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English to Indonesian: Conduct General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - English Suppliers must ensure that their employees are hired on their own free will and must prohibit forced, bonded, or any other form of compulsory labour in all of their operations. At the time of recruitment, a written employment agreement containing terms and conditions of employment must be provided by the Suppliers to all their employees. Suppliers and their agents may not confiscate any identity or immigration documents, such as government-issued identification cards, passports or work permits, unless required by law.
Remuneration paid by Suppliers to their employees must comply with applicable laws or regulations including, but not limited to minimum wages, deduction from wages, overtime hours and associated benefits as applicable. Overtime requirements if any must be based on business requirements and should be voluntary. Suppliers must provide the components of pay structure to employees prior to recruitment and also ensure that the compensation will be competitive for the nature of work performed. Recruitment, wages and benefits must be in accordance with the principle of equal opportunity.
Translation - Indonesian Pemasok harus memastikan bahwa karyawan mereka dipekerjakan atas kehendak bebas mereka sendiri dan harus melarang tenaga kerja yang terpaksa, terikat, atau bentuk wajib apa pun lainnya dalam semua operasi mereka. Pada saat perekrutan, perjanjian kerja tertulis yang memuat syarat-syarat dan kondisi kerja harus disediakan oleh Pemasok kepada seluruh karyawan mereka. Pemasok dan agen mereka tidak boleh menyita identitas atau dokumen imigrasi apa pun, seperti kartu identifikasi yang dikeluarkan pemerintah, paspor atau izin kerja, kecuali diwajibkan oleh hukum.
Remunerasi yang dibayarkan oleh Pemasok kepada karyawan mereka harus mematuhi peraturan atau hukum yang berlaku termasuk, tapi tidak terbatas pada upah minimum, pemotongan gaji, jam kerja lembur dan jaminan yang berkaitan dengan yang berlaku. Persyaratan lembur jika ada harus didasarkan pada kebutuhan bisnis dan harus bersifat sukarela. Pemasok harus menyediakan komponen-komponen struktur gaji kepada karyawan sebelum perekrutan dan juga memastikan bahwa kompensasinya akan kompetitif untuk jenis pekerjaan yang dilakukan. Rekrutmen, upah dan jaminan harus sesuai dengan prinsip kesempatan yang sama.
English to Indonesian: Education Against Tobacco General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - English “First we would like to discuss a very practical aspect with you: Tobacco smoke is bad for the skin. Smokers are the most susceptible because smoke is blowing in their face. Can anyone explain why smokers on average have more acne breakouts because of this?”
In most cases no one can explain this. Draw a picture on the blackboard and explain the cause: “Your skin has tiny hair follicles with small glands producing sebum, which is an oily substance. It typically ensures that your skin remains hydrated. However, if too much sebum is produced, the pores may be clogged and form a bump, which may get infected. For example, this may occur due to certain hormonal changes during puberty. But also,
due to environmental pollutants. Smoke makes acne worse, and may even be the cause of it, because the substances contained in smoke irritate the skin.“
Translation - Indonesian “Pertama, kita mau mendiskusikan aspek yang sangat berguna dengan Anda: Asap tembakau buruk bagi kulit. Perokok paling rentan karena asapnya berembus di wajah mereka. Bisakah siapa saja menjelaskan kenapa perokok secara rata-rata memiliki jerawat lebih banyak karena ini?”
Dalam kebanyakan kasus, tidak ada seorang pun yang bisa menjelaskan ini. Gambar suatu gambar di papan tulis dan jelaskan penyebabnya: “Kulit Anda punya folikel rambut kecil dengan kelenjar kecil yang menghasilkan sebum, yang merupakan zat berminyak. Ini biasanya menjamin bahwa kulit Anda tetap terhidrasi. Namun, jika terlalu banyak menghasilkan sebum, pori-pori bisa tersumbat dan membentuk benjolan yang bisa terinfeksi. Contohnya, ini bisa terjadi karena perubahan hormon tertentu selama pubertas. Tapi juga, karena polusi lingkungan. Asap memperparah jerawat, dan bahkan mungkin menjadi penyebabnya, karena zat-zat yang terkandung dalam asap membuat kulit iritasi.”
English to Indonesian: Some Paragraphs from Novel General field: Other Detailed field: Other
Source text - English He was dressed in a bespoke black suit, black leather shoes, pale blue shirt, no tie. All of it Armani. The curling tip of a green flame tattoo showed just above the collar line of his tree trunk of a neck. A large platinum and diamond-encrusted ring glistened on his left index finger, big enough to make a street thief’s eyes bulge with desire – not that even a crackhead would be dumb enough to think they could steal it from this particular man and live to tell the tale.
His dark eyes sparkled like wet peebles in the sun, locking on Lexie as he marched up to her and stopped.
‘You must be Alexandra,’ he said.
His accent was Russian. Lexie’s eyes widened with fear. Her knees began to sag.
‘It’s OK.’ Danny steeped up beside her and put his arm around her. He’d left the Glock inside when he’d seen who’d got out of the car. ‘He’s friend. He’s here to help.’
Translation - Indonesian Dia mengenakan sebuah setelan jas hitam, sepatu kulit hitam, baju biru pucat, tanpa dasi. Ujung keriting tato api hijau tampak tepat di atas garis kerah leher bajunya. Cincin besar berhias berlian dan platinum berkilauan di jari telunjuk kirinya, cukup besar untuk membuat mata pencuri jalanan melotot menginginkannya – namun bahkan orang idiot tidak akan cukup bodoh untuk berpikir mereka bisa mencurinya dari pria ini dan hidup untuk menceritakan kisahnya.
Matanya yang gelap berkilau seperti kerikil basah di bawah sinar matahari, dia mematai Lexie sambil berjalan mendekatinya dan berhenti di depannya.
‘Kamu pasti Alexandra,’ katanya.
Aksennya Rusia. Mata Lexie membelalak ketakutan. Kakinya mulai terkulai lemas.
‘Tidak apa-apa.’ Danny berdiri di sisinya dan melingkarkan tangan di pundaknya. Dia meninggalkan Glock di dalam ketika dia melihat siapa yang keluar dari mobil. ‘Dia kawan. Dia disini untuk membantu.’
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Bina Nusantara University
Years of experience: 10. Registered at May 2015.
I always did my translation using KBBI online (Indonesian dictionary). My principle is always double check my works.
I’m committed to meet a deadline, enjoy learning and eager to pick up new skills.
With my thousands of hours translating experience, I will help you communicating your business better in your target audience's language.
Availability from Monday to Saturday, 10 AM – 6 PM (Also Sunday if urgent)
P.S: Every project is different and I'm afraid there is no such thing as a "one-fits-all" translation rate. There are literally dozens of factors that affect translation rates: the complexity of your source text, file format (hand-written and non-editable electronic documents tend to be much more expensive), how fast you want it back, your budget expectations, etc.
Please, contact me and I'll be happy to give you an exact quote.
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