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English to Spanish: The impacts of climate change on biodiversity in Caribbean islands: what we know, what we need to know, and building capacity effective adaptation. General field: Science Detailed field: Environment & Ecology
Source text - English Multidisciplinary research is also needed for the development of more effective conservation strategies. Networks of protected areas (PAs) are seen as critically important to the conservation of biodiversity, but their management is often inadequate or non-existent. Creating successful PAs will require the input of ecologists, social scientists and economists in order to develop effective management regimes and secure the input and support of local communities. The burgeoning field of environmental economics is developing rigorous methodologies that offer new insights and guidance to policy-makers.
Perhaps most importantly, the project has highlighted the need for more effective communication between scientists, policy-makers and communities. Greater public awareness and understanding is required to provide Caribbean communities with the knowledge, tools and skills to effectively adapt to climate change.
Translation - Spanish La investigación multidisciplinaria resulta también necesaria para el desarrollo de estrategias conservacionistas más efectivas. Las redes de áreas protegidas (AP) se consideran de importancia vital para la conservación de la diversidad biológica, pero su manejo es, con frecuencia, inadecuado o inexistente. La creación de APs exitosas demandará el aporte de ecologistas, científicos sociales y economistas para de ese modo desarrollar regímenes administrativos eficaces y garantizar el aporte y el apoyo de las comunidades locales. El floreciente campo de la economía ambiental está desarrollando rigurosas metodologías que incrementan la comprensión del tema por parte de los decisores y les sirven de orientación.
Quizás lo más importante es que el proyecto ha puesto de relieve la necesidad de que se produzca una comunicación más efectiva entre los científicos, los decisores y las comunidades. Se requiere incrementar la conciencia y el discernimiento públicos para pertrechar a las comunidades caribeñas con el conocimiento, las herramientas y las habilidades que les permitan una adaptación efectiva al cambio climático.
English to Spanish: Patterns of Fashion General field: Other Detailed field: Textiles / Clothing / Fashion
Source text - English Cloth stuff or silk purloined by tailors from their employers which they deposit in a place called hell or their eye: from the first, when taxed with their knavery, they equivocally swear thar if they have taken any they may find it in hell; or alluding to the second, protest that what they have over and above is not more than they could put in their eye. This slang term is becoming increasingly rare and may, perhaps be confined to the South of England en (in? and?) the London area.
Translation - Spanish Los diversos paños y sedas hurtados por los sastres a sus empleadores eran guardados por ellos en un lugar al que denominaban ‘infierno’ u ‘ojo’: utilizaban el primer término cuando eran acusados por su bribonada y con ambigüedad juraban que de haber robado, ello no pudiera hallarse en otro lugar que en el infierno; del segundo se valían cuando declaraban enérgicamente que todo lo que en exceso poseían cabía en uno de sus ojos. Este vocablo dialectal es cada vez menos utilizado y puede que esté confinado al sur de Inglaterra y el área de Londres.
Years of experience: 44. Registered at Oct 2006. Became a member: Jun 2007.
English (University of Havana, verified) English to Spanish (ACTI)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint
Other - Slow and limited connection affect my career. It is not Proz fault
Former associate professor at Universidad de La Habana. Retired early in 1991.
Freelancer for over forty years. Translations done to the entire satisfaction of very demanding institutions include novels (historical, historical fiction, fiction), essays (politics, diplomacy and related subjects), science books and papers (geomorphology, environmental sciences, geology, geography), scripts, texts on philosophy and religion, and documents for/on international organizations.
Love working for clients that expect nothing but the best. Consider translation an act of creation.
CV available upon request.
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