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Jan 14, 2024 (posted In December I completed the translation of an art catalogue from English into Italian for an exhibition in Padua and I am not tackling a new art catalogue for a forthcoming exhibition in Naples, this time from Italian into English. Challenging, but very rewarding! ...more, + 9 other entries »
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English to Italian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR per word / 20 - 25 EUR per hour Italian to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR per word French to Italian - Rates: 0.04 - 0.05 EUR per word French to English - Rates: 0.04 - 0.06 EUR per word
English to Italian: New Dawn General field: Other Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - English For its daily evening ball, Yangon wears black: a dusky old coat of darkness, with a lacing of weak yellow sodium-vapour glow. Walking the city’s streets after 11pm, when patrons of the numerous little makeshift roadside cafes have long finished up their bowls of noodle soup, this is clearly one languid metropolis. Not for Yangon the dazzling frenzy of its South-East Asian neighbours; while Bangkok, just an hour away by jet, is exploding with neon energy, Myanmar’s largest city is content to snuggle into its well-worn blanket of stars.
But if you think this means Yangon is not all fired up, think again. After Myanmar’s November 2015 general election (the freest and fairest since the military seized power in 1962), the flames of hope and optimism are incandescent. The landslide victory of Nobel Peace Prize-wining opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s National Democratic League has heralded a hugely exciting time for the country (also known as Burma).
The recently opened economy is booming and global companies are establishing footholds in this market of 51 million people – including Mazda. Two franchise dealerships are now in their second year of operation, offering a full range of state-of-the-art new vehicles to eager buyers reared on a diet of punitively taxed, high-mileage, 1990s Japanese ex-taxi imports.
Translation - Italian Per il quotidiano ballo serale, Yangon si veste di nero: un vecchio manto scuro come le tenebre, con i merletti giallo chiaro dei vapori di sodio. Camminando per le sue strade dopo le 11 di sera, quando i clienti dei numerosi baracchini di ristoro improvvisati ai loro margini hanno da tempo consumato i loro noodle, questa città ci appare in tutto il suo languore. Yangon non ha quella frenesia abbagliante delle sue vicine del sud-est asiatico: mentre Bangkok, a solo un'ora di distanza in aereo, esplode in un’effusione di luci al neon, la più grande città del Myanmar si accontenta di rannicchiarsi sotto la sua logora coperta di stelle.
Ma se pensate che questo significhi che Yangon non sia una metropoli appassionata, vi sbagliate di grosso. Dalle elezioni generali del novembre 2015 (le più libere e imparziali dal 1962, quando l’esercito prese il potere), le fiaccole della speranza e dell’ottimismo sono incandescenti. La schiacciante vittoria della Lega Nazionale Democratica del Premio Nobel per la Pace e leader dell'opposizione Aung San Suu Kyi ha segnato l’avvio di un periodo estremamente eccitante per il paese (noto anche come Birmania).
L'economia, di recente apertura, è in piena espansione e le multinazionali, Mazda inclusa, hanno stabilito degli avamposti in questo mercato di 51 milioni di persone. Due concessionarie in franchising al loro secondo anno di attività offrono una gamma completa di auto nuove e all’avanguardia a smaniosi acquirenti cresciuti a una dieta di importazione a tassazione punitiva di ex taxi giapponesi ad alto chilometraggio degli anni Novanta.
Italian to English: Kiki Smith - Introduction General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Source text - Italian La cultura figurativa e il ricchissimo immaginario di Kiki Smith scandagliano gli aspetti spirituali e viscerali dell’essere umano, in un percorso che in precedenza ha trovato una sintesi quasi archetipica nella corporeità femminile – come ben illustrato in catalogo da Demetrio Paparoni – e che oggi si esprime attraverso la «favola della natura» di cui parla Renata Pintus: una favola popolata da compagni di viaggio animali, vegetali, siderali e anche extraterrestri in un universo tanto vasto quanto familiare e di cui le donne continuano a essere le indiscusse protagoniste. L’elegantissima grazia di questi ultimi lavori di Kiki – la cui materia spesso fragile e preziosa è una metafora efficace della condizione umana e femminile in particolare – ha come obiettivo altamente etico di ricreare unità e armonia in una realtà che spesso si presenta invece come brutale e dissonante e sprigiona un’energia profondamente rivoluzionaria: è il linguaggio di una nuova, inaspettata, spiazzante pietas. La mostra e il catalogo si addentrano nel difficile terreno dell’evoluzione poetica di Kiki Smith, che rifugge da grida e proclami, ma che trova pace nell’osservazione, nello sperdimento. Si avverte certo un elemento autobiografico in queste opere – se si pensa ai boschi e alla qualità selvaggia dell’Upstate New York, dove l’artista vive e lavora –, tuttavia la grande arte contemporanea, questa arte, non è eccentrica né autoreferenziale, ma entra nella carne viva dei nostri giorni, e diventa un fondamentale strumento per leggere la complessità del reale, per attivare in tutti noi un indispensabile pensiero critico.
Translation - English Kiki Smith’s visual culture and rich imagination explore the spiritual and visceral aspects of the human being, on a journey that has previously found an almost archetypal synthesis in the female body – as the catalogue edited by Demetrio Paparoni makes clear – and that today is expressed through the ‘nature fairy tale’, as Renata Pintus puts it: a fairy tale populated by fellow animal, plant, celestial and even extra-terrestrial travellers moving in a universe which is as vast as it is familiar, and of which women continue to be the undisputed protagonists. The surpassing elegance and grace of these latest works by Kiki – often produced in a fragile and precious material which serves as an effective metaphor for the human condition, in particular with regards to women – has the highly ethical objective, in a reality that recurrently presents itself as brutal and dissonant, of recreating unity and harmony and in so doing releases a profoundly revolutionary energy. It is the language of a new, unexpected, disorienting pietas. The exhibition and the catalogue enter the difficult terrain of the poetic evolution of Kiki Smith, who escapes the loud screams and proclamations, but finds peace in observation, in loss. Without a doubt there is an autobiographical element to these works – think of the woods and the wild quality of upstate New York, where the artist lives and works. However, this art, as all great contemporary art, is neither eccentric nor self-referential, but rather penetrates the living flesh of our times to become a fundamental tool with which to read the complexity of reality, to trigger that indispensable process of critical thinking in every one of us.
Translation education
Master's degree - Università degli Studi, Milano
Years of experience: 17. Registered at Jul 2001. Became a member: Nov 2008.
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A near bilingual trained journalist, I can offer 20 years in publishing, spent both in Italy and in the UK, and over 15 years as a translator.
From 2009 I have dedicated myself entirely to my freelance activity, translating, editing and proofreading books, marketing texts, various websites, legal documents, medical texts... for a number of international agencies and direct clients.
I am committed and loyal; in fact, I have worked for one of my clients for over 25 years and for most of the others for over 10 years! I have translated and/or edited over 3 million words for one agency alone!
I have many published translations to my name, both in Italian and in English, mainly related to art, literature, fiction and museum catalogues and guides.
Please get in touch if you would like to see samples of my work or send me a test.
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