Working languages:
English to Persian (Farsi)
Persian (Farsi) to English

Shaily Zolfagari
Bilingual Translator/Interpreter

Local time: 22:14 EST (GMT-5)

Native in: Persian (Farsi) Native in Persian (Farsi), English Native in English
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I have been a translator for nearly a decade. Having obtained both ma BA and MA in translation studies, and completed numerous projects and works, I can honestly say that I take trasnlation to the heart. I am friendly, punctual, detail oriented, and passionate about my work. My experiences in several fields have allowed me to work with a wide range of people from various cultures. I've worked as a freelance translator most of my professional career, however, I always look forward to new opportunities in friendly and professional environments where my skills and potentials are recognized and I can be creative and driven towards the mutual advancement of my career alongside others. I am honoured and proud to be part of the highly esteemed and dynamic academic group at the University of Ottawa, where I'm currently a doctoral candidate and reasearcher.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 16
PRO-level pts: 8

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Poetry & Literature4

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Keywords: English, persian, interpreter, translator, poetry, literature

Profile last updated
Oct 10, 2016