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Jun 18, 2022 (posted Just finished translating Rex Stone's children's novel A Triceratops Charge (English -> Swedish) for Swedish publishing house Berghs. Book release: 01/09/2022. ...more »
Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member
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English to Swedish: The T-rex Attack/ T-rex anfaller General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English He spotted a large blue-gray rock with a crack down the middle and dumped his backpack on the mud beside it. He dug out his safety goggles, his rock hammer, and chisel. Then he got to work, angling the chisel into the crack and tapping it with his hammer.
He tapped again. He tapped harder.
A stone chip pinged off Jamie's goggles as the rock split cleanly in two. 'Wow!' Jamie said. Sticking out of one half of the rock was a thin, smooth fossil like the pointed end of a spear. He measured it with the ruler edge of his chisel.
Translation - Swedish Han fick syn på en stor, blågrå bumling som var sprucken. Jamie kastade av sig ryggsäcken på den leriga marken och fiskade upp sina skyddsglasögon, sin stenhammare och mejsel och satte igång att arbeta. Han tryckte in mejseln i stenens spricka och slog försiktigt på den med sin hammare.
Han slog igen. Han slog hårdare.
En flisa träffade skyddsglasögonen när stenen sprack.
– Wow! utbrast Jamie.
Ur ena stenhalvan stack en smal, len, spjutliknande fossil ut. Han mätte den med mejseln.
English to Swedish: The T-rex Attack / T-rex anfaller General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English Then, he was back in the cave with Tess. Jamie felt the ginkgo fruit in his hand soften. In the flashlight beam, he watched it shrivel and crumble to dust.
Translation - Swedish Och plötsligt be fann han sig återigen i grottan med Tess. Ginkgofrukten i hans hand blev allt mindre. I ljusskenet från ficklampan såg han hur den skrumpnade ihop och smulades sönder.
Translation education
Master's degree - Université de Nantes
Years of experience: 3. Registered at Feb 2022. Became a member: Jun 2022.
My objective is to use my service awareness, my strong result focus and my communicative qualities to benefit my clients.
As a native speaker of English and Swedish, as well as a fluent user of French, I translate French, English and/or Swedish material into the target language of your choice (English or Swedish).
I also provide the following services:
Post-editing (MTPE)
I offer:
Linguistic savvy and stylistic versatility.
Strong language and writing skills.
Precision, accuracy and attention to detail.
Native authenticity: a fluid and natural style, which nonetheless remains faithful to the source document.
Effective communication and reliability.
Professionalism and punctuality.
Technical conformity.
Keywords: I am a professional writer and translator specialising in the following services: