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I help brands connect to their audience in the Spanish and Catalan audience in the fields of e-commerce, tourism, marketing and sports.
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English to Catalan: Shoot/Get treasure/Repeat by Mark Ravenhill (Ch.13) General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English
Susan and Jane either side of a desk. Jane has a breakfast roll and coffee.
Susan Do I get a breakfast?
Jane You do.
Susan I heard if I came here I’d get a breakfast.
Jane You do Susan yes you get a breakfast.
Susan Do I get my breakfast now?
Jane No Susan you get your breakfast at the end. There will be medical supervision while you eat your breakfast.
Susan I’m very hungry.
Jane Alright.
Susan We’ve got no food in our zone.
Jane I see.
Susan There’s nothing…we…we get no food it’s really –
Jane I’m sorry.
Susan So I think you should put that in your report.
Jane If you like.
Susan Yes I do yes I do yes – you write it down you write it down and you put it in your report – my zone has no food.
Jane Thank you Susan I will.
Susan Do it now.
Jane I’m sorry?
Susan Let me see you do it now. Write it down. There is no food in my zone.
Jane Alright alright if that’s what you want I’ll ….(writes) food supplies unsatisfactory in-
Susan No no no there is no food. There’s nothing. There’s starvation. There’s –
Jane Susan feels there’s no food in zone eight.
Susan I know that. I don’t - I know.
Jane It’s gone in.
Susan You’ve got to let them know what’s happening in-
Jane I’ve noted the food situation okay? The food situation has been noted.
Susan Malnutrition. Starvation. Gastro …we’re being taken away. Death in the -
Jane Susan, I have noted, I have noted, I have noted the food situation. Can we move on from the food situation?
Susan If you like.
Jane I do. How was the bus -?
Susan Can I have some of your roll?
Jane My? Oh –
Susan Sorry – just I haven’t ….it’s been weeks since…
Jane Of course. Yes. You –
Susan I don’t want to beg. I don’t want to be a beggar like this. I used to be an important person. I taught in the university. I was respected by my students. I wasn’t this pathetic – I’m not this pathetic - But I’m just so –
(Susan goes to grab the roll but Jane moves it away)
Jane Susan – I’d rather you didn’t actually I’d rather you left that roll alone. Now I’ve brought you here because I want you to help me. I’m writing a report and I want your help.
Susan I don’t like being thin. I don’t like having these bones sticking out of me.
Jane Susan.
Susan But you – what do they bring into your side? Is it all special provisions for your side? Is that it?
Jane No it’s just –
Susan Look at you, you’re fat, you’re enormous, you huge great - and still and still you’ve got wobbling – and you sit there with breakfast you –
Translation - Catalan
Obra tretze: El crepuscle dels Déus.
La Susan i la Jane estan segudes cadascuna a una banda de la taula. La Jane té un entrepà i un café.
Susan Hi ha esmorzar per a mi?
Jane I tant.
Susan M’han dit que si venia em donarien esmorzar.
Jane Sí, Susan, sí, et toca esmorzar.
Susan Me’l podeu donar ara?
Jane No, Susan, tindràs l’esmorzar quan acabem. Hi haurà supervisió mèdica mentre et prens l’esmorzar.
Susan Tinc molta gana.
Jane D’acord.
Susan A la nostra zona no en tenim menjar de menjar.
Jane Ja.
Susan No hi ha res … no…. no ens donen menjar …. És ...
Jane Em sap greu.
Susan Crec que això ho hauries de posar a l’informe.
Jane Com vulguis.
Susan Sí, sí que vull sí, sí, ho escrius, ho escrius, i ho poses a l’informe: a la meva zona no en tenim de menjar.
Jane Gràcies Susan, ho faré.
Susan Fes-ho ara.
Jane Com dius?
Susan Vull veure com ho fas ara. Escriu-ho. No hi ha menjar a la meva zona.
Jane D’acord, d’acord, si és el que vols ja (escriu): subministrament de menjar insatisfactori a …
Susan No, no, no hi ha menjar. No hi ha res. Estem afamats. Hi ha ...
Jane La Susan creu que no hi ha menjar a la zona vuit.
Susan Ho sé, jo no ... és així.
Jane Ja està.
Susan Els hi has de dir què està passant a …
Jane Ja he apuntat què passa, d’acord? Ja consta que no hi ha menjar.
Susan Malnutrició. Fam. Gastro … ens tenen abandonats . Estem morint a …
Jane Susan, ho he apuntat, ho he apuntat, he apuntat la situació amb el menjar.
Podem això del menjar i avançar? I
Susan Com vulguis.
Jane Ho vull. Com era l’autobús …?
Susan Em puc menjar una mica del teu entrepà?
Jane El meu? Oh.
Susan Perdó, és que ... fa tantes setmanes des de …
Jane I tant. Sí, té.
Susan No vull pidolar. No m’agrada estar pidolant. Era una persona important. Donava classes a la universitat. Els alumnes em respectaven. No era així de patètica. I no sóc així de patètica. Però és que…
(La Susan vol agafar el brioix però la Jane l’aparta)
Jane Susan, preferiria que no. Millor que deixis l’entrepà. T’he portat aquí perquè vull que m’ajudis. Estic escrivint aquest informe i vull la teva ajuda.
Susan No m’agrada estar prima. No m’agrada que se’m notin els ossos.
Jane Susan.
Susan Però, tu, què hi porten a la teva zona? Teniu provisions especials? És això?
Jane No, és només que …
Susan Mira’t, estàs grassa, ets enorme, realment enorme, i, i estàs fofa, i aquí sentada esmorzant,...
Translation education
Master's degree - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Years of experience: 16. Registered at Jan 2011.
English to Spanish (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) English to Catalan (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) Catalan to Spanish (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) Catalan to Spanish (Cálamo y Cran) Spanish to Catalan (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Spanish to Catalan (Cálamo y Cran) English to Spanish (UdL (University of Lleida))
Único (Unión de Correctores)
Adobe Acrobat, Aegisub, DejaVu, FrameMaker, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Wordfast, Powerpoint, Smartcat, Smartling, Trados Studio, Wordfast
For the last 10 years, I've provided my services to translation agencies, private clients and advertising companies. The linguistic solutions I offer range from transcreation to copy-editing and copywriting. I've helped brands in the fields of tourism, well-being and fitness reach their audience through compelling translations. I've also offered copywriting that reflects their core values while connecting with the desired audience.
Those who've worked with me have praised my empathy and creativity, which have helped me better communicate with them and create a well-rounded text.