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[View Powwow Report] powwow: South Bay Translator's Powwow time!

March 23, 2013, 5:00 am
United StatesSan JoseIn personEnglish
Dear Friends,
It's that time of year again for us all to get together and catch up at our first 2013 Q1 SBTrans Powwow. We had a very special and memorable time at our last Xmas Party 12/15/12 at Nassey's lovely home....

We are so glad that Claudia Lopez has warmly opened up her SJ home for the first time to host this next Powwow!

So...bring your best Potluck dishes, burning translation questions, best tips and stories for another unforgettable time of fun, food, schmoozing and mutual sharing/learning about the biz! :)
We also have a special surprise this time for those who can hang out after 330-4pm: the Lopez family would love to end the the time with a musical jam session, so bring your instruments and rhythm and get ready to jam & grooove!
Time: Saturday March 23, 2012 at Noon - 4pm

Claudia’s Home
6501 Hercus Court,
San Jose, CA 95119
408 7174544 (home)

Those of you who are registered at, please sign up & rsvp for the powwow at:

Those who are not registered in, consider doing so, it's a great resource.

You can also RSVP Thomas at

See you all soon!

Thomas & Silvia

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (9) / Confirmed: 2
Name NoteWill Attend
Thomas Shou  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  
XChristopher Queen (X)  \"Photographer\" will not be able to attend, after all, due to flu.  n
kw828   Kathy Wu  
siuwilliams   ...  n
claudialopez   ...  
rmacina   ...  y
Echo Yang  \"Photographer\" ...  
Amy Cao  \"Photographer\" Amy Cao  y
Dascha88   Dascha Inciarte  

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