Member since Mar '21

Working languages:
English to French
Spanish to French
French (monolingual)
French to English
Fang to French

Charles Lucien Melingui
plusieurs années d'excellence

Yaounde, Centre, Cameroon
Local time: 04:14 WAT (GMT+1)

Native in: French (Variants: Standard-France, Canadian) Native in French, English (Variant: British) Native in English, Ewondo Native in Ewondo
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Oct 15, 2024 (posted via  I just finished a book of 698000 words from English to French. ...more, + 6 other entries »
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My name is Charles Melingui. My mother tongue is French. I translate from English to French. I came out of my mother's womb, translating. After working for major brands such as AMAZON, BMW, SHARP, I had the honor of being certified PRO and as you can see I'm a PRO. If you really want a job well done, contact me, my rates are always negotiable if you have a large volume.

  For the past 5 years, I have worked and continue to work hard to become a project manager. I'm available every day, even at weekends.                                                                                                                                                                   

I use SmartCat, Trados, Memoq, CafetranEspresso, Termium plus, and WordReference. For a quick response, by e-mail. I look forward to joining your team. I enclose my CV and profiles or

 I look forward to hearing from you. Please accept the assurances of my highest esteem.


Yours sincerely

Charles Melingui

Keywords: Traduction, journalistique, chef de projet, gestionnaire de projet, journal, adaptation cinématographique, relecture, édition, expérience, transcréation. See more.Traduction, journalistique, chef de projet, gestionnaire de projet, journal, adaptation cinématographique, relecture, édition, expérience, transcréation, transcription, édition, sous-titrage, copywriting, de l'anglais au français, France, Canada, de l'espagnol au français, France, Canada, Afrique, project Manager, Cameroun, en géologie, certificats, mécanique, automobile, mathématiques, Banque et finance, Sécurité, Marketing, Sport et jeux, Énergie, Médical, Juridique, E-learning, Agriculture, Littérature, Traduction BD, Technique, Informatique, Sites web, Pharmaceutique, Crypto monnaies, Robot, Pollution, Nucléaire, Religion, Armes à feu, Cinéma, Droit, Contrats, Porno, Médias sociaux, Mangas, réligion, énergie renouvellable, acte de naissance, de mariage, philosophie, manuel d’utilisation, de bonne qualité, brevet, SmartCat, Trados, Mensource, wordfast, Translation, film adaptation, proofreading, editing, experience, transcreation, transcription, editing, subtitling, copywriting, from English to French, France, Canada, from Spanish to French, France, Canada, Africa, Cameroon, in, geology, certificates, mechanics, automotive, mathematics, Banking and Finance, Security, Marketing, Sports and Games, Energy, Medical, Legal, E-learning, Agriculture, Literature, Comic Book Translation, Technical, Computer Science, Websites, Pharmaceutical, Crypto-currencies, Robot, Pollution, Nuclear, Religion, Firearms, Film, Law, Contracts, Porn, Social Media, Mangas, Religion, Renewable Energy, Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate, Philosophy, User's Manual, Good Quality, Patent, SmartCat, Trados, Mensource, Wordfast, news, novels, Traducción, adaptación de películas, corrección de pruebas, edición, experiencia, transcreación, transcripción, edición, subtitulación, redacción, del inglés al francés, Francia, Canadá, del español al francés, Francia, Canadá, África, Camerún, en, geología, certificados, mecánica, automoción, matemáticas, Banca y Finanzas, Seguridad, Marketing, Deportes y Juegos, Energía, Medicina, Legal, E-learning, Agricultura, Literatura, Traducción de cómics, Técnica, Informática, Páginas web, Farmacéutica, Criptomonedas, Robot, Contaminación, Nuclear, Religión, Armas de fuego, Cine, Derecho, Contratos, Porno, Medios de comunicación social, Mangas, Religión, Energías renovables, Certificado de nacimiento, Certificado de matrimonio, Filosofía, Manual de usuario, Buena calidad, Patente, SmartCat, Trados, Mensource, Wordfast, Übersetzung, Filmadaption, Korrekturlesen, Lektorat, Erfahrung, Transkreation, Transkription, Lektorat, Untertitelung, Copywriting, vom Englischen ins Französische, Frankreich, Kanada, vom Spanischen ins Französische, Frankreich, Kanada, Afrika, Kamerun, in, Geologie, Zeugnisse, Mechanik, Automobil, Mathematik, Banken und Finanzen, Sicherheit, Marketing, Sport und Spiele, Energie, Medizin, Recht, E-Learning, Landwirtschaft, Literatur, Comic-Übersetzung, Technik, Informatik, Websites, Pharmazie, Kryptowährungen, Roboter, Umweltverschmutzung, Atomkraft, Religion, Schusswaffen, Film, Recht, Verträge, Porno, soziale Medien, Mangas, Religion, erneuerbare Energien, Geburtsurkunde, Heiratsurkunde, Philosophie, Benutzerhandbuch, gute Qualität, Patent, SmartCat, Trados, Mensource, Wordfast, Traduzione, adattamento cinematografico, revisione, editing, esperienza, transcreazione, trascrizione, editing, sottotitolazione, copywriting, dall'inglese al francese, Francia, Canada, dallo spagnolo al francese, Francia, Canada, Africa, Camerun, in, geologia, certificati, meccanica, automotive, matematica, Banca e Finanza, Sicurezza, Marketing, Sport e Giochi, Energia, Medico, Legale, E-learning, agricoltura, letteratura, traduzione di fumetti, tecnica, informatica, siti web, farmaceutica, criptovalute, robot, inquinamento, nucleare, religione, armi da fuoco, film, legge, contratti, porno, social media, manga, religione, energia rinnovabile, certificato di nascita, certificato di matrimonio, filosofia, manuale d'uso, buona qualità, brevetto, SmartCat, Trados, Mensource, Wordfast, PRO certified, user manuals, tourist guide, technical translation, PRO certificato, manuali utente, guida turistica, traduzione tecnica, certifié PRO, manuels d'utilisation, guide touristique, traduction technique, Certificado PRO, manuales de usuario, guía turística, traducción técnica, zertifiziertes PRO, Benutzerhandbücher, Reiseführer, technische Übersetzungen, Certificado PRO, manuais do utilizador, guia turístico, tradução técnica, . See less.

Profile last updated
Nov 7, 2024

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