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Spanish to English - Standard rate: 0.09 GBP per word / 30 GBP per hour French to English - Standard rate: 0.09 GBP per word / 30 GBP per hour Catalan to English - Standard rate: 0.09 GBP per word / 30 GBP per hour English to Spanish - Standard rate: 0.07 EUR per word / 32 EUR per hour
Spanish to English: Corporate press release - Economic context General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Economics
Source text - Spanish Contexto económico
En el año 2020 la pandemia del COVID-19 impactó negativamente a todas las economías del mundo en mayor o menor grado, en función de la incidencia de la enfermedad en cada país y de las medidas de restricción adoptadas por parte de los diferentes gobiernos.
La economía mundial en 2020 registró una contracción estimada del -4,1%.
El producto interior bruto (PIB) de las economías avanzadas se redujo un -5,1%, con Estados Unidos mostrando una caída estimada del -3,5% y la Eurozona del -7,3%, en tanto que las economías emergentes tampoco se libraron de la desaceleración, con México contrayéndose un estimado de -9,0% y Brasil un -4,7%.
China fue una de las primeras economías en superar, al menos, la primera ola de contagios, y logró crecer un estimado 1,5% en 2020, aunque de cara al 2021 el gran crecimiento esperado (por el efecto base) podría verse afectado por rebrotes de la enfermedad en varias zonas del país.
Las restricciones impuestas en muchos países bajo la forma de confinamientos y medidas de distanciamiento social dañaron inicialmente a la mayor parte de las actividades económicas, y después de la flexibilización de dichas medidas en el tercer trimestre a los sectores con mayor contacto entre personas, como la hostelería, la restauración y los viajes, en diferente grado.
La actividad económica en el cuarto trimestre de 2020 se vio afectada por nuevas restricciones derivadas de la “segunda ola” de contagios en Europa y Estados Unidos, aunque la caída será menor que la registrada en el segundo trimestre, porque en general se ha intentado evitar la interrupción de toda actividad laboral no relacionada con restauración, ocio y turismo.
Para tratar de minimizar daños estructurales en la economía, los gobiernos han puesto en marcha paquetes de apoyo, especialmente para cubrir los despidos temporales y evitar que se volvieran permanentes, y han facilitado líneas de crédito y avales a empresas.
Incluso, en muchos países, el Estado ha entrado en el accionariado de empresas de interés estratégico nacional para garantizar su permanencia en medio de la profunda recesión.
Asimismo, en algunos países hubo bajadas temporales de impuestos y, en otros, esquemas de ayuda con políticas fiscales de gasto.
Como medida para atenuar los efectos de la recesión y estimular la actividad, muchos gobiernos han aprovechado las circunstancias para acelerar o ampliar sus planes de inversión en infraestructuras.
Particularmente en los países más desarrollados se ha querido orientar ese impulso no solo en las infraestructuras de transporte sino también hacia energías limpias, la digitalización o para transformar la movilidad en las ciudades y reducir contaminación.
En un esfuerzo altamente sincronizado a nivel global, los bancos centrales en todo el mundo han respondido con significativas bajadas de tipos de interés de referencia y, en algunos casos, con programas de expansión cuantitativa a través de compras de bonos gubernamentales o de grandes empresas.
El resultado de estas actuaciones de gran calibre se puede observar en el crecimiento de la masa monetaria; en el caso de los Estados Unidos, el M2 (dinero en circulación y depósitos de corto plazo) se elevó un 24,2%, en tanto que en la Eurozona el M3 (M2 más los depósitos bancarios de más largo plazo) un 10,5%.
Se prevé que este crecimiento sea sostenido, tanto por el mantenimiento de los programas de apoyo monetario de los bancos centrales, como por las políticas fiscales que también serán expansivas y se extenderán, como mínimo, a cinco años vista.
Esta notable expansión monetaria está estimulando ya el debate sobre si ciertos factores inflacionarios podrán fortalecerse en los próximos trimestres.
Posiblemente no implicarán un alza significativa de los índices de inflación general, al menos mientras no se recuperen los empleos y los salarios, pero sí producirían cierta inflación de activos, parte de la cual ya se está observando.
En cuanto al sector bancario, se prepara para los momentos difíciles que vienen, como se observa por el fuerte empuje hacia fusiones que tienen como objetivo la reducción de costes.
Es de esperar que cuando terminen las ayudas a los despidos temporales, o con el motivo del alargamiento de las restricciones en la hostelería, se observe un repunte en los niveles de paro y en consecuencia de la morosidad.
Translation - English Economic context
In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted all economies in the world to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the incidence of the disease in each country and the restriction measures taken by different governments.
The world economy in 2020 registered an estimated contraction of -4.1 percent.
The gross domestic product (GDP) of advanced economies fell by -5.1 percent, with the US showing an estimated decline of -3.5 percent and the eurozone of -7.3 percent. Emerging economies did not escape the downturn, with Mexico contracting an estimated -9.0 percent and Brazil -4.7 percent.
China was one of the first economies to overcome at least the first wave of infections and managed to grow by an estimated 1.5 percent in 2020, although by 2021 the high growth expected (due to the base effect) could be affected by outbreaks of the disease in several parts of the country.
Restrictions imposed in many countries in the form of lockdowns and social distancing measures initially damaged most economic activities and, after the relaxation of such measures in the third quarter, sectors with greater contact between people, such as hospitality, catering and travel, to varying degrees.
Economic activity in the fourth quarter of 2020 was affected by new restrictions resulting from the "second wave" of infections in Europe and the United States. The decline will however be lower than in the second quarter, as attempts have generally been made to prevent interruption to all work activities not related to catering, leisure and tourism.
In order to try and minimize structural damage to the economy, governments have launched support packages, especially to cover temporary redundancies and prevent them from becoming permanent, and have provided credit lines and guarantees to companies.
In many countries, the government has even signed on as a shareholder of companies of national strategic interest to ensure their continued existence in the midst of the deep recession.
There were also temporary tax cuts in some countries and, in others, aid schemes with fiscal spending policies.
As a measure to mitigate the effects of the recession and stimulate activity, many governments have taken advantage of the circumstances to accelerate or expand their infrastructure investment plans.
Particularly in the more developed countries, this momentum has been directed not only at transport infrastructures but also toward clean energy, digitization or to transform mobility in cities and reduce pollution.
In a highly synchronized global effort, central banks around the world have responded with significant declines in benchmark interest rates and, in some cases, with quantitative easing programs through government or large company bond purchases.
The result of these large-scale actions can be seen in the growth of the money supply; in the case of the United States, M2 (money in circulation and short-term deposits) rose by 24.2 percent (YoY), while M3 (M2 plus longer-term bank deposits) rose by 10.5 percent in the eurozone.
This growth is expected to be sustained, both by the continuation of central bank monetary support programs and by fiscal policies that will also be expansionary and will be extended to at least the next five years.
This remarkable monetary expansion is already stimulating the debate on whether certain inflationary factors may be strengthened in the coming quarters.
They may not imply a significant rise in overall inflation rates, at least as long as jobs and salaries do not recover, but they would produce some asset inflation, part of which is already being seen.
In terms of the banking sector, it is preparing for the difficult moments that lie ahead, as can be seen by the strong push toward mergers aimed at reducing costs.
When aid for temporary redundancies ends, or with the extension of restrictions in hospitality, there is likely to be a rebound in unemployment levels and, consequently, delinquency.
French to English: French Power of Attorney document General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - French MANDAT
La soussignée:
XXX, née le XXX, originaire de XXX, domiciliée à XXX.
MANDATE par les présentes Maître XXX et Maîre XXX, tous deux notaires à XXX.
Aux fins de procéder au REGLEMENT de la SUCCESSION de :
Monsieur XXX, fils de XXX et XXX, né le XXX, de nationalité XXX, de son vivant marié, retraité, domicilié à XXX, décédé à XXX le XXX.
dont ie constituant est nabile à se dire et porter héritier.
En conséquence, le mandataire aura tous pouvoirs pour :
- Dresser et requérir tout certificat d'héritier, dans ie cours de ces opérations prendre connaissance de tous testaments et donations.
- Procéder à tous inventaires et, dans le cours de ces opérations, demander à tous établissements bancaires ou autres détenteurs d'actifs, tous renseignements, tant sur l'actif dépendant de ladite succession que du régime matrimonial adopté; ainsi que sur toutes prestations d'assurance où de fonds de prévoyance.
- Etablir la déclaration de succession et en payer les droits à l'administration fiscale cantonale. En tant que de besoin, et à ces fins, réaliser et encaisser tous actifs dépendant de la succession et du régime matrimonial.
- Procéder à tous comptes, liquidations et partage de ladite succession et du régime matrimonial (en particulier obtenir tous renseignements et attestations des comptes bancaires du conjoint survivant), à cet effet, payer tous passifs et encaisser tous actifs dépéndant tant de la succession que du régime matrimonial, procéder à l'inventaire et prélever le contenu de tous coffres et les résilier.
- Délivrer tous legs.
- Dresser tout acte de mutation des Immeubles dépendant de ladite succession soit en copropriété soit en communauté héréditaire ou encore au nom du constituant, à cet effet, inscrire, radier ou modifier au Registre Foncier tous droits réels ou personnels.
- Aux effets ci-dessus, passer et signer tous actes, élire domicile, substituer et généralement faire tout ce qui sera utile etnécessaire quoique non expressément prévu aux présentes.
Translation - English POWER OF ATTORNEY
The undersigned:
XXX, born on XXX, from XXX, domiciled at XXX.
Hereby grants POWER OF ATTORNEY to Maître XXX and Maître XXX, both notaries at XXX.
For the purposes of SETTLING the ESTATE of:
Mr XXX, son of XXX and XXX, born on XXX, of XXX nationality, married when he was alive, retired, domiciled at XXX, died in XXX, on XXX.
the grantor of which has the legal capacity to claim their rights to inherit.
As a result, the proxy will have all powers to:
- draw up and request any certificate of inheritance, in the course of these transactions read any wills and bequests;
- carry out any inventories and, in the course of these transactions, ask any banking establishments or other asset holders for information, both on the assets linked to this estate and to the matrimonial property scheme adopted; as well as any insurance or contingency fund benefits;
- draw up the declaration of estate and pay the fees to the regional tax
administration. If necessary, at for these purposes, produce and collect all assets linked to the estate and the matrimonial property scheme;
- act on any accounts, settlements and division between heirs of this estate and of the matrimonial property scheme (particularly to obtain any information and statements of the bank accounts of the surviving spouse) and, for this purpose, pay any liabilities and collect any assets linked both to the estate and to the matrimonial property scheme, carry out the inventory and withdraw the contents of any safe deposit boxes and cancel them;
- distribute any legacies;
- draw up any transfer of property deed linked to the estate that is either jointly owned or as a body of heirs or even in the name of the grantor; and, for this purpose, register, deregister or amend any real or personal property rights on the Land Registry;
- for the above purposes, execute and sign any deeds, elect domicile, substitute and generally take any worthy and required action, even if it is not expressly provided for herein.
Spanish to English: French Articles of Association General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - Spanish * Agrément :
a) Cessions de parts sociales dispensées d'agrément
Les cessions de parts sociales à titre onéreux ou à titre gratuit, ainsi que le démembrement de propriété et la liquidation de régime matrimonial, sont dispensés d’agrément et sont donc libres lorsqu’ils interviennent au profit du conjoint marié à condition que celui-ci soit déjà associé, ou lorsqu’ils sont consentis au profit d’un descendant en ligne directe.
b) Cessions départs sociales soumises à agrément
A l’exception des cessions de parts sociales et des autres transmissions visées à l’article 12 a) ci-dessus qui peuvent intervenir librement, toutes les autres cessions de parts sociales, à titre gratuit ou onéreux, à des tiers ou entre associés, le démembrement de propriété, le transfert de propriété des parts sociales par voie de succession, de liquidation de régime matrimonial, de fusion, absorption ou d’adjudication publique ordonnée par décision de justice ou d’attribution judiciaire, doivent préalablement être agréés dans les conditions ci-après.
Le projet de cession est notifié au Gérant par lettre recommandée avec demande d’avis de réception. Il contient l’indication des nom, prénom et adresse du cessionnaire s’il s’agit d’une personne physique, ou sa dénomination sociale, sa forme, son capital social, son siège social, son immatriculation au RCS, l’organe qui la représente et son actionnariat s’il s’agit d’une personne morale, le nombre des part sociales dont la cession est envisagée et le prix offert.
Dans le délai de quinze jours à partir de la notification, le Gérant convoque l’assemblée des associés pour qu’elle délibère sur le projet de cession des parts sociales. Il peut également consulter les associés par écrit sur ledit projet.
La décision de la Société, qui n’a pas à être motivée, est notifiée par le Gérant au cédant par lettre recommandée avec demande d’avis de réception ou remise en mains propres contre décharge manuscrite.
En cas d’agrément, la cession est réalisée dans les termes et conditions mentionnés dans le projet de cession notifié à la Société.
Si la Société n’a pas fait connaître sa décision dans le délai de deux mois à compter de la notification du projet de cession, l’agrément à la cession est réputé acquis.
Si la Société a refusé d’agréer la cession, le cédant peut, dans les quinze jours de la notification de refus qui lui est faite, signifier par lettre recommandée avec demande d’avis de réception qu’il renonce à son projet de cession.
À défaut de renonciation de sa part, les associés doivent, dans le délai de trois mois à compter du refus d’agrément, acquérir ou faire acquérir les parts sociales à un prix fixé à dire d’expert conformément aux dispositions de l’article 1843-4 du Code Civil, le tout sans préjudice du droit du cédant de conserver ses parts sociales.
Ce délai peut être prolongé une seule fois, à la demande du Gérant de la Société, par ordonnance du Président de la juridiction compétente statuant sur requête.
La Société peut également, avec le consentement du cédant, décider de racheter les parts sociales au prix de la cession et de réduire son capital du montant de la valeur nominale des parts du cédant. À défaut d’accord sur le prix de cession, il est fixé à dire d’expert conformément aux dispositions de l’article 1843-4 du Code Civil, le tout sans préjudice du droit du cédant de conserver ses parts sociales. Lorsque les actions sont rachetées par la société, celle-ci est tenue de les céder dans un délai de six (6) mois ou de les annuler.
Translation - English * Approval:
a) Company share transfers exempt from approval
Share transfers with or without charge, as well as the separation of property and the liquidation of marital property, are exempt from approval and are therefore free when they take place for the benefit of the married spouse, provided that the latter is already a partner, or when they are granted for the benefit of a direct descendant.
b) Company share transfers subject to approval
With the exception of transfers of shares and other transfers under Article 12 a) above that can take place freely, prior approved under the following conditions is required for all other share transfers, with or without charge, to third parties or between partners, the separation of property, the transfer of property of shares by way of inheritance, liquidation of matrimonial property, merger, absorption or public tender ordered by a court ruling or order.
The Manager is notified of the transfer by recorded letter with acknowledgment of receipt. It states the surname, first name and address of the transferee if it is a natural person, or its corporate name, its form, its share capital, its registered office social, its registration with the commercial registry, the body that represents it and its shareholding if it is a legal entity, the number of shares whose sale is envisaged and the price offered.
Within 15 days of the notice, the Manager shall convene the Shareholders' Meeting to deliberate on the proposed transfer of shares. The Manager can also consult the partners in writing concerning the proposal.
The transferor is informed by the Manager of the Company's decision, which is not required to be substantiated, by recorded letter with acknowledgment of receipt or hand delivered with a handwritten receipt.
In the event of approval, the transfer is carried out under the terms and conditions mentioned in the proposed transfer notified to the Company.
If the Company has not announced its decision within two months as from the notice of the proposed transfer, the approval of the transfer is deemed acquired.
If the Company has refused to approve the transfer, the transferor can, within 15 years of the notice of refusal, announce by recorded letter with acknowledgment of receipt that they are abandoning their proposed transfer.
If they do not abandon it, the partners must, within three months of the approval refusal, acquire or have acquired the shares at a price determined by an expert in compliance with provisions of Article 1843-4 of the French Civil Code, the foregoing without prejudice to the transferor's right to retain their shares.
This period may be extended at the request of the Manager of the Company, by order of the presiding judge of the competent court ruling on the request.
The company may also, with the transferor's consent, decide to redeem the shares at the transfer price and to reduce its capital by the amount of the face value of the transferor's shares. In the absence of an agreement on the transfer price, it is determined by an expert pursuant to the provisions of Article 1843-4 of the French Civil Code, the foregoing without prejudice to the transferor's right to retain their shares. When the shares are redeemed by the company, the company is obligated to transfer them within six (6) months or cancel them.
Spanish to English: Notary Document General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Spanish Se encuentra legitimado para el presente acto en virtud de los acuerdos tomados por la Junta General, Extraordinaria y Universal, celebrada por la sociedad a la que representa el día 12 de Febrero de 1997, según resulta de certificación de dichos acuerdos que, expedida por él el día de hoy se me entrega, y cuya firma que la autoriza legitimo.
La certificación va extendida en doce folios de papel común, y queda incorporada a esta matriz como documento unido.
Translation - English It is authorised for the present act in virtue of the agreements entered into by the Extraordinary General Meeting and General Shareholders' Meeting held by the company that represents it on 12 February 1997, as certified by said agreements that, issued by it today submitted to me, and whose authorising signature I legitimise.
The certification is recorded on twelve sheets of unstamped paper, and is added to this original document as an attachment.
Catalan to English: Project Management Football Stadium General field: Bus/Financial
Source text - Catalan 1.16 Coordinació General BIM
La present activitat te com objecte regular la metodologia per canalitzar la coordinació entre els diferents BIM Manager (contractista, equip de disseny, Assessor BIM d’XXXX i BIM Manager de l’equip de la UTE) per garantir l’absència de incongruències en la gestió conjunta del model BIM. A tal efecte es crearà una cadència de reunions de seguiment, una jerarquia d’aprovacions prèvies per a la manipulació del model així com un control de la gestió de les sortides IFC del mateix. També s’establiran tant les auditories del model com els fluxes per a la gestió de les incidències en el model de informació i les actualitzacions precises del PxP.
Translation - English 1.16 General BIM Coordination
The aim of this activity is to manage the methodology in order to channel the coordination among the various BIM Managers (contractor, design team, XXXX's BIM Consultant and the JV team's BIM Manager) so as to guarantee the absence of inconsistencies in the joint management of the BIM model. To this end, a series of monitoring meetings will be held, a hierarchy of prior approvals for manipulating the model will be created, and system for overseeing the management of the IFC solutions will also be set up. In addition, both the audits of the model as well as the processes for managing developments in the data model and the precise updates of the PxP will be established.
Spanish to English: Business Plan (Agricultural technology) General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - Spanish El mercado objetivo de XXXX está formado por explotaciones ganaderas modernas e industrializadas, a nivel global, junto con las empresas distribuidoras de pienso que las abastecen. Los granjeros eliminaran la necesidad de las inspecciones periódicas de silos y dispondrán de información detallada del consumo diario de pienso en su explotación. Los fabricantes de pienso podrán optimizar todo el proceso logístico, procesando automáticamente las órdenes electrónicas de reposición de silos, accediendo a los datos de existencias de sus clientes, obteniendo previsiones de demanda futura y utilizando herramientas de optimización tanto para la producción como para las rutas de distribución. Ambos son beneficiarios directos de la solución ya que el control continuo y preciso de las existencias de pienso tiene un impacto importante en sus procesos de negocio.
Translation - English XXXX's target market comprises modern and industrialised livestock farms on a global scale, in addition to feed distribution companies that supply them. Farmers will eliminate the need for periodic silo inspections and will again detailed information on the daily feed consumption in their farms. Feed manufacturers will be able to optimise the entire logistics process, by automatically processing electronic replenishment orders for silos, accessing their clients stock details, obtaining future demand forecasts and using optimisation tools both for production and for distribution routes. Both are direct beneficiaries of the solution since the continuous and accurate stock monitoring of feed has a significant impact on its business processes.
French to English: International Politics News Article (2014, US English) General field: Other Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - French La crise en Ukraine, la guerre meurtrière en Syrie et l'impasse au Moyen Orient ne détourneront pas la principale puissance mondiale de ses priorités. Le basculement vers l'Asie du centre de gravité de la planète est si rapide et si inéluctable que les péripéties de plus en plus alarmantes qui agitent le vieux monde sont bien secondaires au regard de l'avenir qui se joue beaucoup plus à l'est.
La tournée de quatre jours en Asie que Barack Obama vient d'entamer au Japon est, pour nous Européens, une leçon d'humilité. Elle démontre que l'Amérique, la seule puissance globale, a de la suite dans les idées. Le report de ce voyage en octobre dernier, pour cause d'impasse budgétaire au Congrès, avait soulevé des doutes. Il n'a pas remis en cause le « pivot » de la diplomatie américaine vers le Pacifique, pas davantage que les récents développements en Ukraine.
La Russie a beau piétiner en Crimée les règles du jeu international, ramener notre continent à l'époque où l'on changeait le tracé des frontières par la force, nous ne sommes plus le centre du monde. Après le fiasco du traité d'association proposé à Viktor Yanoukovich, la diplomatie européenne est devenue si insignifiante que le sort de l'Ukraine se joue désormais directement entre Moscou et Washington. Quant aux Etats-Unis, s'ils doivent rassurer leurs alliés de l'Otan, ils n'iront pas jusqu'à revenir sur le « pivot » vers l'Asie pour le réorienter vers l'Europe, comme le leur a demandé le ministre polonais de la Défense.
Translation - English The crisis in Ukraine, the deadly war in Syria and the deadlock in the Middle East will not distract the leading world power from its priorities. The swaying of Asia towards the center of gravity of the planet is so quick and so inevitable that the increasingly more alarming twists and turns that agitate the old world are rather insignificant with regard to the future that lies further to the east.
The four-day tour in Asia that Barack Obama has just begun in Japan is, for us Europeans, a lesson in humility. It demonstrates that America, the single global power, is thinking logically. The announcement of this trip last October, given the budgetary dead end in Congress, had raised some questions. It did not question the "pivot" of American diplomacy to the Pacific – not more than the recent developments in Ukraine in any case.
Russia tried in vain in Crimea to eradicate the rules of the international game, taking our continent back to times when we changed the outline of country borders by force - we are no longer the center of the world. After the fiasco of the Association Treaty proposed by Viktor Yanoukovich, European diplomacy has become so significant that, from now on, the fate of Ukraine will be in the hands of Moscow and Washington. As for the United States, if they must reassure their NATO allies, will they not go as far as to "re-pivot" to Asia in order to redirect it towards Europe, asked the Polish Minister for Defense.
Spanish to English (Heriot Watt University) French to English (Heriot Watt University) French (University of Strathclyde, verified) Spanish (University of Strathclyde, verified)
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I am a freelance translator, interpreter and proofreader based in Valencia, Spain. I have been working as a full-time freelance translator since 2015, the year before which I worked as a volunteer translator while completing an MSc in Interpreting and Translating at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh. My undergraduate degree was in International Business and Modern Languages at Strathclyde University in Glasgow. This was a five-year degree, but I spent my fourth year studying at the University of Murcia, Spain.
Professionally, I translate from Spanish, French and Catalan to English and I am competent in liaison and conference interpreting in both French and Spanish.
My specialisations are business, marketing, legal and financial translations.
Some of the text types I tend to work with include: corporate communications, articles of association, annual reports, audit reports, corporate, commercial and employment contracts, property deeds, press releases, internal communications, sustainability reports, ICAAP/ILAAP, technical manuals, marketing descriptions, certificates and many more.
In addition, I am a passionate piano player and teacher in my spare time. I have played in bands and orchestras all of my life. I also have an interest in other foreign languages, such as Swedish and Mandarin Chinese.
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