This powwow has already been held!

[View Powwow Report] powwow: Quarterly Powwow

November 3, 2012, 4:00 am
United StatesSan JoseIn personEnglish
Dear friends and colleagues,

It’s time for us to meet again for our quarterly South Bay Translators (SBTrans) Powwow Event!
Let’s get together and exchange ideas, socialize, meet new people or your old friends.
After the success of our last meeting, we expect a good crowd to show to this powwow.
Please, think of any translation issues/topics you would like to discuss!
We are here to listen and share our experience!

As always, there will be a Potluck lunch. Bring your best dishes!

Time: November 3rd, 2012 at 11:00 am - 2pm


Silvia’s Home
6141 Del Robles
San Jose, CA 95119
408 225 8584 (home)
408 960 4751 (cell)

Those of you who are registered at, please sign up for the powwow at:

Those who are not registered in, consider doing so, it's a great tool.
Please RSVP to or

See you all soon!

Silvia and Thomas
Event Organizer:

Catherine Pawlick

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (13) / Confirmed: 5
Name NoteWill Attend
Silvia Hanine-Studnicki  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  y
Catherine Pawlick  \"Organizer\" ...  
Lau_San   ...  
Tae Kim  \"Photographer\" ...  
rmacina   ...  y
Thomas Shou   YES, its Powwow time again. Thx for Silvia to open up her home again to us!  y
Teresa Carbajal Ravet   Looking forward to meeting everyone!   y
Spanbelle   I'm looking forward to seeing you all.  y
Julia Solis   Great. Looking forward to see you all.  
Paul Denlinger   Paul Denlinger  
Shiya Luo   ...  
inesita   ...  
Yunhee Choi   ...  

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