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Translation, Editing/proofreading
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Environment & Ecology
Sample translations submitted: 4
English to Portuguese: JANE AUSTEN E A ARTE DE ESCREVER CARTAS General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English Jane Austen and the art of letter writing
No, the image to the left is not a newly discovered picture of Jane Austen. The image was taken from my copy of The Complete Letter Writer, published in 1840, well after Jane Austen’s death in 1817. But letter writing manuals were popular throughout Jane Austen’s lifetime, and the text of my copy is very similar to that of much earlier editions of the book, published from the mid-1750s on. It is possible then that Jane Austen might have had access to one. Letter writing manuals contained “familiar letters on the most common occasions in life”, and showed examples of what a letter might look like to people who needed to learn the art of letter writing. The Complete Letter Writer also contains an English grammar, with rules of spelling, a list of punctuation marks and an account of the eight parts of speech. If Jane Austen had possessed a copy, she might have had access to this feature as well.
Available at:
Não, a imagem acima não é uma gravura de Jane Austen recentemente descoberta. Ela foi retirada da minha edição de The Complete Letter Writer, publicada em 1840, após a morte de Austen, em 1817. Manuais de escrita de cartas eram populares ao longo do tempo de vida de Jane Austen, e o texto da minha edição é muito parecido com o das edições anteriores deste livro, publicadas a partir da metade do século 18. É possível, então, que Jane Austen tenha tido acesso a um desses manuais.
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English to Portuguese: QUASE TUDO QUE PENSAMOS SABER SOBRE JANE AUSTEN ESTÁ ERRADO General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English 'Almost everything we think we know about Jane Austen is wrong'
"Almost everything we think we know about Jane Austen is wrong." So declares Helena Kelly, author of Jane Austen, The Secret Radical, a bodice-burstingly brilliant, eminently accessible study of Austen’s six major novels, published ahead of the issue of the new £10 Austen banknote next spring, and the 200th anniversary of her death, next July.
Available at:
“Quase tudo que pensamos saber sobre Jane Austen está errado”. É isso o que afirma Helena Kelly, autora de Jane Austen, The Secret Radical (ainda sem título em português), um estudo brilhante, encorpado e bem acessível, sobre os seis maiores romances de Austen, publicado antes do lançamento da nova cédula de £10 com o rosto de Jane Austen, e antes do aniversário dos 200 anos da morte da escritora, em julho de 2017.
English to Portuguese: Multas de 29 milhões de dólares por desmatamento: uma reviravolta no comércio brasileiro de soja? General field: Other Detailed field: Environment & Ecology
Source text - English Operation Soy Sauce has sent a strong warning signal to Brazil’s soy industry. At the end of May, five transnational grain trading companies, along with dozens of their supplying farmers, were issued fines totaling 105.7 million Brazilian reais (US $29 million) by IBAMA, the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources. The agency hopes the penalties will draw attention to illegal deforestation throughout the country, and make the soy sector more accountable for its failure to embargo crops from off-limit areas.
The investigation, carried out jointly by IBAMA and the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPF), scrutinized the soy trade in the states of Maranhão, Tocantins, Piauí and Bahia, a region collectively known as Matopiba – the county’s latest agricultural frontier, and part of the Brazilian savannah biome known as the Cerrado. Currently, 11 percent of Brazil soybean production occurs in Matopiba, and more than half of its 337 municipalities have produced soy in the last decade.
Translation - Portuguese A Operação Shoyo emitiu um sinal de alerta para a indústria brasileira de soja. No final de maio, cinco empresas multinacionais de comércio de grãos, e mais dezenas de seus fornecedores foram multadas num total de 105,7 milhões de reais pelo IBAMA. O órgão espera que essas sanções chamem a atenção para o desmatamento ilegal que ocorre no país, e torne o setor mais responsável por seus erros ao embargar plantações em áreas proibidas.
A operação, parceria do IBAMA com o Ministério Público Federal, inspecionou o comércio de soja nos estados do Maranhão, Tocantins, Piauí e Bahia que, juntos, formam a região conhecida como Matopiba – a mais nova área agrícola do país, localizada no Cerrado. Atualmente, 11% da produção de sementes de soja acontecem na Matopiba, e mais da metade de seus 337 municípios produziram soja na última década.
English to Portuguese: Documentário destaca a relação da indústria pecuária com o desmatamento da Amazônia
Source text - English “The cow is the worst environmental problem in the Amazon, and in the world,” says Greenpeace’s Paulo Adario, speaking out in a new documentary which this April won the One Hour prize at the Film Research and Sustainable Development” (FreDD) festival earlier this month.
In his ground-breaking documentary, Grazing the Amazon, director Marcio Isensee e Sa alerts audiences to the fact that approximately one fifth of the Amazon has already been cut down, and attests that nearly 80 percent of this deforestation is attributable to the cattle industry. The film traces the history of the Amazon’s invasion by entrepreneurial ranchers, and examines the responsibility of all major actors in the supply chain, including livestock growers, slaughterhouses and government.
Throughout the documentary, Amazonian ranchers operating in deforestation hotspots voice a recurring theme: a sense of entitled impunity which flies in the face of government land use restrictions and imposed environmental fines. According to analysts, ranchers’ flaunting of the law is largely facilitated by the bancada ruralista, the agribusiness lobby which has a huge influence on Brazilian politics — this powerful caucus includes just under half of all deputies in the lower house of congress, dominates policymaking by the Temer administration, and often panders to ranchers’ interests.
Translation - Portuguese “O gado é o pior problema ambiental na Amazônia e no mundo todo”, afirma Paulo Adario, do Greenpeace, em documentário que ganhou o prêmio “One Hour” do festival “Film Research and Sustainable Development” (FreDD), em abril deste ano.
Em seu documentário inovador, “Sob a Pata do Boi, o diretor Marcio Isensee e Sá alerta o público para o fato de aproximadamente 1/5 da Amazônia ter sido desmatada, e afirma que quase 80% desse desmatamento são atribuídos à indústria pecuária. O documentário retrata a história da invasão de fazendeiros que a Amazônia sofreu e investiga a responsabilidade dos principais atores na cadeia produtiva, incluindo os criadores de gado, os abatedouros e o governo.
No documentário, fazendeiros amazonenses trabalhando em áreas desmatadas levantam um tema recorrente: um sentimento de impunidade diante das restrições governamentais quanto ao uso da terra e à imposição de multas ambientais. De acordo com especialistas, a vantagem que os fazendeiros tiram da lei é facilitada pela bancada ruralista, o lobby do agronegócio que tem grande influência na política brasileira – esse grupo poderoso inclui quase metade dos deputados da Câmara, domina a formulação de políticas na administração Temer, e geralmente favorece os interesses dos fazendeiros.
in Administration, Teaching Degree in Languages, Specialist in Business
Communication, Specialist in Translation, Master in Human and Social Science.
Participant on the Mentoring Program of ABRATES (Brazilian Association of
Translators and Interpreters). I translate texts from English to Portuguese in
the areas of human and social science (environment, communication, philosophy,
history, religion, management, personal development, marketing, human resources
and literature). I edit and proofread texts in Portuguese. I have experience in
the edition and proofreading of academic, environmental and NGOs texts. In the
educational field, I have more than five years of experience as an assistant
professor in online specialization courses. I give lectures about research
methodology and I tutor many students in order to help them write their papers
at the end of the course. I also give lectures for the BA in Languages and have
experience as an English teacher.
Keywords: translator, portuguese, editing, proofreading, master in social sciences