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An outstandingly passionate and enthusiastic translator with excellent knowledge in Traductology and Terminology, with a solid background in language studies and determined to succeed.
Account type
Freelance translator and/or interpreter
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English to Romanian: Authorization Detailed field: Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Source text - English ”În temeiul art. 4 din Legea nr. 178 din 4 noiembrie 1997 publicată în Monitorul Oficial al României, nr. 305 din 10 noiembrie 1997, cu modificările şi completările ulterioare, ministrul justiției, prin Ordinul nr. 1899/C/16 Septembrie 2011, autorizează pe domnul/doamna A, fiul/fiica lui B şi C, născut/născută la data de D, în localitatea E, jud. F, cod numeric personal G, ca traducător şi interpret pentru limba/limbile H, să efectueze traduceri pentru Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii, Ministerul Justiției, Parchetul de pe lângă Înalta Curte de Casație şi Justiție, Direcția Națională Anticorupție, organele de urmărire penală, instanțele judecătoreşti, birourile notarilor publici, avocați şi executori judecătoreşti.
Eliberată astăzi, I.
Pentru ministrul justiţiei, K, semnează L, Șef Serviciu Profesii Juridice Conexe.”
Translation - Romanian “Pursuant to Section 4 from the Statute no. 178, dated November 4, 1997, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, no. 305, dated November 10, 1997, including subsequent amendments and additions, the minister for justice, by Order no. 1899/C/ September 16, 2011, authorizes Mr/Mrs A, the son/daughter of B and C, born the D, in the town of E, the district of F, social security number G, as translator and interpreter for the language/languages H, in order to perform translations for The Superior Council of Magistracy, The Ministry of Justice, the Prosecutor's Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice, National Anticorruption Directorate, criminal prosecution authorities, the courts of justice, public notary offices, lawyers and bailiffs.
Issued today, I.
Per pro. K, the ministry for justice, hereby signs L, The Head of Related Legal Professions Service.”
Translation education
Master's degree - "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of IAŞI
Years of experience: 12. Registered at Dec 2011.
English to Romanian (Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași) French to Romanian (Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași) Romanian to English (Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași) French to English (Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași) English to Romanian (Authorization issued by The Ministry of Justice)
French to Romanian (Authorization issued by The Ministry of Justice)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Indesign, memoQ, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Subtitle Workshop, Xbench, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
I am a native Romanian speaker with three years of experience in an administrative working environment and I have pertinent translation experience working both with agencies and direct clients.
∙Because my reputation is at stake I do not accept projects that I know I could not be proficient in; for me quality prevails over quantity and at this stage I'd rather spend more time on a single project and be happy with the result than work hastily on simultaneous projects.
∙I pride myself on the integrity and confidentiality I offer my clients. I abide by strict codes of ethics and conduct, and I conform with regulations on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data.
∙I am passionate about writing as perfectly as possible in my native language and I am keen on permanently improving my knowledge of language and communication in general. I am constantly reading the style guides provided by the Publications Office of the European Union and other translation-related materials, striving to meet the requirements of the EN-15038 European Quality Standard for Translation Services and first and foremost the final client's expectations.
∙I developed an interest in translation technology and I have quite a good grasp of IT in general.
∙Also, I believe that living in the UK has helped me strengthen my cultural awareness.
Legal: articles of association, resolutions, powers of attorney, internal policies, writs of summons, copyrights, POAs, court resolutions, contracts, EU-related materials, etc.
Technical: GMP audits; MSDSs, PSDSs, HMIs, product test reports, user manuals, IFUs, conformity certificates, verification test reports, operation and maintenance manuals, specifications for: controllers, scanners, drilling rigs, welding equipment, multifunctional printers, pneumatic precision seed drills, automatic dispensers, photovoltaic modules, security systems, air conditioning systems, safety and firefighting equipment, renewable energy equipment, temperature sensors, etc.
Medical Equipment, Pharmacology, Dermo-Cosmetics: imaging and spectrometry apparatus, humidifiers, microscopes, breast ultrasounds, spectrophotometers, etc.; labels, IFU, PILs, SmPCs, SDSs, clinical trial protocols and agreements, certificates of analysis, press releases on medicines, certifications regarding the efficacy of pharma products.
Business: business plans, work progress reports, inspection minutes, taking-over protocols.
Finance & Economics: amendments to bank guarantees, financial annual agreements, articles of incorporation, bank statements, financial auditor’s reports, excerpts from trade registers from Chambers of Commerce and Industry, tax forms, financial statements.
Subtitling: motion pictures, marketing materials, organized crime and corruption reporting project, sales rules for a training company.
CAT: Trados 2017, Wordfast, Subtitle Workshop and other in-house, proprietary software; Xbench 2.9, Adobe Acrobat XI Pro 11.0.13, Office 2016, InDesign CC 2015
Keywords: English, French, Romanian, gastronomy, food, recipe, resume, job description, engineering, legal. See more.English, French, Romanian, gastronomy, food, recipe, resume, job description, engineering, legal, legalese, software, localization, subtitling, technology, displacement, transport, shipment, contract, agreement, tender, addendum, product data, electronics, machinery, technical, environment, commissioning, testing, construction documents, standardization, compliance, home improvement, tools, landscape, interior design, housing, hydro-technical, water, waste, sewage, treatment plants, utilities, instructions, leaflets, catalogs, brochures, medical devices, industrial tools, tender documentation, website localization, school certificates, degrees and diplomas, affidavits, criminal records, decrees, powers of attorney, sworn translations, research projects, academic and scientific articles, English to Romanian legal translations, technical translations, subtitling, certified translations, linguistics, literature, English literature, dialects, English to Romanian translator, French to Romanian translator, qualified linguist, qualified translator, US English, UK English, CAT Tools, translation technology, MemoQ, Wordfast, OmegaT. See less.