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English to Spanish: Processor Agreement / ACUERDO DE USO DE LICENCIA General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - English THIS AGREEMENT, effective the DD day of MM, 2014, by and between (THE LICENSOR) having its principal place of business at (XXXX)(hereinafter "Licensor"), and (THE PROCESSOR), having its principal place of business located at (XXXX) (hereinafter "Processor").
WHEREAS, Licensor has established and desires to preserve, protect, enhance and promote the national and international reputation and prestige of Licensor as the owner of the Trademarks set forth on Schedule "1", attached hereto and made a part hereof, and Processor acknowledges and recognizes this reputation and prestige; and
WHEREAS, Licensor is also the owner of visual works of art embodied in artistic designs, which designs are the subject of U.S. Copyright Registrations set forth on Schedule "1", and
WHEREAS, Licensor is the owner of other intellectual property rights in said designs identified by the Trademarks set forth on Schedule "1" and desires to license its right to such design and to such Intellectual Property Rights therein for use in connection with various goods; and
WHEREAS, Processor is in the business of applying Licensed Designs identified by the Trademarks set forth on Schedule "1" to the product(s) set forth on Schedule "A" and desires to obtain a license for a limited term for the Licensed Design(s), Trademark(s), and Copyright(s) identified on Schedule "1".
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and undertakings hereinafter set forth, and other good and valuable consideration hereby acknowledged, it is agreed as follows:
Translation - Spanish ACUERDO, con efecto el DD de MM, AAAA. Reunidos de una parte (EL Licenciante) con domicilio social en ___________________________ (en adelante el “Licenciante”), y de otra (El Licenciatario) con domicilio social en _____________________________________________ (en adelante el “Licenciatario”).
QUE, El Licenciante establece y desea preservar, proteger, potenciar y promover la reputación y prestigio nacional e internacional del Licenciante como propietario de las Marcas incluidas en el Anexo 1 del presente acuerdo, reconociendo el Licenciatario dicha reputación y prestigio.
QUE, El Licenciante es propietario de las creaciones visuales plasmadas en los diseños artísticos de camuflaje cuyos diseños son sujeto del Registro de Derechos de Propiedad de E.E.U.U.
QUE, El Licenciante, es propietario de los derechos de propiedad intelectual de los diseños de camuflaje identificados por las Marcas expuestas en el Anexo 1, cede la licencia de dichos diseños y sus derechos de propiedad intelectual para su uso en relación con ciertos productos.
QUE, El Licenciatario perteneciendo al negocio de la Aplicación de Diseños Bajo Licencia identificados por las Marcas establecidas en el Anexo 1 sobre los productos establecidos en el Anexo A, desea la obtención de una licencia por tiempo limitado sobre los derechos de los Diseños Bajo Licencia, Marca(s) y Derechos de Propiedad identificados en el Anexo 1.
Y QUE, teniendo en consideración la actividad mencionada y otras consideraciones de valor, y de mutuo acuerdo entre las partes, se establece lo siguiente:
Spanish to English: PORTRAIT General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Spanish Un primer trazo delinea mi figura. Suspiro. No te muevas. El carbón invade poco a poco cada resquicio de mi cuerpo. Soy mancha. Impúdico levanta la mirada. Esos ojos pardos primero memorizan y luego plasman cada vello, cada pliegue, cada gesto. Con los dedos abraza las líneas que difumina dando forma a mi pecho. Se ruboriza pero no para sigue hasta que estremecido de placer perfila el monte dedicado a la diosa venus.
Translation - English That first line shaping my figure. A sigh. Don't move. The charcoal invades little by little every single pore of my body. I'm a shade. Shameless, he raises his gaze. Those brown eyes first memorize and then capture every hair, every fold, every gesture. His fingers embrace those lines which are smoothed away when shaping my breast. He blushes, but cannot stop until shuddered at the pleasure felt outlining the Mount dedicated to the Goddess Venus.
Spanish to French: Salve Noche / Salut Nuit General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Spanish La noche silencia lo que nuestro interior alberga. Y en ella se esconden almas puras e impuras con secretos y pecados; pecados inconfesables e inconfesados que sólo Ella entiende, perdona y cobija. Que tiene la noche que asusta, encanta y hechiza. Rogamos a la Luna, Señora de la noche que todo ilumina. Hazme un hueco en tu Reino así en la Tierra como en el Cielo. Salve Noche. Salve Luna. Vela por nosotros tus siervos.
Translation - French La nuit passe sous silence ceux que notre esprit caresse. Et dans son interieur ils se cachent des âmes pures et impures avec des secrets et des péchés; des péchés inavouables et inavoués qu'Elle seule arrive à comprendre, pardoner et abriter. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a chez la nuit qui effraie, qui émerveille et ensorcelle. On prie la Lune, Notre-Dame de la nuit que tout illumine. Gardez moi une place dans votre royaume ainsi sur la Terre comme au Ciel. Salut Nuit. Salut Lune. Veillez sur nous vos serviteurs.
Translation education
Graduate diploma - U.N.E.D.
Years of experience: 21. Registered at Jun 2014.
Reliability, the ability to network and build contacts, the ability to meet deadlines, the ability to remain neutral and free of bias, discretion and respect for confidentiality and a flair for research are assets I would bring to the work. I have experience in project management and strong organisational and administrative skills with the ability to work independently and use my own initiative. I also have the ability to prioritise whilst under pressure meeting tight deadlines.
We could say I am a “late bloomer” as after all these years working as a linguist I decided to go back to university to improve my skills. Going back to studying while taking care of my family and working all at the same time meant making a great effort that it is already paying off. Not only has my decision supposed a great impact in my professional life but in my personal life too, as I have discovered my passion for writing.
I have completed an independent dissertation on the use of corpora "An Approach to Corpus Linguistics: Methodology and Practice", 2014.
I was published a brief article "Sommaire de deux langues", Castildelenguas 6, EOI Tudela, may 2014.
Five-Time Published in anthologies by
* Anthologies of micro-stories:
"Sensaciones y sentidos"
"Heroicidades Epicas"
"Inspiraciones Nocturnas"