Working languages:
English to Indonesian
German to Indonesian
Indonesian to English

Achmad Fuad Lubis
Documents translated by Engineer for you

Jakarta, Jakarta Raya (Djakarta Raya), Indonesia
Local time: 20:15 WIB (GMT+7)

Native in: Indonesian 
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9 positive reviews
(1 unidentified)

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Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified site user
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Editing/proofreading
Specializes in:
Electronics / Elect EngConstruction / Civil Engineering
Mechanics / Mech EngineeringFinance (general)
Law: Contract(s)Energy / Power Generation
Human ResourcesTelecom(munications)


Payment methods accepted Skrill, Wire transfer, Money order, PayPal
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 7
Experience Years of experience: 9. Registered at Oct 2014. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials English to Indonesian (Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia (Association of Indonesian Translators))
Indonesian to English (Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia (Association of Indonesian Translators))
Memberships HPI
Software Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Visio, Powerpoint
Events and training
Professional practices Achmad Fuad Lubis endorses's Professional Guidelines.
• Native speaker of Indonesian
• Full time freelance translator
• Registered at October 2014 as a freelance translator
• Member of The translation workplace from January 2015 (

. Member of Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia/ HPI (Association of Indonesian Translators)
• Residing over ten years in Australia during University engineering education and professional employment in engineering & manufacturing companies
• Twenty seven years working experience in Indonesia with a Germany based multi-national engineering & manufacturing company and an Indonesian telecommunication company
• Earned an MBA Degree from a Harvard University-affiliated Management Institute
• Specialized in Business, Commerce, Engineering, Marketing, Medical, and Legal translations
• Well versed in Business and Managerial Communications in English, Indonesian and German
• Ten years experience in Electrical Engineering Equipment and System Sales and Marketing, Manufacture, Design, Construction, Erection and Commissioning, Project Management for the Construction of Steam and Diesel Power Stations and Distribution System for Industrial Users in Australia and Indonesia
• Seventeen years experience in Logistics and Procurement, Internal Auditing and Facilities Management in Indonesia
• Nine years experience in Audit Committee for a dual-listed Public Company in Telecommunication as independent member : Oversight of Internal Audit Function, Evaluating Independence and Appointment of Public Auditors for Financial and Internal Control Annual Audit, Review of Corporate Governance, Review of Company Annual Report for Submission to New York and Indonesian Stock Exchanges
• Three years experience in a Travel & Tourism Company
• Six years experience in Finance and Administration of a Human Resource Outsourcing Company

• Written Translation
• Editing
• Proof Reading

• English – Indonesian
• Indonesian – English
• German – Indonesian (preference: technical)

• Engineering (Electrical, Mechanical, Civil Engineering Tender Documents, Technical Specification, Acceptance Certificates, Operation and Maintenance Manual, Handbook etc.)
• Business and Commerce (Marketing and Sales Articles, Marketing and Sales Reports, Business Communication Documents, Company Profiles, Company Public Relation Documents, Minutes of Meeting etc.)
• Legal (Company Board Resolution, Contracts, Memorandum of Understanding, Committee Charter, Minutes of Meeting, Laws and Regulations, Certificates, Notarial Deeds etc.)
• Medical (general)

• Course in German Language, Jakarta, Indonesia
• Course in German Language, Prien am Chiemsee, Bayern, Germany
• Seminar in Computer Based Management Information System, Jakarta, Indonesia
• Seminar Computer System Control and Audit, Jakarta, Indonesia
• Seminar in Import and Export Procedures and Documentation, Jakarta Indonesia
• Course in Administrative Manager and Staff, Bandung, Indonesia
• Seminar in Management of Audit Tasks, Jakarta, Indonesia
• Workshop in Management Audit, Jakarta, Indonesia
• Master of Business Administration Course, Jakarta, Indonesia
• Seminar in Built-in Control, Jakarta, Indonesia
• Seminar in Corruption and Its Eradication, A Psychological Management Review, Jakarta, Indonesia
• Seminar in Electronic Data Processing and Computer Security, Jakarta, Indonesia
• Seminar in Computer Audit With Basic COBOL, Jakarta, Indonesia
• Seminar in State Administrative Tribunal, Jakarta, Indonesia
• Course in Leadership for Indosat, Jakarta, Indonesia
• Seminar in Telecoms ’91 Opportunities and Development, Jakarta, Indonesia
• Seminar in Management Professionalism in Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
• Seminar in Business Ethics, Jakarta, Indonesia
• Course in Microsoft Office Software, Jakarta, Indonesia
• International Seminar In Human Resources Development for Managers from Developing Countries, Vienna, Austria
• Conference on Internal Audit Asia, Singapore
• Conference on Corporate Governance and Transparency, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
• Seminar in Strategy and Implementation of Outsourcing, Jakarta, Indonesia
• Seminar in Public Speaking
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 271
PRO-level pts: 247

Top languages (PRO)
English to Indonesian206
Indonesian to English27
German to English12
German to Indonesian2
Top general fields (PRO)
Pts in 4 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Electronics / Elect Eng31
Law: Contract(s)24
Medical (general)23
Finance (general)20
Law (general)16
Construction / Civil Engineering12
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama10
Pts in 24 more flds >

See all points earned >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects11
With client feedback0
0 positive (0 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
English to Indonesian8
Indonesian to English4
German to Indonesian1
Specialty fields
Law (general)3
Engineering (general)2
Mechanics / Mech Engineering2
Law: Contract(s)2
Food & Drink1
Construction / Civil Engineering1
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs1
Business/Commerce (general)1
Medical: Cardiology1
Medical: Instruments1
Environment & Ecology1
Other fields
Medical: Pharmaceuticals2
IT (Information Technology)2
Computers: Software1
Keywords: Keywords: Abstract, abstraction, academic report, access, accounting, accreditation certificate, acquisition, act, action, activity. See more.Keywords: Abstract, abstraction, academic report, access, accounting, accreditation certificate, acquisition, act, action, activity, administration, administrative, adoption agreement, adults, advertising, advisory, aerospace, affidavit, agency, agreement, agriculture, aid, air carriage, air, air condition and refrigeration, akte jual beli, akte kelahiran, alliance, alternative healing, amendment, analysis, anesthesia, anggaran dasar, anggaran rumah tangga, announcement, answers, anti-bribery, anti-corruption compliance, anti-fraud, anti-trust, apartment, appointment, appliances, application, arrester, art exhibition, articles, articles of association, arbitration, assessment, assistance, association, ATM, attorney, audit committee, audit committee charter, auditor, authorized, autism, auto, automatic teller machine, automobile, automotive, avian, aviation, award, awareness, background, backup, bahasa indonesia, banking, barometer, bearing, beautician, benefits, bid, bidding, bill, binder, binding, biology, birth, blender, blood, blood pressure, board, bolt, book, brand, branding, breathing, bribery, briefing, brochures, budget plan, bulldozer, bulletin, business, bye laws, cable, cacao, calibration, camera, campaign, capability, car, card, care, caring, cartoon, case, catalogs, cattle, caution, cellphone, cellular, cellulose, cement, center, cereal, certificates, change, charter, charting, checking, chef, chemical, child, children's books, chopper, chronic, circular, civil, classification, cleaning, climate, clinical, clothing, club, code, collateral, college, commerce, commitment, communication, community, company, company annual report, compliance, compensation plan, compensation policy, competition, compliance, composition, coal, code, conditions, conduct, conference, collective, consent, consumer, conversation, cookie, cost, cough, complaint, complaint report, completion, computers, computer and information sciences, concept, condition, conduct, confidentiality agreement, construction, consumer, content, contingency, continuity, contract, contractor, contractor prequalification, contract law, conversation, copyright, copywriting, corneal, corporate, corporate governance, correspondence, counsel, country, court, cover letter, coverage, credit, crops, culinary, cultivator, culture, currency, curriculum, curriculum vitae, custody, customer, dairy products, data, dealership, death certificate, decision, decree, deed, delegate, dentistry, description, designation, deutsch indonesisch übersetzer, development, device, dewatering, diabetes, digestive, digital, diploma, direction, disabled, disaster, disease, disclosure, disorder, disposal, dispute, distributor, doctor, document, domicile, drive, driver test, driving, drug, dump, earthquake, eating, economy, economic, editing, editorial, educaton, effective, electrical engineering, electricity, electronic, email, employment, employee, empowerment, e-learning, e-mail, engagement, engine, english indonesian, EHS Policy, English and Indonesian law, entertainment, entrepreneurship, environment, epicenter, equipment, error, essays, ethernet, ethics, eulogy, evaluation, event, excavation, exchanger, exhibition, expenses, exploration, export, extended, facilities, fact, fact sheet, family, farmer, fashion, fiber, film, finance, financial statement, financial ratios, fire, first aid, fishery, flyers, flu, food, football, force, foreign, forest, forex, formable, forms, formula, formula milk, franchise, fraud, gadget, galvanizing, game, garments, gas, gender, general, genetics, geographic, geological, german, gifts, gimmicks, global, glossary, goal, government, grader, grades, green, grid, guide, handbook, handling, happy new year, haul, hazard, heir, heirship, health, heat, heat exchanger, heating, health, healthy, heavy, heavy equipment, heirs, helicopter, help, help line, herd, high blood pressure, hospitality, hosting, hot, hot dip, hotel, house, human resources, human rights, hydraulics, hypertension, hypnotherapy, idea, ideologi, illegal seller, illness, image, immunization, implementation, import, import duty, import, incident, incorporation, independent appraisal, index, Indonesian, Indonesian English, indonesisch, incentive, incoterms, industrial, industry, infant, influenza, informal, information, information sciences and systems, infotainment, inlay, in-store, instructions, instruction strings, integrated, integrity, intelligence, interface, internal communication, international, internet, interpreting, interview, introduction, investment, investor, investor relations, invitation, ion, IT, item, jerman, jewelry, job, job seeker, job site, journal, journal, journalism and mass communication, kesenian, kitchen, kontrak perjanjian, label, language, language service, law, lead, leaflets, lease, lease deed, leather, legal, legal counsel, letter, letter of credit, L.C., level, license, line, linguistics, liquid, load, localization, location, log out tag out, longevity, loss, low back, loyalty, library, life, lift, lightning, lightning arresters, literature, lithium, lithium ion battery, livelihood, liver, livestock, living, loan, lubricants, lubrication, lump sum, machine, maintenance, management, manpower, manual, manufacture, mapping, maritime, marketing, marriage, material, mathematics, meat, mechanical, media, medical, meeting, member, membership, memorandum of understanding, menu, merger, messages, MICE, micro, micro finance, micro hydro, migration, military, mining, mining permit, minister, ministry, minutes, mobile apps, mobile computing, mobile device, module, motion, motivation, mobile phone, M.O.U, movie, mystery, myths, name chamge, names, navy, neck, negotiation, network, newsletter, news release, non-destructive, non-disclosure, notarial deed, notice, notification letter, notes, novels, office, nutrition, ocean, oil and gas, old ager, on-boarding, on- line, operations, operator, opinion, opposite, oral, order, order & writ, organization, organizer, orientation, oriented, origin, outstanding, owner, ownership, pain, packaging, palm oil, pameran lukis, pameran lukisan, pameran patung, papers, parliament, partner, partnership, parts, patent, patent application, patent description, patient, patient consent form, patient deferral form, patient guidelines, patient referral form, payment, payment facilitating policy, pay TV, PC, PC maintenance manual, PC security & optimization products marketing, pemerintah, penerjemah indonesia, penerjemah inggris, pension, pension claim procedure, penterjemah inggris indonesia, penterjemah, penterjemah indonesia inggris, penterjemahan, perception, perception survey questionnaire, performance, performance review template, performance review templates, permits, personal computer, personality test, personalization, petroleum, philosophy, pilot, plan, plantation, plastic, plastic molding machine, playlist, poison, police, policy, posthumous, power, power of attorney, powershift transmission, planning documents, power plant, prenuptial, preparation, prequalification, presentation, press release, prevention, principle, printer, privacy, privacy policy, privacy principles, private, procedure, profile, process, procurement, product, process, product, product brochure, product campaign, product catalogue, product glossary, product newsletter, product warranty statement, profession, professional translator, proficiency, profile, program, proofreading, property, property presentstion, property tax notification, proposal, prospective, prospective customer survey, prospectuses, protocol, public, public accountant, public expose, public works, publications, puller, purchase, purchase and sale agreement, qualification, quality, quantity, questionnaire, quiz, radiation, rating, reality, recipes, reclamation, recognition, recruitment, reference, referral, refinance, registration, regulation, rehydration, remittance, rental, reports, representative office, requirements, research, reseller, residence, resignation, resolution of board of directors, resources, response, responsibilitiy, retailer, retention, review, rights issue, risk, river, road, roadshow, root cause analysis. rules, safe, safeguards, safety, sales, sampling, satisfaction, scale, seni, seni lukis, shredder, scholarship, scholarship announcement, scholarship form, science, screening, scripts, seat, service level agreement, services, severity, shipment, shop, shopping, shoulder, sign, signage, site, social, software, solution, song lyrics, speech, sponsor, sputum, staff, standard, statement, stock exchange, stock market analyst, string, study, subtitling, suicide, summary, sunglasses, supply, supporting, suppressor, surveilance, survey, syllabuses, symptom, system, tea, technical, technology, templates, tension, terjemahan, terminology, terms, test, testing, text, textile, thesis, tissue, tools, tourism, traffic, training manual, transcripts, transfer, transition, translating, translation, translator, transportation, travel, trouble, tube, tubing, TV, übersetzer, übersetzen, übersetzung, undang-undang, unit, urban, usage, user, vaccines, validation, value, value added, value adding, vessel, video clip, vision, wallpaper, warning, washing machine user manual, waste, waste water treatment, weather, weather application, weather prediction, website content, website terms and conditions, website localization, web-based products, whistleblower policy, white, whitepaper, word, work, workshop, working hours, worker compensation, worker rights, X-ray, X-ray user manual. See less.

Profile last updated
Nov 17, 2019