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Source text - Romanian Dat fiind amplasamentul bănuim că nu sunt dispuse epuismente în afara perimetrului construcţiei, deci rezultă că scăderea nivelului hidrostatic se va face cu precădere în suprafaţa incintei, şi cu o influenţă aproape neglijabilă la exteriorul incintei de piloţi secanţi. Ca urmare, este posibilă apariţia infiltraţiilor la zonele de intersecţie a piloţilor armaţi cu cei nearmaţi, ceea ce va impune etanşarea rosturilor, acolo unde este necesar, înainte începerea torcretării.
Translation - English Given the location, we assume that there is no dewatering outside construction area and therefore the decrease of the hydrostatic level will occur mainly within the enclosure and with insignificant influence outside the enclosure, on cross-cutting piles. Consequently, water seepage might occur on the conjunction between the reinforced piles and the non-reinforced piles, which will require the watertightning of joints, where necessary, before guniting.
English to Romanian (Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Letters, Foreign Applied Languages) English to French (Romanian Ministry of Justice) Romanian to French (Romanian Ministry of Justice) Romanian to English (Romanian Ministry of Justice) French to Romanian (Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Letters, Foreign Applied Languages)
Romanian to English (Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Letters, Foreign Applied Languages) Spanish to Romanian (Instituto Cervantes) French to Romanian (Romanian Ministry of Justice) English to Romanian (Romanian Ministry of Justice) French to Romanian (Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Letters, Foreign Applied Languages) English to French (UBB)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint
PF Carmen Balan was established in 2005.
Sworn translator certified by the Romanian Ministry of Justice in 2003.
Languages: English and French
Other languages: Spanish (DBE - medium level) diploma delivered in 2003 by Cervantes Institute.
Experienced in construction-related translations.
Experience in technical translations.
Also worked as head of the export department and assistant to the purchase manager. This gave me the opportunity of becoming familiar with international business contracts and transactions (negotiation of business contracts, customs clearance documents etc).
Keywords: Professional
Client oriented
Observance of deadlines