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Sample translations submitted: 1
English to Bosnian: Marketing Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - English Four Ps (marketing mix)
In popular usage, "marketing" is the promotion of products, especially advertising and branding. However, in professional usage the term has a wider meaning that recognizes that marketing is customer centered. Products are often developed to meet the desires of groups of customers or even, in some cases, for specific customers. McCarthy divided marketing into four general sets of activities. His typology has become so universally recognized that his four activity sets, the Four Ps, have passed into the language.
The Four Ps are:
Product: The Product management and Product marketing aspects of marketing deal with the specifications of the actual good or service, and how it relates to the end-user's needs and wants.
Pricing: This refers to the process of setting a price for a product, including discounts.
Promotion: This includes advertising, sales promotion, publicity, and personal selling, and refers to the various methods of promoting the product, brand, or company.
Placement or distribution refers to how the product gets to the customer; for example, point of sale placement or retailing. This fourth P has also sometimes been called Place, referring to “where” a product or service is sold, e.g. in which geographic region or industry, to which segment (young adults, families, business people, women, men, etc.).
These four elements are often referred to as the marketing mix. A marketer can use these variables to craft a marketing plan. The four Ps model is most useful when marketing low value consumer products. Industrial products, services, high value consumer products require adjustments to this model. Services marketing must account for the unique nature of services. Industrial or B2B marketing must account for the long term contractual agreements that are typical in supply chain transactions. Relationship marketing attempts to do this by looking at marketing from a long term relationship perspective rather than individual transactions.
Translation - Bosnian Četiri puta 'P' ( marketinška kombinatorika )
U svakodnevnoj upotrebi, “marketing” znači promociju proizvoda, naročito njihovo reklamisanje i označavanje. Međutim, u profesionalnoj upotrebi taj termin ima šire značenje koje podrazumijeva orijentisanost marketinga prema kupcima. Proizvodi se često osmišljavaju kako bi izišli u susret željama neke grupe kupaca, a u nekim slučajevima i za specifične grupe kupaca. McCarthy je razvrstao aktivnosti marketinga u četiri osnovne podjele. Njegova je tipologija toliko postala univerzalno prihvaćena da su njegove četiri podjele aktivnosti, Četiri puta 'P', postale dio svakodnevnog jezika.
Četiri puta 'P' znači:
Proizvod: Uključuje aspekte Upravljanja proizvodom i Marketinga proizvoda koji se odnose na detaljan opis konkretne robe ili usluge, i kako se to odražava na želje i potrebe krajnjeg korisnika.
Procijenjivanje – određivanje cijene: Odnosi se na proces određivanja cijene proizvoda, uključujući i određivanje popusta.
Promocija: Uključuje oglašavanje, promociju prodaje, reklamu, sopstvenu prodaju i odnosi se na razne metode promocije proizvoda, njegovog imena ili kompanije.
Plasman: ...ili distribucija odnosi se na način kako proizvod dolazi do kupca, naprimjer, odabirenje mjesta prodaje na veliko ili prodaje na malo. Ovaj četvrti P nekada se nazivao i Mjesto, odnoseći se na “mjesto gdje” se proizvod ili usluga prodaje, npr. u kojem geografskom regionu ili industriji i kojem segmentu ( mladi, odrasli, porodice, poslovni ljudi, žene, muškarci itd. ).
Spomenuta četiri elementa često se nazivaju i marketinška kombinatorika. Trgovac može upotrebiti ove varijable kako bi osmislio marketinški plan. Model “Četiri P” je najkorisniji u marketingu s proizvodima nižih potrošačkih cijena. Industrijski proizvodi, usluge, proizvodi visokih potrošačkih cijena zahtijevaju neka prilagođavanja ovog modela. Kod marketinga usluga mora se računati na jedinstvenu prirodu usluga. Industrijski ili B2B marketing mora uzeti u obzir dugoročne ugovorne sporazume koji su uobičajeni u transakcijama dostavnog lanca. Marketinški odnosi nastoje sagledavati marketing s tačke dugoročnih odnosa, radije nego s tačke individualnih transakcija.
Translation education
Other - fesb split croatia
Years of experience: 22. Registered at Oct 2006.
I have more than 10 years of experience in translating as a associate in projects of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering.
Translating complexed data sheets, e.g. ccd chips from ITT; also covering IT branch regarding translation services.
I lived in England couple of months for educational purposes, invaluable asset in developing true translation expertise.