Dr Kenny Wang is a NAATI Certified Specialist Legal Interpreter (CSLI) and a NAATI Certified Translator (English <> Chinese). He teaches interpreting and translation at Western Sydney University, Australia, specialising in legal interpreting and court interpreting. Dr Wang holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics and a Bachelor of Arts (Hons. I, University Medal) in Interpreting and Translation from Western Sydney University. He also works as a contract subtitler at SBS TV, having subtitled many films and documentaries for the Australian audience, including the English version of 《舌尖上的中国 1 & 2》 (A Bite of China 1 & 2) aired on SBS TV Australia, and also 16 episodes of 《中国通史》(History of China). Dr Kenny Wang is also available to provide expert evidence on issues relating to English <> Mandarin Chinese interpreting and translation for litigation and appellate work in all jurisdictions in Australia.