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Sample translations submitted: 4
Czech to English: Agency Agreement General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Czech Mandant se zavazuje zaplatit Mandatáři provizi za zprostředkování uzavření licenční smlouvy mezi Mandantem a Producentem, bude-li se tato licenční smlouva týkat užití Filmu z Filmové nabídky na území Japonského císařství; provize Mandatáře činí 20% z výše finančního plnění Mandanta vůči Producentovi, vyplývajícího z licenční smlouvy jakožto z odměny za poskytnutí licence za užití Filmu z Filmové nabídky na území Japonského císařství. Provize je splatná na v záhlaví uvedený bankovní účet Manadatáře nejpozději do 14ti dnů po uzavření příslušné licenční smlouvy mezi Mandantem a Producentem.
Translation - English The Mandator agrees to pay the Mandatary a commission for negotiating and bargaining a license agreement between the Mandator and the Producer, provided such license agreement concerns the use of a Film from the Film Selection in the territory of the Empire of Japan; the Mandatary’s commission shall be 20% of the Mandator’s payment to the Producer as provided in the license agreement as remuneration for the granting of a license to use a Film from the Film Selection in the Empire of Japan. The commission shall be paid to the Mandatary’s bank account specified in the heading of the contract no later than 14 days after the respective license agreement between the Mandator and the Producer has been entered into.
Czech to English: Leaflet on Biodiversity - links to online pdf files General field: Science Detailed field: Environment & Ecology
Source text - Czech$pid/CENMSFVZ8VR3/$FILE/biodiverzita.pdf
Translation - English$pid/CENMSFVZ8VR3/$FILE/biodiversity.pdf
English to Czech: Royal Caribbean International - Booking Conditions General field: Other Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - English By providing us with the details requested under these booking terms and conditions, you consent to the sharing of your personal data with third parties including where necessary the transfer of your personal data outside the European Economic Area.
If you fail to supply full and accurate details within the time limits we specify, we shall be entitled to refuse your booking or treat such failure to provide such information within the time limits specified as a cancellation of your holiday. Further, where we do not exercise our right to cancel your booking in these circumstances, you agree to reimburse us for any fines, surcharges or other financial penalties we incur as a consequence of any failure by you to provide full and accurate details within the time limits we specified to you.
Translation - Czech Poskytnutím údajů, které jsou vyžadovány těmito rezervačními podmínkami, udělujete souhlas se sdílením svých osobních údajů s třetími stranami, včetně případného přenosu vašich osobních dat mimo Evropský hospodářský prostor.
V případě neposkytnutí úplných a přesných údajů v námi uvedené časové lhůtě budeme oprávněni zamítnout vaši rezervaci a považovat neposkytnutí informací v dané lhůtě za zrušení vaší cesty. Dále v případech, kdy neuplatníme právo zrušit za těchto okolností rezervaci, souhlasíte s úhradou všech pokut, příplatků a jiných finančních postihů, které nám vzniknout v důsledku neposkytnutí úplných a správných údajů z vaší strany v námi uvedené lhůtě.
Czech to English: A real estate website General field: Marketing Detailed field: Real Estate
Source text - Czech
Translation - English
English to Czech (Charles University in Prague, The Faculty of Arts, verified) Czech to English (Charles University in Prague, The Faculty of Arts, verified) Spanish to Czech (Charles University in Prague, The Faculty of Arts, verified)
I am an English/Spanish <-> Czech translator with more than 10 years of experience.
In 2003, I graduated from the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague, the Department of Translation Studies, where I studied English and Spanish translation. I specialize in legal, marketing and environmental texts and I am also a court appointed English and Spanish translator/interpreter and a member of various professional translators’ associations in the Czech Republic.
With each translation project I undertake, I take pride in delivering high-quality work. I am flexible and posses strong organizational skills. I regularly engage in further professional development and strive to continuously improve my skills. I am interested in everything related to the translation business and languages in general. Please also visit theBESTtranslation’s blog.
In addition, living alternately in the Czech Republic and the US provides me with better insight into cultural and societal differences..