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English to Italian: Estratto da "La Falena" (The Moth) di H.G. Wells General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English Hapley got his opponent down, and meant to finish him. He followed with a simply brutal attack upon Pawkins, in the form of a paper upon the development of moths in general, a paper showing evidence of a most extraordinary amount of mental labour, and yet couched in a violently controversial tone. Violent as it was, an editorial note witnesses that it was modified. It must have covered Pawkins with shame and confusion of face. It left no loophole; it was murderous in argument, and utterly contemptuous in tone; an awful thing for the declining years of a man’s career.
The world of entomologists waited breathlessly for the rejoinder from Pawkins. He would try one, for Pawkins had always been game. But when it came it surprised them. For the rejoinder of Pawkins was to catch influenza, proceed to pneumonia, and die.
It was perhaps as effectual a reply as he could make under the circumstances, and largely turned the current of feeling against Hapley. The very people who had most gleefully cheered on those gladiators became serious at the consequence. There could be no reasonable doubt the fret of the defeat had contributed to the death of Pawkins. There was a limit even to scientific controversy, said serious people. Another crushing attack was already in the press and appeared on the day before the funeral. I don’t think Hapley exerted himself to stop it. People remembered how Hapley had hounded down his rival, and forgot that rival’s defects. Scathing satire reads ill over fresh mould.
Translation - Italian Hapley buttò giù il suo avversario con tutte le intenzioni di finirlo. Proseguì attaccando brutalmente Pawkins con un trattato sullo sviluppo delle falene in generale, un documento che mostrava di certo una quantità straordinaria di lavoro intellettuale e che, tuttavia, era formulato in tono ferocemente polemico. E dire che, per quanto violento, secondo una nota editoriale era già stato modificato. Pawkins dovette sentirsi travolto dalla vergogna e dal disonore. Il saggio non lasciava scappatoie: le sue argomentazioni erano micidiali e avevano un tono di totale disprezzo. Un’atrocità per un uomo giunto al tramonto della carriera.
Il mondo degli entomologi attendeva con il fiato sospeso la replica di Pawkins. Ne avrebbe trovata una, poiché il professore era sempre stato al gioco. Quando questa giunse, però, li sorprese, visto che la sua contromossa fu quella di prendersi l’influenza, procedere con una polmonite e morire.
Date le circostanze, fu forse la più efficace delle repliche possibili e volse ampiamente il favore dei contemporanei contro Hapley. Gli stessi che avevano gioiosamente acclamato quei gladiatori ammutolirono davanti al risultato finale. Non ci poteva essere alcun ragionevole dubbio sul fatto che la stizza della sconfitta avesse contribuito alla morte di Pawkins. C’era un limite anche alla polemica scientifica, dicevano le persone serie. Un altro attacco schiacciante era già stato dato alle stampe e apparve il giorno prima del funerale. Non credo che Hapley fece molto per evitarlo. La gente ricordò solo come avesse dato la caccia al suo rivale e dimenticò i difetti di Pawkins. La satira seppur graffiante, non s’incide bene sulla lapide appena eretta.
Translation education
Master's degree - Università di Catania
Years of experience: 24. Registered at Jun 2014.
English to Italian (Università degli Studi di Catania) French to Italian (Università degli Studi di Catania)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Indesign, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Subtitle Workshop
CV available upon request
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I was born in Sicily with a British soul. Fluent in Italian, English, French and Sicilian, I’ve always studied and worked with foreign languages and the world’s literatures.
After working in various voluntary associations and doing the oddest jobs, I worked for more than 20 years as a tutor (for English and French certification exams) and a freelance translator (EN>IT, FR>IT, IT>EN) for advertisement and organic certification agencies and web sites. Since 2020 I translate for fiction and non-fiction publishers working on photo books and literary works with Lonely Planet Italia/EDT, White Star/National Geographic, Polillo Editore and AltreVoci Edizioni.
Keywords: English Français Italiano Advertisement Ghostwriting Copywriting Fiction Non-Fiction Press Releases