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Sep 19, 2021 (posted Just finished editing and proofreading a research paper, communication, Indonesian to English, 7267 words, for an Asian journal indexed in Scopus. ...more, + 1 other entry »
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Indonesian to English: Empat Belas Siswa Korea Jadi Volunteer di LPI (Fourteen Korean Students Become Volunteers at LPI) General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Source text - Indonesian BOGOR – Sebanyak empat belas siswa setingkat SMA dari negeri gingseng, Korea Selatan, menjadi volunteer di Lembaga Pengembangan Insani (LPI) Dompet Dhuafa. Mereka juga akan memanfaatkan waktu mereka untuk aksi-aksi sosial di sekitar civitas akademika LPI. Mereka tergabung dalam Korea Youth Volunteer Program.
“Setiap orang punya caranya sendiri untuk menghabiskan waktu liburan, mereka memilih untuk menjadi volunteer dalam kegiatan sosial sekaligus mengenal budaya kita untuk mengisi liburannya,” ungkap ketua panitia, Lisa Rosaline, usai acara penyambutan di aula LPI, Bogor, Kamis (27/10).
Kedatangan mereka disambut penampilan siswa-siswa Smart Ekselensia Indonesia seperti tari Saman dan drama yang mengangkat cerita rakyat. Turut hadir dalam acara penyambutan ini perwakilan dari Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga RI, Kepala Bidang Pendidikan Menengah Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Bogor, Perwakilan Adinugraha International, dan General Manager Program Pendidikan Dompet Dhuafa.
Program ini berlangsung selama satu pekan, mulai 27 Oktober hingga 2 November. Pada kesempatan ini juga, Chief Korea Youth Volunteer Program, Mr Soe Jae Bum juga menyerahkan donasi sebesar USD3.000 untuk menunjang kegiatan Lembaga Pengembangan Insani Dompet Dhuafa.
“Mereka akan dikenalkan lebih dalam tentang budaya yang dimiliki Indonesia, baik melalui media presentasi kelas, drama, musik maupun kunjungan langsung ke tempat-tempat yang memiliki nilai budaya,” pungkasnya.
Translation - English BOGOR – Fourteen senior high students from the ginseng country, South Korea became volunteers at Lembaga Pengembangan Insani (LPI, Human Development Institution) of Dompet Dhuafa. They spent their time doing social works around the LPI Society of Academicians by joining the Korea Youth Volunteer Program.
“People have their own way to spend their holiday; they choose to become volunteers in the social works while learn about our culture,” said the committee head, Lisa Rosaline after the welcome ceremony at LPI auditorium, Bogor, Thursday (10/27).
Their arrival was welcomed by students of Smart Ekselensia Indonesia who performed Saman dance and folktale play. Also attended the ceremony, the representative of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, the Head of Intermediate Education Division of Education Office of Bogor regency, representative of Adinugraha International, and General Manager of Education Program of Dompet Dhuafa.
The program lasted a week, from October 27 to November 2, 2011. On the same occasion, the Chief of Korea Youth Volunteer Program, Mr. Soe Jae Bum donated USD3,000 to the activities of LPI Dompet Dhuafa.
“They will get deeper knowledge of cultures in Indonesia, both by presentation in class, plays, and music, and by direct visit to cultural sites,” he ended.
English to Indonesian: Encyclopedia General field: Science
Source text - English The largest cookie ever made was a giant chocolate chip made in 1996 in Christchurch, New Zealand. It had a diameter of 25 yards!!
“Kiwi” is a term in New Zealand that refers to its people, its fruit, and its native bird.
The ratio of sheep to people in New Zealand is at least 10 to one.
The “Howler Monkeys of Nicaragua” and several other Central and South American countries are so loud they can be heard as far as 3 miles away.
The British used the Nicobar islands as a penal colony for prisoners.
Niger has the fewest hospital beds per capita in the world, with only 1 for every 10,000 people. The country also has the world's highest estimated birth rate, at 52 births per 1,000 people.
Nigeria is one of the most linguistically diverse countries in Africa, with between 250 & 500 languages spoken by its people
North Korean Leader Kim Jong Il is apparently afraid to fly in planes. He only travels to neighboring Russia and China, and does so by train.
In Saipan, the capital of the North Mariana Islands, the government-run water company is unable to deliver 24-hour-a-day water to its customers.
Norfolk island was formed more than two and a half million years ago, by lava erupting from an undersea volcano
Translation - Indonesian Kue kering terbesar yang pernah diciptakan adalah "giant chocolate chip" atau kue kering dengan butiran cokelat berukuran raksasa yang dibuat pada tahun 1996 di Christchurch, Selandia Baru. Panjang garis tengah kue itu 25 yard!!
“Kiwi" adalah istilah yang digunakan di Selandia Baru yang bisa diartikan sebagai orang Selandia Baru, salah satu nama buah, dan salah satu nama burung asli Selandia Baru.
Perbandingan antara jumlah domba dan manusia di Selandia Baru sedikitnya adalah 10 banding 1.
“Howler Monkey” yang hidup di Nikaragua dan beberapa negara Amerika Selatan dan Tengah mampu meraung begitu keras hingga terdengar sampai sejauh 3 mil.
Orang Inggris menggunakan Kepulauan Nikobar sebagai penjara bagi para tahanan.
Niger mempunyai jumlah tempat tidur rumah sakit paling sedikit di dunia, yaitu 1 tempat tidur saja untuk 10.000 pasien. Negara ini juga mempunyai perkiraan angka kelahiran tertinggi di dunia, yaitu 52 kelahiran per 1.000 orang.
Nigeria adalah satu dari beberapa negara di Afrika yang mempunyai bahasa paling beragam; penduduknya menggunakan antara 250 sampai 500 bahasa.
Pemimpin Korea Utara Kim Jong Il tampaknya takut bepergian dengan menggunakan pesawat. Dia hanya bepergian ke negara tetangga Rusia dan Cina, menggunakan kereta api.
Di Saipan, ibu kota Kepulauan Mariana Utara, perusahaan air yang dikelola pemerintah tidak mampu mendistribusikan air 24 jam sehari semalam untuk para pelanggannya.
Pulau Norfolk terbentuk oleh lava dari letusan gunung berapi di bawah laut lebih dari dua setengah juta tahun yang lalu.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Universitas Nasional - Jakarta, majoring in English Literature
Years of experience: 27. Registered at Aug 2009.
A native Indonesian speaker with more than 20 years of experience as a freelance English <> Indonesian translator, editor and proofreader. Specializing in transcreation. Also, a professional voice-over talent since 2011.
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
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With client feedback
0 positive (0 entries)
Job type
Voiceover (dubbing)
Language pairs
English to Indonesian
Specialty fields
Advertising / Public Relations
Computers: Hardware
Other fields
Keywords: English to Indonesian translator, Indonesian to English translator, penerjemah Inggris Indonesia, penerjemah Inggeris Indonesia, penerjemah Indonesia Inggris, penerjemah Indonesia Inggeris, professional translator, penerjemah profesional, transcreation, transcreating. See more.English to Indonesian translator, Indonesian to English translator, penerjemah Inggris Indonesia, penerjemah Inggeris Indonesia, penerjemah Indonesia Inggris, penerjemah Indonesia Inggeris, professional translator, penerjemah profesional, transcreation, transcreating, copywriting, copywriter, proofreading, proofreader, editing, editor, Indonesian copywriting, penulis naskah iklan, penerjemah naskah iklan, penulis script iklan, penerjemah script iklan, iklan TV, TVC translation, TVC transcreation, TVC translation, TVC translation proofreading, dubbing, dubber, voice-over, voice over, Indonesian voice-over talent, Indonesian voice over talent, Indonesian VO talent, pengisi suara bahasa Indonesia, VO talent, VO artist, VO talent bahasa Indonesia, voice-over talent bahasa Indonesia, voice over talent bahasa Indonesia, VO talent Indonesia, voice-over Indonesia, voice over Indonesia, VO artis bahasa Indonesia, Indonesian female voice-over, Indonesian voice-over, female voice-over, VO talent Indonesia, male VO talent, Indonesian male VO talent, male voice-over talent, male voice over talent, disability issue, isu disabilitas, disabilitas, penyandang cacat, penca, relawan tunanetra, relawan tuna netra, tunanetra, tuna netra, translation editor, editor, penyunting, penyunting terjemahan, book translator, penerjemah buku, penerjemah, penterjemah, buku terjemahan, digital talking book, DTB, buku bicara, audio book, buku audio, biro penerjemah, foreign company, foreign companies, perusahaan asing, NGO, LSM, yayasan, embassy, embassies, application, apps, aplikasi, bestseller book, kumpulan puisi, poem anthology, journalist, jurnalis, finansial, keuangan, motivasi, motivation, financial education, pendidikan finansial, narasi, narration, sastra, literature, localization, business, training, manuals, exhibition. See less.