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Portuguese to Spanish: Untitled (Short 80 word translation) General field: Art/Literary
Source text - Portuguese Pelo segundo ano consecutivo a Olegário Fernandes foi distinguida, com o prémio de melhor Empresa do Ano, no sector de Edição, Informação e Artes Gráficas, na 19ª edição das 1000 Melhores PME 2013 promovido pela revista Exame em parceria com a CGD e as empresas Dun e Deloitte.
É uma distinção prestigiante para a empresa e seus colaboradores, extensível a todos os seus clientes e parceiros que com a Olegário Fernandes efectuam um percurso exemplar de trabalho e dedicação.
Translation - Spanish Por segundo año consecutivo , Olegario Fernandes fue honrado con el premio a la Mejor Empresa del Año en el sector de Editorial, Información y Artes Gráficas , en la 19 ª (decimonovena) edición de1000 Melhores PYME 2013 promovido por la revista Exame, en colaboración con CGD y empresas Dun y Deloitte.
Es un prestigioso premio para la empresa y sus trabajadores, extendiéndose a todos sus clientes y socios, que con Olegario Fernandes realizan un curso ejemplar de trabajo y dedicación.
Portuguese to Spanish: Aeroporto Itália - Veneza Marco Polo (Translation for Event Organizer) General field: Other Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations
Source text - Portuguese Aeroporto Itália - Veneza Marco Polo
Após inúmeros anos de experiência e provas dadas a nível internacional, a Silvestre Festas tem sido solicitada por diversas vezes para novos projectos de grande responsabilidade e exigência na temática da aeronáutica.
Neste caso em concreto a Silvestre Festas deslocou-se até Itália de forma a instalar uma Tenda TFS que serviu de Hangar provisório para a reparação de uma aeronave da reconhecida marca Gulfstream, empresa do Grupo General Dynamics Company.
A Tenda TFS teve instalada no aeroporto durante 2 meses de forma à aeronave ser submetida a uma rigorosa manutenção cujo custo da mesma ascendeu a 3,5 milhões de Euros.
Com o apoio do nosso gabinete de Projectos especiais, temos desenvolvido soluções para as mais prestigiadas companhias aéreas, não só na aviação comercial como também na aviação privada.
Translation - Spanish Aeropuerto Italia - Venecia Marco Polo
Después de numerosos años de experiencia y pruebas reconocidas a nivel internacional, Silvestre Festas ha sido solicitado en varias ocasiones para nuevos proyectos de gran responsabilidad y exigencia en el tema de la aeronáutica.
En este caso particular, Silvestre Festas se trasladó a Italia con el fin de instalar una carpa de TFS que sirvió como un hangar temporal para la reparación de una aeronave de la marca reconocida Gulfstream, una empresa del grupo General Dynamics Company.
La carpa TFS fue instalada en el aeropuerto durante 2 meses para poder someter la aeronave a un riguroso mantenimiento cuyo costo de la misma ascendió a 3,5 millones de euros.
Con el apoyo de nuestra oficina de Proyectos especiales, hemos desarrollado soluciones para las aerolíneas más prestigiosas, no sólo en la aviación comercial pero también en la aviación privada.
Portuguese to Spanish: Translation for Porsche Portugal General field: Other Detailed field: Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Source text - Portuguese 50 Anos Porsche 911
A Porsche Ibérica celebrou em Cascais, o cinquentenário do 911. Uma parada desde a Marina de Cascais até ao Casino Estoril, um rally pelas clássicas classificativas de Sintra, e provas no Autódromo do Estoril, compuseram o ramalhete das comemorações.
Contou com a presença de mais de 200 Porsche 911, das várias gerações do mais icónico desportivo da História do Automóvel.
Para a realização de um evento desta dimensão e de tamanha exigência ao nível qualitativo, a prestigiada marca Alemã contou com a presença da Silvestre Festas de forma a fazer face a todas as necessidades de Tendas e Estruturas.
Translation - Spanish 50 Años del Porsche 911
Porsche Ibérica celebro en Cascais, el quincuagésimo aniversario del 911. Un desfile de la Marina de Cascais hasta el Casino de Estoril, una manifestación por las clasificaciones clásicas de Sintra, y las pruebas en el Autódromo do Estoril, compusieron el ramo de las conmemoraciones.
Contó con la presencia de más de 200 Porsche 911, las distintas generaciones de los más emblemáticos de la historia de los coches deportivos.
Para la realización de un evento de esta magnitud y de tal requisito a nivel cualitativo, a la prestigiosa marca alemana asistió Silvestre Festas como para hacer frente a todas las necesidades de Carpas y Estructuras.
Portuguese to Spanish: Translation for Skoda Portugal General field: Other Detailed field: Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Source text - Portuguese Apresentação Mundial Skoda Octavia
Portugal, nomeadamente o Algarve foram eleitos pela Skoda para apresentar a nova geração do Octavia à imprensa internacional. A terceira geração do familiar da marca do grupo VW chegou ao nosso país em abril e afirma-se como referência no segmento dos automóveis familiares.
A Silvestre Festas teve o privilégio de poder desenvolver algumas estruturas com acabamentos e particularidades especiais de forma a fazer face aos elevados níveis de qualidade exigidos pelo cliente.
Podemos destacar o acabamento em Vidro, o ocultar da estrutura de alumínio habitual nas Tendas e por último o tecto insuflável que garante uma perfeita climatização bem como ausência de condensação e algum isolamento acústico.
Translation - Spanish Presentación Mundial del Skoda Octavia
Portugal, especialmente Algarve fueron elegidos por Skoda para presentar la nueva generación de Octavia a la prensa internacional. La tercera generación de la familia de la marca del grupo VW llego a nuestro país en abril y se afirma como referencia en el segmento de automóviles familiares.
Silvestre Festas tuvo el privilegio de poder desenvolver algunas estructuras con acabamientos y particularidades especiales de forma de hacer frente a los elevados niveles de calidad exigidos por el cliente.
Podemos destacar el acabamiento en Vidrio, el ocultamiento de la estructura de aluminio habitual en las Capas y por último el techo inflable que garante una perfecta climatización así como la ausencia de condensación y algún aislamiento acústico.
Portuguese to Spanish: Translation of Vilamoura Champions Tour Event General field: Other Detailed field: Sports / Fitness / Recreation
Source text - Portuguese Vilamoura Champions Tour
Após o sucesso do Vilamoura Atlantic Tour 2013 (Fevereiro-Abril), onde a Silvestre Festas esteve presente em todas as Tendas e estruturas necessárias para a realização do evento, os organizadores estão empenhados em fazer de Vilamoura "a cidade" dos concursos de saltos de obstáculos. O evento Vilamoura Champions Tour teve uma duração de três semanas, com provas Internacionais (uma prova pontuável para o ranking internacional a cada dia), Cavalos Novos e Amadores.
Mais uma vez, estiveram em Vilamoura os melhores cavaleiros do Mundo tal como aconteceu neste mesmo ano durantes os meses de Fevereiro, Março e Abril no Vilamoura Atlantic Tour. Entre as presenças (mais de 500 cavalos, 250 cavaleiros de 28 Nações e uma população permanente de 1200 pessoas), estiveram o actual campeão do mundo em título, Phillipe Le Jeune, que pela primeira vez treinou em Portugal.
A Silvestre Festas tem vindo a acompanhar a organização deste evento tal como já acontecia com o Atlantic Tour no passado, quer em Vilamoura quer na Comporta.
Translation - Spanish Tour de Campeones (Champions Tour) de Vilamoura
Después del suceso del Vilamoura Atlantic Tour 2013 (Febrero-Abril), donde Silvestre Festas estuvo presente en todas las Carpas y estructuras necesarias para llevar a cabo el evento, los organizadores están empeñados en hacer de Vilamoura la “ciudad” de los concursos de saltos de obstáculos. El evento Tour de Campeones (Champions Tour) de Vilamoura tuvo una duración de tres semanas, con pruebas Internacionales (una prueba puntual para el ranking internacional todos los días), Cavalos Novos e Amadores.
Una vez más, los mejores caballeros del Mundo estaban presentes en Vilamoura tal y como ocurrió en este mismo año durante los meses de Febrero, Marzo y Abril en el Vilamoura Atlantic Tour. Entre las presencias (más de 500 caballos, 250 caballeros de 28 Naciones y una populación permanente de 1200 personas), estuvo el actual campeón del mundo en título, Phillipe Le Jeune, que por la primera vez entreno en Portugal.
Silvestre Festas ha venido a acompañar la organización de este evento tal y como ocurrió con el Atlantic Tour en el pasado, sea en Vilamoura o en Comporta.
Portuguese to English: Banking General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Portuguese Garantia Bancária para Pagamento do Adiantamento
Av. Eduardo Mondlane, N° 513 C.Postal, Tete Moçambqiue
Contratação de Empreitada para o Desenho, Reabilitação e Expansão do Sistema de Abastecimento de Água à Vila de Ulóngue,
contract number is 10/DAS/DPOPH-UGEA/2012.
Prezados Senhores:
De acordo com o disposto nas Condições Gerais do Contrato, Cláusula 23.1 (“Adiantamentos”) do Contrato acima, a CHINA GEO-ENGINEERING CORPORATION, ETA Umbeluzi Boane Maputo Moçambqiue (doravante aqui designada como “a CONTRATADA”) depositará na DPOPH-Tete uma Garantia Bancária, para garantir sua correcta e fiel execução, nos termos da referida Cláusula do Contrato, no valor de MZN 13,416,521,46(TREZE MILHÕES, QUATROCENTOS E DEZASSEIS MIL, QUINHENTOS E VINTE E UM METICAIS E QUARENTA E SEIS CENTAVOS)
Nós, o [Bano ou instituiçáo Financeira], conforme instruções dadas pela CONTRATADA, concordamos incondicional e irrevogavelmente em garantir como principal devedor, e não simplesmente como Avalistas, o pagamento à DPOPH-Tete, ao seu primeiro pedido, sem qualquer direito a objecção de nossa parte e sem que tenha, primeiramente, havido reivindicação da ENTIDADE CONTRATANTE à CONTRATADA, de valor não superior a MZN 13,416,521,46(TREZE MILHÕES, QUATROCENTOS E DEZASSEIS MIL, QUINHENTOS E VINTE E UM METICAIS E QUARENTA E SEIS CENTAVOS)
Concordamos, outrossim, que nenhuma mudança, adição ou outra modificação dos termos do Contrato ou das Obras a serem executadas nos termos do mesmo, ou de quaisquer documentos do Contrato, que possam vir a ser acordadas entre DPOPH-Tete Contratação de Empreitada para o Desenho, Reabilitação e Expansão do Sistema de Abastecimento de Água à Vila de Ulóngue e a CONTRATADA, nos exonerará, de qualquer forma, de qualquer obrigação nos termos da presente Garantia, renunciando, através do presente à necessidade de sermos notificados sobre qualquer mudança, adição ou modificação deste tipo.
A presente Garantia permanecerá válida até e 30 JUNE 2014.em plena eficácia, desde a data do pagamento adiantado, nos termos do Contrato, até que DPOPH-Tete seja totalmente reembolsada por valor igual ao do adiantamento, pela CONTRATADA.
[Nome do Banco]
Translation - English Bank Guarantee for Payment of Advance
Av. Eduardo Mondlane, N° 513 C.Postal, Tete Moçambique
Contract for the Design, Rehabilitation and Expansion of the Water Supply System to the Town of Ulóngue,
contract number 10/DAS/DPOPH-UGEA/2012.
Dear Sir(s):
In accordance with the provisions of the General Conditions of the Contract, Clause 23.1 ("Advances") of the above contract, CHINA GEO-ENGINEERING CORPORATION, ETA Umbeluzi Boane Maputo Moçambique (hereinafter referred to as "the CONTRACTEE") shall deposit at DPOPH-Tete a Bank Guarantee to ensure its proper and faithful performance under the aforementioned Clause of the Contract, in the amount of MZN 13,416,521.46 (THIRTEEN MILLION, FOUR HUNDRED AND SIXTEEN THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED AND TWENTY ONE METICAIS AND FORTY SIX CENTS)
We, the [Bank or Financial Institution], according to the instructions given by the CONTRACTEE, unconditionally and irrevocably agree to guarantee, as primary debtors and not merely as Guarantors, the payment to DPOPH-Tete, upon its first request, expressly waiving any right to object and dispensing with any prior claim by the CONTRACTING ENTITY against the CONTRACTEE, of an amount not exceeding MZN 13,416,521.46 (THIRTEEN MILLION, FOUR HUNDRED AND SIXTEEN THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED AND TWENTY ONE METICAIS AND FORTY SIX CENTS)
Moreover, we agree that no change, addition or any other modification of the terms of the Contract or of the Works to be performed thereunder, or of any other documents relating to the Contract which may be agreed upon between DPOPH-Tete Contract for the Design, Rehabilitation and Expansion of the Water Supply System to the Town of Ulónguè and the CONTRACTEE, shall, in any way, release us from any liability under this Guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition, or modification.
This Guarantee shall remain valid and in full force from the date of the advance payment 30 JUNE 2014, pursuant to the Contract, until DPOPH-Tete is fully reimbursed in an amount equal to that paid in advance by the CONTRACTEE.
[Name of Bank]
Portuguese to Spanish: Carta-Email General field: Other Detailed field: General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Source text - Portuguese Boa Tarde Eduardo,
Começo por me apresentar;
Chamo-me Jorge Lisboa da equipa técnica da Empresa Curvar – Tecnologia e Sistemas de Curvatura, Lda.
Entrei em contacto com a María Dolores que facultou o seu contacto como sendo a pessoa certa para abordar o projeto da 2º fase da Sede BBVA, Madrid.
A nossa empresa realizou a curvatura de todos os perfis de fachada da 1º fase. Como deve ter avaliado, o nosso trabalho tem extrema qualidade.
A nossa tecnologia inovadora permite curvar os perfis evitando a deformação, permitindo uma qualidade elevada no final da curvatura.
A María Dolores informou-me que o projeto já está avançado, encontra-se neste momento na fase das compras.
Nós gostaríamos muito de ter a possibilidade de ajudar e apresentar as nossas soluções.
Translation - Spanish Buenas tardes Eduardo,
Voy a comenzar por presentándome;
Me llamo Jorge Lisboa del equipo técnico de la Empresa Curvar – Tecnología e Sistemas de Curvatura, Lda.
Entre en contacto con María Dolores, quien me faculto su contacto como siendo la persona adecuada para abordar el proyecto de la 2ª fase de la Sede BBVA, Madrid.
Nuestra empresa llevo a cabo la curvatura de todos los perfiles de la fachada de la 1ª fase. Como ya habrá evaluado, nuestro trabajo tiene un nivel de altísima calidad.
Nuestra tecnología innovadora le permite curvar los perfiles evitando la deformación, y de tal manera permitiendo una calidad elevada al final de la curvatura.
María Dolores me informo que el proyecto ya está avanzado, que se encuentra en este momento en la fase de compras.
Nos gustaría mucho de tener la oportunidad de ayudarle y presentarle nuestras soluciones.
English to Portuguese: Customer Agreement Contract General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - English Customer Agreement
Being over the age of 21, I hereby enter into this agreement (the "Agreement") with Medica Depot, for on and on behalf of itself and each Licensed Supplier and My Agents (defined below), intending to be legally bound:
1.01 I am entering this Agreement with Medica Depot because I wish to place an order ("My Order") for certain medications and other products ("The Products"), on the terms and conditions set out herein.
1.02 I want to purchase The Products from, and have My Order filled by, a Licensed Supplier in one or more of the following countries or geographical territories: Canada, Europe, and/or United States of America.
1.03 I confirm, acknowledge and agree that if, as part of the Order process, I have indicated that:
(a) I want to purchase Medications from, and have My Order filled by, a pharmacy in more than one of the listed countries (all countries selected by me are referred to hereafter as a "Selected Country"), Medica Depot will, as my agent, select a licensed supplier(each, a "Licensed Supplier") from one or more countries to dispense The Products. Medica Depot will, as my agent, make the decision about which one or more Licensed Suppliers will dispense The Products based on the availability and/or price of The Products in the Selected Countries; and
(b) I want to purchase The Products from, and have My Order filled by, a Licensed Supplier in a specific Selected Country, The Products will be dispensed by a Licensed Supplier in that Selected Country selected for me by Medica Depot, as my agent.
1.04 I understand that Medica Depot is not a pharmacy, and that in every case, I am purchasing The Products from the Licensed Supplier, and The Products will be shipped directly to me by the Licensed Supplier. If The Products are being purchased from pharmacies or pharmaceutical wholesalers in different countries, they will be shipped directly to me by the Licensed Supplier in that country.
1.05 I confirm, acknowledge and agree that if The Products are shipped to me from more than one location, I will not be charged a separate shipping fee for each shipment.
1.06 I specifically confirm, acknowledge and agree that title to The Products passes to me from the Licensed Supplier when The Products leave the Licensed Supplier, and that (subject expressly to Section 1.8 of Schedule "A" attached) any and all agreements reached or contracts formed throughout the course of my purchase of The Products are and shall be deemed to be made in respect of any of The Products that are purchased in a Selected Country, in that Selected Country and accordingly shall be governed by the laws of that Selected Country applicable to such contracts and agreements.
1.07 I specifically confirm, acknowledge and agree that (subject expressly to Section 1.8 of Schedule "A" attached) any dispute that arises between me and Medica Depot or any of My Agents (defined below) shall, insofar as such dispute relates to any of My Agents located in a Selected Country, be governed by the laws of that Selected Country applicable to contracts formed in that Selected Country and the courts of that Selected Country shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction over any such dispute.
1.08 The additional Terms and Conditions set out on Schedule "A" hereto, which Schedule is hereby incorporated herein by reference, form an integral part of this Agreement, and I acknowledge having read such terms and conditions and that I agree to them.
Schedule "A"
1.1 The authorizations, appointments, powers of representation and consents that I am providing herein to Medica Depot and My Agents commence on the date I sign the Agreement and will continue until I cancel them. I understand that I can cancel the authorizations, appointments and consents I have herein granted at any time.
1.2 I hereby authorize and appoint Medica Depot and My Agents as my agents and attorneys for the limited purpose of taking all steps and signing all documents on my behalf necessary to obtain The Products, if required by law in a Selected Country from which I am purchasing The Products, to the same extent as I could do personally if I were present taking those steps and signing those documents myself. This authorization includes, but is not limited to: collecting My Information (defined below) about me or the legal entity I represent; collecting similar information from my licensing body; and disclosing my Information to Medica Depot's employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, affiliates and service providers, including without limitation any Agent Physician (defined below), any Licensed Supplier and any pharmacist in a Selected Country being engaged on my behalf (collectively, "My Agents"), as required, for the limited purpose of obtaining The Products and for My Order to be filled.
1.3 In this Agreement, the term:
(a) "My Information" means information about me or the legal entity which I represent (including, without limitation, my order history, license information), my contact and demographic information (including, without limitation, my full name, address and phone number) and payment information.
1.4 I further consent to Medica Depot and My Agents being able to contact one another to discuss my Personal Information, as it pertains to the supply and shipping of The Products. I understand that the reason for this consent is to provide My Agents with the full opportunity to conduct an independent analysis of whether My Order is appropriate, and discuss any potential complications that might arise. My Information and information concerning My Order will also be provided to any marketing company, on whose behalf Medica Depot carries out its marketing and administrative services, in order to facilitate the processing of My Order and to establish and maintain my customer account. I further understand that my Information will not be used for any other reason, and will be kept in strict confidence.
1.5 I hereby specifically acknowledge that I am aware that Medica Depot will be transmitting my Information by electronic means (for example fax, or secure internet) to My Agents. I understand that the use of electronic means will enhance the efficiency and timeliness of processing My Order. I also understand that Medica Depot, as a custodian of my Personal Information, will take precautions to protect my Personal Information from improper disclosure or use. I hereby consent to Medica Depot's transmission of my Personal Information by electronic means to My Agents.
1.6 If I was directed to Medica Depot's services through an intermediary (for example, a pharmacy benefit manager, health management organization or other service provider, or a City or State or other group program), I hereby authorize Medica Depot to release Personal Information to such an intermediary if required for quality assurance or auditing purposes, or to permit the processing of any claims on my behalf. It is my understanding that all such intermediaries will provide confidentiality covenants to Medica Depot whereby they agree to hold any such information in strictest confidence and to abide by the privacy policies of Medica Depot relating to the protection of my Information. I specifically consent to the transmission of the forgoing information to such intermediaries by electronic means.
1.7 Subject specifically to Sections 1.05, 1.06, and of the Agreement, I authorize and appoint Medica Depot and My Agents as my agents and attorneys for the purpose of taking all steps and signing all documents on my behalf necessary to package or re-package The Products and to arrange delivery of them to me, to the same extent as I could do if I were personally present taking those steps and signing those documents myself.
1.8 I confirm, acknowledge and agree that I initiated contact with Medica Depot and that Medica Depot is not located in the United States. Without limiting this Section of the Agreement, I also confirm, acknowledge and agree that all services that I receive from Medica Depot are being received outside of the United States.
2.1 I hereby represent and confirm to Medica Depot, and to each of its affiliates, associates, related companies, subsidiaries and parent company and each of their respective directors, officers, shareholders, employees, contractors, subcontractors, successors and assigns and to My Agents that:
(a) The Products are being purchased by me, who is a licensed medical professional or I am acting on behalf of an institution or other legal entity and maintain all necessary licenses, permits and approvals in my governing jurisdiction to order and receive the products I am, or will be requesting. I will provide proof of licensing to Medica Depot in order to verify my/our standing as a licensed entity and eligibility to purchase from Medica Depot.
(b) I can make my own decisions to purchase The Products or I am duly authorized to make legally binding decisions on behalf of the legal entity or institutions I represent including but not limited to purchasing The Products and entering into this agreement on its behalf.
(c) I am not seeking or relying on any medical information, advice or approval from Medica Depot or My Agents.
(d) I acknowledge that Medica Depot and My Agents have relied and will continue to rely on the information and documentation that I am providing to them (including the Agreement, My Order, and my Profile) and I represent and confirm that I have fully and truthfully disclosed all pertinent information and documentation to Medica Depot. I agree to notify Medica Depot of any changes to my licensing or the licensing of the legal entity I am authorized to act on behalf of by providing an updated Profile. I understand that if I have provided incorrect or incomplete information to Medica Depot or My Agents, my account may be terminated immediately at the sole discretion of Medica Depot.
3.1 Medica Depot will charge my credit card through a third party for the price of the products and shipping charges as posted on the web site on or about the day My Order is processed and all other documentation necessary to enable the Licensed Supplier(s) to process my order has been received. In the event my payment is not authorized, Medica Depot has the right to cancel My Order and attempt to provide me with notice of such cancellation.
3.2 I confirm, acknowledge and agree that:
(a) any of The Products being purchased from a Licensed Supplier will be packaged as required by law in the jurisdiction of the Licensed Supplier.
(b) Products may be returned or exchanged within thirty (30) days of purchase. Should it be necessary to return or exchange any product, I agree that I will contact Medica Depot and will be given the address for the return depot. Returns or Exchanges will be accepted at the sole discretion of Medica Depot.
(c) Medica Depot and My Agents reserve the right to refuse to assist me in obtaining My Order or any other order in their sole discretion, in which event I will be entitled to a refund for monies paid for such order; and
(d) neither Medica Depot nor My Agents provide their agency or attorney services as a substitute for the advice of licensed legal counsel
(e)I acknowledge the critical importance of having medical products delivered to me in a timely manner and without interruption. To avoid any interruptions I authorize Medica Depot, the Licensed Supplier and My Agents to ship additional products to me or to a third party authorized by me based on my estimated consumption so that I may receive additional stock on hand for my future use in a timely manner. I acknowledge that any additional stock shipped to me or a third party authorized by me is owned by me and is payable within 180 days of the order being shipped to me or a location authorized by me. I authorize the shipment of my orders to me, or unless otherwise instructed to a third party storage and sorting facility authorized by me.
(f)YI authorize Medica Depot, My Agents and/or the Licensed Supplier to establish an account with a third party storage and sorting facility so that I may receive product storage, shipping and ancillary administrative services from a third party storage and sorting facility.
(g)I expressly authorize Medica Depot, My Agents and/or the Licensed Supplier to choose the third party storage and sorting facility at its sole discretion on my behalf. Said third party storage and sorting facility may perform tasks such as shipping, storage, and sorting of stocks ordered by me that are being stored at the third party facility for me on my behalf. All products shipped by the third party is drawn from the my own inventory held in storage with the third party.
(h)I understand that the third party storage facility will receive and store my stock in my name and on my behalf and will ship said stock to me at my request at a later date if not required by me immediately upon the stocks arrival at the third party's facility. I further acknowledge that I may at any time return any unused stock being held at the third party storage facility for a full refund of monies paid and/or owed.
(i)I acknowledge that any third party utilized for the transportation, storage or sorting of goods for me will be held responsible for any damages incurred from any services provided by the third party to me as the third party is acting on my behalf and is not owned, operated or controlled by Medica Depot. Therefore I agree not to hold Medica Depot liable for any damages or claims that may arise from the actions or services provided by the third party. I further agree and acknowledge that I will at all times be the importer of record for all products received by the third party on my behalf. I recognize and acknowledge that the third party storage and sorting facility will not import the products being shipped to them on my behalf and will not provide importation or brokerage services and will not assist in the importation of products shipped to the third party storage and sorting facility on my behalf, nor undertake any actions implying any ownership of the products shipped or stored by the third party storage and sorting facility on my behalf.
(j)In the situation I default on any payment due, I acknowledge and agree that Medica Depot, My Agents and/or Licensed Supplier retains the right to seize any inventory stored by me at the third party storage facility for recovery of funds owed.
3.3 I confirm, acknowledge and agree that to the extent that my customer account and records can be considered to be owned by any person, same shall be owned by Medica Depot.
3.4 I specifically confirm, acknowledge and agree that each and every one of these terms and conditions (including, without limitation, my choice of selected country(ies) and Licensed Supplier(s)) will automatically, and without further action by me or Medica Depot, apply to and govern any future orders by me of medications or other products from Medica Depot, unless I specifically indicate otherwise at the time of ordering such products. without limiting the foregoing, each authorization and consent provided by me in this agreement will continue until such authorization or consent is canceled(which can be done at any time).
3.5 By placing my order with Medica Depot, I am representing and warranting to Medica Depot and My Agents that the sale, delivery and shipment of the products and/or other products which i request will not violate any import, export or other law or regulation in my home jurisdiction and/or the jurisdiction to which the products and/or such products are being shipped.
Translation - Portuguese Contrato de Cliente
Tendo idade superior a 21 anos, entro neste contrato (o “Contrato”) com a Medica Depot, por si e em seu nome e cada Fornecedor Licenciado e os Meus Agentes (definidos em baixo), de modo a estar legalmente vinculados:
1.01 Entro neste Contrato com a Medica Depot porque desejo fazer uma encomenda ("A Minha Encomenda") de certos medicamentos e outros produtos ("Os Produtos"), nos termos e condições estabelecidos neste documento.
1.02 Quero comprar Os Produtos de, e tenho A Minha Encomenda preenchida por, um Fornecedor Licenciado num ou mais dos seguintes países ou territórios geográficos: Canadá, Europa, e/ou Estados Unidos da América.
1.03 Confirmo, reconheço e concordo que, como parte do processo de Encomenda, indiquei que:
(a) Quero comprar Medicamentos de, e tenho A Minha Encomenda preenchida por, uma farmácia em mais de um dos países mencionados (todos os países selecionados por mim serão designados doravante como "País Selecionado"), a Medica Depot, como minha agente, irá selecionar um fornecedor licenciado (cada um, sendo um "Fornecedor Licenciado") entre um ou mais países, para dispensar Os Produtos. A Medica Depot, como minha agente, irá tomar a decisão sobre qual ou quais os Fornecedores Licenciados é que dispensarão Os Produtos, com base na disponibilidade e/ou no preço dos Produtos nos Países Selecionados; e
(b) Quero comprar Os Produtos de, e ter A Minha Encomenda preenchida por, um Fornecedor Licenciado num País Selecionado específico, Os Produtos serão dispensados por um Fornecedor Licenciado naquele País Selecionado para mim pela Medica Depot, como minha agente.
1.04 Compreendo que a Medica Depot não é uma farmácia, e que em qualquer caso, estou a comprar Os Produtos de um Fornecedor Licenciado, e que Os Produtos me serão enviados diretamente através do Fornecedor Licenciado. Se Os Produtos estiverem a ser comprados por farmácias ou grossistas farmacêuticos em países diferentes, serão me enviados diretamente para mim pelo Fornecedor Licenciado desse país.
1.05 Confirmo, reconheço e concordo que se Os Produtos me forem enviados de mais de um local, eu não serei cobrado uma taxa de envio separada por cada envio.
1.06 Confirmo, reconheço e concordo especificamente que o título dos Produtos passa para mim do Fornecedor Licenciado quando os Produtos deixam as instalações do Fornecedor Licenciado, e que (expressamente sujeito à Secção 1.8 da Tabela "A" em anexo) qualquer e quaisquer acordos feitos ou contratos formados durante o curso da minha compra dos Produtos são e serão feitos em respeito de qualquer dos Produtos que são comprados num País Selecionado, nesse País Selecionado e consequentemente estará sob as leis desse País Selecionado aplicáveis a tais contratos e acordos.
1.07 Confirmo, reconheço e concordo especificamente que (expressamente sujeito à Secção 1.8 da Tabela "A" em anexo) qualquer disputa que possa advir entre mim e a Medica Depot ou qualquer um dos Meus Agentes (definidos abaixo) terá, na medida em que tal disputa se relacione a qualquer um dos Meus Agentes localizados num País Selecionado, que estar regido pelas leis desse País Selecionado aplicáveis a contratos formados nesse País Selecionado e os tribunais desse País Selecionado terão jurisdição exclusiva e completa sobre qualquer tipo de disputa.
1.08 Os Termos e Condições adicionais são determinados na Tabela "A" do presente documento, tal Tabela está aqui incorporada por referência, forma uma parte integral deste Contrato, e reconheço ter lido tais termos e condições e ter concordado com eles.
Tabela “A”
1.1 As autorizações, nomeações, poderes de representação e consentimentos que estou a fornecer aqui neste documento à Medica Depot e aos Meus Agentes começam na data em que assino o Contrato e continuam até eu os cancelar. Compreendo que posso cancelar a qualquer momento as autorizações, nomeações e consentimentos que concedo neste documento.
1.2 Autorizo e nomeio a Medica Depot e os Meus Agentes como meus agentes e procuradores para o propósito limitado de tomar todas as medidas e assinar em meu nome todos os documentos necessários para obter os produtos, se exigido por lei no País Selecionado de onde pretendo comprar Os Produtos, na mesma medida em que o faria se estivesse pessoalmente presente para tomar esses passos e assinar esses documentos. Esta autorização inclui, mas não está limitado a: coleta das Minhas Informações (definido abaixo) sobre mim ou a entidade jurídica que represento; coleta de informações semelhante do meu corpo de licenciamento; e divulgação das minhas Informações aos funcionários, agentes, contratados, subcontratados, afiliados e prestadores de serviços da Medica Depot, incluindo, sem limitação, qualquer Agente Médico (definido abaixo), qualquer Fornecedor Licenciado e qualquer farmacêutico no País Selecionado contratado em meu nome (coletivamente, "Meus Agentes"), conforme necessário, para o propósito limitado de obter Os Produtos e para a Minha Encomenda ser preenchida.
1.3 Neste Contrato, o termo:
(a)”Minha Informação” são as informações sobre mim ou a entidade jurídica que represento (incluindo, sem limitação, o meu histórico de encomendas, informações sobre a licença), o meu contacto e informações demográficas (incluindo, sem limitação, o meu nome completo, morada e número de telefone) e informações de pagamento.
1.4 Consinto ainda que a Medica Depot e os Meus Agentes possam contactar-se um ao outro para discutir a minha Informação Pessoal, no que se refere ao fornecimento e transporte dos Produtos. Compreendo que a razão para este consentimento é fornecer os Meus Agentes com a plena oportunidade de realizar uma análise independente sobre se a Minha Encomenda é apropriada e discutir quaisquer possíveis complicações que possam surgir. As Minhas Informações e as informações sobre a Minha Encomenda também serão fornecidas a qualquer empresa de marketing, que desenvolvem a comercialização e os serviços administrativos em nome da Medica Depot, a fim de facilitar o processamento da Minha Encomenda e para estabelecer e manter a minha conta de cliente. Compreendo que a minha informação não será usada por qualquer outra razão, e será mantida em sigilo completo.
1.5 Neste documento, reconheço especificamente que estou ciente de que a Medica Depot estará transmitindo minha Informação por meios eletrónicos (por exemplo, fax ou internet segura) para os Meus Agentes. Compreendo que o uso de meios eletrónicos irá aumentar a eficiência e oportunidade de processar a Minha Encomenda. Também compreendo que a Medica Depot, como guardiã da minha Informação Pessoal, vai tomar precauções para proteger a minha Informação Pessoal de divulgação ou uso indevido. Consinto a transmissão das minhas Informações Pessoais por meios eletrónicos para os Meus Agentes pela Medica Depot.
1.6 Se fui direcionado para os serviços da Medica Depot através de um intermediário (por exemplo, um gerente de benefícios de farmácia, uma organização de gestão de saúde ou outro prestador de serviços, ou uma Cidade ou Estado ou outro programa de grupo), autorizo a Medica Depot para liberar as minha Informações Pessoais para tal intermediário, se necessário, para fins de garantia de qualidade ou de auditoria, ou para permitir o processamento de todas as reivindicações em meu nome. É meu entendimento que todos esses intermediários fornecerão convénios de confidencialidade à Medica Depot em que concordam manter tais informações em absoluto sigilo e respeitar as políticas de privacidade da Medica Depot relacionadas com a proteção da minha Informação. Consinto especificamente a transmissão dessas informações a esses mediadores por meios eletrónicos.
1.7 Sujeito especificamente às Secções 1.05, 1.06, e do Contrato, autorizo e nomeio a Medica Depot e os Meus Agentes como meus agentes e procuradores com a finalidade de tomar todas as medidas e assinar em meu nome todos os documentos necessário para embalar ou reembalar Os Produtos e providenciar a entrega deles até mim, na mesma medida que eu o faria se estivesse pessoalmente presente a tomar esses passos e a assinar esses documentos.
1.8 Confirmo, reconheço e concordo que iniciei o contato com a Medica Depot e que a Medica Depot não está localizada nos Estados Unidos da América. Sem limitar esta Secção do Contrato, também confirmo, reconheço e concordo que todos os serviços que recebo da Medica Depot estão a ser recebidos de fora dos Estados Unidos da América.
2.1 Pela presente represento e confirmo à Medica Depot, e a cada um de seus afiliados, associados, empresas coligadas, subsidiárias e empresas matriz e cada um dos seus respetivos diretores, conselheiros, acionistas, funcionários, contratados, subcontratados, sucessores e designados e aos Meus Agentes que:
(a) Os Produtos estão a ser comprados por mim, um médico profissional licenciado ou um representante uma instituição ou de outra entidade jurídica e mantenho todas as licenças, autorizações e aprovações necessárias em minha jurisdição para encomendar e receber os produtos que requisito, ou requisitarei. Estou disposto a dar prova do licenciamento à Medica Depot, a fim de verificar a minha/nossa posição como entidade licenciada e elegível para comprar da Medica Depot.
(b) Posso tomar as minhas próprias decisões para comprar Os Produtos ou estou devidamente autorizado a tomar decisões juridicamente vinculativos em nome da entidade jurídica ou instituições que represento, incluindo mas não limitado a comprar Os Produtos e entrar neste contrato em seu nome.
(c) Não estou à procura nem dependo de qualquer informação médica, aconselhamento ou aprovação da Medica Depot ou dos Meus Agentes.
(d) Reconheço que a Medica Depot e os Meus Agentes têm contado e continuarão a contar com a informação e a documentação que lhes estou a fornecer (incluindo o Contrato, a Minha Encomenda e o meu Perfil) e represento e confirmo que divulguei completamente e honestamente todas as informações e documentação pertinente para a Medica Depot. Concordo em notificar a Medica Depot de quaisquer alterações no meu licenciamento ou o licenciamento da entidade legal que estou autorizado a representar, fornecendo um Perfil atualizado. Compreendo que no caso de ter fornecido informações incorretas ou incompletas à Medica Depot ou aos Meus Agentes, a minha conta pode ser encerrada imediatamente ao critério exclusivo da Medica Depot.
3.1 A Medica Depot vai cobrar o meu cartão de crédito, através de terceiros, o preço dos produtos e as despesas de envio de acordo com os valores publicados no site, no dia ou por volta do dia em que a Minha Encomenda e toda a documentação necessária for recebida e for processada para permitir que o Fornecedor Licenciado processe a Minha Encomenda. No caso do meu pagamento não ser autorizado, a Medica Depot tem o direito de cancelar a Minha Encomenda e tentar me fornecer a notificação de tal cancelamento.
3.2 Confirmo, reconheço e concordo que:
(a) qualquer um dos Produtos que está a ser comprado dum Fornecedor Licenciado será embalada conforme exigido por lei na jurisdição do Fornecedor Licenciado.
(b) Os Produtos podem ser devolvidos ou trocados no prazo de 30 (trinta) dias após a compra. Se for necessário devolver ou trocar qualquer produto, concordo que entrarei em contato com a Medica Depot e me será dada a morada para o envio da devolução. As Devoluções ou Trocas serão aceites ao critério da Medica Depot.
(c) A Medica Depot e os Meus Agentes reservam o direito a recusar ajudar-me na obtenção da Minha Encomenda ou de qualquer outra encomenda a seu exclusivo critério, e nesse caso terei direito a um reembolso das quantias pagas para tal encomenda; e
(d) nem a Medica Depot nem os Meus Agentes fornecem a sua agência ou serviços de procuradoria como um substituto dos conselhos de seus assessores jurídicos licenciados.
(e) Reconheço a importância crítica de ter produtos médicos entregues de uma forma atempada e sem interrupções. Para evitar quaisquer interrupções autorizo a Medica Depot, o Fornecedor Licenciado e os Meus Agentes a enviar produtos adicionais a mim ou a terceiros autorizados por mim com base no meu consumo estimado para que possa receber produto adicional para uso futuro de forma atempada. Reconheço que qualquer produto adicional enviado para mim ou terceiros autorizados por mim me pertence e será pago no prazo de 180 dias após o envio da encomenda para mim ou para um local autorizado por mim. Autorizo o envio das minhas encomendas para mim, ou a menos que instruído de outra forma a terceiros de armazenamento e instalação de triagem autorizada por mim.
(f) Autorizo a Medica Depot, os Meus Agentes e/ou o Fornecedor Licenciado a criar uma conta com um terceiro de armazenamento e instalação de triagem para que eu possa receber armazenagem de produtos, transporte e serviços administrativos auxiliares de um terceiro de armazenamento e instituição de triagem.
(g) Autorizo expressamente a Medica Depot, os Meus Agentes e/ou o Fornecedor Licenciado para escolher o terceiro de armazenamento e instituição de triagem a seu exclusivo critério, em meu nome. O terceiro de armazenamento e instituição de triagem escolhido pode executar tarefas como o transporte, armazenamento e triagem dos produtos encomendados por mim que estão a ser armazenados nas instalações de terceiros para mim em meu nome. Todos os produtos enviados pelo terceiro são requisitados por mim a partir do meu próprio inventário que se encontram em armazenamento com o terceiro.
(h) Compreendo que o terceiro de armazenamento irá receber e armazenar os meus produtos em meu nome e em meu nome os enviará para mim, a meu pedido numa data posterior se não for exigido por mim imediatamente após a chegada às instalação de terceiros. Reconheço ainda que posso, a qualquer momento devolver qualquer produto, armazenado no terceiro de armazenamento que não for utilizado para receber um reembolso total de dinheiros pagos e/ou devidos.
(i) Reconheço qualquer terceiro utilizados para o transporte, armazenamento ou triagem dos produtos para mim será responsabilizado por qualquer dano de quaisquer serviços prestados pelo terceiro para mim, uma vez que o terceiro está a agir em meu nome e não é da propriedade, operado ou controlado pela Medica Depot. Portanto, concordo em não responsabilizar a Medica Depot por quaisquer danos ou reivindicações que possam surgir a partir das ações ou serviços fornecidos por terceiros. Também concordo e reconheço que eu vou ser sempre o importador de registro para todos os produtos recebidos por terceiros em meu nome. Reconheço e admito que o armazenamento de terceiros e instituição de triagem não vão importar os produtos que lhes estão a ser enviados em meu nome e não irão fornecer serviços de importação ou de corretagem e não ajudarão na importação de produtos a ser enviados para o armazenamento de terceiros e instituição de triagem em meu nome, nem realizar quaisquer ações que impliquem qualquer propriedade dos produtos enviados ou armazenados pelo terceiro de armazenamento e instituição de triagem em meu nome.
(j) No caso de eu não cumprir qualquer pagamento devido, reconheço e concordo que a Medica Depot, os Meus Agentes e/ou o Fornecedor Licenciado têm o direito de apreender qualquer inventário armazenado por mim no terceiro de armazenamento para recuperar os fundos devidos.
3.3 Confirmo, reconheço e concordo que, na medida em que a minha conta de cliente e os registos podem ser considerados como propriedade de qualquer pessoa, o mesmo será da propriedade da Medica Depot.
3.4 Confirmo, reconheço e concordo especificamente que todos e cada um destes termos e condições (incluindo, sem limitação, a minha escolha de País Selecionado e Fornecedor Licenciado) irá automaticamente, e sem mais ação minha ou da Medica Depot, aplicar-se e governar todas as minhas encomendas futuras de medicamentos ou outros produtos da Medica Depot, a menos que eu indicar especificamente em contrário, no momento da encomenda de tais produtos. Sem limitar o precedente, cada autorização e consentimento fornecido por mim neste contrato continuará até que a autorização ou consentimento seja cancelada (o que pode ser feito a qualquer momento).
3.5 Ao fazer a Minha Encomenda com a Medica Depot, estou a representar e a garantir à Medica Depot e aos Meus Agentes que a venda, entrega e expedição dos produtos e/ou outros produtos que eu pedir não estão a violar qualquer lei de importação, exportação ou outra lei ou regulamento na minha jurisdição local e/ou a jurisdição para onde os produtos e/ou tais produtos estão a ser enviados.
English to Portuguese: Customer Order Form General field: Bus/Financial
Source text - English
Client Order Form
1 866 892 2032
Fax: 1 866 476 5360
MedicaDepot.COM CLIENT PROFILE Please fax these forms toll free to 1-866-476-5360
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Translation - Portuguese
Formulário de Encomenda de Cliente
1 866 892 2032
Fax: 1 866 476 5360
MedicaDepot.COM PERFIL DE CLIENTE Por favor envie por fax estes formulários para a linha gratuita 1-866-476-5360
*** Nota: A sua receita médica original deve ser enviada para nós a não ser que seja enviada por fax do escritório do seu médico.
Informação do Cliente
(Asterisco (*) Indica informação obrigatória. Por favor escreva com clareza.)
*Primeiro Nome
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Nome da Empresa
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Morada do Titular
American Express Master Card
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Número do Cartão de Crédito
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Para produtos que deseja encomendar, por favor introduza a quantidade e o preço listado, de acordo com
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Medicamento Potência Quantidade Preço
Programa de Referência (complete para ganhar créditos para si e para a pessoa que o referiu)
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Número de Telefone
Assinatura do Profissional de Medicina Data/Hora
Por favor preencha com capitais o Nome do Profissional de Medicina (por favor, escreva com clareza)
Assinatura do Representante Autorizado Data/Hora
Por favor preencha com capitais o Nome do Representante Autorizado (por favor, escreva com clareza)
French to English: 1989-concerts-1403 General field: Art/Literary
Source text - French Mos Def
Mos Def, alias le meilleur rappeur de la New School des années 1990, remonte sur scène pour un show qui s’annonce d’ores et déjà historique.
Mos Def, connu aussi sous le nom de Yasiin Bey, peut se vanter d'être considéré comme le meilleur rappeur de la New School des années 1990. Et pour cause ! Mos Def inscrit son nom dans le milieu du hip hop US en 1998, en collaborant avec De la Soul sur leur album Stake is High. L’année suivante, l’artiste commence son aventure solo avec le disque Black on Both Sides. Son dernier album, The Ecstatic, date de 2009.
S’il a fait ses débuts dans le rap, c’est désormais en tant que comédien qu’il s’illustre. On l’a notamment vu dans Braquage à l’italienne en 2003 ou Soyez sympas, rembobinez de Michel Gondry en 2008. Les apparitions du rappeur sur scène se font désormais très rares. Autant dire que le concert de Mos Def devrait rentrer dans les annales ! Sans compter que l’artiste sera pour l’occasion accompagné par un live band orchestré par le grand Robert Glasper. Du lourd !
Emily Loizeau
Emily Loizeau repasse par la capitale pour enchanter le public parisien avec les ballades de « Mothers and Tygers ».
Impossible d’enfermer Emily Loizeau dans une cage tellement son univers est large et touffu... À cheval entre deux cultures et deux langues, le français et l’anglais, la belle se nourrit un peu des deux, donnant à sa musique son empreinte si particulière. Avec son troisième album, Mothers and Tygers, la chanteuse se montre encore plus sensible. Plus à fleur de peau que jamais, elle livre ses sentiments les plus profonds sur la vie, la mort, l’enfance… Un album sous forme d’introspection intérieure à découvrir surtout en live.
Sur scène, Emily Loizeau invite le public dans son univers si personnel. C’est pieds-nus qu’elle chante, comme pour entrer en communion avec le sol, la terre. Elle se fait sensible et sauvage, douce et fragile. Scénographie soignée et lumineuse, Emily transforme les scènes sur lesquelles elle se produit en clairière ! Bienvenue dans le monde imaginaire d’Emily Loizeau.
Debout sur le zinc
Debout sur le Zinc célèbre sa « Fuite en avant », titre de son sixième album studio, le temps d’un concert aux couleurs de la chanson française.
Depuis 1995, Debout sur le Zinc a rejoint la famille des groupes de chanson française néo-réaliste. Son crédo ? Chanter les malheurs de la société, l’amour et ses tracas, l’amitié, sur fond de jazz manouche, de musique tsigane ou de folklore. Un style rétro mais électrique qui trouve ses racines chez Brassens ou Barbara et qui a permis aux Franciliens de se démarquer des autres formations du genre, Les Ogres de Barback ou La Rue Kétanou en tête.
Festive et chaleureuse, la musique de Debout sur le Zinc invite définitivement au partage. C’est donc à juste titre sur scène que la joyeuse troupe a trouvé le meilleur moyen de propager sa bonne parole. En grand nostalgique des années 1930, Debout sur le Zinc propose une valse à mille temps qui vous transportera dans une autre époque.
Avec six albums studio au compteur, dont le dernier La Fuite en avant, le groupe a largement de quoi vous faire entrer dans sa danse. Vous auriez tort de vous en priver !
Portico Quartet
A l’occasion de la sortie d’un double album, le quatuor londonien reprend la route et élargit son public grâce à son jazz aux mille couleurs.
Originaire de l’est de Londres, ce quartet a la particularité d’être composé d’un saxophone, d’une batterie, d’une contrebasse et d’un instrument percussif atypique, le hang. Ce dernier donne toute la couleur et la singularité au son du groupe.
Après trois disques couronnés de succès et reconnus aussi bien par les médias que le public, Portico Quartet sort aujourd’hui un double album : un live et un disque de remixes qui réunit SBTRKT, Luke Abbott, ou encore Luca Lozano.
Au cours de ses dix ans de carrière, le groupe a su montrer l’étendue de son talent en se renouvelant sans cesse et en mélangeant des styles pour rendre une musique a priori difficile d’accès compatible à un plus large public. Ils ont su mêler la pop, l’électro et aujourd’hui le dubstep à leur formation jazz dite « classique ». C’est autour de ce savant métissage que leur identité musicale s’est forgée.
Sur scène, ils embarquent littéralement leur auditoire. Superbe.
An Pierlé
Seize années d’une fructueuse carrière auront été nécessaires à An Pierlé pour sortir « Strange Days », album dans lequel seul son piano l’accompagne.
L’aventure solo peut mettre du temps à mûrir mais un album seul avec un piano pour unique accompagnement est un défi de taille qu’An Pierlé a su relever avec brio ! La délicieuse chanteuse belge continue de séduire au fil des albums par sa voix. Une voix écorchée vive et douce, mélodieuse et torturée. Elle rassemble les contraires, tantôt tendre et pop, tantôt brut et rock.
An Pierlé surprend, dénote. Sa voix, singulière, envoûte et sublime cette musique pop un brin tragique. On lui prête volontiers des faux airs de Tori Amos, en particulier dans ce dernier album.
Après six ans de tournée intensive avec son groupe le White Velvet, elle propose aujourd’hui un versant épuré, brut, en se mettant à nu derrière son piano. An Pierlé semble aujourd’hui assumer pleinement sa position de chanteuse emblématique de la scène pop belge. Un concert à ne pas manquer.
Femi Kuti
Le fils de Fela Kuti continue de mener tambour battant sa carrière de musicien. Preuve en est avec un nouvel album et une tournée à venir.
Dans la famille Kuti je demande le fils aîné ! Femi Kuti, mène une carrière brillante depuis maintenant quelques décennies. Saxophoniste et chanteur, ce musicien nigérien ne souffre pas de la comparaison avec son père puisqu’il se montre comme le digne successeur de l’afrobeat ! Il modernise le genre en combinant le jazz au funk, au reggae et à l’électro. Le mouvement initié par son père connaît ainsi un second souffle grâce à la musique de Femi.
Chaque concert de l’artiste nigérien est un moment de ravissement et de joie. Le chanteur prêche la bonne parole avec son groupe The Positive Force! Son message reste fidèle à la famille Kuti, celui d’une Afrique unie, un engagement anti-corruption, anti-dictature, anti-multinationales.
No Place for my Dream, son nouvel album, ne déroge pas à la règle et continue de délivrer les mêmes paroles de paix. Un grand moment de partage en perspective.
Gesaffelstein, nouveau dandy de l’électro made in France, à la techno sombre et puissante, inscrit désormais son nom en tête d’affiche.
Il n’a pour l’instant à son actif que trois EPs (Modern Walk, Conspiracy Pt1 et Conspiracy Pt 2) et des remix surpuissants (Lana del Rey ou The Shoes), pourtant Gesaffelstein fait déjà partie des nouvelles têtes pensantes de la scène électro française. Grenoblois d’origine, mais désormais établi à Paris, le jeune homme s’est forgé son style sous l’aile bienveillante de The Hacker, producteur connu entre autres pour ses collaborations avec Miss Kittin. De cette amitié artistique entre les deux hommes est même né le label Bromance.
Pourquoi un tel engouement autour de Gesaffelstein ? Outre son physique des plus avantageux, Mike Levy de son vrai nom a indéniablement un truc en plus. Son audace ! Car à l’heure où l’électro tend à se reposer sur ses acquis, Gesaffelstein lui a redonné un coup de fouet avec sa techno sombre aux ambiances lourdes et moites qui ne manquera pas de vous mettre en transe !
Bertrand Belin
Le troubadour Bertrand Belin est de retour avec un nouvel album « Parcs », à découvrir urgemment sur scène.
Après une pause d’une année, Bertrand Belin revient avec un quatrième disque, Parcs, qu’il présente sur scène. Si l’on devait choisir un mot pour décrire cet artiste, ce serait élégant. Élégant troubadour des temps modernes au charme exquis, Bertrand Belin fait partie de cette catégorie d’artistes français qui font leur chemin en marge des radios et des plateaux télé. À l’instar d’un Dominique A ou d’un Florent Marchet, le chanteur trace sa route. Déjà quatre albums à son actif, dont le magnifique Hypernuit, un bijou de ballades intimistes et très personnelles.
Élégant guitariste aussi. Arrangeur hors-pair, chanteur à la voix profonde, l’artiste distille un rock mélodique, doux et désenchanté. Il joue avec les mots, nous fait rire quand il faut pleurer et nous transporte dans son univers si particulier. Il n’y a plus qu’à se laisser emporter !
Dominique A
Après sa Victoire de la Musique, Dominique A reprend les routes pour chanter les titres de son dernier album « Vers les lueurs ».
Pour fêter ses vingt ans de carrière, Dominique A rééditait en février dernier toute sa discographie. Comme pour tourner la page et commencer une nouvelle histoire, il publiait quelques mois plus tard un nouvel album radicalement différent, plus lumineux, où le rock se mélange à un quintet à vent : Vers les lueurs. Un album, disque d’or, que le chanteur continue de défendre sur scène.
Primé aux Victoires de la Musique en 2013, Dominique A entre dans le cercle très fermé des meilleurs auteurs/interprètes de la chanson française. Il aura fallu vingt ans de carrière pour que l'artiste soit enfin reconnu par ses pairs ! Poète écorché à la plume délicate, il joue avec les mots, avec subtilité et tendresse. Il parle de l’enfance, de l’amour, des regrets, de la vie, avec douceur et parfois tristesse.
Le rock de Dominique A est beau, hors des sentiers battus. Le chanteur faisait partie de cette catégorie d’artistes talentueux que l’on a tendance à oublier. Plus maintenant.
Death Grips
Death Grips confirme sa place de nouveau mentor du hip hop hardcore en s'offrant un concert unique en France.
Le hip hop hardcore a trouvé son nouveau chef de file avec Death Grips. Formé en 2010 à Sacramento, le groupe emmené par Stefan Burnett a connu une ascension fulgurante. Comment ? Grâce à une mixtape, intitulée Exmilitary, parue en avril 2011 et acclamée par toute la presse spécialisée, dont Pitchfork, NME ou Rolling Stone.
Dès lors, le bouche à oreille fait gentiment mais sûrement son travail et Death Grips continue d’affoler les foules et de convertir des adeptes partout où ils passent. Car Death Grips fait partie de ces formations qui mettent tout le monde d'accord, depuis les fans de hip hop les plus pointus jusqu’aux novices avides de nouvelles sensations.
Quel que soit votre camp, vous ne pourrez qu’apprécier l’énergie démesurée de ces trois bad boys du rap underground US, bannis de leur label Epic Records après la sortie de leur album No Love Deep Web en octobre 2012. Un concert de Death Grips est une expérience unique dont on ne ressort pas indemne !
Les Canadiens de Suuns défendent leur nouvel album « Images du Futur » sur scène.
Connue pour ses groupes de folk flanqués de chemises à carreaux, la scène musicale montréalaise a pourtant bien d’autres tours dans son sac. Preuve en a été faite en 2010 avec la sortie de Zeroes QC, le premier album de Suuns. Un disque clair-obscur dans lequel s’entremêlaient math rock, électro noire, krautrock ou pop géométrique et qui avait mis tout le monde d’accord.
Forts de cette popularité grandissante, le quatuor est retourné en studio pour donner vie à Images du Futur. Enregistré pendant le Printemps d’érable, les manifestations étudiantes qui se sont déroulées au Québec en 2012, le disque dégage clairement un sentiment d’excitation et d’urgence, teinté de frustration. Avec Suuns, le futur apparaît sombre mais aussi plein d’espoir !
Un groupe sous tension qui mettra vos nerfs à vif avec son rock minimaliste surpuissant !
Asap Rocky
A$ap Rocky, nouveau prodige du rap US, s’offre un passage à Paris pour défendre son premier album « Long.Live.A$ap ».
Figure de proue du collectif A$ap Mob, A$ap Rocky est sorti du lot en 2011 grâce à sa mixtape LiveLoveA$AP, encensée autant par la critique que par le public. Présenté comme le nouveau prodige du hip hop US, le jeune MC originaire de Harlem a concrétisé tous les espoirs placés en lui en publiant son premier album en janvier 2012. Intitulé Long.Live. A$ap, le disque renoue avec la tradition de lyrics purement new-yorkaise et d’une musicalité new-school.
Poussé par un désir quasi obsessionnel d’être différent, A$sap Rocky a choisi de prendre à contre-pied le courant du hip hop actuel. Pas d’engagement politique, ses textes tournent principalement autour des filles, du sexe et de l’argent. Pas d’auto tune, mais un flow saccadé et une voix ralentie. Et un florilège de featurings avec entre autres Santigold, Drake ou Danger Mouse.
Ne manquez pas l’occasion de voir le petit prince du swag rap en live, vous pourriez le regretter !
Découvrez une autre façon de clubber avec les soirées made in Mercredi Production, instigateur d’explorations musicales modernes.
Mercredi Production rempile pour sa troisième saison au Cabaret sauvage, célèbre Magic Mirror niché au cœur du parc de la Villette. Parce que titiller le dancefloor jusqu’au bout de la nuit devrait être accessible à tous, Mercredi Production s’est donné comme mission de faire découvrir la culture électronique au plus grand nombre en proposant des affiches pointues mais à des tarifs abordables, loin des programmations habituelles des autres clubs de la capitale.
La preuve avec la première soirée des dix affiches qui jalonneront la saison. Pour démarrer les hostilités sous les meilleurs auspices, place au label Hippie Dance et à ses Pachanga Boys, mais aussi aux reines de la galette made in France, à savoir Jennifer Cardini et Chloé, qui défileront derrière les platines.
Bref, une soirée rythmée par trois mots d’ordre : fête, exigence et avant-gardisme.
I'm a Cliché Party
Cosmo Vitelli, fondateur du label I’m a Cliché, prend d’assaut La Java pour une soirée placée sous le signe de la dance music.
On ne présente plus Cosmo Vitelli, célèbre DJ et producteur français, fondateur du label I’m a Cliché en 2004. Non content d’avoir déjà plus d’une corde à son arc, Cosmo Vitelli est aussi à l’origine des soirées I’m a Cliché Party qui squattent La Java tous les deux mois pour faire danser tous les fans de dance music jusqu’au petit matin.
Pour cette nouvelle édition, Cosmo Vitelli a convié derrière les platines deux têtes pensantes de la scène électro française actuelle. D’un côté, Etienne Jaumet, moitié du duo Zombie Zombie, adorateur de ses machines et bidouilleur invétéré. De l’autre, Remain, le co-fondateur du label Meant Records à la techno sombre. Mais comme on n’est jamais mieux servi que par soi-même, Cosmo Vitelli en personne assurera par ailleurs un set électro explosif.
Comme le dit si bien Mr Oizo, « vous êtes des animaux » ! Ne manquez pas l’occasion de réveiller la bête qui est en vous !
Jouer les stars d’un soir c’est simple avec la soirée Paparazzi de la Karambole qui électrise les nuits parisiennes à coup de house minimale.
Situé à la croisée de l’avenue de Clichy et du cimetière Montmartre, la Karambole est une restaurant cosy le jour et un club intimiste mais branché la nuit. La preuve avec les soirées Paparazzi, événements récurrents dans la programmation du lieu, qui font le bonheur des aficionados de tech house et de house minimal.
Pour cette nouvelle édition, le collectif lillois Les Enfants de la Fête, à l ‘origine des soirées Paparazzi, a une fois de plus mis les petits plats dans les grands. Au programme, Ray Mond, Bastien, Deejay Youth et Dj Zoulou se succèderont derrière les platines pour des sets exclusifs et électriques.
Inutile de vous planquer derrière vos lunettes de soleil telle Lady Gaga qui tente de se la jouer incognito! La soirée Paparazzi parviendra à faire tomber les masques à tous les coups !
Disco Queen
Tous les lundis, le Queen, club prisé des Champs-Elysées, passe en mode boules à facettes avec ses célèbres soirées Disco Queen.
Qui a dit que le clubbing était seulement une affaire de week-end ? Parce qu’au Queen, tout est permis, chaque lundi, le club parisien organise ses désormais célèbres soirées Disco Queen. Ressortez vos pantalons pattes d’eph, vos plus belles plate-forme shoes, et direction les Champs-Elysées pour une soirée clairement rétro.
Que vous soyez nostalgiques des années 1970 ou pas, le Queen vous fera briller sous les boules à facettes à coup de remix de grands classiques du la funk, de la soul ou même de la new-wave. Fans de Kool and the Gang, de Boney M ou des Village People, le Queen vous ouvre ses portes sur la plus belle avenue du monde et vous offre l’occasion de commencer la semaine l’esprit léger, tel un John Travolta en herbe !
Avec les soirées Disco Queen, la fièvre du lundi soir est en marche. Rejoignez le mouvement !
Translation - English Mos Def
Mos Def, also known as the best rapper of the New School in the 1990s, returns to the stage for a show that promises to be historical.
Mos Def, also known as Yasiin Bey, can be proud to be considered as the best rapper of the New School in the 1990s. The reason being Mos Def made his name in the US hip hop scene in 1998, by collaborating with De la Soul on their album Stake is High. The following year, the artist began his solo adventure with the disc Black on Both Sides. His last album, The Ecstatic, was released in 2009.
Though he made his debut in rap, he is now better known as an actor. He has acted notably in The Italian Job in 2003 and Be Kind, Rewind by Michel Gondry in 2008. The appearances of this rapper on stage are now very rare. In other words, Mos Def's concert should go down in history! Given that the artist shall be accompanied for the occasion by a live band led by the great Robert Glasper. Great indeed!
Emily Loizeau
Emily Loizeau will once again pass through the capital to delight the Parisian public with the ballads of “Mothers and Tygers”.
It is impossible to confine Emily Loizeau in a cage because her universe is so vast and dense... Rooted in two cultures and two languages, French and English, this beauty uses the two to give her music a unique touch. With the release of her third album, Mothers and Tygers, the singer proves to be even more sensitive. More sensitive than ever, she unveils her deepest feelings about life, death, childhood… This is an album in the form of an introspection to be discovered live.
On stage, Emily Loizeau invites the audience into her very personal universe. She sings with bare feet, as a way of communing with the ground and the earth. She is sensitive and wild, tender and fragile. With a neat and lit stage design, Emily transforms her stages into a clearing! Welcome to Emily Loizeau's imaginary world.
Debout sur le zinc
Debout sur le Zinc celebrates its “Fuite en avant,” title of its sixth studio album, while waiting for a concert in the colors of the French song.
Since 1995, Debout sur le Zinc joined the family of neo-realist French song groups. Its motto is to sing the misfortunes of society, love and its troubles and friendship in form of manouche jazz, Gypsy music or folklore. This is a retro but electric style which is rooted in Brassens or Barbara and which allowed these Parisians to stand out from others of the genre, with Les Ogres de Barback or La Rue Kétanou at the top.
Festive and warm, the music of Debout sur le Zinc definitely invites to sharing. It is therefore on scene, and rightly so, that the merry band found the best way to spread its good word. Mostly nostalgic of the 1930s, Debout sur le Zinc offers a waltz that will transport you to another era.
With six studio albums to their credit, with the last being La Fuite en avant, the group has more than enough to get you into dancing. You would be wrong to deprive yourselves!
Portico Quartet
On the occasion of the release of a double album, the London quartet hit the road and expanded its audience with its hued-jazz.
Hailing from East London, this quartet has the particularity of being composed of a saxophone, drums, bass and an atypical percussion instrument, the hang. The latter gives all the color and uniqueness to the group.
After three successful albums, recognized by both the media and the public, Portico Quartet today released a double album: a live album and remixes that includes SBTRKT, Luke Abbott, or Luca Lozano.
During its ten year career, the group has demonstrated the extent of its talent by constantly renewing itself and mixing music styles which a priori are difficult to access and made them compatible to a wider public. They have succeeded to combine pop to electro and today dub-step to their jazz formation known as “classic”. It is around this brilliant mixing that their musical identity was forged.
On stage, they literally carry their audience. Superb!
An Pierlé
Sixteen years of a successful career have been necessary for An Pierlé to release “Strange Days”, album in which only her piano plays.
The solo adventure may take some time to mature but a single album with a piano to accompany is a great challenge that An Pierlé picked up brilliantly! This beautiful Belgian singer continues to attract with her successive albums through her voice. A voice flayed alive and fresh, melodious and tortured. She brings opposites, sometimes soft and pop, sometimes crude and rock.
An Pierlé surprises and denotes. Her singular and sublime voice captivates the bit tragic pop. She is usually likened to Tori Amos, particularly in her last album.
After six years of touring extensively with her group White Velvet, she now offers a sleek and crude side, by exposing herself behind her piano. An Pierlé now seems to fully assume her position as an iconic singer in the Belgian pop scene. A concert to attend at all cost.
Femi Kuti
Fela Kuti's son continues to lead his drum beating musical career. The proof is his new album and an upcoming tour.
In the Kuti family ask for the eldest son! Femi Kuti has been leading a brilliant career for the past few decades. Saxophonist and singer, this Nigerian musician does not suffer from the comparison with his father since he has proven to be a worthy successor of afrobeat! He modernized the genre by combining jazz, funk, and reggae to electro. The movement started by his father thus knows a second impetus thanks to Femi's music.
Each concert of the Nigerian artist is a moment of rapture and joy. The singer preaches the gospel with his band The Positive Force! His message remains faithful to the Kuti family, that of a united Africa, an anti-corruption, anti-dictatorship, and anti-multinationals commitment.
No Place for my Dream, his new album, is no exception to the rule and continues to deliver the same message of peace. A great time of sharing in perspective!
Gesaffelstein, new dandy of electro made in France, to dark and powerful techno, inscribed his name in the leading position.
For now, he has just three EPs to his credit (Modern Walk, Conspiracy Pt1 and Conspiracy Pt 2) and powerful remixes (Lana del Rey or The Shoes); meanwhile Gesaffelstein is already one of the new thinkers of French electro. Hailing from Grenoble, but now settled in Paris, the young man forged his style under the watchful eye of The Hacker, a producer well known for his collaborations with Miss Kittin. From this artistic friendship between the two men was even born the Bromance label.
Why such a keen interest in Gesaffelstein? In addition to his physical looks, Mike Levy, his real name, undeniably has something more. His boldness! Because at the time when the electro seemed to rest on its laurels, Gesaffelstein gave it a new boost with his dark techno with its grave and stick atmosphere that will surely put you in a trance!
Bertrand Belin
The troubadour Bertrand Belin is back with a new album “Parcs” to discover urgently on stage.
After a one year break, Bertrand Belin is back with a fourth album, Parcs, which he will present on stage. If you had to choose one word to describe this artist, it would be elegant. Elegant troubadour of modern times with exquisite charms, Bertrand Belin belongs to the category of French artists who have forged their way outside radio and TV shows. Like a Dominique A or Florent Marchet, this singer is tracing his route. He already has four albums to his credit, including the wonderful Hypernuit, a gem of intimate and very personal ballads.
He is an elegant guitarist too. Peerless arranger, singer with a deep voice, the artist distills melodic, sweet and disenchanted rock. He plays with words, makes us laugh when we should cry and transports us into his particular universe. We just have to let ourselves go!
Dominique A
After the Victoire de la Musique, Dominique A hit the road again to sing songs from his latest album “Vers les lueurs”.
To celebrate his twenty-year career, Dominique A republished in February his entire discography. As a way to turn the page and start a new story, he published a few months later a new album which was radically different and brighter, where rock is mixed with a wind quintet: Vers les lueurs. An album, golden record that the singer continues to advocate on stage.
Award winner at the Victoires de la Musique in 2013, Dominique A entered into the closed circle of the best authors/performers of French song. It took him twenty years of his career to finally be recognized by his peers! Seasoned poet with a fine style, he plays with words, with subtlety and tenderness. He speaks of childhood, love, regrets and life in gentle and sometimes sad manner.
Dominique A's rock is beautiful, and off the beaten track. The singer was part of this category of talented artists that we tend to forget. Not anymore
Death Grips
Death Grips confirmed its position as the new mentor of hardcore hip hop when it had a unique concert in France.
Hardcore hip hop has found its new leader with Death Grips. Formed in 2010 in Sacramento, the group led by Stefan Burnett has known a dazzling rise. How? Thanks to a mixtape titled Exmilitary, released in April 2011 and cheered by the entire press, including Pitchfork, NME and Rolling Stone.
Since then, the word of mouth has gently but surely done its work and Death Grips continues to thrill crowds and has new followers wherever they go. Death Grips is part of the groups that make everyone agree, from the most advanced hip hop fans to the novice eager for new sensations.
Whatever your camp, you will appreciate the boundless energy of these three bad boys of US underground rap, banished from their label Epic Records after the release of their album No Love Deep Web in October 2012. A Death Grips’ concert is a unique experience from where one does not come back the same!
The Canadians of Suuns defend their new album “Images du Futur” on stage.
Known for its groups of folk flanked with check shirts, the Montreal musical scene has many more tricks up its sleeves. The proof was in 2010 with the release of Zeroes QC, first album of Suuns. A chiaroscuro disk in which is intermingled math rock, electro black, krautrock or geometrical pop and which made everyone agree.
With this growing popularity, the quartet returned to the studio to bring forth Images du Futur. Recorded during the maple Spring, with the student demonstrations that took place in Quebec in 2012, the record clearly emerges a sense of excitement and urgency, tinged with frustration. With Suuns, the future seems to be bleak but also full of hope!
A group that will power your nerves with its minimalist and empowering rock!
Asap Rocky
A$ap Rocky, new rap wonder of the U.S., offers a visit to Paris to defend its first album “Long.Live.A$ap”.
Figurehead of the group A$ap Mob, A$ap Rocky stood out in 2011 with his mixtape LiveLoveA$AP, much praised by critics and the public. Presented as the new wonder of US hip hop, the young MC from Harlem has realized all the hopes placed in him by releasing his first album in January 2012. Titled Long.Live. A$ap, the disc revives the tradition of purely New York lyrics and new-school musicality.
Driven by an almost obsessive desire to be different, A$sap Rocky has chosen to walk against the current of the current hip hop. No political commitment, his lyrics revolve mainly around girls, sex and money. No auto tune, but a jerky flow and a slow voice and a plethora of featuring with among others Santigold, Drake or Danger Mouse.
Do not miss the opportunity to see the little prince of swag rap live, if not you might regret it!
Discover another way to club with evenings made in Mercredi Production, instigator of modern musical explorations.
Mercredi Production piles up again for its third season in Cabaret sauvage, famous Magic Mirror nestled in the heart of parc de la Villette. Because to tickle the dance-floor until the end of the night should be accessible to everyone, Mercredi Production is on a mission to make discover the electronic culture to the highest number by offering interesting programs but at affordable rates, far from the usual programming of other clubs in the capital.
The proof is the first night of ten posters that will mark this season. To start hostilities under the best auspices, room to the label Hippie Dance and its Pachysandra Boys, but also to the queens of the pack made in France, namely Jennifer Cardin and Chloe, that will parade behind the turntables.
In short, an evening punctuated by three watchwords: party, requirement, and savant-grade.
I'm a Cliché Party
Como Vitelli, founder of the label I'm a Cliché, stormed La Java for an evening under the sign of dance music.
No further introduction for Cosmo Vitelli who is a famous French DJ and producer, founder of the label I’m a Cliché in 2004. Not contented with already more than one string to his bow, Cosmo Vitelli is also at the origin of I’m a Cliché Party nights which squat La Java every two months to make all fans of music to dance music until dawn.
For this new edition, Cosmo Vitelli invited two brain boxes behind the turntables of the present French electro scene. On one side was Etienne Jaumet, half of the duo Zombie Zombie, worshiper of his machines and inveterate tinkerer. On the other, Remain, the co-founder of the label Meant Records with dark techno. But as one is never better served than oneself, Cosmo Vitelli in person will also have one explosive electro.
As Mr Oizo, says it, “you are animals!” Do not miss the opportunity to awaken the beast in you!
To play the stars for a night is simple with Paparazzi Karambole evenings that electrify the Parisian nightlife with minimal house.
Located at the intersection of the Avenue de Clichy and Montmartre cemetery, the Karambole is a cozy restaurant by day and intimate yet trendy club at night. The proof of this is Paparazzi evenings, recurring events in the programming of the place, to the delight of aficionados tech house and minimal house.
For this new edition, the collective of Lille Les Enfants de la Fête, at the origin of Paparazzi evenings, has once again done it well. On the program, Ray Mond, Bastien, Deejay Youth and Dj Zoulou will follow one another behind the turntables for exclusive and electrical sets.
Needless to hide behind your sunglasses as Lady Gaga trying to play the incognito! The paparazzi evening will succeed to take masks off every time!
Disco Queen
Every Monday, the Queen, popular club of the Champs-Elysées, switches disco balls with its famous Disco Queen evenings.
Who said clubbing was only a matter of the weekend? Because in Queen, all is allowed, each Monday, the Paris club organizes its now famous Disco Queen evenings. Take out your flare trousers, your most beautiful platform shoes, and head to the Champs-Elysées for a clearly retro evening.
Whether you are nostalgic for the 1970s or not, the Queen will make you shine under the disco balls to the tune of remix of the classics of funk, soul or even new-wave. Fans of Kool and the Gang, Boney M or Village People, the Queen opens its doors on the most beautiful avenue in the world and gives you the opportunity to start the week with a light spirit, like a John Travolta in the making!
With Disco Queen Evenings, the Monday night fever is on the move. Join the movement!
French to English: 2146-2205 - Chopin Festival General field: Art/Literary
Source text - French Festival Chopin
Cette année, le parc de Bagatelle s'est donné pour mission d'associer les anniversaires de grands compositeurs à sa trentième édition.
Soucieux de se faire l'écho du talent d'autres grands compositeurs, les organisateurs du festival ont décidé, cette année, de faire une programmation éclectique autour de grands anniversaires.
L'occasion de fêter le bicentenaire des naissances de Richard Wagner, Giuseppe Verdi, Charles-Valentin Alkan et Stephen Heller, mais aussi le centenaire de la naissance de Witold Lutoslawski, le soixantie`me anniversaire de la mort de Serge Prokofiev ou le cinquantie`me anniversaire de la mort de Francis Poulenc.
Soit huit concerts aux chandelles et quatre récitals proposés par des pianistes de talent qui allieront hommages aux maîtres de la musique classique, partitions rares et moments d'improvisation, notamment pour le récital de clôture avec le pianiste de jazz Guillaume de Chassy. Par ailleurs, cette trentième édition permettra au public de découvrir huit jeunes talents à l'aube de leur carrière à travers la traditionnelle journée « Piano à portes ouvertes ».
Goutte d'Or en Fête
Chaque année, le quartier de la Goutte-d’Or invite le public à partager un événement festif organisé par les associations locales et les habitants.
Qui dit Goutte d’Or en Fête dit ambiance conviviale assurée ! Pendant deux jours, l’événement met à l’honneur les associations et les habitants du quartier à travers diverses activités : concerts, ateliers créatifs, rencontres avec des artistes professionnels et amateurs. Chaque animation est l’occasion de mettre un « coup de projecteur » sur plusieurs actions et projets réalisés ou en cours de réalisation dans le quartier.
En 2013, l’événement place sa 28e édition sous le thème du Voyage et de l’Ailleurs.
Au menu des festivités : cross, brocante et pique-nique géant, inauguration au son des percussions, grande parade le 28 juin, village festif sur le thème des cinq continents au square Léon, ateliers de cuisine en extérieur, repas de quartier, scène ouverte avec « Les talents du quartier », bal, exposition collective de photos grands formats, etc.
De quoi passer un début d’été sous le signe de la détente, de la découverte et du plaisir !
Vacances d'été à Breteuil
Tout l’été, le château de Breteuil accueille toute la famille avec de nombreuses animations pour découvrir un des plus beaux monuments des Yvelines.
Quoi de plus plaisant qu’une journée ensoleillée au parc, en famille ? A 35 km à l’ouest de Paris, le château de Breteuil et ses 75 hectares de jardins gardent leurs portes grandes ouvertes tout l’été avec une dizaine d’animations organisées du 6 juillet au 1er septembre.
En plus des décors atypiques et des cinquante personnages de cire à voir toute l’année, des visites guidées du château sont organisées toutes les heures, adaptées à tous les publics. Les plus petits pourront sortir s’aventurer dans le labyrinthe végétal pour rejoindre le jeu de piste sur la biodiversité La promenade du Petit Chaperon rouge pour découvrir la faune et la flore qui habitent le domaine. Une conteuse les attendra pour leur raconter des petites histoires de Perraultau fil de la promenade du jardin où sont montées sept petites scénettes.
Les écuries accueilleront l’exposition Ma petite histoire de l’automobile avec de nombreux modèles réduits pour faire rêver les petits garçons. Prévoyez un pique-nique pour déjeuner dans le parc et profitez de cet inestimable domaine datant du XVIIesiècle.
Translation - English Chopin Festival
This year, the Bagatelle Park commits to the mission of combining the anniversaries of great composers at its thirtieth edition.
Impatient to echo the talent of other major composers, the festival organizers decided this year to sketch an eclectic program around important anniversaries. The opportunity to celebrate the bicentenary of the birth of Richard Wagner, Giuseppe Verdi, Charles-Valentin Alkan and Stephen Heller, but also the centenary of the birth of Witold Lutoslawski, the sixtieth anniversary of the death of Serge Prokofiev or the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Francis Poulenc.
Eight concerts by candlelight and four recitals offered by talented pianists who will combine homage to the masters of classical music, scores and rare moments of improvisation, including the closing recital with jazz pianist Guillaume de Chassy. Moreover, this thirtieth edition will allow the public to discover eight young talents at the dawn of their careers through the traditional day "Open doors piano."
Goutte d'Or Festival
Each year, Goutte-d'Or area invites the public to share a festive event organized by local associations and residents.
Goutte d'Or Festival is always associated to guaranteed friendly atmosphere! For two days, the event honors associations and residents of the area through various activities: concerts, creative workshops, meetings with professional and amateur artists. Each movie is an opportunity to "spotlight" several activities and projects achieved or in progress in the area.
In 2013, the theme of the 28th edition event is the Travel and the Elsewhere.
The menu of festivities: cross, antiques and giant picnic, opening under the sound of drums, big parade on June 28, festive village on the theme of the five continents in Leon square, outdoor cooking workshops, meals area, open stage with "The talents of the area," ball, group exhibition of large format photographs, etc.
Enough to spend an early summer under the sign of relaxation, discovery and fun!
Summer holidays in Breteuil
Throughout the summer, the Breteuil castle welcomes the entire family with many activities to discover the most beautiful monuments of Yvelines.
What could be more pleasant than a sunny day in the park with your family? 35 km western Paris, the Breteuil Castle and its 75 acres of gardens keep their doors wide open all summer with a dozen events held from July 6 to September 1.
In addition to the unusual scenery and fifty wax figures to see throughout the year, guided tours of the castle are held every hour, suitable for all audiences. The little ones can venture out into the vegetal maze to reach the treasure hunt in the biodiversity called The promenade of the Little Red Riding Hood to discover the flora and fauna that inhabit the area. A storyteller will be waiting to tell them Perrault stories over the promenade garden where there are mounted seven small scénettes.
The stables host My automobile story exhibition with many reduced maquettes to make little boys dream. Plan a picnic lunch in the park and enjoy this priceless estate dating from the seventeenth century.
Years of experience: 18. Registered at Aug 2010.
I am a translator with sixteen years of experience. I have being exposed to a wide variety of fields, which will guarantee top quality and a fast turnaround. I have a Certified PRO Network certification for the English to Spanish language pair, experience in translating contracts, advertisements, websites, government-related documents, legal documents, Geology books, articles, medical reports among others. I am a native Spanish speaker (EU and Latin American), Arabic as well and I possess a high level of fluency in English, French and Portuguese. I currently only provide translation services.
I have experience using CAT tools such as Trados and Wordfast, which are used in order to guarantee maximum consistency and quality in the shortest time span possible.
My rates are as follows:
€0.08/word - Non-technical
€0.10/word - Technical
Average words per day vary between 2000-2500 depending on the technicality of the text.
To take a look at my recommendations and references please access the information below:
3 References :
Monica Merrill
Merrill Translations
Catia Rodrigues
AP PORTUGAL - Language services
+351 911750345
Alex Pavlunenko
Xpress Translate
2647 Bonds Ave. Suite H, North Charleston, SC 29405 , United States
Kind Regards,
Antonio D. Perez
Keywords: English to Spanish translator
Spanish to English translator
Portuguese to English translator
English to Portuguese translator
French to English translator
English to French translator
Portuguese to Spanish translator
Spanish to Portuguese translator
French to Spanish translator
Spanish to French translator