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Spanish to English: Proposed method for sample design for analysis of Twitter use in political communication General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Source text - Spanish Este artículo persigue reducir el volumen de datos a analizar y esto se puede hacer en base a determinar cronológicamente un punto en el tiempo, en el que se encuentre el mayor volumen de datos relacionados con un tema. A su vez, esto se puede realizar expresando el tema a través del uso de nodos semánticos de interconexión discursiva, como pueden ser las palabras clave (keywords), ya sea en forma de etiquetas (hashtags) o bien de menciones (mentions).
El principal objetivo de este trabajo, desde una perspectiva multidisciplinar de los estudios en Comunicación, consiste en proponer un indicador válido que permita señalar un momento en el tiempo, en el desarrollo de un caso de estudio en los ámbitos de la Comunicación Política en Twitter, que configure un conjunto de datos que resulte óptimo y significativo para el análisis del caso. Este indicador representa una selección válida de inputs o entradas de datos en Twitter sobre un tema determinado en un momento concreto. Esta selección de información para su análisis, configura un conjunto de datos que reduce significativamente la gestión del universo de información recolectada en una base de datos.
Translation - English This research focuses on reducing Twitter data volumes for analysis by identifying the point in time at which the debate on a certain topic peaked and by examining the topic through the use of semantic nodes of discursive interconnection, such as keywords in the form of either hashtags or mentions.
The main objective of this work, undertaken from a multidisciplinary communication studies perspective, is to describe an indicator for marking particular points in time and highlighting key tweets in case studies pertaining to political communication via Twitter so as to establish an optimal and meaningful set of data for analysisUltimately, using the resulting set of data makes it much easier to handle a universe of data stored in a database.
Catalan to English: Research proposal General field: Social Sciences
Source text - Catalan Per una banda, en termes de continuïtat, l’eix vertebrador de la nostra activitat pivota al voltant de la creació i desenvolupament d’una producció acadèmica internacional de qualitat. Els camins per assolir-ho persegueixen mesures ambicioses en la captació de recursos que ens permetin una major solidesa en la difusió, la competitivitat i impacte de les nostres activitats. L’exploració i eixamplament de les oportunitats de participació en consorcis europeus amb el programa Horitzó 2020 com a paraigües s’ha convertit en un objectiu prioritari que ja ha donat els seus fruits des que l’any 2009 vàrem participar com a partners en un consorci europeu del 7è Programa Marc de la UE o en altres col·laboracions amb consorcis europeus. En aquesta línia, investigadors membres del grup participen en el projecte recentment aprovat en el marc del programa European ERA4CS Joint Call for Transnational Collaborative. Topic B - Researching and Advancing Climate Service Development by Institutional Integration, i que porta per títol “Integrated approach for the development across Europe of user oriented climate indicators for GFCS high-priority sectors: agriculture, disaster risk reduction energy, health, water and tourism (INDECIS)”. Aquest projecte farà inventari de les dades existents per crear un conjunt d’índexs climàtics pertinents dirigits als sectors d’alta prioritat del World Meteorological Organization’s Global Framework for Climate Services (agricultura, reducció de risc de desastre, energia, salut i aigua) i el turisme. Una vegada feta aquesta tasca, convertirà les dades en serveis climàtics útils per a un ampli rang d’stakeholders i generarà estratègies per a la seva divulgació i comunicació. Els investigadors d’ASTERISC participen en aquesta última fase que s’emmarca dintre del WP7 Generation and Communication of Climate Services.
Translation - English In terms of continuity, the backbone of our activity is the creation and development of quality internationally-recognized academic output. To achieve this we have employed ambitious measures for attracting funding, which enable our activities to reach a wider audience, making them more competitive and raising their social impact.
One of our priorities is to explore more extensive opportunities to take part in European consortia, under the umbrella of the Horizon 2020 programme. We began to reap the benefits of this strategy in 2009 when we were partners at a European consortium as part of the 7th EU Framework Programme and since then we have participated in other European consortia. In this respect, investigators from the group are taking part in a project that has been recently approved within the framework of the European ERA4CS Joint Call for Transnational Collaborative Research Projects.
The project falls into the Topic B category—Researching and Advancing Climate Services Development by Institutional Integration—and is entitled “Integrated approach for the development across Europe of user oriented climate indicators for GFCS high-priority sectors: agriculture, disaster risk reduction energy, health, water and tourism (INDECIS)”. This project will inventory existing datasets to produce a set of relevant climate indices targeting the high priority sectors of the World Meteorological Organization’s Global Framework for Climate Services (agriculture, disaster risk reduction, energy, health, water) plus tourism. Once this has been accomplished, the data will be transformed into climate services which will be of use to a wide range of stakeholders. In addition, specific strategies will be designed to share information about these services. Researchers at ASTERISC are collaborating in this latter stage, which falls within the framework of the WP7 Generation and Communication of Climate Services.
Spanish to English: Articles of Association of XXXX General field: Bus/Financial
Source text - Spanish Artículo 2°.- Objeto social.
1. Integran el objeto social, las siguientes actividades :
a.-La contratación, gestión y ejecución, directa o indirectamen-te, con medios propios o ajenos, de obras terrestres y marítimas, y públicas y privadas, de movimiento de tierras y perforaciones, de puentes, viaductos y grandes estructuras, de construcción, rehabilitación y mantenimiento de edificios, de ferrocarriles, hidráulicas, marítimas, de viales de carreteras, de autovías y autopistas, de pistas de aeropuertos, de oleoductos y gasoductos, de instalaciones eléctricas, electrónicas y mecánicas, de cimentaciones, sondeos, inyecciones, pilotajes, tablestacados, pinturas, metalizaciones, ornamentaciones y decoraciones, de jardinería y plantaciones, de restauraciones de bienes inmuebles histórico artísticos, de estaciones de tratamiento de aguas, de instalaciones contra incendios, y aquellas ordenadas a la conservación y mejora del medio ambiente, incluso las de conservación integral de todas ellas y toda otra clase de obras
Translation - English Article 2. Corporate object
1. The corporate object of the Company comprises the following activities:
a. The contracting, management and execution, directly or indirectly, with own or external resources, of terrestrial and maritime, and public and private works, of land movement and drilling for bridges, viaducts and large structures, construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of buildings, railways, hydraulic structures, maritime works, roadways, highways and freeways, airport runways, oil and gas pipelines, electrical, electronic and mechanical installations, foundations, probes, injections, pile driving, sheet piling, painting, metallization, ornamentation and decoration of gardens and plantations, restoration of artistic historical buildings, water treatment plants, fire protection systems, and installations for the preservation and improvement of the environment, including the comprehensive maintenance of all the aforementioned installations and all other kinds of works and constructions.
Translation education
Master's degree - University of Portsmouth
Years of experience: 24. Registered at Mar 2000.
I was born and brought up in the south of England, and after completing a degree in French and European Studies at the University of Sussex I moved to Spain where I lived for the next 16 years. Since most of this time was spent living in Barcelona, I learned Catalan to a very proficient level and began translating from Catalan as well as from Spanish. I then lived in India and Kenya where I widened my worldview and gained experience in an international setting.
I specialised in translation over 20 years ago and since then I have worked in different areas including translating, proofreading, interpreting and language training.
In terms of professional translation qualifications, I have a Certificate in Translation from the University of Geneva, a Masters in Translations Studies from the University of Portsmouth and a diploma in Spanish translation from the Chartered Institute of Linguists.
I spent 4 years working for an international audit firm where I specialised in financial translation and audit. Since working freelance I have undertaken a wide range of subject areas such as energy, academia, research, marketing, among others. I regularly translate from Spanish and Catalan into my native language, English.
I am a member of MET (Mediterranean Editors & Translators) and keep up-to-date with new developments in the translation industry.
I have recently passed the United Nations translator and editor exam to qualify to work with the organisation on a temporary or freelance basis. I also collaborate with Translators without Borders.