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Translation is not a matter of words only: it is a matter of making intelligible a whole culture. Anthony Burgess
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Croatian to English: Electronic Communications Act General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Telecom(munications)
Source text - Croatian (1) Hrvatska agencija za poštu i elektroničke komunikacije (u daljnjem tekstu: Agencija) je nacionalna regulatorna agencija za obavljanje regulatornih i drugih poslova u okviru djelokruga i nadležnosti propisanih ovim Zakonom i posebnim zakonom kojim je uređeno područje poštanskih usluga.
(2) U obavljanju regulatornih poslova propisanih ovim Zakonom Agencija je obvezna poduzimati sve primjerene mjere, poštujući načelo razmjernosti, kako bi ostvarila regulatorna načela i ciljeve utvrđene u stavku 3., 4. i 5. ovoga članka.
(3) Agencija promiče tržišno natjecanje u obavljanju djelatnosti elektroničkih komunikacijskih mreža i usluga te elektroničke komunikacijske infrastrukture i povezane opreme, i to osobito na sljedeće načine:
1. osiguravanje mogućnosti za korisnike usluga, uključujući osobe s invaliditetom, da ostvare najveće pogodnosti u pogledu izbora, cijene i kakvoće usluga,
2. sprječavanjem narušavanja ili ograničavanja tržišnog natjecanja u području elektroničkih komunikacija,
3. poticanjem djelotvornih ulaganja u infrastrukturu i promicanjem inovacija,
4. poticanjem učinkovite uporabe i osiguravanjem djelotvornog upravljanja radiofrekvencijskim spektrom te adresnim i brojevnim prostorom.
Translation - English (1) The Croatian Post and Electronic Communications Agency (hereinafter: the Agency) shall be the national regulatory authority carrying out regulatory and other tasks under the scope and competence prescribed by this Act and a special law regulating the postal services sector.
(2) In carrying out the regulatory tasks specified in this Act, the Agency shall be obliged to take all the appropriate measures which are aimed at achieving the regulatory principles and objectives laid down in Articles 3,4, and 5 of this Article, while at the same time respecting the principle of proportionality.
(3) The Agency shall promote competition in the provision of electronic communications networks and services and electronic communications infrastructure and associated facilities, in particular by:
1. ensuring that users, including disabled users, derive maximum benefit in terms of choice, price and quality of service;
2. preventing the distortion or restriction of competition in the electronic communications sector;
3. encouraging efficient investment into infrastructure and promoting innovation;
4. encouraging efficient use and ensuring the effective management of the radio frequency spectrum and addressing and numbering space.
Croatian to English: OP Human Resources Development General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Human Resources
Source text - Croatian 1.1.3 The national policy context
General Economic Policy
According to the Pre-accession Economic Programme 2007–2009 and Economic and Fiscal Policy Guidelines 2008-2010, adopted by the Government at the end of 2006 and mid 2007 respectively, the Government plans a set of policy measures aimed at reducing fiscal deficit, public debt and external debt as well as reinvigorating privatisation process. On the expenditure side, it will continue with the planned reform of the health insurance and social benefits and the planned reforms in the area of privatisation of large state-owned enterprises.
In order to develop domestic yield curve and to reduce external vulnerability, the Government will continue primarily borrowing on the domestic market. On the income side, it plans to step up the reforms in the process of tax collection in order to improve its efficiency. The foreseen structural reforms should result in the reduction of the general government expenditures according to GFS 1986 methodology (from 47,8% of GDP in 2006 to 43.1 % of GDP in 2010) as well as the reduction of general government deficit from 3.0 of GDP in 2006 to 0.5% of GDP in 2010. Furthermore, the reduction of public debt (sum of the general government debt and the guarantees) is projected from 46.4% of GDP in 2006 to 37.1% of GDP in 2010 (source: Economic and Fiscal Policy Guidelines 2008-2010). Monitoring of the International Monetary Fund will be limited to the Article IV consultations, which are to take place once a year, however, it is expected that the monitoring of the European Union will become more intense as the accession process goes on. The Government plans to establish policy credibility by moving forward with fiscal consolidation and necessary structural reforms, but of the outmost importance is creating a business-friendly environment that will turn investment interest into actual projects and create new jobs.
Translation - English 1.1.3. Kontekst nacionalne politike
Opća gospodarska politika
Prema Pretpristupnom ekonomskom programu 2007.-2009., koji je Vlada donijela na kraju 2006. godine, Vlada planira niz mjera politike koje imaju za cilj smanjenje javnog duga, vanjskog duga i oživljavanje procesa privatizacije. U odnosu na rashode, nastavit će s planiranom reformom sustava zdravstvenog osiguranja i socijalnih naknada i planiranim reformama u području privatizacije velikih državnih poduzeća, posebno u sektorima čelika, brodogradnje i turizma.
Kako bi se razvila domaća krivulja prinosa i smanjila vanjska ranjivost, Vlada će se nastaviti zaduživati u prvom redu na domaćem tržištu. U odnosu na prihode, planira ubrzati reforme u odnosu na postupak prikupljanja poreza kako bi se unaprijedila njegova učinkovitost te proširiti primjenu jednog računa u državnoj riznici. Sve bi to trebalo dovesti do smanjenja potrošnje opće države (sa 47,2 posto BDP-a u 2006. godini na 44,7% BDP-a u 2009. godini) i udjela javnog duga s planiranih 47,7% BDP-a u 2006. godini na 43,4% BDP-a u 2009. godini. Nadzor Međunarodnog monetarnog fonda bit će ograničen na konzultacije u skladu s člankom IV. koje će se održavati jednom godišnje. Međutim, očekuje se da će nadzor Europske unije postati intenzivniji s napredovanjem postupka pristupanja. Vlada planira utvrditi kredibilitet politike nastavljajući s fiskalnom konsolidacijom i nužnim strukturnim reformama, ali od najveće je važnosti stvoriti povoljno okruženje za razvoj poslovanja u kojem će se interes za ulaganja pretvoriti u stvarne projekte i stvoriti nova radna mjesta
Croatian to English: Acte Touristica - Article General field: Other Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - Croatian 1. Povijesni kontekst razvoja kapaciteta privatnog smještaja u Republici Hrvatskoj
Počeci razvoja privatnog smještaja u Hrvatskoj direktno su povezani s počecima organiziranog turizma. Očigledno je da je od samih početaka turizma u Hrvatskoj postojao problem adekvatnog smještaja turista. Ta činjenica je omogućila ubrzan razvoj privatnog smještaja, te je utjecala na njegovu atraktivnost kao tradicionalnog oblika dodatne aktivnosti stanovništva u turističkim odredištima.
Razdoblje između dva svjetska rata obilježeno je ratnim razaranjima i procesom oporavka koji je uslijedio. Oporavak je bio spor, ali stranih investitora ne manjka. Glavni predmet interesa su, naravno, turistička središta poput Dubrovnika, Opatije, itd. U razdoblju između ratova ekonomska kriza pogađa Europu i smanjuje turistički promet u svim zemljama Europe.
Ni kriza, a ni rastući socijaldemokratski pokret u Njemačkoj, ne pogađaju hrvatski turizam koji svoj vrhunac dostiže neposredno prije 2. svjetskog rata, a privatni smještaj predstavlja najbrže rastući dio ukupnih smještajnih kapaciteta. Tako u Hrvatskoj, pred sam početak rata, postoji nešto više od 40.000 postelja u svim vrstama smještaja, od čega na hotelske krevete otpada 31 %, a na privatne sobe 38,5%.
Drugi svjetski rat turizam u Hrvatskoj zaustavlja u njegovu razvoju. Ipak, stečeno iskustvo garancija je ponovnog početka koji je uslijedio nakon 2. svjetskog rata, naravno u novim okolnostima. Posebno je značajno istaknuti razdoblje od 1961. do 1965. godine, budući je to razdoblje u kojem dolazi do ekspanzije inozemnog prometa, dok domaći promet počinje stagnirati (do tada je domaći turizam prevladavao u Hrvatskoj i u bivšoj Jugoslaviji).
Prvi i osnovni razlog preorijentacije na inozemni turizam je činjenica da je država u turizmu vidjela prijeko potrebni izvor deviza pošto se nekonvertibilnom domaćom valutom nije moglo trgovati na međunarodnom tržištu. Nakon provođenja privredne reforme 1965. turizam postaje strateški pravac razvoja. Službena politika planski potiče razvoj inozemnog turizma brojnim mjerama (retenciona kvota, porezne olakšice pružateljima usluga, beneficirane kamate na kredite, zaključivanje inozemnih zajmova, itd.)
Translation - English 1. Historical context of the development of private accommodation in the Republic of Croatia
The beginnings of the development of private accommodation in Croatia are directly linked to the beginnings of organised tourism. It is clear that the biggest problem of tourism in Croatia has, from the very beginning, been the suitable accommodation of tourists. This fact contributed to the rapid development of private accommodation and to its appeal as a traditional form of additional business activity for inhabitants in tourist destinations.
The period between the two world wars was characterised by war destruction and the following recovery period. The recovery was slow, but not for the lack of foreign investors. The main areas of interest were, of course, tourist destinations such as Dubrovnik, Opatija and others. In the period between the two wars, Europe was faced with an economic crisis which resulted in less tourism traffic in all European countries. Croatian tourism was not affected by the crisis or the growing socio-democratic movement in Germany and it achieved its peak before the Second World War, with private accommodation representing the fastest growing part of overall accommodation capacity. Therefore, before the war started, there were more than 40,000 beds in Croatia in all types of accommodation, out of which about 31% were hotel beds, and 38.5% private rooms
The Second World War interrupted the development of tourism in Croatia. However, the acquired experience guaranteed a fresh start which took place after the Second World War, under different circumstances, of course. Particularly important was the period between 1961 and 1965 due to the expansion of international traffic, while domestic traffic stagnated (until that moment, domestic tourism had prevailed both in Croatia and in ex-Yugoslavia).
The first and foremost reason for the reorientation to foreign tourism was the fact that tourism represented a necessary source of foreign currency because the non-convertible domestic currency could not be used for trade on the international market. After the 1965 economic reform, tourism became a strategic direction of development. The official policy encouraged the development of international tourism by numerous measures (the retention quota, tax benefits for service providers, lower interest rates on loans, foreign borrowing, etc…)
Translation education
Master's degree - University of Zagreb
Years of experience: 23. Registered at Jun 2010.
Croatian to English (University of Zagreb , verified) Croatian to Italian (University of Zagreb , verified) English to Croatian (University of Zagreb , verified) Italian to Croatian (University of Zagreb , verified)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio
For me translation is not just a job, it's a passion.
I am looking forward to new challenges and new experiences. I enjoy researching for a new field of expertize, learning new things, acquiring new skills.
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