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Portuguese to English: Summaries from Sao Paulo's District Attorney's Office on Environment General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Environment & Ecology
Source text - Portuguese SÚMULA n.º 5: “Reparado o dano ambiental e não havendo base para a propositura de ação civil pública, o inquérito civil pode ser arquivado, sem prejuízo das eventuais providências penais que o caso comporte.”
Fundamento: Se o dano ambiental tiver sido integralmente reparado e, simultaneamente, não houver base para a propositura de qualquer ação civil pública, o Promotor de Justiça poderá promover o arquivamento do inquérito civil ou das peças de informação, ressalvados, evidentemente, eventuais aspectos penais (Pt. n. 31728/93).
SÚMULA n.º 6: “NÃO SE HOMOLOGA arquivamento fundado no caráter individual de perturbação de vizinhança, quando desta resulte poluição ambiental, ainda que exclusivamente sonora ou do ar, haja vista existência de interesses difusos e individuais homogêneos envolvidos na matéria.”
Fundamento: Eventual violação de normas de vizinhança, quando ensejadoras de dano ambiental, não enseja tutela meramente individual. Atinge interesses atinentes à qualidade de vida dos moradores da região (interesses individuais homogêneos), podendo ainda interessar a toda a coletividade (interesse difuso no controle das fontes de poluição da cidade, em benefício do ar que todos respiram). É o caso, por exemplo, de danos ambientais provocados por fábricas urbanas (Pt. n.º 15.939/91) e por poluição sonora que atinja número indeterminado de moradores (Pt. n.º 35.137/93).
SÚMULA n.º 18: “HOMOLOGA-SE a promoção de arquivamento em relação ao investigado cuja conduta não apresentar comprovado nexo causal com o resultado danoso em matéria ambiental ou cuja responsabilidade não decorrer de obrigação “propter rem”, ressalvada a hipótese de eventual responsabilidade do Poder Público pela reparação integral do dano ambiental por omissão no dever de fiscalização”.
Fundamento: Em matéria de dano ambiental, a Lei nº 6.938/81 estabelece a responsabilidade objetiva, o que afasta a investigação e a discussão da culpa, mas não se prescinde do nexo causal entre o dano havido e a ação ou omissão de quem se pretenda responsabilizar (art. 14, § 1º, da Lei nº 6.938/81: Pt. 35.752/93 e 649/94). Não comprovado o nexo causal entre a conduta do investigado e o dano ambiental, é possível a promoção de arquivamento em relação a tal investigado, sem prejuízo de providências para reparação do dano, ainda que a título subsidiário por omissão no dever de fiscalizar.
SÚMULA n.º 22: “Justifica-se a propositura de ação civil pública de ressarcimento de danos e para impedir a queima da palha de cana-deaçúcar, para fins de colheita, diante da infração ambiental provocada, independentemente de situar-se a área atingida sob linhas de transmissão de energia elétrica, ou estar dentro do perímetro de 1 km de área urbana.”
Fundamento: Os mais atuais estudos ambientais têm demonstrado a gravidade dos danos causados pela queimada na colheita da cana-deaçúcar ou no preparo do solo para plantio. Assim, em sucessivos precedentes, o Conselho Superior tem determinado a propositura de ação civil pública em defesa do meio ambiente degradado.
Translation - English SUMMARY Number 5: “Once the environmental damage has been repaired and there is no basis for proposing a public civil lawsuit, the civil investigation can be closed, without prejudice to any criminal measures that the case may include.”
Rationale: If the environmental damage has been fully repaired and, at the same time, there is no basis for the proposal of any public civil lawsuit, the Prosecutor may be able to motion to quash the civil investigation or the pieces of information, except, obviously, those criminal aspects that may exist (Pt. 31728/93).
SUMMARY Number 6: “THERE IS NO homologation of the motion to quash based on the individual character of neighborhood disturbance, when this results in environmental pollution, even if only of noise or of air, given the existence of diffuse and homogeneous individual rights involved in the matter.”
Rationale: Eventual violation of neighborhood rules, even when it causes environmental damage, does not entail merely individual protection. It affects interests related to the region's residents quality of life (homogeneous individual interests), and may also interest the entire community (diffuse interest in controlling the city's sources of pollution, for the benefit of the air that everyone breathes). It is the case, for instance, of environmental damage caused by urban factories (Law # 15,939/91) and by noise pollution that affects an indertermined number of inhabitants (Law # 35,137/93)
SUMMARY Number 18: "THE MOTION TO QUASH IS RATIFIED in relation to a investigated person whose conduct does not present a proven causal link to the damage regarding environmental issue or whose responsibility is not due to a "propter rem" type of obligation, except in case of eventual responsability of the Government in full reparations regarding omission on the inspection duty.
Rationale: in terms of environmental damages, the Law # 6,938/81 establishes objective responsibility, which prevents an investigation or discussion regarding guilt, but it does not prescind the causal link between the occurred damage and the action or omission of those whose responsibility is intended to be proven (art. 14, first paragraph, of the Law # 6,938 of 1981: article 35,752 of 1993 and 649 of 1994). If not proven the causal link between the investigated's actions and the environmental damage, it is possible to request a motion to quash regarding the investigated damages, without prejudice of further actions to repair the damage, even if by subsidiary responsibily by omission on supervision duties.
SUMMARY Number 22: "the proposal of a civil public lawsuit for repairing damages and to prevent the burning of cane straw from sugar cane,with harvest intent, is justified by the environmental infringement caused,independently of it being situated in an area covered by energy transmission lines, or by being inside 1 kilometer perimeter of the urban area."
Rationale: the most recent environmental studies have demonstrated the severity of the damages caused by the burning on sugar cane crops or on preparing the soil for planting. So, by successive precedents, the Superior Council has been determining the proposal of public civil lawsuit in defense of the degraded environment.
Years of experience: 6. Registered at Jul 2020.
Hi, I'm Ana and I'm a translator and interpreter EN-PTBR or PTBR-EN
I have worked as a Lawyer and a teacher and I have been working with languages for over 20 years
These is my résume
Looking forward into working with you!
Proficiency in English
01.Approved at the Proficiency Examination of the University Of Cambridge in 1995, which enables the one who has been approved to teach English as a foreign language;
02.Approved at the A1 Examination of the Federal University of Saint Petersburg, TRKI, in Russia, in 2.019;
03. Extension Certificate at SENAC on Distance Education, concluded in 2.020;
04. English Course concluded at the Independent British Institute (IBI) in 1993;
05. Approved at the First Certificate in English Exam (FCE), made by the University Of Oxford;
06.Approved at the Oxford Preliminary, made by the University Of Oxford;
07.Translation Course Concluded at Cultura Inglesa in 1996;
08.Graduated in Law from Centro de Ensino Universitário de Brasília (UniCEUB) in 1998;
09. Approved at the exam (vestibular) in order to attend Political Sciences at the University Of Brasília (UnB) in 1994.
Experience in working under pressure, flexibility, diversity of thought and knowledge, and high capacity of cooperating in teams. Facebook page: Ana Luiza Brown traduçõ es de inglê s
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