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Many spontaneously laugh at \"bad\" translations - but I\'m doing that less and less frequently as my career goes on...
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Sample translations submitted: 18
French to English: Work contract General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - French Der Aufgabenbereich ergibt sich aus der seperat unterzeichneten Stellen- beschreibung, welche integrierter Bestandteil dieses Vertrages ist. Eine interne Weisung, welche zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt erstellt wird, wird ebenfalls Bestandteil dieses Vertrages sein, ist jedoch erst bei seperater Unterzeichnung gültig. Die AN verpflichtet sich, die ihr übertragenen Aufgaben ganzeinheitlich und gewissenhaft zu erfüllen und die Interessen des AG gegen innen und aussen nach besten Kräften wahrzunehmen und zu vertreten.
Translation - English The range of tasks is listed in the separate signed vacancy description which constitutes an integral part of this contract. An internal description – generated at a later point in time – is also to be recognised as a component of this contract; however, it is only valid pending a separate signing. The contractor was expected to perform the tasks transferred to her in an integrated and knowledgeable manner and to perform / represent the interests of the union internally and externally (best endeavours).
French to English: Software description (manual) General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Computers: Software
Source text - French Vous pouvez chercher un client en complétant des critères de recherche dans les champs puis en appuyant sur Chercher.
Vous pouvez créer, modifier ou supprimer des clients comme décrit à la page 10.
Translation - English The user can search for a client by completing the research criteria in the fields and then pressing Search.
The user can create, modify or remove clients in the way explained on page 10.
French to English: Diary extract General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - French Il est minuit à Monrovia, capitale du Liberia. La sonnerie persistante du réveil achève de me tirer d’un profond sommeil. Pendant quelques instants, je ne sais plus où je suis. J’en oublie presque la raison pour laquelle je dois me lever en pleine nuit. J’ai la bouche sèche et la tête lourde, et c’est a regret que je sors de mon lit. Je me traîne jusqu'à la salle de bains pour m’asperger le visage d’eau froide. Aussitôt, la mémoire me revient. Cette nuit, je pars en repérage. Je vais faire le tour de tous les bars et night clubs de Monrovia, pour tenter de localiser les endroits ou des jeunes filles sont forcées de se prostituer. Dix minutes plus tard, maquillée et habillée, je quitte la fraîcheur de ma chambre climatisée pour la chaleur moite de la nuit africaine.
Translation - English It was midnight in Monrovia, the capital of Liberia. The persistent ringing of the alarm clock managed to wake me up from a deep sleep. For a few moments, I realised that I do not know exactly where I was – almost forgetting the reason for which I had to get up in the middle of the night. With a dry mouth and a heavy feeling in my head, I regretfully got out of bed. I dragged myself into the bathroom to rinse my face with cold water; and it is in that instant that it came back to me. That night, I left the place, on the prowl. I did a tour of all the bars and night clubs in Monrovia, trying to find the places where young girls are forced to sell their bodies. Ten minutes later, in make-up and dressed, I left the freshness of my climatised bedroom, into the moist heat of the African night.
French to English: Sample from Vietnamese history textbook material General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: History
Source text - French La Révolution ne sera pas une explosion. Pas davantage une rupture. Elle sera le résultat final de l'osmose, le passage indolore d'un état à un autre, l'aboutissement logique de l'infiltration du Viêt-Minh dans tous les secteurs de la vie nationale. Seul un concours extraordinaire de circonstances la rendra toutefois possible.
Translation - English The Revolution scene was not one of explosions – or even one of fractured relationships – rather, it was the final result of the osmosis-like progression of a State turning a new State; the infiltration of the Viêt-Minh in all sectors of national life was one that was met with an entirely logical ending. However, this was made possible only with the extraordinary help of the circumstances that were.
German to English: From a German press subscription terms and conditions article General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Journalism
Source text - German Liefer- und Veröffentlichungsbedingungen:
1. Bilder, Bildserien und Farbaufnahmen, die nicht in der angegebenen Frist bzw. (wo keine Frist angegeben ist) innerhalb von 6 Wochen (Poststempel) zurückgesandt werden, gelten als erworben und angenommen.
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Translation - English Instructions for delivery and publication:
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French to English: Business correspondence French to English General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations
Source text - French Madame, Monsieur,
L'entreprise ... souhaite obtenir une autorisation de transport international de voyageurs par autocars afin d'exploiter un nouveau service régulier entre PARIS et LONDRES.
Je vous prie de trouver ci-joint, pour avis, copie de la demande transmise par l'entreprise française pour laquelle j'émets un avis favorable.
J'attire votre attention sur le fait qu'en application du règlement européen (CEE) N°684/92 modifié je devrai considérer que vous avez donné votre accord, en l'absence de réponse de votre part dans les délais fixés par l'article 7 point 2 de ce règlement.
Translation - English The business ... hereby seeks to obtain permission from the relevant authorities to allow the international transportation of passengers by coach as a means of effecting a new service between Paris and London.
Please find enclosed for your records a copy of the request laid out in detail by this French business, of which I have already expressed my approval.
I draw your attention to this matter pending the application of modified European regulations (CEE) #684/92, decreeing that should I fail to hear from you within the deadlines mentioned in article 7 point 2 of this regulation, I would have consider that you have given your consent.
German to English: Inpatient / outpatient report for a British soldier in a German hospital General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - German Original not disclosed for confidentiality reasons. It came in .pdf format.
Translation - English For Med Stats Use Only F Med 14
16. Name of Unit in which admitted: xxx
Date Out
No, of
Direct admission to: xxx
Transferred to:
Transferred to:
17. Final Disposal (Duty, Invaliding, Death)
To Unit :
Number of
Days Under Treatment
Med Cat
No of days recommended
Sick leave
Out-Patient Appointment
18. Principal diagnosis/injury ICD Codes
19. Complications
or sequelae
20. Secondary diagnosis
unrelated to 18
21. Nature of Operation/
24. Enemy or Non-Enemy Action
25. Date of MOD Form 298
26. Nature of Weapon or cause of injury
27. Activity at time of injury
( relevant box)
Clinical Notes
(These notes are to be signed by a Medical Officer as a true extract or copy of
F.Med 10/11 and, where applicable, of F.Med 826/827)
Dear xxx,
We write to update you about the above listed patient, listed as an inpatient in our care between xxx and xxx.
Current diagnosis / diagnoses
1.Acute anterior wall infarct, Percutaneous Transluminial Coronary Angioplasty and stentangioplasty, RIVA blockage caused by one-vessel CAD
2.Cardiovascular risk factors: positive cardio-vascular family anamnesis, arterial hypertension and former nicotine abuse
3.Arterial hypertension
4.Retroperitoneal haemorrhaging, taken from an application of coronary angiography, with a significant loss of haemoglobin measuring at 16 / 12,0 g / dl
Therapy proposal
Active agent
At night
Acetylsalicylic acid
ASS 100
Plavix 75mg
Pravasin 40
Pantozol 40
Ramipril 2.5mg
Beloc Zok mite
xxx was admitted as an inpatient with left-axis thorax complaints. This hospital identified a cardiovascular risk profile: in addition to a positive family anamnesis coupled with cardio-vascular illnesses, there were traces of past nicotine abuse.
Pending initial laboratory chemical as well as electro-cardiac treatment, a fresh infarct was discovered. Ergometric treatment was applied, revealing ST depressions in the lower derivations and ST elevations from a deep S within the chest wall derivations – angina-pectoris symptoms. Later observations uncovered the existence of a positive trace of Creatine kinase and a significant amount of Creatine Kinase, Muscle and Brain, in addition to a positive share of troponin. Because our heart catheter work was put on standby on 5th March 2009, we for the time being diagnosed the patient with an acute transmural myocardial anterior well infarction, designating him to the cardiological department of Hospital x; his treatment to be directed by Mr. xxx. It was then that a RIVA blockage was discovered; in the same treatment session it was possible to treat it with Percutaneous Transluminial Coronary Angioplasty and stentangioplasty. The patient was re-admitted in our clinic on xxx. In this session there was immediately identified a drop in haemoglobin, from 16.4 to 12.0 g / dl. In a following procedure of CT abdomen diagnostics there then showed a situation of retriperitoneal bleeding, also identifiable via sonography.
xxx-year-old patient, height xxx, body mass xxx, BMI xxx, blood pressure xxx, rhythmic pulse, blood temperature xxx auricular. Impaired general condition. Pupils, skin turgidity, tongue and thyroid gland normal. Spinal column normal. Auscultation results for heart and lungs reveal no significant pathological properties. Soft abdomen, no pain on pressure or knocking, kidney stock free, pulse status regular. Neurological investigations showed no signs of acute neurological deficits.
Laboratory results
Pathology records were: Hb 16.1 g / dl (12.0 g / dl); HKT 45.1% (34.3%); erythrocytes 4.65 million (3.90 million); CK 276 U / I, CK-MB 26 U / I, Troponin 0.41 ng/ml; GOT 63 U / I. Figures in brackets are those gathered at time of release. All common parameters of routine labour met normal conditions.
Sinus rhythm, vertical heart position, no evidence of any specific repolarisation disturbances.
No wall movement disruptions, heart cavities did not increase, valves normal, no significant pathologica.
Body plethysmography
No obstruction, no restriction.
Prolonged ECG
Continuous normal sinus rhythm, individual extra systoles in the ventricles, a bradycardiac phase. No higher-level heart rhythm disorders, no stops.
Duplex sonography, right groin area
Retroperitoneal haemotomia (see CT results). No signs of Aneurysma femoralis.
Sonography, abdomen area
No signs of aneurysm, no intra-abdominal haemotomia, no free-flow; however, there was a sign of retroperitoneal haemotomia.
X-ray treatment, thorax
Symmetrical-bone thorax. Diaphragm rounded out smoothly, contact angle spread out acutely. A broad, somewhat plump heart with an emphasised right outline. Lung capacity not stemmed. Upper mediastinum not increased. Tender arch of the aorta. Both lungs show equal radioparency. No infiltrates. No degenerative spinal changes changes occurent.
Abdomen CT results
There was recognised a thin liquid formation, roughly muscle-thick, resting next to the iliacal vasculars and the psoas and reaching up into the upper points of the paracolic gutters; constituting a clinical suspected diagnosis of a case of localised retriperitoneal bleeding. With normal configuration of the right psoas muscle, there are no signs of haemorrhaging.
Abdomen CT checks
Traces of a developing aneurysm, no changes to previous result findings. Intra-abdominal organs seen to be performing normally.
The patient was admitted as an inpatient after the initial claim of left-side thoracic complaints, later revealed to be indicative of a general worsening of the patient's condition. During the assessment of the patient's cardiovascular risk profile there were signs of former nicotine abuse discovered, in addition to positive family anamnesis.
In the beginning, the inspection of a suspected fresh myocardial ischaemia could not be undertaken, by either electrocardiographical, echocardiographical or laboratory-chemical means. As such the patient was subjected to ergometric treatment; his result was 100 watts. ST elevations discovered above the front wall, as well as ST depressions above the back wall. As our capacity for coronary angiography was on hold on 5th March, we for the moment enlisted the patient in the cardiological department, his treatments falling under the direction of Mr. xxx. In the interim, we referred this to the discharge report outside of Hospital x.
The patient was readmitted in the hospital on 6th March 2009, pending the evidence that the patient had, prior to intervention with coronary angiography, developed a case of retroperitoneal haemotomia; a significant loss of haemoglobin was provable. Doubled platelet aggregation therapy was applied; there were no signs of retriperitoneal haemotomia progression detected; also, no further significant loss of haemoglobin was indicated.
With prolonged ECG, the patient was seen to have an irregular sinus rhythm; X-ray findings in the thorax matched earlier results and there was no sign of cardiac decompensation.
A nicotine waiting period was advised for the patient. Then, on 13th March 2009, in a stable albeit reduced general condition, he was dismissed from his inpatient status at this hospital, to receive treatment elsewhere.
With friendly and respectful salutations,
[Identities sealed]
Printed in the UK for HMSO Dd. 008377321 D1470E 4/93 C13 pads Gp.826/2 CCN 3832
German to English: Taken from a patent translation project General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Patents
Source text - German No source text available - it would breach confidentiality.
Translation - English (10) DE 10 2004 037 503 B3 17th November 2005
11Federal Republic of Germany, Federal Office for Patents and Brands
13Patent paper
15(21) Reference: 10 2004 037 503.8 (51) Int Cl.7: A47C 21/08
16(22) Date of registration: 03/08/2004 A61G 7/05
17(43) Date of submission: –
18(45) Date of patent grant permit: 17/11/2005
Appeals against the patent may be levied within a period of three months after the date of the patent grant permit, in line with ァ 59 of the Patents Law of the Federal Republic of Germany. Such an appeal must be made in the form of writing, and it must carry a sufficient reason. Within this period of appeal there applies an appeal fee of 200 Euros (ァ 6 of the Patent Costs Law in connection with the supplementary content of ァ 2 Paragraph 2 of the Patent Costs Law).
73(73) Patent holder: X
74Inventor: X
75(74) Representative: X
76(56) For a typeface assessment regarding the patent's capabilities: X
55(54) Mark: Bed, especially for ill persons and patients, with partially lowerable sections at the side and / or those sections for one's head and one's feet
[0001] This invention description is for a bed – especially for ill persons and patients – complete with no less than partially lowerable sections at the sides and at the areas for one's head and feet.
Statement of purpose
[0005] The current invention proposal is summed up as follows. The task statement for this invention declares: to propose a kind of bed inclusive of lowerable sections on the sides and at the head area and the foot area, without the need of an external free working range in the area immediately around the bed. There is a further aim associated with this invention: that the bed in its invention stages give the observer the impression that it is suitable for business purposes with its lowerable side sections, and lowerable head area and foot area sections.
[0006] This function applies to an invention-proposal bed, detailed in claim 1. Further information on this invention-proposal bed is given in the claims following claim 1.
French to English: Advertising of a chemicals firm, with technical references General field: Science Detailed field: Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
Source text - French L’extrusion sur mesure
Dirigées par des ingénieurs et techniciens confirmés, nos équipes assurent la mise au point de joints d’étanchéité linéaires et de profilés rigides plastiques, selon votre cahier des charges, dans la matière et la teinte de votre choix :
• PVC plastifiés/nitrilés/cristal
• TPE / thermoplastiques élastomères avec ou sans certifications type CSTB - RAL – SKZ
• TPV / TPU ou autres matières sur demande
Avec une dureté Shore allant de 25 ° A à 55 ° D.
Les procédés de fabrication utilisés permettent d’obtenir des formes complexes en petite, moyenne et grande série. Tous les outillages,
pour les prototypes et la production, sont conçus, réalisés et mis au point dans nos ateliers.
Translation - English Custom measurement extrusion
Our teams, led by approved engineers and technicians, guarantee the latest with linear waterproof joints and rigid plastic profiles as per your specific demands, using your own choice of materials and colour :
• PVC (plastified / nitrilated / crystal)
• TPE / thermoplastic elastomers with or without the following kinds of certification: CSTB - RAL – SKZ
• TPV / TPU or other materials as per requests
Featuring a Shore hardness of 25 ° A-55 ° D.
The manufacturing processes used allow for the production of complex shapes – small, medium or large series. All tools used in connection with prototypes and production operations, are conceived, manufactured and updated in our workshops.
French to English: Contract (sales conditions) - intro General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Les présentes conditions de vente sont conclues d’une part par la société xxx, société au capital de 7 622.45 euros dont le siège social est à xxx, immatriculée au registre du commerce et des sociétés de xxx sous le numéro xxx, ci-après dénommée xxx et d’autre part, par toute personne physique ou morale souhaitant procéder à un achat via le site Internet de xxx dénommée ci-après « l’acheteur ».
The present conditions of sale bind the xxx company, with a capital of 7,622.45 Euros, whose head office is located in xxx, and which is registered at the xxx Business and Companies Registry with the identification number xxx, hereinafter referred to as xxx; and any person (physical or legal entity) who would wish to proceed with a purchase on the xxx website, hereinafter referred to as "the buyer".
German to English: Part of an engineering work (automotive) procedure General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Source text - German Bremse BR03 inspizieren, Arbeitsluftspalt messen
Der Arbeitsluftspalt ist nicht nachstellbar und kann nur über den beim Lüften auftreten¬den Hub der Ankerscheibe gemessen werden.
1. Motor und Bremse spannungslos schalten und gegen unbeabsichtigtes Ein¬schalten sichern
2. Handhebel (13) (bei Ausführung mit Handlüftung) herausschrauben, Lüfterhaube und Lüfter demontieren
3. Sicherungsmuttern (16) demontieren und bei vorhandener Handlüftung Kegelfe¬dern (17) und Lüftbügel (14) abnehmen
4. Abstand x (Bild 22) im Ruhezustand der Bremse messen:
- vom Ende der an der Ankerscheibe (8) angebrachten Stiftschraube bis zum Spulenkörper (11)
5. Bremse elektrisch lüften
6. Abstand x (Bild 22) im gelüfteten Zustand der Bremse mes¬sen:
- vom Ende der an der Ankerscheibe (8) angebrachten Stiftschraube bis zum Spulenkörper (11)
7. Der Differenzwert entspricht dem Arbeitsluftspalt, d. h. dem Hub der
Ankerscheibe (18):
- Ist der Arbeitsluftspalt < 0,8 mm, Kegelfedern (17), Lüftbügel (14) und Siche¬rungsmuttern (16) wieder montieren
- Ist der Arbeitsluftspalt > 0,8 mm, muss die Bremse komplett gewechselt werden Bild 24)
- über Stellmuttern Längsspiel "s" zwischen Kegelfedern (flachgedrückt) und Stellmuttern (-» Bild 23) einstellen
Translation - English Inspect brake BR03, measure working air gap
The working air gap is not adjustable and it can only be measured when the anchor plate is lifted.
1. Have the motor and brake(s) de-activated and secure them against involuntary activation
2. Unscrew the hand lever (13) (when the hand release is activated); dismantle the fan cowl and the ventilator
3. Dismantle the locknuts (16); if there is a hand release, remove the conical helical springs (17) and the release irons (14)
4. With the brake inactive, measure the distance x (Fig. 22):
- from the end of the stud located on the anchor plate (8) up to the former (11)
5. Release the brakes electrically
6. When the brake is lifted, measure the distance x (Fig. 22):
- from the end of the stud located on the anchor plate (8) up to the former (11)
7. The difference value corresponds to the working air gap, i.e. the anchor plate load (18):
- If the working air gap is < 0.8 mm, re-attach the conical helical springs (17), the release irons (14) and the locknuts (16)
- If the working gap is > 0.8 mm, the break must be replaced altogether Fig. 24)
- Insert above locknuts end clearance "s" between conical helical springs (flattened) and the adjusting nuts (-» Fig. 23)
French to English: Financial material - somebody's procedure with hedge funds General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - French Pour les changes à terme :
Une opération de change swap sera générée entre xxx et xxx, dont la jambe terme sera en sens inverse du change à terme client, aux même cours, même date valeur.
Pour solder la jambe spot du swap, une opération de change spot sera générée entre xxx et xxx en sens inverse de la jambe spot du swap, aux même cours, même date valeur.
Le traitement de ces opérations suivra le même processus que les opérations saisies en OMEGA pour comptes de clients ou de couvertures.
NB : Les opérations clients seront injectées en xxx et des couvertures entre xxx et xxx seront également générées via WISI.
Translation - English For hedge funds:
There shall be a swap fund operation agreement formed between xxx and xxx, whose hedging leg will be inverted in connection with the client’s hedge fund, with the same market price and the same valuation date.
To clear the spot leg from the swap leg, there shall be formed a fund operation agreement between xxx and xxx with the inversion of the spot leg of the swap, with the same market price and the same valuation date.
These operations will be carried out using the same process as that used by the operations used by OMEGA for clients’ accounts or hedge fund covers.
NB: The client-oriented operations will be assumed by xxx, with hedge funds also formed between xxx and xxx via WISI.
German to English: Some text of the script for a play set in WW2 - German to English General field: Other Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - German Rommel sitzt in seinem Zimmer am Schreibtisch. – Er schreibt einen Brief an seine Frau.
Liebste Lu, mir geht es so weit gut. Ich darf den Mut nicht fallen lassen.
Da klopft es an der Tür.
Speidel kommt herein und grüßt.
Herr Generalfeldmarschall, der Russe ist bei der Heeresgruppe Mitte durchgebrochen. – Sieben deutsche Divisionen sind eingekesselt. Die Front ist in Auflösung.
Rommel sieht ihn geschockt an.
Das war es dann wohl im Osten?
Rommel nickt und steht auf. Nachdenklich geht er ans Fenster.
Ich wäre froh, wenn die nächsten Wochen schon hinter uns lägen.
Hier ist noch etwas.
Speidel zieht Fotos aus einer Akte und legt sie vor Rommel auf den Schreibtisch. Sie zeigen die Ruinen einer total zerstörten Kleinstadt. Aufgereihte Leichen, Frauen und Kinder. – Rommel nimmt sie, betrachtet sie entsetzt.
Wo ist das?
Das war Oradour, eine kleine Stadt im Südwesten. Soldaten der 2. SS Panzerdivision haben sie dem Erdboden gleich gemacht. – Alle Einwohner des Ortes getötet. – Darunter 450 Frauen und Kinder … Als Vergeltung, für einen entführten Sturmbannführer.
Woher haben Sie das?
Von der deutschen Militärverwaltung. Stülpnagel hat schon protestiert. Aber Hitler hat ein Verfahren gegen den verantwortlichen Obersturmbannführer untersagt.
Guten Nacht, Herr Feldmarschall.
Gute Nacht.
Speidel verlässt das Zimmer. Rommel blickt wieder auf die Fotos.
… ich darf den Mut nicht fallen lassen, trotz allem, auch wenn viele Hoffnungen nunmehr begraben werden müssen.
Translation - English Rommel sits in his room, at the desk. – He is writing a letter to his wife.
Dearest, So far, things are going well for me. I mustn’t let my courage sink.
Then he knocks on the door.
Speidel comes in, with a greeting.
General Field Marshal, the Russians have penetrated the Central Army Group. – Seven German divisions are encircled. The Front is in disarray.
Rommel looks at him shocked.
Did that really happen in the East?
Rommel nods and stands up. He heads over to the window, pensively.
I would be happy if the next weeks were already behind us.
Here is something.
Speidel pulls out photos from a file and places them on the desk in front of Rommel. They show the ruins of a totally destroyed small town. Aligned corpses, women and children. – Rommel takes it, looking at it horrified.
What’s up?
That was Oradour, a small town in the South West. Soldiers of the 2nd SS Panzer Division razed it to te ground. – All local residents were killed. – Including 450 women and children … As a retaliation for an abducted Sturmbannführer (SS Major).
Where did you hear that?
From the German Military Administration. Stülpnagel has already protested. But Hitler prohibited a trial against the Lieutenant Colonel responsible.
Good night, Field Marshal.
Good night.
Speidel leaves the room. Rommel looks at the photos again.
… I cannot let my courage fall, inspite of everything, even though many of our hopes have been buried.
German to English: Tourism-related marketing General field: Other Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - German Wenn eine Familie eine Reise tut, dann kann sie nicht nur was erleben, sie hat auch ganz besondere Bedürfnisse. Das beginnt schon bei den Kleinsten: Ein Babyphon am Zimmer erleichtert das Leben ungemein. Ein Wickeltisch sollte zur Standardausrüstung zählen. Vom Gitterbettchen ganz zu schweigen. Nur wo all das finden, was die Kids brauchen? Und vielleicht auch noch die Größeren zufrieden stellen, die sich schon etwas mehr Fun und Action vom Urlaub erwarten?
Da braucht es echte Familienspezialisten, die wissen, wie der Urlaub mit den Kids so läuft. In Oberösterreich bietet sich da zum Beispiel Urlaub am Bauernhof an. Wo der Steichelzoo zum Hofinventar gehört und der Besuch im Stall zur täglichen Routine wird, da braucht es gar keine besondere Kinderbetreuung mehr. Auch unter den Privatvermietern gibt es die Profis für den Familienurlaub – mit garantiertem Anschluss an die Gastgeber. Da fällt dann auch der eine oder andere Geheimtipp für Wanderungen zu lauschigen Plätzchen ab. Wer es lieber organisierter hat, der kann natürlich auch auf ein Familienhotel zurückgreifen. Hier steht auch meist eine professionell organisierte Kinderbetreuung zur Verfügung – wenn die Eltern sich mal alleine ein lauschig-romantisches Plätzchen erwandern wollen.
Eine besondere Form von Familien-Urlaubsprofis sind die Stodertaler Zwerge. Diese Betriebe – vom Baby-Bauernhof bis zum Drei-Sterne-Familienhotel – liegen alle in der Urlaubsregion Pyhrn-Priel im Südosten Oberösterreichs. Und weil gemeinsam gleich viel mehr weiter geht, tüfteln sie auch zusammen immer wieder neue Erlebnisse aus, die den kleinen Gästen Ferienspaß bereiten. Da werden dann eben in der Karsthöhle bei flackerndem Licht schaurige und lustige Geschichten aus der Region erzählt.
Translation - English When a family goes on a trip, it’s only a matter of time before they realise that they have special requirements. It starts with the youngest ones: a baby monitor in the room makes life easier. A changing table should come as standard equipment. No to mention a cot. Only where can you find everything that children need? And maybe even satisfy grown-ups who expect more fun and action from their holiday?
It takes real family specialists, who know how holidays with kids go. In Upper Austria, for example, there are farm holidays. Here, the petting zoo is part of the farm inventory and a visit to the stall becomes part of the daily routine; no special childcare facilities are required there. Even among private landlords there are family holiday professionals – with a guaranteed connection to the host. They also offer one tip or another for hikes to secluded spots. Those who prefer to have it all organised can of course also rely on a family hotel. There is mostly professionally organised childcare available with family hotels as well – for when the parents want to wonder off to a secluded and romantic spot alone.
A particular type of family holiday professionals is the Stodertaler Dwarves. These establishments – from the baby farm to the 3-star hotel – are all in the Pyhrn-Priel holiday region in the South East part of Upper Austria. And, because a lot happens all at once, they always tinker new experiences together which prepare younger guests for holiday fun. Here, in the Karst Cave , scary and funny stories from the region are told in a place of flickering light.
German to English: Advertising - a cultural account of Cologne aimed at its visitors General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations
Source text - German Köln steht wie keine zweite Stadt in Deutschland für kulturelle und geschichtsträchtige Vielfalt, für eine enthusiastische und tolerante Bevölkerung und für treue und begeisterungsfähige Fußballfans.
Das Fan Fest in Köln wird wie die "La Ola Welle" durch die gesamte Kölner Innenstadt schwappen: Ein buntes Treiben aus Sport, Kultur und Mitmachprogrammen. Das Ganze wird garniert mit einem Mix aus kölscher und internationaler Gastronomie und abgerundet durch tolle Aktionen und Infotainment. Gekrönt wird alles zusammen dann von der sprichwörtlichen kölschen Fröhlichkeit. Im Endergebnis entsteht eben jene "La Ola Colonia".
Ganz diesem kölschen Lebensgefühl entsprechend wird sich die Begeisterung nicht auf einen zentralen Platz beschränken lassen. Während der FIFA WM 2006TMwird die Stimmung auf die ganze City übergreifen. Zwischen Heumarkt und Roncalliplatz wird sich La Ola Colonia wellenförmig durch die Stadt ziehen und die gesamte "WM-City" zu einer pulsierenden Eventfläche werden lassen. Zehntausende Besucher können mitten im Herzen von Köln die FIFA WM-Spiele live via Großbildleinwand erleben: Public Viewing - echte Stadionatmosphäre, und das ohne Ticket.
Bereits jetzt wird die Vorfreude auf die FIFA WM 2006TM in Köln überdeutlich. Zahlreiche Veranstaltungen weisen die Domstadt schon jetzt als "WM-tauglich" aus: Ausstellungen, Theater, Konzerte, Tanzshows, Jazznächte und vieles mehr zeigen, was die Freunde des runden Leders während der Weltmeisterschaft in Köln erwarten dürfen.
Translation - English Cologne, Germany. There is no other town quite like it in the country as far as the following are concerned: cultural and historical diversity, and enthusiastic and tolerant townspeople, and true and passionate football fans..
Watch on as the fan scene sloshes around the entire Cologne inner city area like the "La Ola Welle": it is a colourful bustle of sport, culture and participating programs. The whole scene is topped off with a mix of local as well as international gastronomical fare, and it is rounded off by fantastic action scenes and „infotainment“. Everything is all topped of by the usual joy of Cologne that has gone down in proverbs. The final resultant experience even includes the "La Ola Colonia" that everyone knows.
It is thanks to this typical Cologne joie-de-vivre that the enthusiasm is by no limited to any central area. During the FIFA World Cup Championship 2006TM the feeling will prevail throughout the entire city. Down in the area between Heumarkt and Roncalliplatz, the La Ola Colonia will force its way through the town like the greatest of waves, and the entire „World Cup Championship City“ will soon turn into a pulsating event scene. Up to ten thousand visitors will be able to experience the FIFA World Cup Championship game live on a public viewing big screen canvas in the middle of the heart of Cologne – a real stadium atmosphere, for which you do not need to purchase a ticket.
The pre-excitement for the FIFA World Cup Championship 2006TM has already become unusually evident in Cologne. Domstadt is already becoming a haven of everything „World Cup“ at the behest of countless institutions: exhibitions, theatres, concerts, dance shows, jazz nights and a whole lot more are showing what those who are friends of that legendary spherical leather object, can expect during the period of the „World Cup“ tournament when they are in Cologne.
German to English: Sample of instructions in the field of steelworking General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Metallurgy / Casting
Source text - German Alle Stahlteile, die nach dem Einbauen nicht mehr
zugänglich sind, müssen vorher einen entsprechenden
Korrosionsschutz erhalten.
Bei dem Zusammenbau unterschiedlicher Metalle muss
sichergestellt sein, dass keine Kontaktkorrosion
Alle notwendigen Schmiede-, Bohr- und Schweißarbeiten
sind grundsätzlich vor dem Verzinken auszuführen. Die
Späne von Bohren und Fräsen sowie Reste von
Schleifstaub sind sofort von den bearbeiteten Teilen zu
Translation - English All steel elements which are not accessible once inserted, must be applied with appropriate corrosion protection in advance.
With the assembly of different metals, it must be ensured that there develops no contact corrosion.
All necessary forging, drilling and welding tasks must be carried out prior to the galvanisation step. Active drills and
shaping machines, and
grinding dust elements, must be separated from the worked components immediately.
French to English: Environment quality manual - plan section General field: Science Detailed field: Environment & Ecology
Source text - French Le Plan d’Amélioration Qualité, Environnement est établi annuellement. Il est approuvé en Revue de direction. Il peut en découler des plans particuliers, groupes de travail. C’est notre fil conducteur et ses chapitres ont une corrélation directe avec le tableau de bord qualité.
Pour atteindre les objectifs et cibles fixés dans le PMI, nous reprenons l’ensemble des actions issues et validées lors de la revue de direction de début d’année. Le PMI peut être pluriannuel. Le responsable QE veille à la réalisation des actions. L’avancement du PMI est vu régulièrement avec les différents responsables. Cette revue est formalisée par la mise à jour du PMI. Un point de situation des actions non réalisées sera repris lors la revue de direction.
Certaines actions du PMI ont été reprises et sont suivies dans le plan global d’amélioration de l’entreprise appelé P3A. Ce plan est revu périodiquement et un lien est fait entre le PMI et le P3A pour assurer la traçabilité des actions. Le responsable QSE assure la mise à jour du PMI par rapport à l’avancement du P3A.
Translation - English The Quality and Environment Improvement Plan is drafted annually. It has been approved by the Management review. Specific plans and work groups may stem from it. It’s our common thread, and these chapters have a direct correlation with the quality panel.
To achieve the objectives and targets set in the IMP, we take all the actions performed and validated during the management review at the beginning of the year. The IMP can extend over several years. The Environmental Quality manager shall ensure the implementation of the actions. The progress of the IMP is viewed with the different managers on a regular basis. This review is formalised with the update of the IMP. A summary point of the non-performed actions shall be drafted during the direction review.
Certain IMP actions have been reperformed, and are monitored in the overall company improvement plan known as 3TIP (“3 Tier Improvement Plan”). This plan is periodically reviewed, with a link between the IMP and the 3TIP for the purpose of ensuring traceability of actions. The QSE manager shall ensure the update of the IMP in relation to the progress of the 3TIP.
German to English: Recipe text (German to English) General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Cooking / Culinary
I am a professional freelance translator / multilingual proofreader / copywriter.
Language pairs: French into English and German into English, although I have completed projects of English to French and English to German.
Mother tongue: English (British). (available in French and German as well as English)
"Communication needs the right words."
BA (Honours) 2.2 French and German (University of Kent) with postgraduate-level translation study and practice (Portsmouth). In 2008 I laid down the foundations of the translation business George Trail Translation Services (French > English, German > English).
My purpose is to provide a dependable and dedicated translation service to businesses, agencies, institutions and individuals all over the world. Accuracy, insight and a dedication to coherence are among the key qualities of all my translation work. My success in translation is due to a combination of a high level of literacy and verbal ingenuity - having said that, I avoid writing things that read awkwardly even if they do convey the correct information. I refrain from merely looking for reasons to justify that what I write does indeed reflect what I have interpreted from the original document.
My service is intended to be flexible: I will not hesitate to consider working weekends or on holidays.
I am readily loquacious about my true suitability for professional translation work. I insist on echoing that, even at an elementary level, translation is definitely not just about replacing words with words (and not just because anyone can do exactly that!); and I differentiate between "confusion" and "misunderstanding" in the world of translation. I learn new things quickly and do not overlook linguistic concepts concerning words taking on new senses and meanings that do not apply to their accepted counterpart words in other languages. My oDesk account (provider name = “gtrail”) provides evidence that I am a very highly literate person, as indicated by the test results contained therein (it also illustrates my solid sense of linguistic style).
I am aware that people claim that the best translations are those that do not read like they originated from material in another language, and I agree. I have noticed how I just spontaneously react with laughter to bad translations that I happen to read or hear, less and less often.
Keywords: french to english translator, german to english translator, document translator, localisation, business translator, english mother tongue, british citizen, british native, references, transcription. See more.french to english translator, german to english translator, document translator, localisation, business translator, english mother tongue, british citizen, british native, references, transcription, adobe reader, word, excel, quick learner, analytical, insightful, broadband, flexible, literate, enthusiastic, able, initiative, french to english, german to english, contracts, instructions, guidelines, manuals, journalism, reports, reviews, writer. See less.