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Feb 8, 2022 (posted Just started translation of an IFU of a unipolar ablation device used for pericardioscopic ablation, Engish to Arabic, 2500 words, for a global brand. ...more, + 15 other entries »
Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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Translation Volume: 6500 words Languages: English to Arabic
IFU of an "Extended Infusion Set", Updated Version
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Translation Volume: 250 words Languages: English to Arabic
Translating an appreciation card for a Global Clinical Development company
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Translation Volume: 650 words Languages: English to Arabic
Updating some patient documents of a previously translated clinical trial.
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Editing/proofreading Volume: 150 words Languages: English to Arabic
Proofreading of a "Thank You" card for Clinical Trial Participants
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Translation Volume: 2300 words Languages: English to Arabic
Translating a User Guide of an insulin pump - just a complementary part
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Translation Volume: 6800 words Languages: Arabic to English
Translated a clinical research study about Advanced Bladder Cancer
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Translation Volume: 2500 words Languages: English to Arabic
Translation of an IFU for an embolization device which is used for endovascular embolization of cerebral aneurysms.
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Translation Volume: 26 words Completed: May 2008 Languages: English to Arabic
120 page translation of a medical booklet in the field of Emergency Support
Medical: Health Care
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Translation Volume: 35000 words Completed: Sep 2009 Languages: English to Arabic
Oral B & Crest web content
Oral B & Crest products
Medical: Health Care, Medical: Dentistry
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Translation Volume: 2973 words Completed: May 2011 Languages: English to Arabic
Eleven page translation of clinical study
Research clinical study
Medical: Pharmaceuticals
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Translation Volume: 5000 words Completed: Mar 2012 Languages: English to Arabic
Some medical questionnaires
Medical: Health Care
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Blue Board entries made by this user
8 entries
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Wire transfer, Check, Money order, Skrill, PayPal, American Express
Sample translations submitted: 2
English to Arabic: Youth
Source text - English Youth
Youth have been at the essence of the most important movements throughout history and signify a key engine of sustainable human development and a source that doesn’t replete, thus investing in their capabilities and involving them in the decision making process are two eminent musts. Youth should not only be seen as the leaders of tomorrow, but rather leaders of today. Also, they should not be considered the problem but rather the solution
Translation - Arabic الشباب
لقد كَانَ الشباب جوهراً لأكثرالحركاتِ أهميةً عبرالتاريخِ ويمثل محركاً أساسياً للتنمية البشرية ومنبع لا يُعَوضْ، ومن ثم فإن استثمار قدراتهم وإشراكهم في عملية اتخاذ القرار هما أبرز الضروريات. فلا ينبغي رؤية الشباب كقادة الغد فحسب، لكنهم بالأحرى قادة اليوم. كما لا يجب اعتبارهم المشكلة بل الحل.
English to Arabic: Medical/Cholesterol
Source text - English Cholesterol
Cholesterol is absolutely necessary for the body to function. Cholesterol is a fatty substance that is not soluble in water and that is used as the raw material in the construction of cell walls. Other important substances, such as hormones and bile, are also made from cholesterol. Since cholesterol is so essential, the greater part of cholesterol in the body is made by the body itself, mainly in the liver.
The terms “good” and “bad” cholesterol are now fairly well known. Bad cholesterol causes cardiovascular diseases, while good cholesterol protects against them.
That one and the same substance can be both good and bad for our health sounds contradictory. In fact, good and bad cholesterol are two different things. By bad cholesterol, we mean the cholesterol that is packed in LDL lipoprotein particles and by good cholesterol the cholesterol in HDL lipoprotein particles. The cholesterol is the same, only the packaging is different.
The LDL particles (bad cholesterol) have such small dimensions that they can penetrate through the inner lining of a blood vessel. This inner lining is called the endothelium. When the cholesterol level is too high under the endothelium, where there are connective tissues and muscle cells, there is an accumulation of LDL particles in the blood vessel wall.
The blood contains a special type of white blood cell that has a ‘cleaning-up’ function, the ‘macrophages’. Macrophages sniff out, as it were, the accumulated LDL particles under the endothelium of the blood vessel and set out to clean them up. There are, however, so many LDL particles that the macrophages are not able to clean all of them up. The macrophages literally cram themselves full of LDL particles, die due to this and remain under the endothelium. These dead cells attract yet more macrophages to clean them up and the process repeats itself.
Translation - Arabic الكوليستيرول
الكوليستيرول هو بالتأكيد ذو أهمية لعمل الجسم. الكوليستيرول عبارة عن مادة دهنية لا تذوب في الماء ويستخدم كمادة خام في بناء جدران الخلية. والمواد الأخرى الهامة، كالهرمونات والصفراء تصنع من الكوليستيرول. ونظراً لأن الكوليستيرول ضروري جداً، فإن الجزء الأكبر من الكوليستيرول في الجسم يصنع بواسطة الجسم ذاته، في الكبد بصورة أساسية.
ومصطلحي الكوليستيرول "النافع" و"الضار" أصبحا الآن معروفين تماماً. الكوليسيترول الضار يسبب "أمراض الأوعية الدموية"، بينما يعمل الكوليستيرول النافع على حمايتهم.
وأن تكون المادة بعينها نافعة وضارة لصحتنا أمر يبدو متناقض. في الحقيقة، الكوليستيرول النافع والضار هما شيئين مختلفين. وبالنسبة للكوليستيرول الضار، فنحن نعني، ذلك الكوليستيرول المغلف بجسيمات البروتينات الدهنية منخفضة الكثافة «LDL» أما بالنسبة للكوليستيرول النافع فنعني الكوليستيرول المغلف بجسيمات البروتينات الدهنية مرتفعة الكثافة «HDL». فالكوليستيرول واحد، ولكن الغلاف مختلف.
جسيمات البروتينات الدهنية منخفضة الكثافة «LDL» (الكوليستيرول الضار) لها نفس الأبعاد الصغيرة التي تجعلها تخترق البطانة الداخلية للوعاء الدموي. وتسمى البطانة الداخلية بـ "البطانة الوعائية الفارشة". فعندما يصبح مستوى الكوليستيرول مرتفع جداً تحت البطانة الوعائية الفارشة، حيث يوجد أنسجة ضامة وخلايا عضلية، يحدث تراكم لجسيمات البروتينات الدهنية منخفضة الكثافة «LDL» في جدار الوعاء الدموي.
يحتوى الدم على نوع خاص من خلايا الدم الحمراء لها وظيفة الالتهام (البلعمة) عن طريق الخلايا البلعمية الكبيرة. والخلايا البلعمية الكبيرة تكتشف جسيمات البروتينات الدهنية منخفضة الكثافة «LDL» المتراكمة الموجودة تحت البطانة الوعائية الفارشة للوعاء الدموي وتستعد لالتهامها. ومع ذلك، هناك العديد من جسيمات البروتينات الدهنية منخفضة الكثافة «LDL» التي لا تقدر الخلايا البلعمية الكبيرة على التهامها جميعاً. وبمعنى بسيط فإن الخلايا البلعمية الكبيرة تقحم نفسها لتصبح ممتلئة بجسيمات البروتينات الدهنية منخفضة الكثافة «LDL»، ثم تموت نتيجة لذلك وتبقى تحت البطانة الوعائية الفارشة. وهذه الخلايا الميتة لا تزال تجذب المزيد من الخلايا البلعمية الكبيرة التي تلتهما وتكرر العملية نفسها.
Arabic to English (KSA: General Directorate Of Health Affairs, Riyadh) Arabic to English (KSA: General Directorate Of Health Affairs, Ahsaa) English to Arabic (KSA: Safari Co. Ltd, Riyadh ) English to Arabic (KSA: King Khaled Hospital, Al Kharj) English to Arabic (ARE: Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University, verified)
English to Arabic (ARE: Computer Center, Mansoura University, verified)
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I am a freelance medical translator with over 15 years of experience in medical, clinical, pharmaceutical, biomedical, patent and life sciences translations.
I am featured as a qualified and certified medical translator with a B.A. in English Language & Literature, working as a Patient-Clinician Communicator, and assisting R&D Pharma to develop (patent) new drugs, treatment methods, and biologics. I pride myself for delivering top-notch quality that meets internationally accepted criteria in a wide range of linguistic services that include Translation, Editing, Proofreading, MTPE, Transcription and Voice-Over. My clients are always assured to order and receive high quality in a timely manner and at affordable prices.
Qualifications & accreditations
I am an effective Arabic linguist with a BA degree in English language and literature. I have a BA degree in English Language and Literature, and I am accredited by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCFHS), and ATN-APTS in Lebanon.
Practical experience
As I have been working as a medical freelance translator since 2003, I gained a demonstrated experience in medical translation, where quality is not a luxury but a necessity. I have successfully handled hundreds of projects in the fields of clinical trials, pharmaceutical, medical devices, Life Sciences, and patent translation.
Skills & multitasking
I pride myself on being multi-tasker, and being able to nimbly switch from one linguistic task to the other. Linguistic tasks I can do include, but not limited to, the following:
Translation-Editing-Proofreading (TEP)
Translation Quality Assessments (TQA)
Quality Review of Documents (QRD)
Harmonization of EQ-5D Instruments
Linguistic Validation (Cognitive Debriefing Interviews and Questionnaires)
Translation and Cultural adaptation of Patient-Reported Outcomes (PRO)
Core therapeutic areas I work in
Cardiovascular and Diabetes, Oncology, Respiratory, HIV and Infectious Disease, Surgery and Robotics, Emergency Medicine, Allergy medication, Cardiology & Vascular Intervention, Cosmetology, Dermatology, Endocrinology, Fertility Medicine, Gastroenterology, Hematology, Immunology, Infectious Diseases, Infection Prevention, Nephrology, Neurology, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Oncology, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Pain medication, Pediatrics, Pulmonology, Toxicology, Urology, and Vaccines.
Content and document types I translate
Patient Facing materials: ICF, PIS, PAC, PROs & ePROs, PIL, Patient Questionnaires, and Diaries, etc. - Target audience: Patients of all ages
Drug Safety and Pharmacovigilance Documents: SAEs/SUSARs, DSURs, PSURs, CIOMS Forms, eCRFs. - Target audience: Healthcare Professionals
EC-RA correspondences: MoH letters, EC and CEC approval letters, etc. - Target audience: Ethics Committees and Healthcare Professionals
Legal, financial and insurance documents: Investigator/Institution contracts, Budgets, Patent applications - Target audience: Institutions and Investigators
Medical device documents: IFUs, DFUs, maintenance & operator’s manuals, etc. - Target audience: Biomedical engineers, sales personnel, government regulators, and caregivers
Production requirement documents and SOPs: Quality Policy, Quality Manual, Site Master File, Validation Master Plan, SOPs, etc. - Target audience: Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
Product Labeling: Product labels, package inserts, Medication guides, etc. - Target audience: Patients and Healthcare professionals
Medical Software: User interface, test procedures, online help, etc. - Target audience: Healthcare Industry
Marketing and advertising: Web content, advertisements, posters, newsletters, brochures, customer correspondence, etc. - Target audience: Patients and Healthcare Professionals
Technical Meeting Materials: Training manuals, courses, and presentations, scientific articles, research papers, Meeting reports, etc. - Target audience: Healthcare Professionals, Investigators, Researchers
Computer-Aided Translation (CAT) tools
I pride myself on being a skillful user of Computer-Aided Translation (CAT) tools, and Quality Assurance (QA) Checkers. I am a proficient user of SDL Trados Studio (2019), Wordfast Pro, MemoQ 2015, and XTM. Also, I professionally use Xbench, QA Distiller, and Ltb (Linguistic ToolBox).
Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance (QA)
I- Quality Control (QC): All completed translation projects must go through a Quality Control Process for several checks and balances to ensure the best possible product for the end-user free from any semantic mistakes, syntactical mistakes, or stylistic mistakes. This process includes some steps which vary slightly according to the provided service as listed below:
A - Semantic mistakes:
Are there any paragraphs, sentences, or words omitted?
Are there any words omitted or added such that the sentence meaning is changed?
Are there incorrect shades of meaning used (i.e., incorrect connotation)?
Are there phrases mistranslated due to a lack of understanding of context or culture?
Are there any ambiguities in the meaning?
B - Syntactical mistakes:
Is the target language structure maintained despite the influence of source text?
Are there grammatical errors?
Are there any spelling mistakes?
Are the punctuation rules of the target language being followed?
C - Stylistic mistakes:
Is there any incoherence?
Are archaic words being used?
Is there any unnecessary repetition?
Is there any awkwardness?
II - Quality Assurance (QA): After completing the quality control process, I run a QA checker such as use Xbench, QA Distiller, or Ltb, identically use Xbench, for consistency of the translated text, numbers, omission, tag verifier, spacing, punctuation, and regular expressions.
Resources and Dictionaries
I use the following resources and dictionaries in all translation projects:
Medicine and Dentistry Dictionaries:
The unified medical dictionary, English – Arabic, approved by WHO
The unified dictionary of dentistry, English – Arabic, approved by WHO
Pharmaceutical Dictionaries:
The unified dictionary of pharmacy, English – Arabic, approved by WHO
Master drug index 2007 - Pharmacopoeia (4 volumes), English and Arabic, approved by WHO
Patent, Scientific & Technical Dictionaries:
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Legal Dictionary (2012)
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Dictionary of Patents (2012)
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh IP Dictionary 1st edition (2000)
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh IP Dictionary 2nd edition (2013)