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Romanian to English - Rates: 0.07 - 0.15 USD per word / 35 - 60 USD per hour English to Romanian - Rates: 0.07 - 0.15 USD per word / 35 - 60 USD per hour
Editing/proofreading Volume: 1.5 days Completed: Dec 2007 Languages: English to Romanian
3500 word proofreading of medical documents
Medical: Pharmaceuticals
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2 entries
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Romanian to English: 7th Translation Contest - Entry #5750
Source text - Romanian Bucureşti 1937. Mult stimate domnule Camil Petrescu, deşi nu posed mai mult decât cei 7 ani de acasă, nu mai sunt la vârsta care să-mi permită ratarea încă unuia din visurile vieţii mele, şi anume pe cel mai important. Am credinţa că nu D-voastră mi-l veţi bagateliza, mai cu seamă că întreaga D-voastră operă – pe care o iubesc şi am asimilat-o atât de bine că am fost silit să dau explicaţii, unora, pentru acest patetism, ceea ce ştiţi cât doare – mi-l hrăneşte şi mi-l justifică în toată puerilitatea lui. Sunteţi dintre acei oameni care nu vor rânji vreodată în faţa copilăriilor de spirit şi de destin, aşa cum lui Don Quijote nu-i va trece prin minte să batjocorească un comediant. Aţi fost de atâtea ori luat în derâdere drept Don Quijote, iar eu am suportat nu o dată blestemul de «a rămâne la Camil al tău» – adică, vezi bine, într-un fel de subdezvoltare intelectuală – ca să mai zăbovesc în prea multe ocoluri: neavând de mic decât dorinţa de a povesti lumii cum se joacă foot-ball, şi aflând că aţi înfiinţat o revistă cu acest titlu, Foot-ball, dar mai ales cu acest subtitlu: «Revistă săptămânală pentru deprinderea „jocului curat“ în sport, artă, literatură, viaţă socială», vă rog să aveţi bunătatea – deci inteligenţa – de a mă angaja redactor sau corector, fie şi pe gratis. Nu pot rata visul meu pueril de a-l avea pe Camil Petrescu, redactor-şef la o revistă footballistică, fascinată de jocul curat, precum alţii de jocul ielelor. Şi nu doar din sfintele superstiţii care ne animă pe toţi camilienii, dar şi din luciditate, evoc posibilitatea că dacă nu veţi fi mulţumit de mine, să mă daţi, fără menajamente, afară. De prea multe ori am fost concediat din redacţii unde redactorii-şefi fuseseră mulţumiţi de mine, pentru ca o dată să nu găsesc puterea de a îndura să fiu concediat de Camil Petrescu, din motive strict profesionale. Vă asigur că în acest caz mă voi înhăma la o altă soartă – pădurar pe valea Rucărului, tot de-a noastră! – şi nu veţi mai auzi de mine. Dar până atunci, rămân al D-voastră, fidel...
Translation - English Bucureşti 1937. Dearest Mr. Camil Petrescu, although my education may only amount to the seven years of preschool, I am no longer at the age that will allow me to fail yet another of my life’s dreams, namely the most important one. I trust that you would not belittle it, especially as your entire oeuvre—which I adore and have assimilated in its entirety, so well in fact that I was forced to explain this pathetic hobby to some, and you must know how much that hurts—your oeuvre, then, feeds and justifies my dream in all its glorious childishness. You are one of those rare people who will never laugh at childish endeavors pertaining to either spirit or fate, just as Don Quixote will never dream of mocking a comedian. You were often ridiculed as a Don Quixote figure, and I was more than once forced to endure the curse “just stick to your Camil”—that is to remain, you see, in a stage of intellectual underdevelopment—to beat about the bush any longer; seeing as how, since I was a young child, I wanted nothing more but tell the whole world how football is played, and learning that you have started a magazine entitled “Foot-ball,” and especially with this subtitle: “Weekly magazine for learning fair play in sports, arts, literature, social life,” please bestow upon me the kindness—that is to say, the intelligence—to hire me as an editor or copyeditor, even if I have to do it for free. I cannot fail my childhood dream to have Camil Petrescu as chief-editor for a football magazine that is fascinated by fair play the same way others are entranced by the dance of the fairies. Given not only the sacred superstitions that animate all of us Camilians, but also my lucidity, I surmise the possibility that, if you are not satisfied with my work, you should fire me without ceremony. Too often was I fired from editorial staffs where the chief-editors had been happy with my work for me not to be able to find the strength to suffer being fired by Camil Petrescu, for purely professional reasons. If that should be the case, I assure you that I would gladly start a new career—ranger in our own Rucăr Valley!—and you’ll never hear from me again. Until then, however, I remain yours faithfully, ….
Romanian to English: Tudor Arghezi--Zdreanta (Rag) Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Romanian (More at:
de Tudor Arghezi
L-ati vãzut cumva pe Zdreanta,
Cel cu ochii de faianta?
E un câine zdrenturos
De flocos, dar e frumos.
Parca-i strans din petice,
Ca sã-l tot impiedice,
Ferfenitele-i atarna
Si pe ochi, pe nara carna,
Si se-ncurca si descurca,
Parca-i scos din calti pe furca.
Are insa o ureche
De pungas fãrã pareche.
Translation - English Rag
by Tudor Arghezi
Did you happen to see Rag,
China eyes under that shag?
He’s a dog with ragged fur
Very handsome, as it were.
Looks like he is patched together
Ragged tatter over tatter.
Shreds of fur over his eyes
Put his nose into disguise.
He’s all tangled as a fool
Like he’s freshly spun from wool.
But amazingly, this slobber
Is a cunning, practiced robber.
Romanian to English: George Bacovia--Lacustrine Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Romanian (more at:
de George Bacovia
De-atâtea nopti aud plouând,
Aud materia plângând...
Sunt singur, si mã duce un gând
Spre locuintele lacustre.
Si parca dorm pe scânduri ude,
În spate ma izbeste-un val --
Tresar prin somn si mi se pare
Ca n-am tras podul de la mal.
Un gol istoric se întinde,
Pe-acelasi vremuri ma gasesc...
Si simt cum de atâta ploaie
Pilotii grei se prabusesc.
De-atâtea nopti aud plouând,
Tot tresarind, tot asteptând...
Sunt singur, si mã duce-un gând
Spre locuintele lacustre.
Translation - English LACUSTRINE
by George Bacovia
So many nights I’ve heard the rain,
I’ve heard the matter cry in vain…
I’m lonely, and my putrid brain
Takes me to the lacustrine dwellings.
It seems I sleep on soggy floorboards,
A wave will slap me in my shack—
I shudder in my sleep, and reckon
I didn’t pull the drawbridge back.
An ageless vacuum surrounds me,
I am again under that weather…
And feel the massive rain will cause
The heavy pillars to surrender.
So many nights I’ve heard the rain,
I shudder and I wait in vain…
I’m lonely, and my putrid brain
Takes me to the lacustrine dwellings
Translation education
Master's degree - James Madison University
Years of experience: 29. Registered at Oct 1999.
I have a PhD in Rhetoric and Scientific and Technical Communication from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (May 2008). I am also a writer and translator specializing in Romanian to English and English to Romanian translations. While Romanian is my native language, I have acquired near-native fluency in English since I have moved to the US in 1998. I hold two Master's degrees, one in British Cultural Studies from the University of Bucharest and one in Technical and Scientific Communication from James Madison University.
I translate poetry for a hobby at Linguistic Treason (mostly Romanian>English, but also English>Romanian). In addition, I write regularly for a local Philadelphia magazine, The Rittenhouse Square Revue, and I blog for a fashion blog (Shoeblog).
I worked as a translator and interpreter, English<>Romanian, in Bucharest for 4 years before moving to the US. I specialized mainly in agriculture and management. Additionally, I worked for the English Service of Radio Romania International, which involved a good deal of news translation.
In the US, my translation work has been in the medical field. I interpreted for Romanian-speaking patients in hospitals in Minnesota and I translated and proofread numerous documents such as: automated voice system script for drug trials; ob-gyn hospital documentation; patient information sheets for new mothers; information sheets for patients with rashes; ICU medical charts.
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