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English to Arabic - Standard rate: 0.06 USD per word / 35 USD per hour / 6.00 USD per audio/video minute Arabic to English - Standard rate: 0.06 USD per word / 35 USD per hour / 6.00 USD per audio/video minute Arabic - Standard rate: 0.06 USD per word / 35 USD per hour / 6.00 USD per audio/video minute English - Standard rate: 0.06 USD per word / 35 USD per hour / 6.00 USD per audio/video minute
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English to Arabic: The Death of a Bachelor (short story) General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English Someone had knocked out the door, quite gently, but the doctor awake at once, turned on the light, and sat up in the bed. He glanced at his wife who was sleeping quietly, picked up his dressing-gown and, went into the hall. He did not recognize the old women who stood there, with the grey shawl over her head.
“The master is Suddenly taken very bad,” she said; “would the doctor be kind enough to come out once?”
Now he recognized the voice: it was the housekeeper of that old friend of his who had never married. the doctor’s first thought was, “my friend is fifty-five years old, his heart has been out of order for years—it might well be something serious” and he said, “I’ll come at once—will you wait for me?”
“Excuse me doctor, but I have to hurry round to two other gentlemen,” and she mentioned the names of the merchant and the author.
“But what is your business with them?”
“My master wants to see them again.”
“See them again?”
“Yes, sir.”
“He is sending for his friends,” thought the doctor, “because he feels very near to death,” ...and he asked, “Is anyone with your master?”
“Of course,” the old women answered. “Johann is with him all the time,” And she departed.
The doctor went back into his bedroom, and while he was dressing quickly and as noiselessly as possible, a feeling of bitterness came over him. It was not so much grief at the possibility of losing a good old friend, but the painful consciousness that they were all so far on in years, though not so long ago they had been young.
The doctor drove in an open carriage through the soft, heavy air of that spring night, to the neighboring suburb where his friend lived. He looked up at the bedroom window which stayed wide open, and whence the pale lamplight glimmered into the night.
Translation - Arabic طرق أحدهم الباب بكل احترام، فاستيقظ الطبيب فوراً. فتح الأنوار وجلس في السرير. ألقى نظرة على زوجته التي كانت نائمة بهدوء ثم ارتدى ثوب نومه وذهب الى الردهة. لم يتمكن فوراً من التعرف على المرأة الكبيرة الواقفة هناك مرتدية شالاً رمادياً حول رأسها.
قالت المرأة: لقد سائت حالة الرئيس الصحية فجأة، هلا تفضل الطبيب بالمجيء حالاً؟
الآن تمكن من التعرف على صوتها، لقد كانت مدبرة منزل أحد اصدقاءه القدامى والذي لم يتزوج أبداً. كان إعتقاد الطبيب الأول: إن صديقي يبلغ من العمر ٥٥ عاماً وإن قلبه خارج الخدمة منذ سنوات، لابد أن هناك شيء خطير ثم قال: سآتي فوراً، هلا انتظرتِني؟
-عذراً أيها الطبيب لكن علي الذهاب أيضاً الى رجلين آخرين، وذكرت اسما التاجر والمؤلف.
-لكن ماعملك معهم؟
-رئيسي يريد رؤيتهم مجدداً.
-رؤيتهم مجدداً؟
-نعم سيدي.
قال الطبيب في نفسه: لابد أنه طلب رؤية اصدقاءه لأنه شعر بإقتراب اجله وسأل: أهناك أحد بجوار سيدك؟
أجابت المرأة: بالطبع، جوهان معه طوال الوقت، ثم غادرت.
عاد الطبيب الى غرفة النوم وبينما كان يغير ثيابه بسرعة ومحاولاً عدم إصدار ضجة قدر الإمكان، إنتابه شعورُ بالمرارة. لم تكن مرارة الحزن لإحتمالية فقدان صديق جيد وقديم بقدر مرارة إدراكه المؤلم بأنهم كانوا بعيدين عن بعضهم طيلة سنوات، على الرغم من عدم مضي الكثير من الوقت منذ شبابهم.
قاد الطبيب عربة مفتوحة خلال الهواء العذب والشديد في ليلة ربيعية في الضاحية المجاورة لمكان عيش صديقه. نظر خلال نافذة غرفة النوم والتي كانت مفتوحة على مصراعيها ويمضُ عبرها ضوء المصباح الباهت ليضيء عتمة تلك الليلة.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Department of Translation/University of Basra
Years of experience: 6. Registered at Nov 2018.
English to Arabic (University of Basra, verified) Arabic to English (University of Basra, verified) Arabic (University of Basra, verified) English (University of Basra, verified)
Proofreading and editing of translations.
Translated client desires into compelling campaigns.
Reading through original material and rewriting it in the target language, ensuring that the meaning of the source text is retained.
Keywords: Arabic, English, Arabic into English, English into Arabic, Arabic to English, English to Arabic, translation, proofreading, subtitling, interpretation. See more.Arabic, English, Arabic into English, English into Arabic, Arabic to English, English to Arabic, translation, proofreading, subtitling, interpretation, . See less.