Roosevelt Jean-Francois is co-founder,
chief content creator, of The JFTEAM, a multimedia service company, which
produces translation, editing, and interpreting services in Creole, French, English, and Spanish. Roosevelt Jean-Francois started translating and interpreting as a local journalist, and a fixer based in Haiti, for several mainstream media outlets including The New York Times, Newsweek, The Los Angels Times, and Reuters. Jean-Francois is a Global Leadership Fulbright Research Scholar and Adjunct Professor at Florida Atlantic University (FAU). He also studied International Relations with a concentration on International Economic Organizations at the State University of Haiti. Roosevelt
Jean-Francois is a Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM). This award represents the highest level of educational
achievement in Toastmasters International. Jean-Francois is a sought-out interprepter and traslater. He translates and interprets for several companies including Kaiser Family Foundation, UNAIDS, UNICEF, Caribbean Media Network. He served on the
executive board of CECOSIDA, a not for profit organization committed against
the spread of HIV/AIDS and for the promotion of well being in Haiti and the
Haitian Diaspora.