Education and Professional Education Courses
2008 (1 month)
Italian Language Course (80 hours)
Italian Language School SCUDIT Rome (Scuola d’italiano SCUDIT , ROMA)
2007 (1 month)
Italian Language Course (Advanced Level C2, 110 hours)
University for Foreigners, Siena (Università per stranieri di Siena)
final exam passed with highest grade: 30/30 + lode
September 2006
Scholarship for the first year of University ICON, Rimini
Course: Didactics and Italian language for foreigners
2006 (1 month)
Corso di aggiornamento e perfezionamento per insegnanti d'italiano all'estero
(Course for Italian-language teachers)
Università per stranieri di Perugia
2004 (1 month)
Italian Language Course – advanced level
Italian Language School “ IDEA Verona”, Verona
2003 (4 months)
Italian Language Course – advanced level
Centro Linguistico Italiano, Torino
Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade
Italian Language and Literature
English Language as a second language
Work experience
- Agriculture / Machinery
Manuals for agricultural machinery
(seed drills for “direct planting”; all-purpose precision vacuum planter for vegetables; precision pneumatic planters, all-purpose vacuum planters; folding pneumatic cereal planting unit for tractors; model preparer for preparing seedbeds on ground ploughed beforehand; subsoilers, cultivator with teeth for refining,mixing and levelling the soil; disc harrows; folding and fix universal hoeing machines; centrifugal double-disc fertilise spreader; rotary tillers, power harrows, shredder, sprayers)
- Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Manuals for stretch wrapping machines ITALIANO>SERBO, CROATO
(avvolgitrice automatica a braccio rotante, avvogitrice semi-automatica e mobile per pallet, avvolgitrice orbitale automatica di pellicola estensibile, saldatrice angolare automatica, saldatrice con tunnel di retrazione..)
- Various technical manuals (apx.20.000 words)
Mulino a martelli, riduttori, ventilatori, motoriduttori..
- Law
Contracts and Legal documents and Certificates (legal contracts, commercial contracts, franchise contracts, framework agreement, public private partnerships, employment contracts, case files, judicial proceedings, summons and complaints, power of attorney, divorce documents, documentation in child custody birth certificates, death certificates, marriage records, divorce records, degree certificate, pension income certificates, employment certificates, police certificates, new vehicle registration certificates, bank statements...)
- Medicine
Syllabus and Curriculum of Faculty of Dentistry, University of Belgrade (in total 165 pages)
Complete medical documentation and discharge notes with medical case history for patients with liver transplantation, breast transplantation and kidney transplantation (over 50 pages).