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English to Romanian: Computer aided detection (CAD) system General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Instruments
Source text - English CDX is a computer aided detection (CAD) system intended for use in analyzing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies. CDX automatically registers serial patient image acquisitions (in 2D or 3D) to minimize the impact of patient motion, segments and labels tissue types based on enhancement characteristics (parametric image maps, referred to as angiogenesis maps), and provides quantitative measurements of morphological features of the segmented tissues. CDX performs other user-defined post-processing functions (image subtractions, multiplanar and oblique reformats, maximum intensity projections, image averaging, removal of cardiac artifact).
Using information from MR images regarding the coordinates of a user-specified region of interest, and fiducial coordinates, the software provides an automatic calculation of the location and depth of the targeted region of interest, such as a lesion or suspected lesion.
All medical professionals and personnel using the CDX device must be trained in the use of the device by the company. CDX is intended for use only with MRI data. Data sets from other imaging modalities, such as CT and ultrasound, cannot be analyzed using this device, nor can they be combined with MRI data for analysis by this device
DICOM images of different modalities can be displayed on the CADstream system but cannot be used for diagnostic purposes.
As CDX acquires MR studies, they are automatically processed by CDX (using your standard image acquisition protocol) before they are sent to a viewing station.
For CDX processing to be the most efficient, decide on a set of standard MR image acquisition protocols and establish a set of default study preferences so that CDX will produce the desired results without intervention. Generally, you configure the default study preferences at the time CDX is installed.
After CDX processes a study, you can view it on a CDList display station or on a PACS. If you are using CDList, you can perform additional analysis using the CDX workstation or your PC if it is on the same network as the CDX workstation.
With CDList you can:
- View color-coded angiogenesis image overlays that represent contrast uptake and washout.
- View dynamic contrast uptake curves in real time.
- View volumes and composite volumes.
- Capture and save still images, dynamic contrast curves, and 3-D and 2-D volumes to the CDX Portfolio or to a disk location.
- Save animated images to a disk location.
- Use the optional COORD feature to target coordinates for biopsy, wire localization, or other interventional procedures, and to obtain needle insertion coordinates and needle depth measurements relative to a reference fiducial.
Image viewing tools
The image viewing tools appear on the Control menu in the Display area. Each element is described below.
- View a series
Select desired series from pull down series menu by clicking on desired series, or by scrolling through the series list by clicking the arrows.
- View different study for same patient
Multiple studies for a patient are included on the study menu when the patient ID or date of birth match for all the studies. If the patient ID is missing, the patient name (ignoring spaces and case) and date of birth for all the studies must match.
Select desired study from pull down study menu by clicking on the down arrow.
- Navigate through slices
Click on the down arrow located beneath the thumbnail icon to display the entire series in miniature view—select on the desired slice to quickly move to that slice.
Translation - Romanian CDX este un sistem de detecţie asistat de calculator (CAD) destinat a fi utilizat în analizarea studiilor de imagistică prin rezonanţă magnetică (IRM). CDX înregistrează automat achiziţii seriale de imagini (2D sau 3D) ale pacientului pentru a reduce la minim impactul mişcărilor acestuia, segmentează şi etichetează tipuri de ţesut, având la bază caracteristici de îmbunătăţire a calităţii imaginilor (hărţi parametrice de imagine numite hărţi de angiogeneză) şi furnizează măsurători cantitative ale caracteristicilor morfologice ale ţesuturilor segmentate. CDX efectuează şi alte funcţii de post-procesare definite de utilizator (substracţii de imagine, reformatări multiplanare şi oblice, proiecţie de intensitate maximă, ponderarea imaginii, înlăturarea artefactului cardiac).
Utilizând informaţia din imaginile RM privind coordonatele unei regiuni de interes specificate de utilizator şi coordonatele de reper, programul furnizează calcularea automată a localizării şi adâncimii regiunii de interes ţintite, cum ar fi o leziune sau o leziune suspicionată.
Toţi specialiştii şi personalul care foloseşte echipamentul CDX trebuie instruiţi în utilizarea acestuia de către companie.
CDX este conceput pentru a fi utilizat doar cu date IRM. Seturile de date obţinute prin alte metode de imagistică, cum ar fi tomografia computerizată (CT) şi ultrasunetele, nu pot fi analizate cu acest echipament si nici nu pot fi combinate cu datele IRM pentru analiză.
Imaginile DICOM obţinute prin diferite modalităţi pot fi afişate pe sistemul CDX dar nu pot fi folosite pentru diagnosticare.
Pe măsură ce CDX preia studii de RM, acestea sunt procesate automat de către CDX (utilizând protocolul dvs. standard pentru achiziţia de imagini), înainte de a fi trimise către o staţie de vizualizare. Pentru ca procesarea CDX să fie de maximă eficienţă, decideţi asupra unui set de protocoale standard pentru achiziţia de imagini RM şi stabiliţi un set de preferinţe implicite, astfel încât CDX să producă rezultatele dorite fără intervenţie. In general veţi configura preferinţele implicite ale studiului în momentul instalării CDX.
După ce CDX procesează un studiu, îl puteţi vizualiza pe o staţie de afişare CDList sau pe un monitor din Sistemul de Transmitere şi Stocare a Datelor Medicale, PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System).
Cu CDList puteţi:
- Vizualiza imagini de angiogeneză color-codate ce reprezintă captarea şi evacuarea contrastului.
- Vizualiza în timp real curbele de captare a contrastului dinamic.
- Vizualiza volume şi volume compozite.
- Captura şi salva imagini statice, curbe de contrast dinamic şi volume 3-D şi 2-D în portofoliul CDX sau într-o locaţie pe disc.
- Salva imagini animate într-o locaţie pe disc.
- Utiliza caracteristica opţională COORD pentru a determina coordonatele pentru biopsie, localizarea cateterului, sau alte proceduri intervenţionale, şi obţinerea coordonatelor de inserţie a acului, precum şi măsurători privind adâncimea acului relativ la un reper de referinţă.
Instrumente pentru vizualizarea imaginilor
Instrumentele pentru vizualizarea imaginilor apar în meniul de control, în zona "Display" (afişaj).
- Vizualizarea unei serii
Selectaţi seria dorită din meniul derulant pentru serii, executând clic pe aceasta sau parcurgând lista de serii cu clic pe săgeţile de derulare.
- Vizualizarea de studii diferite pentru acelaşi pacient
În meniul "Study" sunt incluse mai multe studii atunci când cheia de identificare a pacientului (ID-ul) sau data sa de naştere sunt identice pentru toate studiile. Dacă ID-ul pacientului lipseşte, numele pacientului (făcând abstracţie de spaţii sau majuscule), şi data de naştere trebuie să fie identice pentru toate studiile. Selectaţi studiul dorit din meniul derulant, prin clic pe săgeata derulantă în jos.
- Parcurgerea secţiunilor
Clic pe săgeata situată în partea de jos a pictogramei pentru a afişa întreaga serie în imagini miniaturale - selectaţi secţiunea dorită pentru a naviga rapid către acea zonă.
English to Romanian (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), verified) English to Romanian (Romanian Ministry of Culture - Central Commission for Granting Translator Certificates, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Indesign, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Corel DRAW, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
Areas of specialization: - Industry, Mechanical Engineering; - Graphic design and printing; - NGO and volunteer work; - Health education and nursing.
Having graduated from a Faculty of Mechanics and benefiting from several years of professional experience as a mechanical engineer, while being passionate about English language and the translation field, I was granted a Technical Translator Certificate (“Certificat de traducător, domeniul tehnică-industrie”) by the Romanian Ministry of Culture and I had the opportunity to start working as a translator, interpreter and, later on, as a freelancer.
As an engineer, I translated a wide range of information on machine tools, mechanics or physics, manuals and user's guides. Later on, I took part in projects – for some years as a volunteer – developed in the non-governmental sector.
I worked as an interpreter and I translated user's guides of medical devices and equipment, as well as medical and health education articles, videos on general medical issues, information on special needs children and adults.
I also worked in the printing industry and acquired hands-on experience in graphic design, DTP and pre-press operations.
To complete my jobs, I have been using various software - word processing, data base as well as graphics applications - being well familiarized with the IT terminology. I translated and adapted PC brochures, interactive CD tutorials and information that was used for teaching purposes.
As a freelancer, I used Trados TagEditor and Workbench, and lately, SDL Studio. My experience of using CAT tools has been enriched during the years I have been working as an assistant at the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the EU in Luxembourg, as I have handled various types of files that needed to be prepared for translation, including InDesign, HTML and complex files with embedded objects. This work helped me understand how the formatting and layout of a document influences the behaviour of the translation tools and the final ‘product’ – the translated document.
I am also well-familiarised with all stages and work pace of a translation workflow: I have a two-year work experience in a project management role at the European Investment Bank in Luxembourg, and in processing complex files with many actors involved.
I believe that the best translations can only be offered by specialized professionals and people with relevant work experience or qualification in the different fields of expertise, fact that would give them coherence and confidence in using the specific terminology.
Rates are subject to negotiation, depending on the complexity of the text, terminology, research involved and deadlines.
Contact details: e-mail:
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