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Translation, Editing/proofreading, Training
Specializes in:
Law (general)
Law: Contract(s)
Government / Politics
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Finance (general)
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Sample translations submitted: 2
Spanish to English: LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY CAPITAL REDUCTION General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Spanish La respuesta es forzosamente negativa por cuanto la compensación, como medio de extinción total o parcial de la obligación (artículo 1156 del Código Civil), requiere de la concurrencia de unos requisitos cuya apreciación no puede quedar al arbitrio de una de las partes (artículo 1256 del Código Civil), por lo que, a falta de consentimiento no puede ser impuesta sino por resolución judicial, de acuerdo con los principios que rigen nuestro ordenamiento.
La DGRN concluye que el hecho de que el socio disidente pueda haber llevado a cabo el cobro de la parte que se le abona en metálico no empaña el hecho de que se pretenda hacer efectivo, sin su consentimiento, un modo distinto de extinción de la obligación.
Siendo así que no puede oponérsele unilateralmente, el órgano no puede hacer constar, en su perjuicio, que se ha llevado a cabo el reembolso del valor de su participación tal y como exige el artículo 201.3.1.º del RRM.
Translation - English The answer has to be no, because setoff as a means to fully or partially discharge an obligation (section 1156 of the Civil Code) involves meeting a given set of requirements which fulfillment cannot be left to the discretion of one of the parties (section 1256 of the Civil Code). Thus, if there is no consent, the setoff may only be imposed by a court, following the principles governing the Spanish legal system.
The General Office concludes that the fact that the dissident shareholder may have collected the portion paid in cash does not alter the fact that there is an intention to discharge the obligation by other means without his or her consent.
As the setoff cannot be enforced against that shareholder unilaterally, the board cannot record, to his or her detriment, that his or her stake has been reimbursed as established under section 201(3)(1) of the Commercial Registry Rules.
English to Spanish: Court of Appeal decision General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - English The Court of Appeal set aside the decision, accepting the argument made on behalf of the liquidator that under section 21(1)(b) no limitation period applied to the claim.
The defendants had argued that a claim for an account of profits or equitable compensation did not fall within section 21(1)(b) at all.
The Court of Appeal rejected that argument, holding that a claim for equitable compensation, in a case where the trustee's indirect interest in the trust asset had been converted to the use of the trustee, was an appropriate remedy to seek in an action falling within section 21(1)(b).
Translation - Spanish El Tribunal de Apelaciones casó la sentencia de primera instancia aceptando el argumento de la representación del liquidador de que, conforme al artículo 21.1.b), no se aplicaba plazo de prescripción alguno a la demanda.
Los demandados habían sostenido que la demanda reclamando los beneficios obtenidos o una justa indemnización no estaba comprendida en modo alguno en el artículo 21.1.b).
El Tribunal de Apelaciones rechazó dicho argumento, estableciendo que una demanda de justa compensación, cuando el interés indirecto del fiduciario en el bien objeto del fideicomiso hubiese sido objeto de apropiación para uso particular del fiduciario, era una reparación apropiada que sí se podía solicitar en una acción al amparo del artículo 21.1.b).
Translation education
Graduate diploma - Instituto Lucille Barnes
Years of experience: 23. Registered at Jul 2003.
Help or teach others with what I have learned over the years
Lawyer, translator, and Lecturer of Law. I’ve been a language professional for over 20 years. My bragging rights include translating the works of Nobel Prize laureates and working as an independent lawyer-linguist for the United Nations Universal Periodic Review of several Latin American States.
Keywords: law and finance, corporate communications, business correspondence, law reports, legal communications, legal disclaimers, contracts, terms and conditions, legal presentations, law firm profiles. See and finance, corporate communications, business correspondence, law reports, legal communications, legal disclaimers, contracts, terms and conditions, legal presentations, law firm profiles, law partner business cards, editorials and newsletters, slide show presentations, solo professional, working from home, working at law firms, company magazines, law firm magazines, Advertising & PR, legal communications, law tech, public relations, brochures, flyers, event flyers, brand name, English translation, English translators, Spanish translation, Spanish translator, #xl8, translation means business, business development, translations, traducción, traducción jurídica, traducción jurídica al inglés, traducción jurídica al español, presentations, Powerpoint, responsive, no-nonsense, resourceful, personal, social media strategy, legal expert, brochures and catalogs, complex, press releases, book, writer, claims, leaflets and flyers, advertising campaigns, advertising copy, slogans, promotional materials, Business & Commerce, business plans, management and staff memos and contracts, training materials, employee handbooks, contracts and SLAs, business correspondence, PR, localization, localisation, Market Research, humanities, social sciences, depositions, testimonials, discovery documents, questionnaires, surveys, studies, brochures, Certified Translations, birth and marriage certificates, police records, certificates of good conduct, academic certificates, English, Spanish, Linguistics, Social Sciences, Media, Business, Commerce, Marketing, Marketing Communications, Market Research, Advertising, PR, Translator, Editor, Proofreader, Translator in Argentina, Translator in Latin America, Translation, Certified, Sworn Translator, fast service, quick, reliable, references, sample, Freelance Translator, copywriting, copy editing, copywriter, copy editor, business communications, US English localisation, US English, English localization, Spanish localization, Spanish Latin America, Spanish South America, Spanish Argentina, Editing, Translation Services, Linguist, Forensic Linguistics, Trados, SDLX, SDL Trados, SDL Trados 2007, Studio 2009, SDL, SDL Trados Certified, ad hoc, current affairs, promotions, bilingual, bicultural, international, international English, standard English, US English, SEO, email marketing, mailings, top quality, best, lifestyle, linguistic consultancy, linguistic coding, legal linguistics, corporate presentations, company profiles, business correspondence, business cards, brochures, catalogs, press releases, editorials, university marketing, academic marketing, higher education marketing, essays, fast turnaround, QC, QA, quality assurance, proofing, creative writing, legal writing, eye for detail, thorough, professional, worry-free translations, no worries, no worries translations, IAPTI, International Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters, Head of Legal Affairs, innovative, rush job, immediately, today, translation agency, translation company, English language trainer, ATA, American Translators Association, IBA, International Bar Association. See less.
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