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English to Turkish: Sales Report General field: Marketing Detailed field: Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Source text - English Toyota Reports April Sales
TORRANCE, Calif. (May 3, 2011) – Toyota Motor Sales (TMS), U.S.A., Inc., today reported
April sales results of 159,540 units, a decrease of 2.4 percent compared to the same period last
year, on a daily selling rate (DSR) basis. On a raw volume basis, unadjusted for 27 selling days in
April 2011 compared to 26 selling days in April 2010, TMS sales were up 1.3 percent over the yearago
The Toyota Division posted April total sales of 141,964 units, a decrease of 1.7 percent on a
DSR basis from April 2010. On a raw volume basis, Toyota Division sales were up 2.1 percent
over the year-ago month. The Lexus Division reported total sales of 17,576 units, down 7.8 percent
from April 2010, on a DSR basis. Volume-wise, Lexus Division sales were down 4.3 percent from
last April.
Toyota Division
Toyota Division passenger cars recorded combined sales of 77,512 units, down 5.1 percent
from April 2010. Passenger car sales were led by Camry and Camry Hybrid with combined sales of
30,443 units for the month, an increase of 5.0 percent year-over-year. Corolla reported combined
April sales of 24,215 units, and the Prius mid-size gas-electric hybrid posted April sales of 12,477
Toyota Division light trucks recorded April sales of 64,452 units, an increase of 2.7 percent
compared to last year. Light truck sales were led by the RAV4 compact SUV with monthly sales of
15,586, an increase of 1.1 percent over April 2010. Highlander and Highlander Hybrid reported
combined sales of 8,893 units, up 21.9 percent over the year-ago month, while the 4Runner midsize
SUV recorded sales of 4,028 units. The Tacoma mid-size pickup posted sales of 10,510 units,
and increase of 7.6 percent over April 2010, and the Tundra full-size pickup reported sales of 8,312
units. The Sienna minivan recorded sales of 11,462, an increase of 27.0 percent year-over-year.
"We are encouraged by reports of production progress and extremely optimistic after solid
monthly sales and strong showroom traffic," said Bob Carter, Toyota Division group vice president
and general manager, Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A. "An excellent final weekend in April leads us
into May with healthy inventory levels and a wide selection of popular models.”
Scion posted April sales of 5,710 units, an increase of 53.7 percent over April 2010. The tC
sports coupe led the way with sales of 2,674 units, up 119.9 percent year-over-year. The xB urban
utility vehicle posted April sales of 1,831 units, an increase of 7.3 percent over the year-ago month.
The xD reported sales of 1,205 units for the month, up 52.1 percent compared to the same period
last year.
Lexus Division
Lexus reported passenger car sales of 8,453 units, down 17.8 percent from April 2010.
The entry luxury sedan ES led Lexus passenger car sales with sales of 3,493 units, while the IS
lineup reported combined sales of 2,640. The all-new CT 200h hybrid premium compact posted
875 units in its second month of sales.
Lexus light trucks recorded sales of 9,123 units, up 3.9 percent over April 2010. Lexus light
truck sales were led by the RX luxury utility vehicle, which posted combined April sales of 7,802
units, flat compared to the same period last year. The GX mid-size luxury utility vehicle reported
sales of 1,019 units, an increase of 31.5 percent year-over-year. The LX 570 premium luxury utility
vehicle recorded sales of 302 units, up 12.7 percent over the year-ago month.
TMS Hybrids
TMS posted April sales of 16,327 hybrid vehicles, a decrease of 8.8 percent compared to
the same period last year. Toyota Division posted April sales of 13,967 hybrids, while Lexus
Division reported sales 2,360 hybrids for the month.
Media Web sites:
Translation - Turkish Toyota Nisan Ayi Satis Raporu
Torrance, California,3 Mayis 2011
A.B.D. Toyota Oto Pazarlama A.S. (TMS), Nisan ayi satis sonuclarina gore 159,540 adet olan satislarin Gunluk Satis Degerleri ( DSI) baz alindiginda gecen yil ayni donemde yapilan satislara oranla %2.4 azaldigini bildirdi. Brut degerler baz alindiginda tam olarak muhasebelestirilmeyen satis rakamlarina gore Nisan 2011' deki 27 satis gunu ile Nisan 2010' daki 26 satis gunu karsilastirildiginda Toyota Oto Pazarlama' ya ait satislar gecen yil ayni aya oranla %1.3 artti.
Toyota Bolumu , gunluk satis degerleri baz alindiginda Nisan ayi toplam satislarinin 2010 Nisani'ndan bu yana %1.7 azalarak 141,964 adet oldugunu ilan etti.Brut degerler baz alidiginda 2010 Nisan ayindan bu yana satislar %7.8 azalarak 17, 576 adet olarak bildirildi. Net olarak Lexus Bolumu satislari gecen Nisandan bu yana %4.3 oraninda dustu.
Toyota Bolumu binek oto toplu satislarinin, 2010 Nisan ayindan bu yana % 5.1 oraninda duserek 77, 512 adet oldugunu kaydetti. Binek oto toplu satislari aya gore 30, 443 adet ve gecen yil ayni doneme oranla %5.0 artis gosterirken basi ceken markalar Camry ve Camry Hybrid oldu. Corolla, toplu satislarinin 24,215 adet oldugunu; Prius, orta boy benzin- elektrik karisimi oto satislarinin ise 12,477 adet oldugunu acikladi.
Toyota Bolumu, hafif kamyonet satislari gecen yila oranla % 2.7 arti.Hafif kamyonet satislarinda basi ceken marka Nisan 2010'ndan bu yana %1.1 artis ve 15,586 adetle RAV4 modullu SUV'ler oldu.Highlander ve Highlander Hybrid toplu satislari gectigimiz yilin ayni ayiyla karsilastirildiginda %21.9 artip, satislar 8,893 adet olurken orta buyuklukteki 4 RUNNER SUV satislari ise 4,028 adet olarak kaydedildi.Takoma kamyonet satisi 2010 Nisan ayindan bu yana %7.6 artarken 10,510 adet satildigi ilan edildi. Sienna kucuk minibuslerin satisi gecen yil ayni aya oranla % 27.0 artarken 11,462 adet satildigi kaydedildi .
A.B.D Toyota Oto Pazarlama ,Toyota Bolumu Baskanvekili ve Genel Muduru Bob Carter :" Kesinlesmis aylik satis sonuclari ve araba reyonlarindaki muazzam kalabaligin ardindan uretim artisina ait raporlar ve iyimser tablo bizi cesaretlendirdi . Nisan ayindaki mukemmel son hafta finali, stoklarimizdaki doluluk , ragbet goren modellerdeki genis secenek imkanlari bizi mayis ayina tasiyacak:" dedi
Scion Nisan satislari 2010 Nisan ayina gore %53.7 artarak satislarin 5,710 adet oldugu ilan edildi .Csports Coupe gecen yilla karsilastirildiginda %119.9 artis gostererk 2,674 adetle basi cekti. xB kentsel hizmet araclari , gecen yil ayni aya oranla %7.3 oraninda artarak satislarin 1831 adet oldugu ilan edildi . xD satislari gecen yil ayni donemle karsilastirildiginda %52.1 yukselirken 1205 adet satildigi aciklandi.
Lexus binek oto satislari 2010 Nisan ayindan bu yana %17.8 oraninda dustu satislarin 8453 adet oldugu bildirildi. Lexus binek arabalari icinde Entry Luxury Sedan ES ler 3493 adet satisla basi cekerken siralamada IS toplu satislari 2640 adetle yer aldi .Tum yeni CT 200h Hybrid yuksek kalite kucuk arabalarin satisinin ay icerisinde 875 adet oldugu aciklandi.
Lexus hafif kamyonet satislari 2010 Nisan ayindan bu yana %3.9 yukselerek satislarin ise 9123 adet oldugu kaydedildi.Lexus hafif kamyonetlerde basi ceken marka gecen yil ayni donemle tam olarak karsilastirildiginda Nisan ayinda 7802 adet satisla LX luks hizmet araclari oldu.Gx orta buyuklukteki hizmet araclari gecen yilla karsilastirildiginda %31.5 oraninda artis yaparak satislarin 1019 adet oldugu kaydedildi. Lx luks hizmet araci gecen yila oranla %12.7 yukselerek satislarin 302 adet oldugu kaydedildi.
TMS, gecen yil ayni donemle karsilastirma yapildiginda hem petrol hemde elektrikle calisan (hybrid) araba satislarinin %8 duserek 13,967 adet oldugunu aciklarken Lexus Bolumu ise hybrid satislarini 2,360 adet olarak bildirdi.
Turkish to English: Spare Key Procedure General field: Other Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Bu yönetmeliğin amacı gerekli güvenlik tedbirleri göz ardı edilmeden, Rezidans veya ofislere
ait dış kapı anahtarlarının, acil durumlar ve rezidans / ofis sakininin talimatları doğrultusunda
kullanılmak üzere teslim alınması ve saklanması ile gerekli ve istenilen zamanlarda
kullanılması konusunda esasları belirlemektir.
Rezidans sakini ve ofis yetkilisine EK A’ da görülen ‘‘Bilgilendirme Mektubu’’ gönderilerek
uygulanacak yöntem hakkında bilgi verilir.
Yönetime teslim edilen anahtar Rezidans ve ofis sakinlerinin can güvenliğinin tehlikede olması,
yangın, deprem, su baskını, imdat çağrısı, vb acil durumların ortaya çıkması, evde kimse
bulunmadığı zamanlarda aile bireylerinin eve girebilmesi veya temizlik ve tamirat işlemlerinin
yapılabilmesi maksadıyla önceden belirlenen yazılı talimat ile kullanılır.
Anahtarlar Ek B’ da belirtilen ‘‘Yedek Anahtar Teslim Belgesi’’ doldurulup imzalanarak
resepsiyn görevlisi tarafından daire yada ofis sakininden yada yetkilendirdiği kişiden teslim
alınır ve yine daire yada ofis sakinine yada yetkilendirdiği kişiye teslim edilir.
Anahtarlar B Lobby’ de bulunan MEYER anahtar dolabı içerisinde saklanır. Meyer anahtar
dolabı şifre sistemi ile çalışmakta olup bu maksatla yönetim tarafında yetkilendirilmiş her bir
görevli için tespit edilen kişiye özel şifrelerle kullanılabilmektedir. Her anahtar ayrı bir kartuşa
takılarak Meyer dolabı içerisindeki boş kabinlerden birine yerleştirilir. Kartuşa takılarak
tanımlanmış olan anahtarın güvenlik nedeniyle tekrar kartuştan çıkartılması mümkün değildir.
Meyer ‘‘Anahtar Dolabı Kullanma Talimatı’’ EK D’ de görülmektedir.
Meyer anahtar dolabı bir PC programına bağlı olarak anahtarı alan personelin adı soyadı ve
hangi zamanda alınıp yerine geri bırakıldığı ile ilgili tüm kayıtları otomatik olarak kayıt altına
Anahtarın yukarıda belirtilen acil durumlar ve sakinin talimatı üzerine meyer dolabından
çıkartılması durumunda ilgili EK C ‘‘Rezidans ve Ofis Anahtarları Takip Listesi’’ düzenlenir.
İlgili personel tarafından listede belirtilen tarih, daire/ofis no, doldurulduktan sonra teslim alan
kişinin adı soyadı telefon numarası, teslim saati ile personel adı soyadı yazılıp birlikte
imzalanarak kayıt yapılır ve anahtar daire / ofs sakinine yada yetkilendirmiş olduğu kişiye
teslim edilir. Anahtarın geri dönüşünde iade eden kişi ve iade saati bilgileri doldurulur ve
teslim alınan anahtar zaman kaybetmeden meyer anahtar dolabına yerleştirilir.
Yukarıda belirtilen acil durumlarda daire / ofis kapısının açılması Nöbetçi Müdür ve güvenlik
vardiya amiri yada güvenlik personelinden oluşan bir heyet tarafından açılır ve kapatılır. Konu
hakkında resepsiyon tarafından rezidans müdürüne, rezidans müdürü yada nöbetçi müdür
tarafından da rezidans / ofis sakinine ve/veya ilgili kişilere durum süratle bildirilir. Faaliyetin
sona ermesi ile birlikte güvenlik departmanı tarafından tutanak tanzim edilir.
Meyer anahtar dolabını kullanmakla görevlendirilmiş personel kendi vardiyalarında dolaptan
çıkartılmış olan anahtarların iş bitiminde geri dönüşü takip etmek ve teslim alınan anahtarları
vardiya sonunda kontrol ederek yeni vardiya personeline sorunsuz bir şekilde teslim etmekle
EK- A Bilgilendirme Mektubu,
EK- B Yedek Anahtar Teslim Belgesi
EK- C Rezidans ve Ofis Anahtarları Takip Listesi
EK- D Anahtar Dolabı Kullanma Talimatı
Bu yönetmelik 01/01/2012 tarihinden itibaren yürürlüğe girer
Tüm departmanlar
Translation - English _________________________________SPARE KEY PROCEDURE_____________________________________
The purpose of this regulation is to specify the rules for the use of the outer door of the Residence or Office keys without denying the necessary security measures in case of emergency situations and to be delivered to the Residence / Office Dwellers in accordance with the instructions necessary for use and storage of time required and desired.
Information Letter also found in the APPENDIX A is sent to the Resident Representative Office and Residents about the method to be applied for .
The keys are delivered to the Key Management can be used for if the residents and office dwellers are in safety of life at stake ,fire, earthquake, flood, emergency call etc. emerge of emergency situations , when there are no family members at home or no one can enter the house or cleaning and repairs in order to perform procedures previously used with the written instruction .
The keys are can be taken from the receptionist or person who is authorized by the apartment management or office dwellers by completed and signed "Spare Key Certificate" and will be delivered to the apartment management or office and the person who is authorized or is delivered to the residents as it referred in APPENDIX B
The keys are stored in the "Meyer Key Cabinet " in the Lobby B . Meyer Key Cabinet System works with the key cabinet encryption system. For this purpose it is authorized by the management with password and can be used individually determined for each officer. Each key is attached to a separate cabinet and is placed in one of the stalls in the Meyer Key Cabinet .The cartridge defined in the key can not be removed again for safety reason. Meyer Cabinet Operating Instructions is shown in the APPENDIX D .
Meyer Cabinet Key is connected to a PC program and the name ,last name ,place of the staff received the key to the left at which time .Also all records will automatically be recorded on this system.
The key is removed from the Meyer Cabinet of the mentioned above case of emergencies or upon request of the residents " Residence and Office Keys Track List " is referred in APPENDIX C. Related Stuff by the date specified in the list ,apartment/office number,phone number ,name and last name of the person who delivered after being filled ,signed and registered with the delivery time is done with the Staff and the key name and last name written and apartment / office where the person is delivered to residents or authorize.The key returned to the person who returns to time of the information filled in and returned .After that key is placed in Meyer Key Cabinet immediately.
Emergency situations mentioned above apartment /office door opening Emergency Manager and the Security Shift Supervisor or Security Personnel opened and closed by a committee consisting of. By the Reception Department on this subject ; Residence Manager ,Directory of Residence duty by a Directory in Residence and /or relevant users are notified promptly. With the end of the activity the report shall be issued by the Security Department.
Staff assigned users of the Meyer Key Cabinet ,at the end of their shifts being ejected out of the closet and delivered a return to follow up by checking at the end of the shift and the keys is required to submit a new seamless-shift personnel
Appendix A Information Letter
Appendix B Spare Key Certificate
Appendix C Residence and Office Keys Track List
Appendix D Key Cabinet Operating Instructions
This Regulation shall enter into force on 01/01/2012
All Departments .
Translation education
Other - IELTS band 7
Years of experience: 11. Registered at Apr 2011.
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, Dreamweaver, memoQ, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, SDLX, Trados Studio, Wordfast
CV available upon request
A highly motivated Economics graduate, an ambitious individual who enjoys taking on responsibility and has successful background on
Product & marketing , finance ,law (general),medical (general) translations.
2 years experience on English–Turkish / Turkish–English translating.
Specializes in:
Economics and Finance Computers (general)
Financial Reports and Analyzes Automation & Robotics,
Business/Commerce (general) Marketing / Market Research
Advertising / Public Relations Quality Management/Systems
Tourism & Travel Automotive
Worked at the Attorney’s office for Turkish client
Part time medical and court interpreter at Masterword Language Services in Houston,TX
Have worked in:
Finance, Management, Economics, Product , Financial Reports, Human Resources
History, Folklore, Product and Creativity .
Major Projects
English-Turkish Volume: 18247 words Transaction Cost Theory and Management Consulting, Staffan Canbäck Business
Turkish-English Volume: 22231 words Analysis of Production Cost and Productivity in Petkim Inc., Thesis, Engineering
Turkish-English Volume: 23889 words Vertical and Horizontal Development, Case Study: General Motors Company, Thesis, Business
English-Turkish Volume: 17121 words Language Games, Game Theoretical
Semantics, Jaakko Hintikka, Academic Text, Linguistics
English-Turkish Volume: 1850 words Toyota Reports, April Sales Reports, TMS U.S.A Inc., business and finance
Keywords: Turkish/English, English /Turkish, Business, Finance, Retail, Insurance, Human Resources, Products, Languages, science. See more.Turkish/English, English /Turkish, Business, Finance, Retail, Insurance, Human Resources, Products, Languages, science, social sciences, commerce, real estate, poetry..etc.. See less.