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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Translation business in sunny Miami

February 11, 2006, 12:00 am
United StatesMiami, FL - USAIn personEnglish
Event Organizer:

Emilija Ivanovska

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (15) / Confirmed: 5 / Tentative: 3
Name NoteWill Attend
Emilija Ivanovska  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" If the topic is not only Spanish>English and vice versa, I would love to attend also :)  y
XCovadonga Najera  \"Photographer\" Let's get together and share all that Spanish in Miami  n
Becky Katz   I would love to attend! Pls keep in mind that on Saturdays, I can't go between 12;30-3 (translation class)  m
Michael Lyman   can't make it : ( busy busy busy world- enjoy!   y
SCTranslations   Alas, can't make it. Sorry about that and hope you all have a great time.   n
PaulinaRich   Sorry about the late notice, but it didn't work out for me. Next time  n
XOlga Dubeshka (X)   I don`t do Spanish translations. Can I attend?  n
Luisa Ramos, CT   Very interested. Back in Miami after a few years away.  y
sju   i do not spek spanish, can i attend, if i can, wait for me, i am coming  m
Paul Sadur   Paul Sadur  y
annakh   AnnaKh  m
olgatiho   Hi guys; I ve just registered in this site. I ll move to Florida soon, I would like to know how cane i register like translator there-i am worrking like translator from russian, spanish and english in Latin America now  
XQualityOnTime  \"Reporter\" \"Host\" Looking forward  
Reinaldo Quiles  \"Photographer\" for the 10th? yes  y
XLatin_Hellas (X)  \"Photographer\" Maybe, it depends on date, time, and exact place; for those not near the city of Miami, traveling across the tri-county area can be stressful. Perhaps a midday gathering somewhere in Broward. My $0.02. bale002  

Postings about this event

Powwow: Miami, FL - USA - United States
Emilija Ivanovska
Emilija Ivanovska  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 21:08
English to Macedonian
+ ...
venue and time Jan 11, 2006

so let's decide on a venue and time... Organizer... what did you have in mind? Also, please notify if it's only going to be Spanish translation - related.

Luisa Ramos, CT
Luisa Ramos, CT  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 21:08
English to Spanish
My experience Jan 13, 2006

If the group is small, say less than 10, we could meet at a restaurant for lunch. If you check the pictures from other PowWows you will see this is where most of them have taken place. I do not think it should be restricted to Spanish only, every translator should be welcomed.

United States
Local time: 21:08
Member (2005)
English to Armenian
+ ...
previous Miami powwow Jan 13, 2006

The previous Miami powwow took place at the end of April,2005, organized by Spanish translator Teresa Lopez
It was a very nice meeting and 10-12 translators of many different languages attended.
Hopefully we can have this new powwow soon:)

Emilija Ivanovska
Emilija Ivanovska  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 21:08
English to Macedonian
+ ...
so... Feb 10, 2006

what's the story??? Are we meeting tomorrow or not? Let me know.

QualityOnTime  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:08
German to English
+ ...
meeting? Feb 10, 2006

So is it only spanish?
and where is the meeting going to be held at?
It is going to be cold tomorrow, so lets keep in minde to meet somewhere inside. I know a couple of nice locations arround miami beach. keep me posted and see you soon,


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