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English to Spanish: Sample translation (Eng to Spa) General field: Social Sciences
Source text - English Amovibility (
A term applied to the condition of certain ecclesiastics in regard to their benefices or offices. While it is true that holders of so-called perpetual or irremovable dignities can in certain specified cases be deprived of their offices, yet the term "amovibility" is generally restricted to such as are removable at the will of the bishop. Such are most of the rectors of churches in the United States and England, as also in general and everywhere those who have charge of succursal churches or are parish assistants. Under the head of removable dignitaries, canonists generally class also vicars-general, archdeacons, and rural deans. Such an office or benefice is designated manuale, as opposed to titulare or perpetuum. The interpretation of amovibility has caused considerable controversy. Many canonists have argued that because the possessor of an office holds it ad nutum, he can therefore be deprived of it without cause. Otherwise, they declare, the word amovibility would have no meaning. They note as exceptions, however, to this power of the bishop, cases in which he acts from open hatred, or injures the good name of the ecclesiastic, or damages the parish. Likewise, they say, if the person removed were not given another office, he could have recourse to a superior authority, as this would be equivalent to injuring his good name. These canonists also add that the bishop would sin if he removed an ecclesiastic without cause, as his action would be without a proper motive, and because frequent changes are necessarily detrimental to churches. Other canonists seem to maintain for removable rectors (see RECTOR) practically the same rights as to perpetuity, which are possessed by irremovable ecclesiastics. Perhaps, however, the difference between these opinions is little more than verbal. Amovibility must not be confounded with arbitrary removal, which the Church has always condemned. It is opposed rather to the perpetual tenure of those benefices, for removal from which the canons require a cause expressly named in law and a formal canonical process or trial. But there may be other very grave causes that justify a removal besides those named in the canons. Nor does it follow that, because a regular canonical process is not to be observed, all formalities are to be neglected in the removal of rectors who hold their office ad nutum episcopi; there are also extra-judicial forms which are practically equivalent to a canonical process.
Término que se aplica a la condición de ciertos eclesiásticos en lo que respecta a sus beneficios o cargos. Si bien es cierto que los poseedores de las llamadas dignidades perpetuas o irremovibles pueden en ciertos casos ser separados de sus cargos, el término “amovibilidad” se restringe como tal generalmente a los que son removibles por voluntad del obispo. Tal es el caso de muchos de los rectores de iglesias en los Estrados Unidos e Inglaterra así como también en general aquellos que están a cargo de iglesias sucursales o son asistentes de parroquias. Bajo el título de dignatarios removibles, los canonistas generalmente incluyen a los vicarios generales, archidiáconos, y deanes rurales. Tal cargo o beneficio se designa manuale, en oposición a titulare o perpetuum. La interpretación de amovibilidad ha causado considerable controversia. Muchos canonistas argumentan que precisamente porque el posesor mantiene su cargo ad nutum, éste puede ser separado del cargo sin causa. De otra forma, argumentan, el término amovibilidad no tendría sentido. Sin embargo, observan como excepciones a este poder del obispo los casos en los cuales éste actúa por odio manifiesto, o cuando lastima la buena reputación de algún eclesiástico, o daña la parroquia. De la misma manera, se dice, si a la persona removida no se le concediera otro cargo, podrá recurrir a una autoridad superior, pues esto sería equivalente a lastimar la buena reputación. Estos canonistas también señalan que el obispo pecaría si removiera a un eclesiástico sin causa, pues su acción seria sin ningún motivo apropiado, y porque los cambios frecuentes son necesariamente en detrimento de las iglesias. Otros canonistas mantienen para los rectores removibles (ver RECTOR; PARROCO) prácticamente los mismos derechos a la perpetuidad, los cuales son poseídos por eclesiásticos irremovibles. Tal vez, sin embargo, la diferencia entre estas opiniones es un poco mas que verbal. No se debe confundir amovibilidad con remoción arbitraria, a la cual la Iglesia siempre ha condenado. Se opone más bien a la tenencia perpetua de tales beneficios, para la remoción de la cual los cánones requieren una causa expresamente nombrada en ley y un proceso o juicio canónico formal. Pero hay otras causas más graves que justifican una remoción aparte de aquellas nombradas en los cánones. Tampoco se deduce que, debido a que un proceso canónico regular no es observado, todas las formalidades serán denegadas en la remoción de los rectores que mantengan su cargo ad nutum episcopi; existen también formas extrajudiciales que son prácticamente equivalentes a un proceso canónico.
Translation education
Master's degree - UNILA, Brazil
Years of experience: 12. Registered at Sep 2016. Became a member: Apr 2022.
Portuguese to Spanish (UNILA) English to Spanish (UNT) English to Spanish (Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Letras (UBA))
Across, MateCat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Smartcat, Smartling, Trados Studio
CV available upon request
Extensive experience in the industry.
Former in-house translator at a Brazilian digital marketing agency.
Post-editing & evaluation of machine translation, AI output, and SEO translations.
Experience as a copy editor and language quality consultant.
Basic DTP software skills (Corel Draw and Adobe Photoshop).
Former university professor and researcher.
Personal style, research skills and informed translation decisions.
Keywords: spanish, websites, apps, business management software, content marketing and social media texts, industrial and medical equipment, quantitative and qualitative assays, product and safety data sheets, user guides, corporate training texts. See more.spanish, websites, apps, business management software, content marketing and social media texts, industrial and medical equipment, quantitative and qualitative assays, product and safety data sheets, user guides, corporate training texts, management communications, newsletters, financial statements, agreements, audiovisual content, private documents, linguistics, language typology, contrastive grammar, discourse analysis. See less.