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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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Translation, Editing/proofreading
Specializes in:
Medical: Health Care
Medical (general)
Furniture / Household Appliances
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Sports / Fitness / Recreation
Medical: Instruments
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Education / Pedagogy
English to Italian - Standard rate: 0.05 EUR per word / 30 EUR per hour
English to Italian: Case report General field: Medical
Source text - English D8-D9 EXTRADURAL TUMOUR
Clinical evolution: three years (she underwent mastectomy at the age of 64). Before being admitted into hospital she suffered initial dorsolumbar pain which became intractable in a few months with shooting girdle irradiation in the lower thoracic region just above the umbilical line, interspersed with paraesthesias.
Neurological examination: almost complete paraplegia, only small toe movements are possible. Some slowed segmental movement in the left leg. Bilateral Babinski response. Absent left ankle jerk. Hyperaesthesia on sensitivity testing on D8. From D9-D10 complete anaesthesia.
Neuroradiological examination: At MR, oval expanding lesion in D8-D9, probably extradural. Minimal thickening above and below the lesion along the Dural plane does not rule out meningioma.
Operation: complete exeresis of a hard, compact horseshoe-shaped tumour compressing the Dural sac and enveloping the eighth dorsal root on the right.
Histological examination: metastasis from breast carcinoma.
Follow-up: immediate post-operative and long-term: in the first few days, improved motor response to painful stimuli and less sense of heaviness in the legs. Three months later, recovery of paraplegia with valid voluntary movements. One year later, the patient can walk with only minimal right side support.
Translation - Italian TUMORE EXTRADURALE D8-D9
Sviluppo clinico: tre anni (mastectomia all'età di 64 anni). Prima del ricovero soffriva inizialmente di dolore dorsolombare divenuto intrattabile in pochi mesi, con irradiazione acuta a cintura nel basso torace, poco sopra la linea ombelicale, intercalato da parestesie.
Esame neurologico: paraplegia quasi completa, possibili solo piccoli movimenti delle dita dei piedi. Qualche movimento segmentario rallentato della gamba sinistra. Babinski positivo bilateralmente. Assenza del riflesso achilleo a sinistra. Il test della sensibilità effettuato su D8 rivela iperestesia. Da D9-D10 completa anestesia.
Esame neuroradiologico: la RM rivela lesione ovale tra D8 e D9, probabilmente extradurale. L’ispessimento minimo sopra e sotto la lesione lungo il piano durale non esclude meningioma.
Intervento: asportazione completa di un tumore duro e compatto a forma di ferro di cavallo che comprimeva il sacco durale e circondava l’ottava radice dorsale destra.
Esame istologico: metastasi da carcinoma mammario.
Follow-up post-operatorio e a lungo termine: nei primi giorni migliorata risposta motoria allo stimolo doloroso e minore senso di pesantezza alle gambe. Dopo tre mesi, recupero da paraplegia con movimenti volontari validi. Dopo un anno, la paziente è in grado di camminare avvalendosi di minimo supporto al lato destro.
English to Italian: User Manual General field: Other
Source text - English Fresh & Safe Water
*All images are used for representation only.
User Manual
Water Purifier
We all go to great lengths to ensure that what we use is pure and safe water at home. More often than not, we compromise on the quality of tap water we use. The tap water we use may not be safe and thus we may be exposed to bacteria, viruses and germs that cause waterborne diseases. Now, with XXX Instant Water Purifier you can ensure your family gets safe, clean and germ-free water. XXX Instant Water Purifier traps 3 types of contaminant-physical, chemical and microbiological. Just connect the XXX Instant Water Purifier to your tap and get instant, convenient and unlimited supply of quality water suitable for not just drinking but also for brushing teeth, gargling, washing fruits/vegetables and cooking.
For best performance, maximum recommended height of water source to be 50 ft.
How do you get safe drinking water from 100% chemical free purification technology?
Stage 1
Particulate Filter: It is a special fine micro fibre filter mesh that is capable of removing all visible dirt and impurities.
Stage 2
Space Nano with Positive Charge Technology™ (PCT) is at the heart of the purification system. As leaders in water purification technology and backed with years of research, innovation and technology development; we have compressed two stages of purification into one. This has resulted in a unique technology which has complex nano fibres that attract and pull out harmful disease-causing bacteria and viruses from your water just like a magnet attracts and holds iron
particles. XXX uses 100% chemical free water purification technolgy process, hence you and your family gets pure and safe drinking water.
Translation - Italian Acqua pura e fresca
*Immagini a puro scopo illustrativo.
Manuale dell’utente
Facciamo di tutto per assicurarci che l’acqua che usiamo a casa sia pura e sicura. Spesso, però, si scende a compromessi sulla qualità dell’acqua del rubinetto. L’acqua dei nostri rubinetti, infatti, potrebbe non essere pura e potrebbe essere fonte di esposizione a batteri, virus e germi che causano malattie legate all'acqua. Con il Depuratore Istantaneo XXX potrete essere certi che la vostra famiglia berrà acqua pulita, sana e priva di germi. Il Depuratore Istantaneo XXX è in grado di catturare tre diversi tipi di agenti contaminanti: fisici, chimici e organici. È sufficiente collegare il Depuratore Istantaneo XXX al vostro lavandino e potrete usufruire immediatamente e comodamente di una quantità illimitata di acqua di altissima qualità. Non solo acqua da bere, ma anche per lavarsi i denti o fare risciacqui, lavare frutta/verdura e cucinare.
Per assicurare prestazioni ottimali si consiglia di scegliere una fonte idrica al di sotto dei 15 mt.
Come è possibile ottenere acqua potabile pura con una tecnologia di depurazione completamente priva di agenti chimici?
Fase 1
Filtro anti particolato: Uno speciale filtro in micro fibra che si presenta come una rete finissima ed è in grado di rimuovere sporco e impurità visibili.
Fase 2
La tecnologia Space Nano a carica positiva è al centro del sistema di depurazione. In qualità di leader nel settore della depurazione dell’acqua e sostenuti da anni di ricerca, innovazione e sviluppo tecnologico, siamo stati in grado di unire due fasi di depurazione in una. Il risultato è una tecnologia unica, che utilizza nano fibre complesse per attrarre ed estrarre pericolosi batteri patogeni e virus
dalla vostra acqua, proprio come una calamita attira e trattiene le particelle di ferro. XXX utilizza un processo di depurazione dell’acqua 100% privo di prodotti chimici, assicurando alla vostra famiglia un’acqua pura e buona da bere.
Translation education
Master's degree - SSIT Pescara
Years of experience: 10. Registered at Sep 2017.
English to Italian (Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori di Pescara, verified) English (Università degli Studi di Milano, verified) English to Italian (Università degli Studi di Milano, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
I am a freelance English to Italian translator based in Milan, Italy, and Hawaii, USA. My primary specialization is medical translation (occupational medicine, ergonomics, physical therapy), followed by technical translation (user manuals, product descriptions).
I come from a family of doctors and engineers. I myself wanted to be a doctor, although my patients would be animals.
That was my dream until I turned 7 and took my first English class at school. I instantly fell in love with the language. Yes, I could have done both. However, my love for languages, for words and their potential eventually prevailed and I ended up studying Linguistics.
I started translating, though not professionally, at a young age. I would mainly do it for those friends who couldn't be bothered to learn English. I would do it for my father during our trips abroad and as the company he worked for became more and more "English-speaking". For my sister, as she was requested to study medicine on English textbooks and read articles written in English. And I liked it; I would sit down and translate for hours.
Three years ago, I was hired by an Italian hospital to help them with research activities. My tasks included translating articles and manuals of Occupational Medicine and Ergonomics, managing communication with foreign project members and translating international research project proposals. Since then, I have widened my scope by earning a Master in Specialized Translation (medical, technical, travel & tourism) and setting off my career as a freelance translator.
Keywords: Italian, medical, medicine, healthcare, ergonomics, occupational medicine, user manual