Chinese to English: Technical information General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s) | |
Source text - Chinese 技术信息指/包括所有的贸易秘密。此外,技术信息也要意指其他有价值的信息,无论有什么特性,是否机密或专利的都包括在内。只有现在被EBSA占有的(或者今后协议效期),而与销售和分配/分发许可产品的技术信息有关。 | Translation - English Technical information shall mean all trade secrets and other valuable information of whatever nature, whether confidential or not, and whether proprietary or not, which is now in (or hereafter during the term this Agreement is in effect) the posession of EBSA and which is relevant to the sale and distribution of a licensed product. |
Chinese to Dutch: Technische Informatie General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s) | |
Source text - Chinese 技术信息指/包括所有的贸易秘密。此外,技术信息也要意指其他有价值的信息,无论有什么特性,是否机密或专利的都包括在内。只有现在被EBSA占有的(或者今后协议效期),而与销售和分配/分发许可产品的技术信息有关。 | Translation - Dutch Met technische informatie worden alle handelsgeheimen bedoeld, alsook andere waardevolle informatie van welke aard dan ook, of deze nu vertrouwelijk is of niet en of deze gepatenteerd is of niet. Dit is enkel van toepassing op de technische informatie die betrekking heeft tot de verkoop en distributie van een erkend product en momenteel in handen is van de EBSA (of later tijdens duur van de overeenkomst). |