia alle autorità giudiziarie italiane non impedisce al diritto maturato di cadere in prescrizione.
In assenza di informazioni diverse, rincresce non poter dare seguito alla richiesta di risarcimento.
Con sensi di viva stima,
Translation education
Master's degree - School for Interpreters and Translators, Rome, Italy
Years of experience: 33. Registered at Aug 2007. Became a member: Nov 2007.
English to Italian (Scuola Superiore Interpreti e Traduttori, Rome, It, verified) Italian to English (School for Interpreters and Translators, Rome, Ita, verified) Italian (Mother tongue)
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint
My language pairs are English > Italian, Italian (monolingual), and Italian > English. In the latter case, all translations are proofread by English mother tongue translators before delivery.
I am a graduate of the Rome School for Interpreters and Translators. For a few years I worked as an interpreter for the Italian National Olympic Committee.
After a 1-year experience in a prominent law firm in Rome, I worked for 2 years at John Cabot University.
In 1992 I became a translator/interpreter for the U.S. Government. I currently work at a prominent Embassy in Rome, Italy. I translate and interpret (English<>Italian) especially in the legal and military/defense fields. I am the certified translator for Memorandums of Understanding between Italy and the United States of America, and Technical Agreements for the use of Italian military bases by U.S. Armed Forces. I routinely translate legal correspondence, court sentences and documents, appeals, technical arrangements, laws and regulations, bilateral agreements, reports on accidents for the Italian Ministry of Defense (claims section), requests for redress, minutes of meetings with the Italian Defense General Staff. Because some of the matters I deal with are sensitive in nature, I hold a NATO Secret security clearance (NOS).
In 1984 I joined the Italian Red Cross. Since my first year as a volunteer I have been teaching First Aid, Basic Life Support, and worked both on ambulances as an EMT and at the Emergency Room of one of the biggest hospitals in Rome. That is how I have developed a passion for the medical field. Working hands-on with patients enabled me to acquire good knowledge of medical terms and practices. In order to update instructions and guidelines, and to improve the skills of our group members, I translate books on the subject for our internal use.
I am also an instructor with the American Red Cross, the American Heart Association, and the Italian Resuscitation Council, and teach classes to English-speaking organizations in Rome.
Rates are for estimation purposes only, and are subject to change upon review of the job. Prices depend on the volume of work to be carried out, the delivery date, and the complexity of the matter.
- School for Interpreters and Translators, Rome, Italy
- Legal English and Juridical Translation, Rome, Italy.
Feel free to contact me, and thank you for your prospective interest.
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