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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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Source text - English • Single, high-frequency traction and lifting system, giving silent running and low consumption. This system also protects the motors and the battery from wear by preventing high current peaks.
• All traction parameters, electric braking and hydraulic function parameters can be set according to the client’s requirements (by a Service Centre).
• Data transmission using the Can-Bus system, with a considerable reduction in the number of cables.
Translation - Italian • Impianto unico di sollevamento e trazione ad alta frequenza per una operazione silenziosa e a basso consumo. Questo impianto protegge anche i motori e la batteria da eccessiva usura poiché evita picchi di corrente.
• Tutti i parametri della trazione, frenatura elettrica e funzioni idrauliche sono programmabili secondo le necessità del cliente (dal Servizio Assistenza).
• La trasmissione dei dati avviene col sistema Can-Bus con un considerevole risparmio di cablaggi.
English to Italian Translator, Italian to English technical translations, Fork lift trucks Excavators Materials Handling Mechanical Engineering Electrical Cars, Automotive Translation English to Italian to English, Trucks Lorries Electrics Electronics Hydraulics Workshop manuals Engines, Gear boxes, Technical Translations, Transaxles Electric motors DC DC Converters Electric traction controls MOSFET Thyristors Batteries and Chargers Transformers Scientific texts . Accounting Commercial Contract Law Music Visual Arts History Astronomy Navigation Traduttore Italiano Inglese Italiano Carrelli Elevatori Muletti Automobili Componenti Ricambi, Manuali d'Officina, Manuali Uso e Manutenzione, Convertitiori CC, Trasporti interni Impilatori Convogliatori Gru Argani Motori Diesel Benzina Tiristori, Translations both ways, Trasformatori Raddrizzatori Caricabatterie Batterie
Former UK Service Manager, Export Sales Area Manager, Accounts Technician. During my career I have translated hundreds of documents from English into Italian and vice versa. As a freelance translator I have translated dozens of User Manuals, Workshop Manuals etc. mostly for the automotive industry. Some of them run into hundreds of pages. I seldom use dictionaries: glossaries reside in my head, they have been accumulating for 40 years now!.
ATA Member
Spell Checker: Automatic in both Languages.
Dictionaries and Reference Library:
Oxford Illustrated Dictionary
Chambers: Science and Technology Dictionary
Hutchinson: Encyclopedia of Science
Nuttall's: Standard Dictionary for the English Language
Chamber's Thesaurus
Fowler's: Modern English Usage
Swan's: Anglo-American Dictionary
Devoto - Oli: Nuovo Vocabolario Illustrato della Lingua Italiana
F.Palazzi: Dizionario della Lingua Italiana
Zanichelli: Dizionario Enciclopedico Scientifico Tecnico (American with Italian listing)
N. Zingarelli: Vocabolario della lingua italiana
Reference Electronic Library: Encyclopedia Britannica Encarta 1998
Gremese - Spada: Dizionario Enciclopedico Universale
B.A. Kipfer: Flip Dictionary
Cassel's: Italian - English Dictionary (American).
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Keywords: mechanics, electronics, electrics, hydraulics, transport, dc and ac traction controls, forklifts, excavators, c ars, trucks. See more.mechanics, electronics, electrics, hydraulics, transport, dc and ac traction controls, forklifts, excavators,c ars,trucks, gearboxes, battery technolgy, warehouses, spare parts,commercial,engineering,production,music,arts,theatre,optics,yachting.. See less.
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